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What a fucking idiot. I literally lose iq points just looking at that orange sack of shit.


That would explain his cult’s problem of over exposure


We can't underestimate their power to absolutely decimate what's left of this country's democracy. We have to vote to keep these people out of office and we need to find ways to inform others enough so that they will do the same. Here is one resource in case it helps: helpstopproject2025.com


It’s going to take more than remembering. We are eventually going to have to fight them, I’m pretty sure. John Brown saw the writing on the wall and worked his whole life to get that war started. This time, I’m pretty sure these dimwits will start it themselves. They won’t shut up about it. When people tell you who they are, listen. Putin said for years he would “take over Ukraine.” And somehow we were all surprised when he actually tried. It’s not necessary for it to *make sense.* People line Putin and these MAGA idiots are not necessarily intelligent—just driven.


They're in for a big surprise, just like the last time they fucked around and found out.


It’s history repeating, isn’t it? It was a terrible idea to take on the union with no ability to make cannons. “But we have the best horsemen!”


It's even the same states making noise. They've spent the past 159 years amassing arsenals in anticipation of "next time." And convincing themselves that nobody else had the same idea.


Someone asked what I thought of Texas threatening to secede. This was my response. The best part, the absolute chefs kiss, if Texas actually left would be this. Forget all the money from NASCAR, NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NASA, the military, the oil industry etc. The best part would be looking one of them in the eye and asking them, "Why don't you go back to where you come from"


I'm all about building a wall on the borders of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Move Fort Hood to Kansas. Texas will be speaking Spanish in one generation.


They’re speaking Spanish now. After all didn’t part of Texas once belong to Mexico? 10 States in The U.S. That Were Once A Part of Mexico by Hip Latina: “Many ignorant people are telling immigrants, especially Mexicans, to “Go back to their country,” when states like Texas, Arizona and California were actually once their country. If anything, they’re returning to what was part of their homeland.”


Texas would become part of the Sinaloa Cartel in less than two weeks.


It's so cute that they think they are the only ones with guns. It's even cuter that they think they can win against the federal government. We don't have to actively fight them. Unfortunately we will have to defend ourselves and our families.


It's cute they think their arsenal of ar-15s and whatever else they have is going to matter. 500lb bomb can flatten whatever little shithole they live in.


It won't even get that far. You know how little data privacy we think we have? We probably have less than that. I'm sure of it. What keeps the state at bay is things like the fourth? amendment and other regulations. If they ever start some shit? State of emergency, baby. One swipe of a pen and all that is over. Everything anyone has ever posted or typed online is theirs, even the shit that is "encrypted" or was put on a "secure" server or app. Those guns they have? There are records that will at least lead to the straw buyers... who WILL sing. Then bank accounts get frozen and credit cards get frozen. Warrants go out on individuals before they even get the chance to form their "units". The ones who do make it "Inna woods" won't get supplies and their campfires will be seen from orbit. They won't ever be an army. They will be snapped up in little bits and pieces by the various civilian law enforcement (police, FBI, ATF, etc.) They will never face the military.


It's all so counter productive. They want war when they can't possibly win it. simply because they're outnumbered.


Because violence is their only path forward. No one wants their screwball theocracy. People like a "functioning" society, even if that means paying taxes to keep it going. Their hope is that they can grab power and keep it by continued acts of bullying. Problem is that all they got is hate... can't run a society on hate for long. It doesn't grow anything useful and eventually it will consume itself. Furthermore, the cost for grabbing power is going to be much higher than they think. As a transwoman, I am pretty much dead if they get what they want. Why the hell would I pull any punches resisting them?


>This time, I’m pretty sure these dimwits will start it themselves. They won’t shut up about it. They did that last time too.


I agree with you about the eventuality of having to fight back.


> their power to absolutely decimate what's left of this country's democracy. The world's democracy. This isn't just about the US. If this fucking idiot wins the election then the planet is done. It is not an exaggeration to say that humanity is at stake here. He *cannot* win.


Imagine four more years of this shit. And this time he's surrounded only by loyalists. No Mike Pence (FFS) to save the day.


I would (very sadly) give the credit to Dan Quayle for talking to Pence about not killing democracy and then dying at the hands of his own republican cop-killing mob.  On his own, Pence probably would have been murdered.


On his own, Pence was totally fine with the coup attempt, he just didn’t want to be the one holding the bag if it failed.


"Yeah I wanted them to assault cops, but we lost so I don't want responsibility" say the cowards who would have gladly danced on the corpses of cops and democrats, and now they want their feelings to be respected


Think of the IQ of those morons who worship that POS.


