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I’ve had this before. You’re stuck in a cycle. You fear your stomach hurting which causes anxiety which makes your stomach hurt. My honest advice? Just allow it to be there and give up the fight. If a doctor has told you you’re fine then there’s nothing else you can do. In time, as long as you don’t allow it cause panic, it will ease up and go away.


Dramamine, breathing exercises, peppermint gum, or ginger candy. For a few years I used Dramamine as a “vice.” As soon as I would take the pill I’d immediately start to calm down and my stomach would settle. I think because I knew it would settle my stomach, my anxiety would settle a bit as well. I don’t recommend it as a “fix,” I feel like I was drowsy for a lot of important situations for a few years. But until I was on anxiety medication and in therapy that was the way I got thru. I now take hydroxyzine for nerve wracking situations and take an antacid almost daily to calm any sour stomach I could develop. I still carry 1-2 pills of Dramamine in my purse (probably expired lol) and either mint or ginger candy. Just having them accessible to me sometimes calms my stomach enough.


It depends on the kind of stomach problems I'm having. If it wants out of my mouth, famotidine (Pepcid) or calcium carbonate (Tums). If it wants out the other way, loperamide (Imodium). All of these are available over the counter in the US. If things are really bad and I'm going to have a panic attack, alprazolam (Xanax). Ondansetron (Zofran) if I'm vomiting.


May not work for you, but after a joke last year I now snack on raw broccoli. It seems to help. Presumably like ballast.


oh this was my exact struggle for 3 years. was terrified of feeling sick which made me sick. here’s a few things that i still keep around and help out if i ever find myself in a cycle: i call it my nausea kit. i keep ginger drops, dramamine, lavender oil, spiky sensory rings, anti-nausea wristbands, a heating pad, and a plastic bag just in case. if i start to feel like i’m in the cycle, i sniff the lavender oil to help pull me out of it and immediately suck on a ginger drop. when you’re anxious, being able to pick up on senses around you helps a ton to come out of it. not to mention how good ginger is for the stomach!! if i knew id be in a situation where an episode would ruin me, id put on the wristbands as a precaution and take some dramamine ahead of time. i hear a lot that people have their “emotional support water bottle” but no joke i have my emotional support heating pad. if you’re in a location where you can plug one in, it’s a life changer. it helps my nausea so much and i highly recommend everyone try one out. best of luck!! over time, this passed for me. hoping the same for you :)