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But the real question is " can Political Flare find a way to pack in even more ads and pop-ups to make the experience of trying to read more frustrating"


I dunno I feel like I could have used another add or two. I personally really like being in the middle of reading, and a new add loads that scrolls me in a random direction so I completely loose my spot. šŸ˜‚


If you're useing a smartphone like me i recommend the "Brave Browser" it has inbuilt ad blocker. Don't know if iPhone lets you change browser...


Do you specialize in providing links with massive amounts of popups? Because that's what you got here.


It's so bad. And then it kept bouncing away from where I was reading for more pop ups


Seriously. Whereā€™s the pic?


https://www.politicalflare.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024.03.27-03.48-politicalflare-6603972824424.jpg Malanie lays on a couch with ~~her legs spread enough to straddle~~ Baron (edit: straddling her knees) as he takes a photo of her. Edited: Depth is hard to see when black on black and grainy.


Gonna ignore the two of them and just say that room probably costs more than all the money Iā€™ve made in my life, and itā€™s gaudy and tacky as hell


What a cancerous POS site. I couldnā€™t even navigate to the actual story before I gave up.


Yep I just had to run my phone through the dish washer.


Thatā€™s also the native Reddit browser having -100% ad block. I have to immediately open it in Brave to even have a chance. Also, is this what the internet is now? 6,000 ads and popups and banners? Is this what itā€™s like without aggressive ad blocking?




I don't even bother going to news sites on my phone. Instant cancer


Reader Mode


Incognito mode **/S**


For. The. Win.


Looking that up now.


Was just about to click... thank you for rescuing me, comrade. I pray your phone survives šŸ™


That link was hot vomit


Snopes is dead to me. Their seven years after the fact denial of trumpā€™s fine people comment made me hate them.


How much do you think they paid them for that action pre-debate??? Everybody knows exactly what Trump was intimating with that off-the-cuff speech. It was the fog-horn dog whistle to end them all. What's next? Snopes says "stand back and stand by" had nothing to do with his connection to the Proud Boys? I call absolute bullshit.


It is so obvious and stupid. M Cons only want to distance themselves from Nazis a few months before elections so nominally good people can cast their vote for the pussygrabber. They wanted to bring this up again so that trump could deny it. Seriously. They think we are as stupid bad as their gold sneaker red capped base.


That's what it is, too. Integrity is so dead that even the fact checks can be bought and sold, leaving no level of journalism in tact for the future. It started by undermining reality as "fake news", then pumping up actual Faux news like Fox and Newsmax, and now, it's gone so far, the last of the trusted resources are being dismantled in plain sight so they can usher in that new reality that they told us we were crazy for being suspect of. I hate everything America after the 2016 election. It's a whole alternate reality where we're just all fucked because half of us are stupid ass racists with no critical thinking skills.


Keep repeating and maybe one day the spineless cowardly illerate no good son of a guns like their orange Jesus maybe it will penetrate that this scum know that are stupid so he only want 2 things their vote n $$ probably which they canā€™t afford taking from their childrenā€™s mouths their education which I will stake my life on it their not high rollers just purely stupid their Kindergarten babes have more knowledge of right n wrong than they doā¤ļøā¤ļøBIDENšŸ’™šŸ’™2024-2028etcā¤ļøā¤ļø


You should feel honored, you have a front row seat to the fall of the 3rd Earthwide Empire... (Rule Britannia was #2, Rome was the first)


Once Facebook messed something up and people found messages from their PMs being posted on their walls. Facebook denied it and Snopes said that nothing happened and that people had just been too dumb to know how to privately message and thought writing on someone elseā€™s wall was private. Multiple people were reporting that their messages were basically leaked - I know what made it really obvious to me was that one reply from a conversation was posted, and didnā€™t make sense on its own - Facebook said ā€œnah, didnā€™t happenā€ and Snopesā€™ idea of a fact check was to cosign without looking into it further and to just repeat what FB told them as an explanation.


Everything GOP, conservative, Heritage, Federalist is based on ā€œcatch and killā€


Wait what?


Theyā€™re referring to this https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/


Itā€™s pathetic how hard people try to take context out of conversations to defend trump. The man canā€™t complete a coherent sentence, and speaks in mob boss. Funny how all his sycophants know what he means when he says ā€œit would be a shame ifā€¦ā€.


