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Trump is a 6 year old cry baby


> "When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different." DJT


Lol jesus christ I remember him saying that. It is quotes like that that forces me to question my own timeline.


In his mind, he’s saying “I’ve always been this cool”


My friend has a theory that people are the same as they were when they were kids hanging around the sandbox. Trump was probably a little asshole bully then and he hasn’t changed.


I might be wrong. But all first graders are little assholes. We learn to be better. All pre K students have a second pair of clothes at school, in case they have an accident. Trump has not changed a bit.


All first graders are not assholes. In fact, very, very few are.


Wow, I thought I made that up. I’ve always thought of how certain personalities never change and how I’ve recognized them from the sandbox.


Well sure. He probably shit his diapers a lot in first grade just as he does as an old man.


Yeah, that makes sense.


Sometimes I can’t believe some of the shit he says. What’s more unbelievable is hearing it and then thinking “Yeah, that’s the leader I want.”


Orange Julius Caesar


Orange Foolius


Ayatollah Complainy .




Needy Amin




That is three brand new Trump nicknames that I haven't seen before. Kudos!


My favorite is Jon Stewart’s .. Baron VonShitsinpants. 😎


How about ‘the devil’


How about II Deuce? If you have kids, they may enjoy II Dooky.


Whoa there…don’t besmirch the honor of Metamucil. I’ve been on the poo train for 20+ years and it’s awesome. Every bathroom stop is a like a little visit to a spa.


I did not need to know or envision that :)


I still like traitor tots.


He is unwell and denies that he ever said or did anything wrong but he says crazy things. Kind of delusional and unfit for the presidency.


Don’t insult 6 year olds like that. :|


Yeah, I would gladly vote for any 6 year old over Trumplethinskin 


Oh look, consequences!


He’s a 2 year old. When he was 2, his mother almost died. After she had Donald, the Dr told her she should not have any more children because of an internal issue. But she got pregnant anyway and had Robert. So when Robert was 9 mos and Donald was 2, his mother hemorrhaged and had to be hospitalized. When she returned, she was unable to be the mother those kids needed. Especially to Donald. Robert was an infant so he was still held and loved and regularly attended to (by his older sister). But Donald, outside of being bathed and fed, got NOTHING. This is why he acts the way he does. He has the emotional intelligence of a 2 year old.


Michal Corleone served in the Army. Trump did not.


Most 6 year olds don’t still shit their pants


*76 year old


He,s 78


Close enough


He's pissed. Not mortified or regretful. Anyway, it was so bad he could never do a mea culpa. He said it to a Marine Corps general who is also a Gold Star father. It's almost inconceivable.


The thing that got me is that no-one had the balls to say anything to him about it because they considered him the commander in chief and it would have been disrespectful to criticize him. If he'd said it to me I would have told him a few home truths just before I resigned I include all the twisted generals and people like Matterson who especially had absolutely nothing to lose. I don't get why they don't now tell the truth to the public about him as their silence is not helping others get the real truth behind Trump's actions. Not saying everyone would believe them. Maybe they think they have more integrity by not whining behind his back.


We’ve ALL worked for aholes like trump. The only thing you really CAN do is quit.


Do you know why people are assholes? People let them get away with it.


I dearly hope this year we see that people can change. Otherwise for the 1st time in my life I'm counting the days till someone kicks the bucket.


I’ve been counting days since 2016.


Just out of curiosity, how old are you? Because I'm 55, and I could easily fill both sides of a 3x5 index card with my list of names--single spaced. I've got a friend who just turned 70. She's got a spiral notebook half filled with worthy dickheads. And, it's not like she's a sour, dreadful person. Quite the opposite, actually. I guess what I'm saying is, as long as it's a watch list and not a hit list, don't beat yourself up about it.


51 and I have a 3 strike policy that resets pretty often. I make friends easily and don't keep them well. The few people in my circle of maybe 20 think I'm the best person ever, but I only try my best sometimes. I'm pretty selfish with my time. Lazy Gamer for 40ish years. I firmly feel that when people are horrible to others it's clear they just don't have a hobby.


Ah, well, if you made it past 50 and Trump is your first "Can't wait til he's dead," I'd say you're doing pretty damn well. It's rather commendable, really.


That fucking prick has never been told no in his whole miserable life.


We need a season 4!


I’m sure you’d stand up and fight or I’m thinking you’d run , just like you used to


You are adorable darlin!


