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Judge Cannon will need a couple of years to decide if the evidence can be admitted. She'll probably try to stall the trial until after his death.


She needs to be removed from the bench...period.


She should go on trial for her conduct. Guaranteed she's being run by someone.


Oh, it’s probably no surprise that she’s being run by the federalist Society and that they’re pulling her strings


They have a hand so far up her ass she can taste the dirt under their fingernails


That’s shit and she loves it.






What's brown and sounds like a bell? Duunnnng.


Shouldn't they be called the anti-federalist society?


It's the republican way. Label your terrible idea the nice flowery opposite of what it *actually* is. Ex: Citizens United and Net Neutrality


They're about as Federal as Federal Express or the Federal Reserve.


The entire federalist society are a bunch of traitors to the country. They literally work to fuck us all over as much as possible


It was mentioned the other day her husband is connected to the mafia who’s connected to Trump.


"the federalist Society"...


> Guaranteed she's being run by someone. She's totally being coached by a leonard leo braintrust. Last month it came out that she's been secretly going to all expense paid fedsuck parties. I'm sure there is more we haven't found out yet. https://www.salon.com/2024/05/07/cannons-secret-right-wing-getaway-why-didnt-we-know-about-this/


If so, I want her to be found out for it, removed from the bench, disbarred, prosecuted, and convicted. Corruption in our courts cannot be tolerated.


Too late. The SCOTUS is controlled by the same people controlling her. The fix is in. Game over.


I doubt that will ever be on the table, the evidence required for such an action would need to be quite impressive. Judges have a TON of discretion in their conduct, and if they don’t always use that discretion it’s because they’re afraid for their future careers, not jail. But Cannon is doing all this as a job interview, so her incentives are the exact opposite.


If only we had an idea of who is controlling the strings…. /s


She should go to prison for her conduct.


If Trump is ever faced with jail time he will throw every single person he needs to under the bus.


She’s our next Supreme Court justice dude get ready !


Only if Trump wins. Everyone vote!


Not voting is a vote for the orange shit stain. VOTE!


If Trump wins, Alito and/or Thomas will retire, and he'll try to get her on SCOTUS.


No, she'll try to stall the trial until after her death.


I hope she does not stall it for long.


Judge Cannon should be charged for obstruction of justice. The DOJ is sitting on their hands. The corruption is off the charts.


You can't charge a judge with obstruction of justice. You can only impeach her and look how that went well with orange shitstain.


I wonder why Biden put a conservative in charge of the DOJ? Maybe if we all just go out and vote for him again he'll do simple things better like nominate someone on the left who actually has a spine to be the next AG?


Well, to be fair, whenever the right has the opportunity to appoint someone, they appoint the right-most person they can, regardless of anything else. So it’s only fair that when the left is in power, they appoint the right-most person they can as well. Seriously, though - it’s so frustrating that Dems tend to appoint centrists because that’ll help “bipartisanship” when the right absolutely does not give a rat fuck about bipartisanship. If the Dems win in 2024 and get the House, Senate, and Presidency, they’d better actually get some progressive judges, pass effective legislation, and move the needle *left* rather than “a little more center than Alex fucking Jones”. Merrick Garland was always the wrong guy for this job. Trump is a sort of once-in-a-generation criminal idiot, and needed to be prosecuted quickly and aggressively. The fact we’re in a position where Cannon, and the Georgia RICO case can be derailed by stalling - that’s all Garland’s fault, and the buck stops with him.


Because democrats are a moderate centrist party with few left leaning members. The GOP has swung so far right that any resemblance of normal looks left.


Yeah, Dems got played big time with Garland during Obama's term, so they doubled down and got played even harder under Biden. Biden should've appointed a goddamn shark instead of virtue signaling ad nauseum.


Maybe to be bipartisan and work with conservatives, but unfortunately it has not been reciprocated. Not his fault for trying.


You still think it's a good idea to try to work with conservatives in 2024? I hope you and the President figure it out before you make any more damaging errors. Something tells me Garland will get the nod again if Biden wins, and moderates will find a different excuse for nominating a conservative to the AG post. Meanwhile, regular Americans will lose their faith in the justice system as Trump's egregious crimes continue to go unpunished.


In all fairness, all clients deserve a vigorous defense from their lawyers. Oh she's the judge? God damnit.


