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Why did you call John McCain a loser because he was captured and survived while you dodged the draft FIVE times? Why did you call thousands of US military killed fighting for democracy and freedom losers, why do you call Americans that join the military suckers? Why did you take money away from housing and schools on military bases? Why did you take money to climate proof military bases that are in danger of flooding due to sea level rise? Why are you such criminal POS


So many questions he could ask: Q. Why when Putin had US Soldiers killed in Afghanistan, did you jump to the defense of Putin? Q. Why, did you tell Putin of the Syria withdrawal before telling the Pentagon? Q. Why when Wagner group Russian mercenaries attacked US positions in Syria did you claim, contrary to the evidence, that is must have been a mistake, and Putin would never try to send American soldiers home in body bags? **Q. Did you conspire with Putin, to send American soldiers home in body bags, to give you an excuse to withdraw troops from Syria, and hand control of North Syria over to Putin?**


TRUMPs answer: Biden left the board wide open. The boarder patrol endorsed me BTW. Windmills kill whales and birds. I'm rated the best president in the history of monarchs


Don’t figure about the sharks and batteries


And the Toilets! Oh The *Horror!*




“So, so strong. So tough. So fit. Did you know that…hey did you know how fast I can demolish a bucket full of KFC? HUGE bucket, very huge, I said. Ate it all…not sure about the bones. What? What was the question?…I pooped again.” - the orange cancer, probably.


It's Border, not boarder. I'm reading this mistake over and over. What's up with that? If you went to school in the US, you should know how to spell it. Is this a telltale sign of a BOT?


zip up dude, your trump is showing beep beep boop


Fuck you. Learn how to spell and I wouldn't have to call you out. And there is not one muscle, bone, nerve, vein or organ in my body that would even remotely help that fucked up guy. I just want people to post accurately spelled words when they post. The uneducated in this country is half our problem. If Republicans want to be reelected, they sure know how to dumb them down. DeSantis is case in point.


Looks like I hit a nerve


Highly regarded trumpers insist on boarder. There's no saving these people


Trump recently in the debate said Putin told him in advance that he was going to attack Ukraine… was that during the time Trump and Putin had a private 2-hour 1-on-1 meeting?


Didn’t love McCains politics most of the time, but there’s no doubt he was a fucking hero.


I can’t say I agreed with McCain most of the time but he had the country’s best interests at heart he was a hero.


It helps to be specific- iirc the cemetery in France from WW1 is full of US Marines. What’s the source pls for the those who join and for taking money away for housing:schools on base ? Wasn’t aware, just like to gather receipts for future statements. Thx. Edit - the fuck is wrong with some people downvoting ? I’ve probably lived on some of these military bases that didn’t get funding, drunken toxic water on one of them and even gone to some of those DOD schools. Arseholes. (Like an asshole but worse ). Asking for sources is good research and debate etiquette so next time IRL someone asks where you got something from you don’t just go “some guy on Reddit. “.


He appropriated money from the military that was already approved to improve bases that were/are in need of repairs to spend on the wall. So, he undermined the nation's security to fund his private war on immigration. Edit: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/06/26/appeals-court-trump-wrongly-diverted-25-billion-in-milcon-funds-for-border-wall/


Thank you for this , appreciate it. Can use it in my report on how examples of how Trump has fucked over the military.


He would love to degrade the military to please Putin.


Btw much is that money went to contractors that stayed at Trump hotels at top dollar often. The Grift continues.


I just got downloaded by some children that don’t understand that asking for sources isn’t offensive it’s good digital information hygiene. Could you pls provide a link to your sources ? Thank you.


Talking points. And McCain was a looser


He can't answer a softball question without getting it wrong, so of course he's gonna dodge hard questions...


Hannity: “Now this is funny, because the question is so ridiculous, only a fool would say yes to this, and I would give the person $1,000 to say no, but what do you say about people who say you would be a dictator?” Trump: “I absolutely would, why?”




He dodges all the questions just like he dodged the draft. And the legal system. And accountability. And competency. And consequences. And lawsuits. And bills.


And taxes. And marriage vows. And commandments.


Just remember it was our broken system that allowed all of this. Fix the holes to keep out the rats. At this point the rats run the whole thing, and yes both sides.


>At this point the rats run the whole thing, and yes both sides. It's not both sides.