He's an idiot and a Moron... How can he lead the GOP is beyond imagination. Can't the GOP find a real candidate to lead?


“Don’t look, Ethel! (He came out of the pole beans.)”


I got that reference.




You’ll get no argument from me, that’s for sure.


If you or anyone else reading this needs to register to vote: [vote.org](http://vote.org) If you need help finding your specific state information leave a note under here. It's time to show up and vote. Fuck Trump and the MAGA morons.


As I'm Canadian, I obviously can't vote, but I also implore you all to vote that traitorous scum out. I do thank you for sharing the link for your fellow Americans.


He is a loser in his own words. Can't be tortured if you weren't captured.


We have video of the full 20 minute booking. Just like we have video of the Jan 6 insurrection. So simple to disprove and his supporters won’t see it


......oh, they'l see it. But like Jan 6, they dont listen to their "lying eyes"


even better, they now believe that the ENTIRE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY is a liberal conspiracy, every cop and judge and prosecutor and witness is suddenly a lifelong extreme far leftist liberal. And now, they're calling for the defending of any agency that even looks the wrong way at the cult. 


Far-left cops and judges, lmao. Are they in the room with us right now? Looney bins.




"Look, look with your special eyes!"


Yeah why trust reality when Donald can tell you what to think instead right guys


Truth is useless to a facist, lies is all they have, its like raised by narcissist in government form.


But that meant Trump spent twenty whole minutes under the control of someone else. After a lifetime of unearned wealth and privilege, in which he basically never had to do anything he didn't want to do, even that brief period probably did feel like torture to him. Which is why I really want to see him in jail, even if just for a month. It will be intolerable for him!


A month without spray tan, hairspray, and makeup would change everything.


I want to see him in jail because they take away your phone and you have little to no access to social media.  Trump would not only have no control over his circumstances, but he would have to spend all of his time living inside the bottomless pit of hatred, fear, and insecurity that is his fractured mind.  The man has no internal monologue, so being left alone with his thoughts would be a special kind of hell for a guy like that.  He would have no one to kiss his ass, no one to bully or attack, no diet cokes and Big Macs on demand.  He would lose what remains of his sanity almost immediately.  I see no downside to any of this.


I think it actually did feel like torture to him though, even though he was getting special treatment no other defendant would get. Just the fact that he wasn't in control and didn't have people kissing his butt for a few minutes


Can we see the video of him being booked?


Would t it be marvelous if the jail released it so that they can disprove his lies? Then sue him for defamation.


Even if it wasn't filmed, he has secret service escorting him 24/7, like in what fantasy world does he imagine they handed him off to Coke Bottle Jim and the Sodomy Broom


Oh the fingerprinting, the having to follow simple instructions for a couple minutes, the photograph he is profiting off of. Such torture! The humanity! Oh, may that’s it. The humanity. Since Shitler sees himself as other than human to be treated as one is the torture. Well at least we all know he’s not human.


The attempted coup of 2021, his booking, and even this theft of highly-sensitive documents are very well documented and yet, the right-wing has managed to fabricate multiple alternate realities that their followers ardently believe. Even if those fabulations contradict each other. There are hours of video from january 2021 that was broadcasted over satellite raw news feeds that has been recorded by many, showing clearly and unequivocally what happened. On top of that, the participants in that attempted coup/insurrection kept live-posting updates on social media. Even non-participants (\*cough\* kevin sorbo \*cough\*) were cheering for them on social media, they knew what was happening! This was seriously (one of) the most well-documented attempted coup ever. And yet, in their propaganda bubble, the right-wing has managed to deny what happened. Pretty much like donald's claims of biggest crowds ever, of perfect weather during his inauguration were easily debunked, you have idiots who sincerely (?) believe the rewriting of history. Normal people will see that the orange menace's claims of torture are utterly ridiculous and easily disproven. But members of his cult will lap them up. This goes beyond having an honest difference of opinions or even considerations of "free speech". A political movement has literally created an alternate reality than undermines your country and democracy itself, as it echoes outside your borders. You guys better get your house in order and find a way to bring everybody back into the real world, otherwise the future will look very dark.


At Trump's excessive age, circulation system issues can cause bruises and thin skin can easily be cut. It is entirely possible Trump is looking like his body is worn out, because it is, and a foolish person could claim it was torture that did it, rather than just being old. So Trump is playing the victim here and blaming another for his misfortunes.


So, what else is new?