“Wait, is this going to be bad for High Lord Trump?” -Cannon


She will stall until either SCOTUS makes him immune, or he loses in November. Remember she is toeing the line because she hopes it will get her a SCOTUS nomination. If he loses she doesn't get one, so she won't care.


But the shady bastards who got her there will


But, but why aren't there death threats to her and her family? Why aren't there spittle filled interviews of screaming democrats who think she should be in prison? Oh yeah, we aren't in a cult.


Which hopefully is really really soon


Judge Cannon should be disbarred!


Judge Cannon going to ask Trumps lawyers how they can talk about things that would hurt their client then declare a mistrial due to ineffective council.


Pin her for treason


Honestly out of this whole deal, the court systems corruption has to be the most disappointing. We all kind of knew it was this way, but for it to be so blatant and in the open…? Like Jesus Christ. We honestly just want a trial. If he was found innocent by a jury, so be it. But fuck this.


Trump should have been put into jail awaiting trial the day of the search that found he had truckloads of documents that he stole


100% this. Any. One. Of. Us. would have. Guarantee she would be moving things along swiftly if that were the case.


Chelsea Manning. Snowden. Plenty of whistleblowers have spent years & years in prison for less. There were commercial copies with the documents. The only reason is to give away copies. Even being a room with those two things ( Top secret + data & unregulated copier) would sink anyone


Manning deserved what they got. That was a an angry bitter little shit that betrayed the people around him. For a better example, look at what happened to Reality Winner. Now that was some bullshit.


Fair. I merely pointing out how these crimes should be hitting an ex government official harder. POTUS or not. No one is unilaterally above the law and free from consequences


Aileen Cannon is currently proving that some are above the law.


conservative 101 - they don't actually think everyone should be equal before the law




Snowden has fled to Russia and to my knowledge has not seen the inside of a jail cell. /nitpick


No surprise there, even Trump argued in favour of the death penalty for Snowden. Oh... Preventive incarceration is not that bad now is it.


Reality Winner for 1 page trying to warn us of hostile Russian interference


Remember that kid who shared details on discord about classified documents. In less than 24 hours he was tracked down, arrested and judged. Now sat in jail for a long time.


Anyone else would be in a dark hole being interrogated about what they did with the stolen documents, possibly by a non friendly interrogator


Being in the military putting any usb into a military computer will get you a call very quickly about unauthorized access.


Lol, there is no justice in this country.


This is what I don't understand. These aren't ***just*** classified documents. These are top secret materials that compromise national security and they risk the lives of our covert operatives. There's a false equivalence there when we compare what was found at Biden's location. Edward Snowden had to flee the United States, and even he didn't have access to this level of information! Trump should absolutely be in jail with no bail and awaiting trial. Otherwise, what keeps him from continuing to sell these secrets to our adversaries?


More than 400k people in this country in jail awaiting trial. He should join them.


Prosecutors allege that rather than comply with the subpoena, Trump opted to hide dozens of classified documents from his own lawyers, and federal agents eventually seized 102 classified documents -- including 17 top secret documents -- after they [executed a search warrant](https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-mar-lago-raided-fbi-agents/story?id=88116571) at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in August 2022. Nice.


Somebody has to have a list of all the documents that where missing. Have they all been accounted for? Damn, what a national disaster and embarrassment Trump is. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/17/russian-sources-disappeared-after-trump-declassified-ex-spys-evidence-uk-court-told](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/17/russian-sources-disappeared-after-trump-declassified-ex-spys-evidence-uk-court-told)


They absolutely have not been accounted for. The recovered document covers in the FBI photo are mostly photocopies. The borders are the giveaway. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/5/27/2171698/-I-have-been-waiting-for-someone-to-point-out-the-obvious-tell-in-this-photo edit - fixed my link. Original story wasn't coming up on my old link. This piece is the most appropriate one I can find and it's a year newer than the 2022 AP article I had.


We should ask Putin and Xi Jinpig (Oink! Oink!) where the originals are!


They are in the UAE after giving Trump jr billions for no raisins.


Oh bother


I like learning new things.


Some were never recovered


I believe they found empty document folders in the search


I know! I have yet to hear what the archives know is missing. I mean you’d think the the National Archives would have records of every document produced that was in Trump’s possession and hope there’s a lot of analysis going on about who has seen this haul. Is there a reason Bedminster and all Trumps properties were never searched?