Compelling argument, if you don't see the foreign business dealings, manipulation of the stock market, funding if proxy wars and genocides as a problem, you are either a bad actor, have your blinders on or are a complete idiot. Wake up.


I'm awake. You're the one that's fallen for the "both sides" fallacy they fed you so you wouldn't bother voting. One side is objectively better than the other. There is no question. You either come to this conclusion or you're already too far gone down the propaganda rabbit hole, there is no other scenario in which you can be undecided or Republican post 2020. One side wants you to die, the other doesn't. One side likes the country, the other would see it destroyed for the personal gain of very select few individuals at the very top. Are both sides evil? No, only one is. Are they both corrupt? Sure, but one is **leagues** above the other in corruption. Could they be better? Yes. Is this what we have now? Yes. Do we need to pick the side that doesn't want us dead and the country burned to the ground? Yes. Vote for whoever isn't the Republican. You can either vote for all the corruption and destroy the country *now*, or vote for a little corruption and buy us 4 more years to fix the system. This *is* where we are, like it or not, and I don't like it one bit. I'd love to have a choice, but there isn't one. I fear the MAGA movement has already radicalized too many people against their own country for it to survive much longer. This election won't be the end of it, it's either destroyed now or 4 years from now, 4 years later, 4 years after that, etc. If they *ever* come into power again the American experiment is finished. We need to keep buying time until conservatives accept that America is the land of the free, where **everyone** is free no matter if you like them or not. Until then, I'm voting anti-fascist.


Yes both sides have kept a status quo of horrible shit, but one side is so dark that they're an existential threat to me, you, your neighbors, America, and likely the world. Once they stepped it up to that level, lumping them together as equals feels disingenuous.


Both sides are systematically defunding the US, no laws benefiting the people of the US are being passed, if you ask either politician how to fix a problem they respond by blaming the other guy and offering nebulous, or no solution. I get it you'd rather get ass ra*ed slowly by the dems than quickly by the Republicans, how savvy


I don't see any progressive ideas on the right. But they've sure blocked every bill that could have helped me my whole life.


The dems have constantly put forth bills to help the common man. The Republicans block them, and put forward bills to cut taxes on the rich while gutting education, health care, social security, etc. It's been this way for decades. Dems want government to help the citizens. Republicans want less government and citizens to help themselves. This is not hard to see. Just watch what they have done, not what they have said.


He walked out of that "60 Minutes" interview with Leslie Stahl because he didn't want to answer hard questions in front of a national audience of seniors. He probably planned to do it before they even got to the interview.


"We in the military are sworn to protect the Constitution and you said you'll eliminate it on day one in office. It seems like you're only eliminating it because you want to be just like Putin and Kim jung un. Why are you so friendly with our historically sworn enemies? Is it because you owe Russia billions of dollars because you take bribes from them through Deutsche Bank, and because you always bankrupt everything you've ever done and probably now owe them a ton of money? What classified information did you share with them?" Something like that probably... you know... the American military trying not to be treasonous fascist slob cowards and understanding American history... [I'm creating a substack with entire book outlines exposing Steve bannon, Trump, putin and russia](https://elonsson.substack.com/)


Only bc he’s a chicken shit


Sucks to Lose, right Trump?


He hasn't lost yet, especially not this week.


he’s such a coward


Bone Spurs the Traitor is too much of a coward to answer questions.


Was he going to ask him witch foot had the bone spurs in again. Last time he couldn't remember, ya don't forget shit like that. ever.


The questions leaked 1. What is your wife's name? 2. What color are blue jeans? 3. What is the logo of the GOP? 4. How many branches of government are there?


That’s easy. Man, woman, person, camera, TV. Nailed it!!!


Well, then, who is the suckered and loser now? They all love him and hate Biden, right?


He doesn’t do interviews with suckers and losers.🤡


The best interview was with Ali G.


I love to see that. I'm looking it up now.


Good on Mike Gooding for standing firm on this. It's about time more journalists attempt to hold his feet to the fire on these horrible comments he has made more than once and has just gotten away with. More of this, please.


I really don’t believe that the “military” loves traitor Chump, character still matters for many. My Marine Raider nephew explains he took an oath to country, not to a treasonous scumbag


Draft Dodging COWARD!


Trump is a coward. Proven. Over and over again.


trumpy is a schmuck. So, as an “official act” Biden can load the entire trumpy clan in their plane and shoot it down like TWA over LI? Asking for a friend 😃




You don’t seriously question Private Bonespurs, er I mean your god and king.