Delicious is a Russian plant that took over the account 12 days ago. Just report this comrade.




I would have beat his ass!


Don't underestimate the effect of shock. I've been known to have no trouble speaking up, but sometimes someone says something so reprehensible I can't even react in the moment. Is like outrage overload.


They do tell the truth. It’s well documented, just nobody cares. 


Nope there's just a couple of instances. None of the real continuos behind the scenes stuff. In fact I think Matterson has even said he didn't call trump a Fucking Moron but that was what others have said was his comment at the time


He confirmed it in a recent book.


he would have wanted that so he could get worse characters in the ranks to continue the grift.


Most of his former administration has openly stated that they do not support his re-election and will not be voting for him. Thats unprecedented. The word "unfit" came up A LOT.




When you have zero leverage and potential to lose things (like military pensions etc. , remember Col. Vindman It's generally a better solution to just be quiet , lots of military folks served their time, and frankly don't gain anything by talking truths or justice against a superior who has more authority and potential to make your retirement difficult .


Matterson has absolutely nothing to lose. Not like Exxon would take away his pension and he can still earn a fortune and us worth a fair bit of money He disappointed me because I thought he had the intestinal fortitude to tell the world how bad Trump was. Trump has zero problems criticizing orhers


Because maybe he never said it? Or it was taken out of context. You think people wouldn’t confront him on that of it was legitimately said. They’re looking to crucify him at any chance. 34 convictions on B.S. but they’re scared to call him out on something he said?


There is an article about him being as stupid as usual but the military just sat at the table and around it frightened to say anything because of their careers. One retired general said he would not comment on him because he was his commander in chief. These people know what happened but are not reporting it I once heard him try to read one of his lease contracts in Court and he really struggled Why do you think he needed a one page report as President? Every other had pages. He's really that stupid but people won't believe it because they think the person reporting it is a liberal or a Commie


I can't believe, just as a father, that General didn't WHIP his ass.


I feel ya. Not a good look to have Secret Service agents pulling a general off of POTUS with a broken nose in the middle of a cemetery. He put it in his book instead.




Reminder is the name of the game. Just rehash all the garbage the orange-utan has uttered over the years.


you do realise the election is this year...there is not enough time left to rehash all that


I forgot that he threatened the life of Hillary Clinton. He suggested the second amendment people take care of her. He also suggested grabbing the guns. Take the gun first ask questions later. I was reminded of both recently and I thought those two statements alone should have lost him 2016. Thanks Putin.


I honestly thought his mocking of that disabled reporter should have immediately tanked his campaign. Stupid, naive me, eh?


Herman Cain was extremely popular in the running when I was a teen and I seem to remember his campaign was ended due to having sex with someone other than his wife.


And it caught up with him when he died as a result of following Drumpf’s mantra about Covid.


I hope the PhyOp people in Putin's government got a nice little Dacha in the Crimea for inflicting Trump on the US


you mean the world....any president saluting north Korean General should be wearing a jacket with the arms secured at the back


You thought he should have lost an election in 2016 for a comment he made in 2018 ?


I thought he threatened to kill Hillary before 2016. Maybe he did it twice!


The “take the guns” comment was 2018.


I think he only said that little nugget once. He was afraid of the 2A guys too! And I am glad it cost trump 2020 and 2024 elections!


Republicans are desperate to not just rehash it, but live through it again. 


I'm sure they have an entire playbook of terrible shit theyre going to trot out at strategic moments.


As he gets closer to being neutered there will be a tsunami of people coming out with personal encounters that they were reluctant to share as long as that psycho was anywhere near the reins of power. His nephew being one of them. If he goes to jail the floodgates will open.


I saw an ad numerous times yesterday (on a Sinclair station, no less) that did just this. It made me smile.


Conservatives seem to love troops, how can they support trump? How can the troops support trump?!


The cult is more important than anything else to people in the cult.


Can't get away from Fox News on US military bases. They've created a closed media ecosystem for themselves where GOP policies and people are only reported on in glowing terms, and Democrats are demonized. Little different from state media in authoritarian states.


Fox news reporting on trump is like the n Korea channels that all report how good Kim jong Un is


It's easy. Here, I'll show you: "Fake news! He didn't say that!" There you go. Just close your eyes and pretend that reality doesn't matter. Now there's no reason for them not to support him! It's so simplistic in its stupidity.


