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I am like this with a lot of things. Maybe go see the dentist? I'm sure your teeth are totally fine but sometimes it helps to get reassured. 


i have a dentist appointment in a few weeks, i just don’t want to keep dealing with this until then, you know?


You’re not gonna like this, but you have to find the power to stop checking them. I know that’s easier said than done, but by checking them you’re given into really negative compulsions and fueling a need to seek reassurance, which in the long run only makes it worse. I know, I KNOW it’s so so exhausting and mentally painful to give into those constant compulsions, because I did similar things when my anxiety and OCD was at its worst. My heart truly goes out to you. Start small: set a specific time to check your teeth. Maybe one when you wake up, once at lunch and once right before bed. And stick to checking ONLY in those times. It’s going to be hard but if you can do you it, it WILL help you. It’s good to go to the dentist, but you might think about speaking with a therapist as well. You can do this! Deep breaths!


i’m definitely trying to limit myself from looking, it’s just hard since when i eat and talk my tongue and teeth touch and it starts back at square one. i’m hoping to start new meds soonish so maybe this will help, but i’m not entirely sure what will help this. it’s gotten so bad that i’ve started to feel like the only way this will stop is if i redo orthodontics through invisilign, even though i really don’t have the money as a college student lol. hoping this will pass, thank you so much for the kind words!