> I have yet to hear what the archives know is missing. Considering it's classified information, it's probably best we don't know...


It's not remotely possible for the national archives to know that.  How could they achieve continuous surveillance of the president, the cabinet, all the hundreds of generals, and everyone else with a secret clearance? 


That makes sense. Maybe the archiving process doesn’t start on active issues.


do you think someone has a master list of all top secret/classified documents? and that they can cross-reference this list with some top secret archive that holds all the top secret/classified documents?


Yes, the National Archives


I was reading that there may be documents that are "super duper" secret. Like even knowing they exsist is higher than top secret. So few know what they are. I imagine that there are a number of those that are missing, but also they may contain things that we cant admit. So we cant really charge with with stuff that may come out in the trial. Detail stuff, like who are our spies (a number died in short bursts during his presienancy, so the feeling is those have been leaked by his administration). Or things like, where are our sub's and what nukes do they have, if we "were" got get into a war with X, what would we do. Or even that the president of France is gay, great info for leverage and spycraft but if it gets out it loses its value.


Yes it’s nice, in the event the Judge overseeing the case wasn’t a MAGA loyalist who is openly trying to keep Trump from going to trial before the election in hopes he wins and then can pardon himself


This was dropped this morning for a reason, no doubt. A little extra spice for getting I Lean Qanon moved off the case.


Stealing that name


I prefer Alien Qanon




But he didn’t have them… because he was protecting them… because he was allowed to have them… but they were planted… but he didn’t have them… but he turned declassified the ones he had… but he didn’t have them.


Ok, he did have them, but he's immune.


And IF he did have them, he declassified them with his mind….


Sounds like a guy I should vote for, right? I mean he’s fighting the deep state by selling/doing who knows what with our state secrets! - every Trumptard MAGAT.


Also every progressive and independent who vaguely want a perfect candidate or nobody. "They have to cater to me! Why should I compromise just to avoid losing ground on every issue I care about? My feelings are more important than any issues"


Don't forget! Based on the photo from the document recovery, most of those covers are photocopies. He had copies made of classified documents. What else even matters? https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2002178207/ https://newsroom.ap.org/editorial-photos-videos/detail?itemid=c4bbb1a6ecdf4ecd973b8b38fd41eaf8


So this isn't new then, this was described in the original indictment


Correct - sounds like it was just made public.


And 2/3 of American adults are okay with this. I say 2/3 because only about 1/3 of the electorate will vote for a candidate other than Trump. 1/3 will vote FOR the felon. Another 1/3 implicitly condone his activity by not voting against him. What a sad, sad, sad situation we're in as a nation.


Again, just like Jan 6th, he knew what he was doing was wrong. He did it anyway and doubled down on lies when caught. He’s guilty as sin and must be help accountable. Lock up trump for the safety of our nation. Biden 2024.


Same thing with the hush money, he knew it was illegal, and committed fraud to cover it up. Unfortunately, the man will never see a jail cell.


The fraud was the actual crime, not the existence of the payment. It got bumped up to a felony because he hid the payment to protect his campaign. If he had put down, 'payment to porn star' in his accounting books he wouldn't be in legal trouble.


He’s such a moron that he needed notes on how to hide the evidence. Someone should exhume ivanna’s coffin and look for what else he hid in there. Woman was tiny and it took 8 men to carry that coffin!


After she was supposedly cremated


After "accidentally" falling on the stairs.


Her cause of death was blunt force trauma. Do we have any stats on how many people just up and die from blunt force trauma in their own home? I feel like more people die from coconuts falling on their heads.


It is surprisingly common actually. It's mostly older people falling and hitting their heads or breaking things and being stuck on the ground. All of those would be 'blunt force trauma'. Falls are the #1 cause of trauma in old people. Source, as an example. https://www.cdc.gov/falls/data-research/index.html Not that it necessarily applies in this situation, more just addressing that it is actually pretty common and worth worrying about for your older relatives or yourself as you age.


Cannon must be pulled for her transparent obstruction. The felon must go to prison ASAP. Really, wtf.


She should be in the cell next to his!!