They love the FIGHTING troops..... in that they make America look strong. As for the quality of life during their service and ESPECIALLY after, they don't give a fuck


Conservatives love *the projection of force*. "The troops" are that, for the country. If they really loved troops, they'd be up in arms over the experience our troops have with the VA. Instead they're on board with a good portion of their reps trying to defund support for veterans.


I also don't understand how conservatives can vote against social security, when I know many of them and our troops need social security..


They regard any kind of helping people as communism, which is "evil". In their version of the bible, Jesus hands out only bootstraps and calls the poor and needy a bunch of welfare queens.


They live in media bubbles that actively keep them wildly misinformed. Like, *all* media has some level of bias, but only [conservative media](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5) makes you less informed than not tracking the news at all. That was over ten years ago, it's only gotten worse.


They don’t love troops, they love their own “kind,” and theirs is overly represented in the military. They also love being in the country with the “big stick.”


Questioning the cult leader? That's a paddlin'!


Well after bringing it up to my trump supporter co worker. He flat out hadn't even heard of it. When I googled "trump calling wounded and dead soldiers loosers" I got tons of articles about the many times he has said it. When he googled it, literally nothing came up about it. Republicans spend a ton of money to hide these things on the internet. Also, search algorithms hide information to the people who need to see it the most.


That's honestly creepy how google chooses what we can and can't see, based on who we are.


It's super dangerous! It really shook his belief in trump to see the articles and the proof of it. Imagine how many more people are out there who probably would be swayed from their view of him if only they were allowed to see the evidence.


Besides the standard jingoism, I think the talking point is Trump was the first one in a while not to commit troops to an armed conflict.


I guess there was no reason for war when trump was selling our secrets to America's enemies


Any veteran that promotes Trump is a disgrace.


Maybe not a disgrace, just woefully uninformed


Beyond that now


Donald wearing a fake military jacket doesn’t make any difference, he’s still a coward regardless!


Hammer him on this. Never let up. Get the guy he said it to (John Kelly) to be in ads for Biden. Hammer him. This story strikes at the heart of who he is, how he lies, and why he should never be within ten miles of the White House again. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/john-kelly-confirms-trump-privately-disparaged-us-service-members-vete-rcna118543](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/john-kelly-confirms-trump-privately-disparaged-us-service-members-vete-rcna118543)


Doe 174, pedo Trump is upset about this?


Fat Boy owns it, amazing how words can bite you in the ass well after the fact.


Seems like typical narcissistic behavior to me: denigrate something special or great that others did to try to make yourself seem superior or better. He’s a sick dude.


>denigrate something special or great that others did And that he actively went out of his way to avoid doing. Remember the bone spurs?


Bless his heart. Just wait until the truth about DOE 174 comes out. Hide the ketchup!


You are watching a narcissists cultivated veneer, starting to crack in public. This is the narcissistic rage


Am sure the Biden/Trump debate will harm Donald’s chances, assuming he doesn’t pull out


He will pull out. His handlers know the rallies are controllable, but the debate won't be. They'll use some excuse like the mic-cutoff or "unfair questions leading to perjury traps" or whatever bullshit.  Playing the victim is one of his few reliable tricks. 


Biden should remind voters of a lot more things from the Trump years. There is too much amnesia.


This guy is such an asshole... Trump wouldn't have remembered saying it either, unless he was reminded of it... Just like his stupid ram the ramparts speech and saying that the Continental Soldiers took over the British airports during the American Revolutionary War. Trump is beyond stupid... As are his cultist supporters.


No one had to remind me or corporal bone spurs and his nasty mouth. The gyrations other vets go through to justify voting for this human stain is mind boggling.


Why anybody in or connected to the military would vote for this traitor is beyond me.


It is amazing that not ONE member of Trump’s family has worn the uniform of this country since they arrived here. Not one. No grandparents. No uncles. No extended family members. Not one. Who in this country whose family has been here since the beginning of the 20th century can say that?


People still remember. He is mad because Biden keeps reminding him of what he said. Short term memory loss.


Veteran here… I hate that goddam fat fuck bone spur coward trump. What a national disgrace


Trump now wants to reinstate the draft.. after disparaging our soldiers.


Well done.. stick it to this freak


Almost as pissed as he gets whenever Biden approves legislation that benefits all Americans ..nothing makes him more angry.