He basically uses the words of hitler - "poisoning the blood" vs "blood poisoning" and even in similar context to reference of a group/race of people. He was endorsed by David duke and never said anything about the kkk or white supremacists who endorsed him. He is quoted as saying "just repeat it [a lie] enough and people will believe it" which is a tactic directly out of mein kampf used by hitler and Joseph Goebbels. Look at his family and their history with how they treated black tennants, their associations with the kkk, racist remarks, the one who had a racist travel ban, who locked kids in cages and separated families who says are "flooding out of mental institutions" to come rape us... Or how he speaks about black people - "black jobs"?? "Where's my African American?" Or saying they like him because he is a felon, or makes sneakers.... for real?! We are supposed to give that person the benefit of the doubt that isn't what he meant!?!? Oh, and calm down, he was talking about tariffs when he mentioned a bloodbath... give me a fucking break!!!!! NO!!!!!!!


What a stupid assessment. "I wasn't talking about the white nationalist, I was talking about the protesters and counter protesters" Except the entire group of protesters was white nationalist! It was THEIR PROTEST


Right. Trump has proven time and time again he doesnā€™t deserve the benefit of the doubt


Let's be honest. They were nazis. He said the group of nazis there to protest the Lee statue being taken down had fine people among them. He also said both the nazis and the people protesting the nazis were both to blame for any harm caused. When it was the nazi who murdered someone and attempted attempted murder others.


EXACTLY. Trump said, "But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?" No, "you" didn't. Anyone who stood side by side with people shrieking "White Pride!" and "Jews will not replace us!!" does not have to be a card-carrying member of an official neo-Nazi or white nationalist group to be characterized as a racist, antisemitic, white nationalist. No decent, peaceful, non-bigoted person came to that rally to "protest statue removals" and that rally had nothing to do with statues. It was not billed as a "Save the Statue" rally, it was billed as the "Unite the Right" rally, specifically meant to unite the nation's most hateful groups of racists and antisemites into one massive violent hate group. The counterprotesters were not there to dismantle statues. They were there to COUNTER the HATRED of Jews and people of color that the organizers of Unite the Right had been known to violently promote for many years. The names Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler, Christopher Cantwell, David Duke, and all the others displayed on the posters advertising the hate fest are well known to anyone who keeps up with the problem of virulent racist groups in this country.


They even say, in the snopes article, that it was a protest organized by Neo Nazis and white supremacists.


Exactly, So how the fuck is the statement false? He said "good people on both sides, but I'm not talking about the white supremacists" Except that EVERYONE on one side was a white supremacist, because that's literally what the event was. God damn Republicans at least just admit y'all are so fucking racist, just admit it already you'll feel better!


Literally in the snopes article. >Editors' Note: Some readers have raised the objection that this fact check appears to assume Trump was correct in stating that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the Charlottesville incident. That is not the case. This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said, not whether what he said was true or false. For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump's characterization was wrong.Ā 


I just reread that and still donā€™t understand what the other side is if not white nationalists?


They were nazis. And everyone who showed up to march with them are also nazis. They're not fine people. It's pretty straightforward


We KNOW that happened! We saw it with our own two eyes!! Snopes is dead to me now too.


Thatā€™s fine, people who deny things that we have video of are free to go live in less civilized countries


And hereā€™s a great video that goes through the statement line by line: https://youtu.be/0-684oJSbus?si=YPFCzRaiavisxh6h


Here also is a free gift Wash Post article about it [https://wapo.st/4cEaH47](https://wapo.st/4cEaH47)




Because they're still good. It's not black and white. Just because they made ONE fact check you disagree with (and while I disagree with it it's not completely unreasonable if you actually read it) doesn't mean EVERYTHING they ever did is wrong.


Nope, the truth is black and white and once you become compromised thereā€™s no going back


Trump wants to rail Ivanka... Melania wants to be railed by... *Sweet Home Alabama*


That part I get. I donā€™t understand the comment I was replying to in regards to Snopes.


Trump said of people at the now infamous Charlottesville white supremacist rally, "Excuse me, they didnā€™t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides." This is a direct quote: https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/15/full-text-trump-comments-white-supremacists-alt-left-transcript-241662 Snopes still has a page up claiming Trump did not say this and it is... bewildering. Many people suspect Trump paid off the website.