I got denied from an apartment this year from an arrest back in 2020, where I was arrested with drugs. I have been sober for 3 years now, did 2 years probation, and have put considerable work into repairing myself. I was denied from a 2 bedroom apartment I could very well afford because if this arrest. This asshole can still run for president...


Great job on your recovery. Keep pushing up against the wall and eventually it will give.


Congrats on your sobriety! 💪🏻


Not only did Trump lie to the Department of Justice about possessing those documents, he kept them. And made no meaningful effort to secure them. Invested immigrant cleaning staff were allowed into those areas. And Trump showed them to others who were also not authorized to see or possess them, which is recorded in multiple recordings, including at least 1 that is circulating inches public domain. Trump never tried to destroy them or return them. He could have said at any moment that additional documents were suddenly found and the whole issue would have simply ended, for everybody's benefit.


Yes, let’s continue to pretend he didn’t know exactly what he was doing.


He & Cannon should both be incarcerated.


One of the things I love about Reddit is that for every slimy cave troll that pokes his head out of a hole to spew bullshit, there's usually a few people with big mallets to persuade them to bugger off. I don't have a hat in this particular ring, but I'm from England and our political scene isn't worth the effort.


We don't do mallets here. We pry their mouths open and unleash streams of partially digested doritos and dew down their throats. We have no chill and no taste, but we get the job done.


Try Brawndo, the thirst mutilator! It\`s got what ex-presidents crave!


I prefer Carl’s Jr. Fuck you, I’m eating.


I watched that Jon Oliver episode last night about UK politics, and yea it does seem like a totally different vibe over the pond.


I would argue that everyone on the planet could be impacted by the next US election. If we pull out of NATO and he jumps into bed with Putin, this will become evident.


After spies turning up dead after he stole these documents I’m still in utter disbelief that the CIA doesn’t have him on a black site in some country that doesn’t have rules about that with a car battery connected to his balls.


A car battery or a shark? Perhaps they’d let him choose.


"Bombshell evidence" just means they still won't do anything about this and let him slide...again. Edit: I know he hasn't been sentenced yet, it isn't the "GOTCHA" that ya think it is when you respond with that. He'll get a suspended sentence and probation.


34 for felony convictions say different.


Still walking free after 34 convictions sure showed him not to break the law anymore.


Any of us would be in jail waiting for sentencing.


And he probably still has his pistol as well.


He's getting sentenced on the 11th. We have to wait until Merchan gives him a light slap on the wrist next month before we can complain about him walking around after 34 convictions. And he's gonna appeal it anyway.


Trump already shown he's above the law so sentencing doesn't matter. They're not going to lock him up, they'll give him a suspended sentence with no jail time and probation still being able to walk around as free as you and me. It's nice that some people still have faith in the "justice" system, but that myth has been debunked for me a long time ago.


Isn’t the sentencing in like 2 weeks? Let’s see what his ability to roam free is in two weeks.


Suspended sentence and probation. Still able to walk free, ya gotta stop acting like the justice system isn't divided.


I can't remember exactly what the judge said, but iirc the language he used at one point made it at least sound like he wasn't even considering jail time.


When Trump was in contempt of the gag order, I believe the judge said something along the lines of “the last thing I wanna do is put you in jail, Mr. Trump. “ How is that impartial? Any other defendant would have spent several nights in the tank for the multiple instances of contempt.


Maybe that's more your fault for having no idea how the justice system works.


Please, for the love of God, THROW HIS BUTT IN JAIL!


So frustrating. This case is so clear


He has done so much harm to this country. Make it stop. Arrest him now.


Cannon: "I dunno............. Let me think about it.........(crickets)"


The MAGA SCOTUS justices are helping him too by delaying the Presidential immunity decision for no reason.


he spent the last week of his presidency collecting America's national security secrets in boxes to take to his golf course. there is zero legal reason why Donald Trump needed to show off America's nuclear deterrents to anybody. The fact that he did it while also claiming to be really good friends with Vladimir Putin should have him already 3 years deep into a lifelong prison sentence. But who knew America's national security interests had absolutely zero teeth and enforcing the law and everything relied on some mid-tier judge that joined a cult


The last people who allegedly shared nuclear secrets were [sentenced to death](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg#:~:text=Julius%20Rosenberg%20(May%2012%2C%201918,propulsion%20engines%2C%20and%20nuclear%20weapon), and their case was less clear than this one.