Well let's not forget that Trump, in his own words (Reno 2016) should not even be allowed to run. We should definitely avoid an unprecendeted constitutional crisis caused by a candidate who faces POTENTIAL conviction. I would say that 34 guilty felony counts disqualifies entirely in his own words. Listen to it all unedited or just skip to 9:14 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDmrom\_TMaE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDmrom_TMaE)


T. rump is the ultimate example of arrested development. He stopped maturing emotionally somewhere between 7-13. Even his insults are pre-teen level. nasty, crooked, sleepy. It's never even creative in the least. He can't even be an age appropriate asshole.


I wouldn't give him that much maturity. More like a 3-4 year old.


Fuck that commie sucking little orange bitch!


I’m sure he filled his diaper thrice. All the McDonalds has to go somewhere.


Trump’s a insult to humanity ‘


Look at that fat fuck in a green garbage bag. Pathetic.


I’m surprised trump doesnt wear his own military uniform complete with medals and stripes


He also said convicted felons shouldn't run for president too 🤷‍♀️


How can any veteran or active military personnel support Trump? Besides being a draft dodger during the Vietnam conflict, Trump has said some pretty terrible things about people that have served in the military defending the USA. "A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them,'" Kelly said of Trump. "A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family — for all Gold Star families — on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/john-kelly-confirms-trump-privately-disparaged-us-service-members-vete-rcna118543 Plus, Trump did nothing when Putin was paying a bounty to Al Qaeda for attacks on troops U.S. in Afghanistan in 2017-18.  * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your voter registration signature (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931 Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Biden-Harris and democrats down ballot. **Country before party.**


Anyone who forgot that is a POS


Losers and Suckers … DJT . Traitor Felon Rapist .


Desperate to hold onto voters to save his ass to make it all go away. Except he forgot all the shit he shoveled when in office and since that done pissed all the wrong people off. Gold families? Veterans? Handicapped? Minorities? Non Trump Republicans? An entire gender? Haley voters said Nah. Probably lost some independents, swing voters. And June aint even over. And he’s too dumb, too arrogant to “pivot”, much less make it believable. So cue the impotent rage and the laughable AI fan art to fire up the base and bullshit the rest. Oh look, here’s another picture of Trump with Martin Luther King, jr. Oh look, here he is, on DDay!! Oh oh God just Spoke and he’s totally better than Jesus, that good for nothing. Dying on a cross. Loser!!


Wait a minute? I thought someone just said he has thick skin? It’s fun to see how many people live rent free in this guys brain.


Apparently Biden relies on the true facts where trump as you know fabricates lies one after another


This is hilarious. He definitely said some dumb shit like that but I don't think it was ww1 soldiers. Trump knows about service to the country and would've been the bestest 7 star General ever but he had bone spurs in his footsy. The fact that he's losing his mind and can't stop talking about it says everything. He even talked shit about John McCain because he was captured after getting shot down. Trump loves a scorched earth and all he does is talk shit. He'll never have an in depth conversation about anything because he honestly has no clue. That's why he just talks in circles and never has any substance.


Truth hurts, own it. Are you afraid people might see you for who you are? Don't worry. Your cult followers are loyal.


"It's not fair taking words I said and ascribing meaning to them!_


This is the Orange Turd who lied about Obama’s birth certificate for years? BTW, Obama and Trump both toured the same aircraft carrier. Obama got a beautifully tailored leather bomber jacket. Trump got a cheap cloth one. The USN knows Shiathead when it sees it.


There is video evidence


How any veteran votes for this orange dickhead is beyond me


I hope Biden bait’s Conald into a freak show at the debate. But Conald is angling to worm out.


Here are some of the things (and only some) that Biden missed: [https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-atrocities-1-1-056](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-atrocities-1-1-056)


Remember to vote!!!!


As if any of us ever forgot it in the first place.


This dumb fuck was president once. What happened to the planet where that's even a thing


I reminded a MAGA on FB about the losers comment. He claims it has been debunked. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.


He’s pissed because it probably impacts the number of votes he’ll get - not that he actually cares of course


Trump wants to remind everybody that, like Yogi Berra, "I never said half the things I said."