It looks like Putin is pretty unhappy with Ukraine striking inside Russia, so that's new and kind of amusing. But on the other hand, Biden seems to have no line that can't be crossed in doing genocide and if Trump weren't saying he'd kill them himself maybe people would pressure Biden more. So that's what is new with me.


Did someone put a cigarette out in his arm ? No? Then shut the hell up. They fingerprinted you, so wash the ink off your fingers and go about your horrible day.


They found out his actual weight… Edit: from some of the replies I have received, I am realizing how many people don’t understand what a joke is…


... when they had to get the *special* scale.


"Sorry Mr Trump but a fat bastard such as yourself needs a special custom scale"


So like, a girth tape like they use with livestock?




Wait he isn’t the Adonis he claims to be?


"And they had to get a special scale because of how awesome I am. Tremendous scale. A scale the likes of which nobody has ever seen." 👐


Sorry sir you can’t park your van on the diving board.


They had to get one of those crane lifts with a strap they use when they move whales and dolphins to weigh him. He most likely kicked about and made many groans the same as a whale would.


Lemme guess. He probably asked USSS to tell them they’ll have to sign a NDA.


Oh no actually if you recall they let him self declare his own weight. It was the subject of a few joke because he claimed a ridiculously low weight for his size like 230 lbs or something when he’s clearly pushing 300


He's at least 350. Source: I'm actually 6'1" tall and weight 340.


I can’t remember who the athlete was but someone in really good shape met with Trump and they had been listed as “6’3 and 230lbs” or something and the contrast to Trump was just hilarious. I wish I could remember who the athlete was….




MaKiNg pEoPLe UsE wEiGhT sCaLeS iS a LibErAL sCiEnCE cOnSpiRaCy !!!1!1!1!!


I am glad that someone like you knows what a joke is and how to make another one after mine…thank you


Reddit is weird. Some days, everyone seems cool about jokes, other days you get "don't forget the /s" and then there's campaign days where saying "I don't like that guy" is considered a permaban death threat offense.  I suspect things will be weird in these days leading up to the debate. 


I have way too many people saying, “but he never had to give his weight” No shit? Ugh, it was a joke people…lol


Facts 🤣😅🤣😅


He can’t. Apparently there’s no water in the faucet?


He likes to lather!


His beautiful,  beautiful body..


His luxuriant hair


They served him vegetables


Fingerprints are electronic now. So he didn't even have to deal with ink.


Probably depends on where you are. I just got my EMT, and when they fingerprinted me for my license, I was surprised to find they used actual ink.


As someone who has been to the same jail he was at they definitely use digital


They fed him *Burger King*. And Diet *Pepsi*! War Crimes! Someone call Amnesty International!


Those hands are for cash and pussy grabbing. Not washing.


The problem was it was black ink and he prefers to be covered with orange paint


Fingerprinting is done on a computer now there's no actual ink anymore.


Whiny victim complex from this spoiled elderly brat


Did he even see a cell? I'm pretty sure he walked in, got his picture taken, and walked right out. The whole thing was a joke


It was. I remember watching his limo or whatever drive up irt on Twitter — before the Nazis & porn bots invaded.


Where's the suit then? Christ, he's sued people for everything imaginable, does "torture" not warrant a legal action. Oh wait, he's full of shit.


Trump also claimed that President Biden tried to “assassinate” him. He’s probably recalling the time someone aimed a T-shirt cannon at him in Atlantic City. Anyone who’s genuinely intent on actually assassinating Trump could manage the task.


If only, the world would have been spared this multi-cellular abomination


Secret service wasn't paying attention. Next minute, the orange clown got tortured ?? Bullshit.


Every day he gets more pathetic.


Dangerous *


They didn't even check his height and weight. So much privilege.


Deranged liar


Seems like the only person with **T**rump **D**erangement **S**yndrome is Donald trump himself.


Tortured… What about us? Every time this fucktard speaks it’s torture listening to his word salad, nonsensical , rambling bullshit.


Meanwhile, back in real life it was Trump who had the adolescent target of his lust physically restrained with hanks of pantyhose. For the record, the girl being tortured was tied up by other women present, not by him. The documentation filed on behalf of “Katie Johnson” is still available at Scribd. The lawsuit against Trump was dropped after the girl received death threats targeting her family.


It’s for his base to continue his Jesus narrative. He said the other day his beautiful body is covered in wounds. He just want to keep the base angry and afraid for what they’ve done to this savior, their warrior. They’re not really coming for him, they’re coming for you…I’m just in the way. Can’t wait for the fan art to start showing up of the passion of the trump, or Trump on the cross, wounds visible, with the Roman soldier using a spear to stab him as Trump looks down lovingly upon him, as the soldier realizes his mistake and repents and becomes saint Longinus. But it will be Nancy Pelosi or some one like that. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5QKu0qCofjU/maxresdefault.jpg Stupid Christians! You knew he was a snake when you took him in! Even stories he steals are confessions.