Sometimes I feel like Judge Cannon deserves a life sentence in federal prison almost as much as Convicted Felon Trump


Remember, if he wins in November these charges will be dropped. Get out and vote Blue


This is so simple. He shouldn’t have had the documents. Period. When asked for them to be returned he just should have turned them over. He refused and played a shell game with the FBI. He then photocopied every one keeping the originals. They have not been found. There were real world consequences of his actions. Spies were killed and compromised. He should not be a free man. This is treason. He sold or gave away national secrets. The fact that it’s not immediately happening shows you what he gets away with.


Lol, looks like the Russians pulled out of this one...


Doesn't matter how damning the evidence is if the trial never starts.


tick tock orange boy


This case should have been cut and dry. They have sooo much evidence against him!


This should really be the nail in the coffin if the case ever actually makes it to trial.


This is all out treason


Nobody ever hides something if they think it's in the right. Trump knew what he was doing and he knew that it was wrong.


Meanwhile, we have no idea what he took, the risk to national security and as long as the case drags on the risk continues. These documents of highly classified information was taken to be either monetized personally or be weaponized (not for national security reasons) for Trump’s own nefarious purposes.


Ya know in Florida they go & call Epstein & Trump & go...ah...ya got a month to shred your stuff...just so you know. I mean it's like pathetic the time they give to destroy or hide evidence. Never hear conservatives complain about that kind of corruption in government.


Shows intent and will be easier to convince a jury. He's as scummy as they come


Gee, surprise, the marmalade Mussolini is a fucking criminal. Dude is literally the worst human to ever be president. I would vote for a blind three-legged squirrel before I voted for this asshole. Wake up, America, time to fucking move on.


I've lost track of all the "bombshells" and "damning evidence" and "smoking guns" and "leaked documents" at this point on Trump. He got the name "Teflon Don" for a reason it seems.


Wow, I can't believe what we already knew to be true, to be true. I can't wait for absolutely nothing to come of this, whatsoever. Wow.


This definitely seems like evidence of a crime/fraud exemption to attorney client privilege. Trump floated criminal behavior of not responding to the subpoena and when his lawyer didn't go along with it he deceived him instead. What's somewhat funny about this is the justice department gave trump ample opportunity to give the documents back and had that happened there probably wouldn't have been any criminal charges because prosecuting him is often more trouble than it's worth. I'm sure the DOJ is not happy that they have to prosecute a former president in the first place.


so sad that this doesn’t matter 


Glad to see that his lawyer was taking notes on his criminal conspiracy. Even Stringer Bell wasn't that dumb


I object! On what grounds? It's devastating to my case! Oh, definitely sustained then.


Doesn't matter as long as the judge he appointed to kill the case is still on the case.


"bombshell evidence" that would put anyone else away for life but Trump will face nothing because we're being so unfair and meanie poopoo heads to him


The definition of high treason. Execute him, like we’d execute ANYONE ELSE who did this.


“That smoking gun isn’t evidence!” - Judge Cannon


It still looks like they are not going to do anything about it. Anyone else at this point will be in prison at this point.


In this case, it's simply a matter of the judge doing everything and anything to protect the defendant from consequences. Anyone going to trial with a judge this biased in their favor would be in just as good shape.


Too bad this will never make it to trial. We're too busy waiting for the SCOTUS to decide if Trump is in fact the return of Christ and therefore should be forgiven.


This is a different case. This is Aileen Cannon's trial in Florida.


Yeah, I'm familiar. She is taking into consideration all sorts of factors that shouldn't even be debated....like Trumps complete immunity claim while president. Past courts would not even entertain the notion.


Oh, she's never voluntarily bringing this to trial. I completely agree.


Alito will have his upside-down US flag at half-mast the day the trial starts.




It's simple: Government asks for docs back, if you don't want charges, give them back.


Makes sense that he’s objecting to the turning over of the notes as it pierces attorney client privilege


Judges all over the U.S. can’t believe this hack. Cannon is a Trump sympathizer and Un American.


Trump: "I did this becauae i feared criminal charges for this onvious crime I commited" Supprorters: "He DiD nOtHiNg WrOnG, bUtTeRy MaLeS"


He is already a convicted felon.