Why would Trump be pissed? He always insults the military. Trump thinks he is a great general. So did Hitler. Hitler had syphilis and was nuts. But how about Trump? Does he have STD's? Is he crazy? Here's what we know. Donald J Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator and accused rapist and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is also facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 separate cases that have been delayed from going to trial as the result of his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Two cases are related to Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, which he lost; and the third is about classified documents that Trump took after he left the White House.  Trump’s legal team is financed by millions of dollars of campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to benefit from his repeal of environmental protections as well as his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The vast majority of Trump’s 2015-2020 Presidential term picks for high-level governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet members, Senior Advisors, and military leaders have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared that he is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   Trump’s abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) 10. Donald Trump mocked a disabled reporter.  He disrespects the disabled and the weaker among us. 9. Donald Trump has already brought up the “nuclear option,” asking national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons. 8. Donald Trump would threaten national security. He bashes NATO allies.  Who would be Trump’s allies around the world? He continues to praise his BFFs Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. 7. Donald Trump doesn’t respect our own military. Just ask Sen. John McCain. 6. Donald Trump peddles xenophobia and racism, and he pals around with white supremacists and has a white nationalist as a campaign chief. 5. Donald Trump doesn’t respect women. Trump has made many offensive comments about women. 4. Donald Trump is rooting for the Great Recession. In 2006, Trump said “I sort of hope” real estate markets tank so he could take the opportunity to buy up cheap property and make a buck off of men and women who had just lost everything. 3. On 9/11, Donald Trump noted on TV that his Financial District building was now the tallest. On one of the darkest days in American history, when we lost thousands of men, women and children to what is still considered the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump decided to pick up the phone and call into a television station to point out that, now, his building was the tallest in Manhattan. 2. Donald Trump tries to walk back his birther and lock her up statements.  Even though he is on record making these statements in literally hundreds of videos, he continues to deny he spoke those words. 1. Donald Trump would decimate public education. No surprise from a man whose only foray into “education,” Trump University, was a scam so brazen that multiple states launched investigations.


So true! Donald Trump has been very his entire life


Fu 34


Well if he couldn’t say anything Nice, he should had just kept it to himself. It’s Convicted Felon’s FAULT for mentioning it on his social!!


Well don’t be an idiot


When is this debate …or I mean “yo mama battle “


Keep letting them know. Words and actions have consequences.


Dissing soldiers is a bug? I thought that was a feature! I'm so confused...


What time?




I guess that tacitly confirms that he had made those remarks.


The people who worked for Trump are the ones who trash him.


It won't matter. Theirs is the party of principles of convenience; "the military" will still vote in force for the Traitor in Chief.


Heard a Trumper last night say that Trump didn't say that it was just fake news by the liberal media and everyone will find out the real truth.




WHY does Trump EVER get upset about *anything*?!! He *never suffers consequences!!*


President Biden didn’t have to remind him, Americans will never forget that. There are children of Ad-day , Germany, Korea, desert storm still living. Lindsey Graham called them “failed missions”. My dad was a hero who loved democracy, not a “sucker or loser”.


I have never seen anyone look people in the face and lie to them, even if there’s video evidence of him doing it. He has zero character. I am waiting for the day when he disappears from sight. I don’t ever want to hear or see him again.




Bunch of crybaby kids on this Reddit site. Unbelievable. Generation Z sucks. Trump is the one to lead us out of this misery. All you guys do is hate on his image. There is substance there. Hope there. Move is from these awful proxy wars. Make life better in America. Lock up the border, deport the illegals and lower the costs it takes to live here. Trump just might do those things. Biden will not. You are all a bunch of little girls on this site.


Every time he says “radical leftist democrat” or “ crooked Joe Biden”, say “convicted felon”.


Bone Spurs 2024!!!


Fake news. Democrats are afraid of Trumps strong poll numbers amongst strong men, including veterans so they made up this lie to try and erode that support. They keep repeating it because that's all they have.


Maybe it’s just funny that the Potato fell for the bait and twisted Trump’s words? The military and law enforcement know Trump loves them because he always treats them well, shows up at their events, and besides he fixed the VA.


"fixed the VA" Really? How?




Trump didn’t even love his wives why do you think he cheated on all of them?


Except he never said this. It comes from an annonymous person saying they heard about it from another unnamed official. It is an unsubstantiated rumor. "Biden said I stood over graves of soldiers and I said: ‘These people are suckers and losers,’ the dead soldiers from World War I,’’ Trump said Sunday. He claimed it was all “made up” and that the Biden campaign knew it was “phony” but still “took an ad using it—these are sick people.” “Unless you’re a psycho or a crazy person or a very stupid person, who would say that, anyway?” Trump said at the rally. “I don’t like mentioning it. But for me to say ‘suckers and losers’ about people that died in World War I in front of military people? It’s not a possibility you could say a thing like that.” Snopes: "Furthermore, there was no evidence of Kelly being around Trump to hear the alleged comments."