Seems fair, his only platform is to spew lies, no interest in question answer. His debate performance was just his standard rally spew, never answered any questions. If someone was going to actually interview him that would have to be terrifying.




Independent journalism is a pillar of democracy - and Republicans are waging open bloody war on democracy. Defy them like your life depends on it.


Trump has always been an honorless coward


Pussy ass bitch


How dare you malign pussies, asses, and bitches with an association with that orange turd of a two-legged whoopie cushion.


He is Jabba the Herpes. He maliciously attacks pussies and asses relentlessly.


If it wasn't obvious, trump hates military personnel. To him the military are just pawns to fawn over him. This is why he wishes the military acts towards him the way NK and russians do.


Ah, poor thing. Now he'll lie and say they didn't want to do the interview.


He also lied about their pay raises. [https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-united-states-politics-ap-fact-check-782a6b786f294ecab8dbfc05ab32d3bb](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-united-states-politics-ap-fact-check-782a6b786f294ecab8dbfc05ab32d3bb)


Trump is a fucking pussy! Please don’t google his neck.


Why didn’t I listen to you? Can’t unsee that now.


If you stare directly into it, it WILL stare back.


This is not funny now, military is serious about how they are perceived. Trump may have messed up


He's becoming more and more paranoid!


*Patriots send $500 to Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert to help President Trump with 5 critical projects:* *1.     rename Grand Canyon National Park to Trump National Park* *2.     release January 6th hostages from prison and pardon Donald Trump,* *3.     restore President Trump’s Rights of Prima Nocta and gun ownership,* *4.     remove women's healthcare rights as requested by Christian Nationalists.* *5.     replace George Washington on the dollar bill with Donald Trump.* *President Trump is the only accused sexual predator and 34-time convicted criminal felon endorsed by Kristi Noem, Gary Busey, Randy Quaid, Vladimir Putin and 6 of 9 U.S. Supreme Court Justices.* */MAGA*


Awww, I haven't been following. I didn't realize Cousin Eddie was MAGA.


What about khashoggis murder when trump backed Prince di&*head.




Trump is afraid to be in front of an audience that is non-fawning. It's standard authoritarian strongman stuff.


Who catches you or Putin? Do you three way with Xi? Private peggings mango Mussolini with Putin?


He was scared 😱. He wouldn't have been able to answer questions truthfully.


Republicans cry about Biden rehearsing interviews when Trump tries to get away with it himself.


I want a complete list of all of those questions. An actual list, posted by the actual reporter, not just a bunch of speculations. I mean, speculations are fun, but I want that fucking list!


And conservatives and Fox News still don’t care Trump could fly a AC130 full of active duty members and vets into a mountain, and not lose a single vote from them.




I can’t believe we even have to see this fucking losers face or hear his fucking deranged voice. I cannot wait until he is no longer around earth. Is this fucking cock sucker the actual antichrist?


It is. It literally fits the description perfectly.


Does that surprise you with trump?


Probably a mole anyways


It’s happening!


Maybe he learned something from his 2020 interview with Diane Sawyer.


If you think he can’t be trusted in an interview, watch what happens if somebody finally gets him cornered under oath. The old fool CAN NOT refrain from lying. He repeats the same lies so often that he could pass a polygraph saying the sky was green if he repeated it as much as his election nonsense.


Not true Trump never back down or has been given any questions like the media did for Joe!


I laugh at anyone questioning Trump and his not willing to answer questions. Your guy Biden, who has dementia, has been in a cocoon since before the 2020 election. And the media went along with this charade for the last 4 years.


This is SOP for politicians.


Your soon to be president doesn’t want to talk to a military reporter until he gets back into office this fall, at which point the military reporter will be a maga-doodle


Can’t stand the felon but he does have a few smarts when he loaded SCOTUS with his stooges knowing he might need to call favours in to save his skin


Trump didn't load the courts, that was Mitch McConnell.


Yeah, that’s right, now Mitch may be a star defendant in Trumps vision of a ‘tribunal’


He didn’t know who any of these people were. He never did his job. He was just a puppet and mouthpiece of the federalist society and his billionaire donors. 


He thinks there were airplanes during the Revolutionary War. That's off by over 100 years. Nothing smart about him.


Even then, they knew the value of air power. lol