So if you accidentally take classified material home and report it and turn it in when discovered, not a crime. If you get a letter or a subpoena to return classified documents and you go "oh shit, I do have that - here you go", not a crime. Intentionally mishandling or withholding classified material, that's a crime. I don't understand how the trial could take more than a couple days. The facts are he was in possession of classified material, and we know he took them - we have the receipts. We know that the classified material was demanded to be returned and he refused - we have the receipts. Boom, that's the crime(s) - the rest is just a matter of how many counts there are but there is no doubt that a crime was committed. I honestly don't understand how the delays about needing to review it. The defense attorneys don't need to be cleared or read into the caveats for each piece of evidence, they have no need to know - all that needs to be established that it was classified at any level. The law doesn't say, "well since it was only confidential, that's a misdemeanor. Secret, that's probation. TS/SCI is jail", it's irrelevant until the time of sentencing.


Funny coincidence that The Idiot officially moves his residence ( to a place that isn't supposed to be a private residence) after he installed a super friendly federal judge presiding over his zip code.


Wake me up when the orange fuck actually faces consequences for anything. Yeah, he knew keeping classified documents was wrong, but he did it anyway. Just like he knew that paying off Stormy the way he did was wrong. Just like what he did with the electorates was wrong. Just like he knew his "perfectly fine" phone call to the Ukraine was wrong. Just like he knew what he was planning on January 6 was wrong. The biggest problem is he has never faced any consequences for anything he has done wrong. Shit that would land you or me in jail just slides off his teflon-coated hair.


Sick of seeing bombshell evidence and no arrest.


Treason. Unfortunately, nobody in the entire judicial system cares.


Cannon: “If I am forced to take this to trial, don’t worry stuff like this will not be allowed. King Trump must be protected.”


Conservatives have no excuse at this point. This is treason. He's a traitor to America. There's no defending this. It's not even about if he did it, it's about if it can be admitted as evidence at this point. How is the election even close? He stole nuclear secrets. We have executed people for doing what he did.


Why are we playing nice with seditious insurrectionists in the employ of ruzzia? Why are these people receiving legal and constitutional protection/rights when they mean to destroy both? This is an existential threat to democracy not a game, it needs to be treated as such because these people are DOMESTIC enemies of the United States. Isn't there a duty to defend against domestic enemies, so why aren't they doing so?


Is this even news? It’s been common knowledge this guy has been doing this since the first government request for the return of those documents.


We got him now guys


"Bombshell" evidence? Bombs destroy everything. Bombs have an effect. This is going to be one more astonishing event that never turns into legal action or reputational damage. (Sorry for the cynicism. I'm in a crappy mood this morning.)


Its also the 2500th “bombshell evidence” to get dropped amongst all of his trials, it loses its meaning when it’s used every time the slightest detail comes out


My nephew oversaw the move from the WH to Mara Lago. He won’t talk about it with me but says trump “is just a regular dude, just like you and me”. He doesn’t realize how he was bamboozled.


so when is he going to jail?


I think we are saying the same thing. He's just a tool. True power lies in the shadows (mostly). Cannon is another POS tool of theirs.


Fox news on how this is bad for Biden


It's an easy case and maybe should be moved to DC seeing that it's where the documents were stolen from by cannon has accomplished her mission of delaying a trial. He was found in possession of stolen items with the sweetener of many being classified and tried to cover it up. The bs she's injected herself into Like funding is irrelevant to her duties. If you had stolen property in your home and the police found it your ass would be charged and tried within months.


Will this bombshell news of mass corruption have any effect? No? Not really bombshell news. Now if one of the 350 million american's used the 2nd for what it's meant for, that would be bombshell news.


What’s wild is he could’ve handed them over, 100%, and no matter what the docs were, this pussy-ass DOJ would let bygones be bygones


The through line that we haven't connected yet runs back to the meeting with Putin where Trump came out looking like a whipped pup. He told Donald to get his shit together and that prompted him to grab anything he could get his vulgar short-fingered mitts on and haul ass down to his Florida hideout.


That's their law licenses? Over some fat guy who everyone hates and they'll never see a dime from?


So he is guilty, based on her response.


He’s basically the very worst.


The real bombshell here is the most slam dunk case against Trump is being obstructed and justice is being denied by the most partisan and unqualified hack of the entire judiciary, who has obvious bias and is a direct appointee of the defendant. It’s an abomination.