The fan art already exists. There's one of him on the cross


Oh, it has already begun. These people are fucked in the head. [https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/08/02/painting-of-trump-crucified/](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/08/02/painting-of-trump-crucified/)


He was already a psychopath, a disease of sorts in itself, but as his dementia and cognitive decline have been worsening he is now more deranged than ever. So unbelievable that he has so many followers.


How can that be unbelievable? The default answer to mass shootings in your country is buy more guns. So much deranged


Many of his followers are declining right along with him, so they don't notice.


Such strong and powerful words from a Man-Baby.


Attention starved donald is nailing himself to a cross and whining about how he was tortured.


He’s such a pussy. Always with the whining about witch hunt, torture, worst this, tragic that. People think it’s an act but he genuinely thinks these things since he says them all the time. He can convince himself that red is green. I just don’t understand all the idiots who end up agreeing that red is green too.


He's the original edgelord. All the whiney edgelords worship him because he enables their worst instincts and they do the same for him. Fuck them all.


What, did they make him take off his wig?


They didn't have to shave his head?


I was hoping they would use that old delousing powder, and an extra deep cavity search. 


If only. He's tortured Amerca for years


Such a drama queen


I think you mean to say, “Whiney Pussy Ass Bitch.”


“I like people who weren’t captured”


Lie after lie after lie after lie after lie exhausting af!!!!!! 🙄


I had to stand by blacks and Hispanics with no security! They could’ve touched me!


They didn't even put him on a scale, they took his word on his weight...he was in and out like the wind. Gimme a break.


🤮 diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers is such a whiny bitch. Perpetual victim cuk who has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists


Such a powerful and strong Man-Baby. VOTE SMARTER


This jackass will say absolutely anything to rile up his base. Edit - Thing is, it won’t really matter at this point. No one who falls for this would have voted any other way anyway.


I wasn’t there, but the main thing I remember them doing to him was giving him a free photo that he then used to bilk millions of dollars from his cult followers.


They treated him like a white rich defendant. How horrible


He was told they don't provide diet coke there.


There is nothing anyone could do that that cunt wouldn’t deserve


What a clown, republicans and their voters are also clowns. It’s a damn circus


Doughy VonShitsinpant didn’t even have to stand on a scale. What a loser.


"They treated me like a minority" is always the funniest thing to hear from these dudes


Kissed his ass and catered to his every whim while he had a picture taken.


Sitting still for one hour. Absolute torture.


He was there for like 15 minutes 😂 he flew in, they took his picture and “booked” him. And then he left. If anything he was treated with kid gloves 😂 this man is desperate.


We remember what you did to America you orange pos


Trump is a soft fucking baby…and a dirty liar, too.


Many people, good, good people, come up to me, with tears in their eyes, and say “Sir, when I spent ten years in Stalin’s gulags, I was so hungry I had to resort to cannibalism. I was so cold that my hands were blackened stumps of frostbite. My back was broken from the endless toil, and every night I was beaten unconscious by the brutal guards. I lost family and friends through illness, disease, starvation and summary executions. But none of this compares to being denied hair care products for a few minutes.”


What colour is the sky in your world Mr Trump?


Don’t believe your lying eyes!!


That must be how he got some of those wounds on his beautiful person "And I have the wounds all over my body. If I took this shirt off you'd see a beautiful, beautiful person but you'd see wounds all over me. I've taken a lot of wounds, I can tell you. More than I suspect any president ever.”


Probably had to sit in a dirty diaper for a few hours.


Raped while handcuffed in the back of a squad car? No? Then shut up, Donny.


This is their “Strongman” role model, what a joke.


I can’t be the only one cracking up at how he was so vain he couldn’t even use his actual ugly mug shot so they replaced it with a completely different picture lmao


Awwww...they didn't change his diaper! So, he had to wallow in his own shit, for a change!


"Remember what they did to me because I can't!"  Dementia Don Dementia Don Dementia Don


"They told me I couldn't have McDonald's! No one has ever suffered as much as I have!"


Gave him a Whopper instead of a Big Mac?


Didn’t he say people were “opening doors for me” and “crying”?


I’m just tired of the constant lies without consequence.


Anybody else would not be “escorted” out of these trials/hearings a free man. Don’t even try to play victim DJT … you reek of privilege.