Snopes quote the whole thing. They don't deny his words at all.


I believe that.


I think it is far more likely that Trump threatened to sue the website if they did not parse EXACTLY what was said. In his comment, trump says 'they didn't identify themselves as white nationalist .... in fact, there were very fine people....' This can be interpreted as 'The people who were not nazis are fine people.' Regardless if we KNOW what he meant (the very definition of dog whistle), you can not 'prove' that is what he meant, and saying he embraced nazis is libelous. Snopes had no legal choice but to confirm trump never said 'I love nazis."


agreed. the editors note in that snopes post points this out as well: >This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said, not whether what he said was true or false. For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump's characterization was wrong. source: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/


yeah trump must have paid them off >>> speaking of nazis 5 nazis are running in political races guess which party they are running on!!! the REPUBLICAN party


They even admit he said it in the article itself. >We looked into these claims, and found that while Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," Their dumb fucking argument is that he apparently 'didn't say it' because he also 'condemned' the nazis.


ā€œFalse, because he did say it, but he didnā€™t mean it.ā€


Snopes has been dead to me since the divorce and the husband took over completely. Barbara was the one with the integrity. I used to chat with her regularly like 20ish years ago. Now at appears neither one of them own it anymore.


Absolutely! I was a ULMB member back in the day, Snopes is a shell of itself.


Yes, Iā€™ve called them out a few times for discrepancies. No longer reliable


Snopes on Germany in WW2: Not all Nazis were bad. Hitler liked dogs and was a vegetarian. Goebbels loved music and the arts.


Fascists targeted Snopes, just like everything else rooted in reality that threatens them. A tale as old as time.


I'm pretty sure some right wing think tank bought snopes some time around the same time that "alternative" facts and "fake" news were coined.


Yes. Two guys bought it in 2022 amidst scandal and chicanery.


The folks that started snopes have always been very political. It snowballed from there.


Wait, they did what?! That was Snopes?!


Yeah. Just find out they sold the site in 2022. These new guys, Christopher Richmond and Drew Schoentrup, now own it. They had some shady dealings and lawsuits getting it too.


I never thought that was as bad as everyone else did. It depends if you read it as ALL fine people on both sides, or SOME fine people on both sides. Some of the ā€œkeep it upā€ people were Confederate heritage types. While at least misguided, I would rate them as certainly better than Nazis. Trump is a master of tangling his words up so his supporters get the real message but have plausible deniability if pushed. Itā€™s kind of like him adding ā€œpeacefullyā€ to his ā€œgo hang Mike Penceā€ speech.


It is as clear as a bell to me. And to his followers. They know exactly who they stand with and itā€™s the white Christian nationalists. This bullshit where they try to mine his words or dismiss them as locker room talk is just to appeal to nominally good people who are embarrassed by trumpā€™s racist and sexist behavior but looking for a reason to justify their support. Itā€™s as obvious as the rest of their lies. Why Snopes advanced it sever years later is up for debate (but not by me. I donā€™t care why. They are dead to me.)


snopes went down hill after the wife divorced the husband


The only Confederate Heritage is the Heritage of treason and traitors. We should have hung them all and not named military bases after them.


No. Theyā€™re just a bad- they were marching with nazis. That makes them nazis too.


[https://wapo.st/4cEaH47](https://wapo.st/4cEaH47) Trump and his allies are heavily invested in retconning ā€œvery fine people.ā€ So hereā€™s how it all unfolded, showing that he was, in fact, siding with the extreme right in Charlottesville. Gift link, should it be useful: [wapo.st/4cEaH47](http://wapo.st/4cEaH47)


Thank you for the article. I had been under the mistaken impression that there were at least a few people present who were at worst Confederate apologists, but it seems these were basically Nazis of various kinds entirely.


> It depends if you read it as ALL fine people on both sides, or SOME fine people on both sides Sorry, but NO ONE who continues marching with people who are making monkey sounds at Black people and shrieking "Jews will not replace us!!" is a "fine person."


The only known photo of her perhaps smiling in a slightly genuine way


There was that smile when she was in front of Macron. Similar to this smirk too. I think it's her horny face.