Once again another repeated lie. He NEVER said it. The quote came from guess what, an anonymous source with no proof.


General JOHN KELLY's on the record statement https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/john-kelly-confirms-trump-privately-disparaged-us-service-members-vete-rcna118543


HA, HA, HA. You actually stooped low enough to use CNN as a source. The same people who stated in 2016 that there was proof of Russian collusion that has been proven 100% FAKE. They also suppressed information about the Hunter Biden lap top right before the election (because they knew it would hurt Biden) and we now know it was real. The FBI and DOJ conspired with Twitter and Facebook to take down posts about the lap top and that is collusion and corruption. If you can't see that, you are blind to the truth. Do you realize the recent conviction of Trump in NY was all about an NDA agreement with a porn start. The DOJ themselves said there was no case in 2017 and let it go. And surprisingly it becomes an issue right before the 2024 election. Whether you realize it or not, it energizes the Trump base more and we also are getting more Hispanic and African American voters to switch to our side. Latinos are profamily and don't go for this garbage. Also, Bidenomic's AIN'T working. Please wake up.


I knew you would say that. It's a direct quote. So it doesn't matter who is reporting it. It's. A. Direct. Quote. https://www.federaltimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2023/10/03/trump-insulted-vets-in-private-former-chief-of-staff-kelly-confirms/ https://www.businessinsider.com/john-kelly-confirms-trump-statements-military-suckers-losers-2023-10?amp= https://www.axios.com/2023/10/02/trump-troops-fallen-soldiers-john-kelly https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4235005-john-kelly-confirms-trumps-suckers-remark-about-war-dead/ https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/


>proof of Russian collusion that has been proven 100% FAKE Well other than the FACT Manafort and Stone both ADMITTED IT 🤣😂😊 Manafort...(Washington examiner is a shitbag GOP Rag)... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2317799/paul-manafort-concedes-he-gave-trump-campaign-polling-data-to-the-russians/ Stone.... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-adviser-roger-stone-admits-contact-with-guccifer-2-0-during-campaign/ And even the orange turd himself admitted it https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/07/14/russia-mueller-probe-investigation-donald-trump-roger-stone-column/5429789002/ Damn you set some kind of record for being one of the most ill-informed people I've ever encountered


Main stream media is so full of lies, they have no credibility. And once again, you site sources who say, but have no proof made the comments about the dead soldiers. Also, I see no direct quote from President Trump admitting to anything, only it was the opinion of the author of the article. As Ice cream Joey Biden says, C'Mon man, you can do better.


Other than John Kelly's on-the-record comment. It's weird how you people deny facts. Real. Slow. General. John. Kelly. Is. Being. Directly. Quoted.


Real. Slowwwwwwwww. Adam Schiff said he had proof of Russian collusion that was a lie. Joe Biden, when debating Trump in 2020 said the Hunter Biden lap top was fake and he was lying through his teeth. I'd be a fool to take and Democrats "word that they heard it." I go back facts and proof, not emotion and hear say. That's a bid difference between mainstream Republicans and Democrats. I acknowledge their are nut jobs on both sides, but they don't speak for the majority.


>Main stream media is so full of lies, they have no credibility. This is just weird. I have already provided facts that proved all three claims by the MSM were TRUE yet you continue to deny facts All three are proven TRUE by direct quotes


Once again, "quotes only", which is hearsay evidence. Do you realize hearsay doesn't hold up in court. SHOW me actual proof.


It's not " hearsay" it's a 1st person account. The fact General John Kelly is on the record saying HE heard trump make this statement. That is NOT hearsay. Also, you notice trump has not called Kelly out by name saying Kelly is lying. Weird huh?




Puberty blockers are child mutilation


Christianity is child abuse.


It's so creepy how obsessed conservatives are with children's genitals.


It gets worse.


Was that the same day he grabbed the steering wheel of the beast, got a golden shower in the bed Barry of Marthas Vineyard slept in, mocked a retard, colluded with Russia, made up a story about biden being corrupted by chinese and ukrainian govt linked entities, went bankrupt when his Truth Social went tits up...and on and on... . The left love their conspiracy theories. Jeez!!


Lock her up?


LOL all the right has to do is remind Biden voter about his hate for gays and blacks… but I bet y’all ain’t ready for that are you?!


lol, yeah the right talking about how *other* people hate gays and blacks. Good one.


I remember Biden's red-lining.