They took your picture. Oh such torture


What a fucking moron. He wasn’t even in jail. He just took a picture and left. Fucking clown. I really hope America comes through in November and sends Stupid Hitler home crying.


I though trump claimed everyone involved in the booking process were balling their eyes out because they didn’t want to have to “process” the former president?


Okay…he was “tortured” but they were nice enough to iron his suit, clean his shirt and tie, recomb his hair and reapply his makeup prior to taking his friggin’ mugshot pics. Bruh. GTFOH. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeh, that mug shot really shows he was tortured! The guy is a seriously demented pile of shit!


He needs to be slapped so hard...but shit splatters.


They processed you like any other fuckin criminal you pussy and really you got treated way better than most so stfu


The man is a pathological liar.


Does this guy ever tell the truth? A grown man acting like an adolescent boy. Grow up and start accepting responsibility for your actions.


Really wished he had to sit in Gen pop in Fulton County jail or rikers island for a little bit.


I don't believe anything he says


The only bigger POS than Trump is the trash that votes for him.


He is such a fucking cry-baby


Ah yes, spoken like a true narcissistic sociopath.


Don’t suppose anyone remembers that Convicted Felon Trump said that people were literally crying and apologizing to him during his processing? I’ve never tortured anyone, but I’m pretty sure apologizing to them and lamenting their situation with tears isn’t how you do it.


Lmfao, torture? Gtfoh.


Ridiculous. The only one allowed to torture him is Melania.




Don't do the crime, don't suffer the consequence.


Telling lies about law enforcement while uderconsideration of a gag order for telling lies abolaw enforcement. Where's the Back the Blue crowd?


At the Fulton County jail, Trump’s photo was taken, and he was allowed Trump to lie that he’s six-three and weighs 215 pounds.


He’s tortured us for the last 9 years.


Fat fucking liar!


He probably thinks he was “tortured” because they didn’t give him soft lighting and access to a stylist before his crappy mugshot. Can’t wait to watch demise over the coming years.


What monstrous torture device did they use? The Comfy Chair?


I think someone showed him the Rambo jail scene and now that’s what happened to him. Explains the whole “my beautiful body his scars” bs too 😂


“I had to stand in front of person, man, woman, camera, TV!”


Easy to see why he made fun of John McCain now, he thinks torture is just when they don't let you tweet or walk out when you want to.


Once more ,everytime Traitor Trump opens his piehole lies spew out.Hes pathologically incapable of telling the truth


Tortured, because he was told to STFU for 20 minutes.


He was so traumatized that he sold his mugshot. This guy is a whiny turd. The exact opposite of a tough guy.


He had to shit on a regular porcelain toilet.


he ordered law and order and he received law and order. i dont get the problem,


Well if he walked out a free man then he wasn’t abused. If I was one of those jailers it would have been fun to see him do a cage match with the head of the Nation of Islam.


I thought his fellow republicans liked to call it “enhanced interrogation”? What an asshole. I’d love to just roll my eyes and ignore him but unfortunately that’d just lead to a repeat of 2016


God, his tough face is so laughable. Looks like an enormous petulant pussy.


Was he ever even put in cuffs?


Cry me a river, Bozo!!


Oh BS. Prove it


So sue them. Put up or shut up. Get a corroborating statement from that secret service agent that was standing right there.


Bro, can this dude just go into a prison cell already. The faster this fucker disappears the faster we can move forward and start charging all those that were affiliated with over throwing our democracy. Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, and Kenneth Chesebro. Brian Babin (R-TX), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Andy Harris (R-MD), Jody Hice (R-GA),Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Scott Perry (R-PA), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) among others. Every single one of them needs to be charged with conspiracy to overthrow the USA.


That guy and his cult cronies make me tired…..


By the cops that let him lie about his height and weight? Ok


They probably took his phone 😂


My boss had to spend 8 hours in a DC jail cell for his presence at Jan 6th and what was normally conditions that "criminals deserve" became the most inhumane thing ever.


I asked for vanilla pudding but they gave me chocolate


No, not ‘laughably’ like his crowd size BS. This is criminal, and important. It must be investigated because accusing this is a huge deal. And if it is not correct (wasn’t he at the building around 20 minutes?) then it should be prosecuted. No reason not to.


Then he is going to love Rykers


he was processed in about 10 minutes, he was at the jail, he was never "in the jail"


He’s only preaching to the choir. Hopefully there’s enough sane voters that will prevent this lunatic from coming anywhere close to being elected




to be fair it was torture, they should've just given him his fucking big mac, fries and a diet coke. /s