Hey if Trump fucked Ivanka, maybe Melanie is thinking of revenge with Baron.


Pretty sure sheā€™s been focused on fucking Secret Service agents and pool boys for a little bit.


Good for her.


Exactly after this Stormy Daniels shit on the world stage, I wouldn't feel the least bit guilty LOL


"guilt" is not in her limited vocabulary in English or any language she claims to speak.




Photograph taken on January 6th, 2016. That date is cursed.


Incest, tRump family tradition.


I donā€™t care! Do you?


Attacks on Baron are weird, kid hasnā€™t done anything but be born into a shit place.


Heā€™s 18 now big dog. That means heā€™s a perfectly valid person for the media to scrutinize Edit: and just so everyone is clear, the article is scrutinizing Melaniaā€™s inappropriate behavior towards Barron. Not the other way around or whatever. Donā€™t get it twisted, just look at the damn photo in the article lol


I still don't think so. If he starts getting involved in politics, then sure. But for now he is staying out of it and shouldn't be attacked just because of who his parents are. It was shitty when conservatives attacked Chelsea and Sasha and Malia and it is shitty to attack Barron too.


ā€œI really dont care, do u?ā€


Ha Ha look Ma thereā€™s a MagašŸ¤”


The home decor is a fucking nightmare


Come on. This is ridiculous. I don't have to like them, but to say a picture of a parent and child being affectionate toward each other is gross, is damaging to our collective ability to show affection at all. Stop with that shit.


Sad part is people learned this from republicans.Remember GOP was doing the same with Biden and little girls?


That was just more projection. Look at the number of Pedos that have been arrested for child sexual assault that are MAGA!! Itā€™s just amazing.


Gaetz needs to be in prison YESTERDAY. He is still a predator and absolutely nothing has been done with Daddy's thumb on the scale and his cohort getting 11 years..... he's the one currently making me the most nauseated... and had the BALLS to demand information on Hunter's cocaine use during a hearing when he's drugging minor girls with it and having his way with them once they're high, drunk and vulnerable.... just SICK shit. This some Bill Cosby bullshit and *this guy remains in his seat*


Itā€™s unreal. I donā€™t even recognize my country anymore.


Or Biden... checks notes... hugging his son.


Was that on the laptop?


Dick pics. Lots and lots of dick pics. DM MTG, she's got all of 'um saved in special folders.


and yet when Biden gave a child a kiss in the head to comfort them at a FUNERAL HE was called a pedophile by republicans oh the hypocrisy!


>oh the hypocrisy! That's all they got.


It's not hypocrisy you idiot, the comment you're replying to wasn't made by a republican who is simultaneously decrying biden as a paedophile, it was made by a normal person who thinks the attempt to make something weird out of this person is trashy and cuntish. Noone who claims to dislike republicans should be doing it cause this is the kind of shit we dislike them for. Get out of here with this tabloid nonsense. There's nothing wrong with that photo.


100% agree! There is nothing wrong with that picture! It's gross that people would make it seem otherwise.


Barron is 9 in that picture. Heā€™s tall for his age so he looks older. A 9-year old sitting on his motherā€™s lap and taking a picture. That should not be sexualized. Hony soit qui mal y pense.


What does pence have to do with this?


It the link it suggests he was 17? Not looking to argue I am just confused on if I missed something is all, apologies.


It said he was nine in the photo. You misread something. Edit: One of the embedded twitter posts says he was 17 but the article states he was 9 twice (and 8 once for some reason, get it together editors).


Yeah. As a photographer it's much much too easy to snap a pic (like this one) that can be taken way out of context. However on broader terms, taking context out of the atmosphere is a GOP tradition...


I think part of it is Barronā€™s height. It makes him read older. So this picture really doesnā€™t look like a 9 year old sitting on his momā€™s lap. Which is perfectly normal.


I think itā€™s weird bc he looks 15, not 9. He was a big 9 year old lol


Hate all the Trumps with a passion but people going nuts over a kid standing over his mom to take her picture is so fucking stupid.


There's affectionate...and then there's *affectionate*. This photo is the latter. This photo is creepy and is doing the damage on its own.


>There's affectionate...and then there's affectionate. >This photo is the latter. >This photo is creepy and is doing the damage on its own. To be fair, he's only 9 years old in the picture. I'm no fan of Trump, but it doesn't seem *that* weird.


I think what makes it weird is her expression and the position of her hands. Not that they are close or that he is taking a photo of his mom. If she didnā€™t look like she was in a porno it would be a sweet photo. On the other hand she always looks like this so itā€™s not a big deal to me. Theyā€™re just weird people overall.


Why would the photo in question not be the thumbnail for the article?


Political flare is bottom of the barrel shit. I hate that it's flooding these subs. Just poorly written sensationalist garbage.


I think people who look at this photo and see ā€œsexual overtonesā€ are the weird ones here. I mean, Trump is a notorious creep *who has stated that he might be dating Ivanka if she wasnā€™t his daughter* but I strongly doubt thereā€™s anything weird going on between Melania and her son.


I get it. I'm the same way over weird people seeing a pride flag and turning it sexual.


Yes. Stop weirdly sexualizing things, people.


Itā€™s an awkward photo but itā€™s pretty gross to think itā€™s anything sexual. Itā€™s just a weird 9 year old being weird, thatā€™s it.


Oh please, arenā€™t there real things to cover? Like how Melaria is not supporting Ttump?


I wonder why? Itā€™s a mystery.. šŸ¤”


Oh come on. Heā€™ll add a zero to the contract and sheā€™ll be as loving as ever.


All he's got are zeroes. He can't afford her.


I think itā€™s gross to see a photo like that of a mother and son and think itā€™s sexual. I detest Trump and his wife, but this just looks like a mom and kid enjoying a moment.


This. The kid was nine! They're just playing around. I'm happy he had someone in his life who was affectionate with him.


Wait he was that tall at 9?


Have you seen that kid recently? He can replace the light bulbs at sports stadiums if he bends over so as to not hit his head on the rafters.


100% agreed. People are being so weird here. Yeah, she is doing like a model pose, but I definitely took pics of my mom as a kid, and she would pull a model face or something. I climbed all over my dad as a kid. Is it an awkward pose? Yeah, totally. But I think it is a little ridiculous to read into it like that.


Redditors lose their minds whenever family members show any affection to eachother. Itā€™s weird as fuckĀ 






Baron is a vampire.!


He's 9 in that photo. There is nothing creepy or gross about it. It's just a kid goofing around with his mother. He's a big lad so that's probably why it looks weird.


Hey dumdums, the actual photo is in the body of the article, not the one posted above. It is pretty gross, but the whole family gives me the fucking creeps.


That website gave my phone cancer


I just got ten clickbait viruses from that link.


He kills women, but he's the kind of man who doesn't enjoy it. He's sensitive.


Melania is only attracted to money and her kid will be rich so might occasionally get confused.


My close friend... A strong conservative.. Had this take - snopes did this to HELP Biden.... To push the party to ditch him so we could get a better candidate. I responded that s some serious deep state thinking.


Am certainly grossed out by the decor in Trump tower, money canā€™t buy you style or taste


It's appalling. Bunch of fake gold and marble and garish non-period-correct "artwork". P.U.


If she could schlep it with donald im sure she could with her little bar bar




Bar bar jinks.


Theyā€™re all creepy asf, every single one of them. I wonder if the giant kid has lost his eastern bloc accent yet bcs if he hasnā€™t, thatā€™s just one more element to this weirdo ā€œall Americanā€ family of crime, fascism and felonies.


Why are websites all fucking cancer now. Like early 2000s, this website just gave me a virus level


Jfc Iā€™d love to read the article but I canā€™t read around all the ads


That website is fucking cancer.


This is by far one of the most egregiously garbage links I've ever clicked. It's designed to be as annoying as possible bouncing away from the text and everything. It's like they hate their viewers and want them to never click another of their links.


The more inundated with pop ups I get on a news website, the more legit I believe it is! /s


Everything about that picture makes me uncomfortable.


>Additionally, 8 years old or not, thatā€™s a highly sexualized pose. actually, a photo of any 8 y/o isn't "sexualized" until the person looking at it makes it that way. is the newscycle this fn slow? šŸ™„


They not like us.


There's no way that Trump is his father


Barron looks like a character from Buffy.


So the wife of the guy who is on record talking about how much heā€™d want to bang his daughter ā€œif she wasnā€™t his daughterā€ has a photo with her son looking in a sexually suggestive pose looking like she wants to bang him. Is ā€œkeeping it in the familyā€ a weird Trump thing?


I think Trump is a terrible person but honestly this picture doesn't seem weird at all. When I read the headline I was expecting the worst. The kid was 9 years old. Seems like a nice picture of the two if Im being honest and take my political views out of it.


As soon as I saw what that site was I noped right back out of there. That page is pop-up trash. If your goal is to disseminate information, you are failing. No one is reading it because no one wants to deal with that garbage.


That boy doesnā€™t look well. :(


Ok *nothing* creepier than Elizabeth Hurley and her son! Their pics always look as if they are a couple. I have to say though I would NOT want to be the girl that Barron marries. Can you imagine having that thing as your mil that is always in your marriage and telling you whatā€™s best for her son? It will be a f*cking nightmare.


Like father, like son.


A family who diddles together goes to prison togetherĀ 


I don't see anything that creepy and sexual in that image. All I see is the look of a mother who actually clearly loves her son. It's probably the only source of happiness in her life there.


Dude has serial killer vibes if you ask me.


This is an incestuous family.


Oh good grief!Ā  Ā There's nothing gross or creepy about a 9 year old kid playing around with a camera with his mom. He was an elementary school child, the age when most kids still snuggle in their parents' laps for bedtime stories. It just looks weird because he's so tall. If he'd been an average height 9yo in this photo no one would bat an eye. Ā It's stupid to try to spin something like this into a scandal when Trump and his family have done so many things that are *genuinely* scandalous.Ā 


Agree. I hate these people as much as anyone but this is pretty dumb.


This is more than a month old by now.


That website has cancer.


Everything I've read in this thread is disgusting. You fucking idiots should all be ashamed of yourselves. Stop fucking simping for rich out of touch elderly politicians.


The incest photos should be annual thing on Barronā€™s birthday.


Wow, this is a great place to block MAGA!


He looks like a vampire about to feed.


This being a controversy is pretty ridiculous


Wtf is wrong with people? Save the disgust for the all the real shitty stuff the Trump family does. Itā€™s a moment of a 9 yr old child playing with his mother. Kids crawl all over the parents - and she loves him (despite her flaws). Trying to look for some sort of special meaning in positions of hands and facial expression the midst of an impromptu moment of play is ridiculous.Ā  This motivated search for things to despise in an enemy is the exact same behavior that I think most here ridicule and hate from the right. Accept that there is a bit of shared humanity between us all and focus on real shit. There is no shortage of it. Ā Barron through environment alone may likely grow up an asshole (but should be given the space to prove himself) - but to be ok posting comments like this about pictures of 10 yr old is unreal.


This is just Melanoma showing her son how to get those great POV shots so famous in porn films.


Hereā€™s what I thought was weird in the picture: the decor of the apartment. Gaudy. Gauche. Tacky. Really, really, tacky.


sheā€™s a ghoul just like everyone else in that family


Was he smoking crack?


This is absurd and a gross interpretation of the photo. I have no love for these people but to suggest an 8 year old sitting on his moms lap is "sexual" in any way is really fucked up and obviously not what is going on in the photo but in some peoples heads I guess. Stop being weird.


That picture was nothing??? Did you see the one about the son who helped his mom make an onlys fans? Now that was weird.


Reminds me of Mordred and his mother, Morgan Le Fay.


Well at least itā€™s within the realm of shitty things to do on Jan 6. lol!




Isnt she russian ? The rest of the world isnt crazy puritan like americans. In the rest of the world people can actually compliment children in front of their parents, talk to them, because the kidnapping nd pedophilia paranoia isnt a thing.


Here's the direct link to the imageĀ  https://www.politicalflare.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024.03.27-03.48-politicalflare-6603972824424-1200x794.jpg


Why didn't they use the actual photo in the thumbnail?


What's on the photos sitting next to them?






He's starting to look like the kid from Brightburn...... which is extra scary to me


Oh noes, it's Damien straight out of The Omen


You people are fucked in the head.


That whole weird family fucks each other.