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I herniated a disk moving myself. I say it’s worth it to hire movers.


hard agree.


I’m 35 and paid for movers for the first time in my life even though I only moved 3 blocks away. Honestly, some of the best money I ever spent. I paid just under $900 for 4.5 hours with a 10% cash tip. They asked me where I wanted each box and how to set-up the furniture so I recommended you label that ahead of time.


If you can afford it then do it. You will spend a few hundred between a truck and paying off friends in beer plus the absolute headache of coordination… Having just completed a move myself the latter way, I wish I had paid movers.


I've used movers for my last two moves, and there is no going back to doing it myself.


I moved apartment last times and didn't hire movers only because I didn't have a lot of stuff and had some help. Think it just depends on what you have. If I had like a upright piano or a desk I couldn't break down I'm hiring movers lol. But since you don't have your own truck I would say get movers and don't worry about the stress


I have hired movers for every single move. But then again, I stay in apartments for a while and don’t move often. Will you be willing to cover medical expenses if your friends get injured. If y’all are over 30, that’s a huge liability.


I thought I would do it myself because it was just down the road... The hardest move ever is to move close to where you live. You get NO break. No time to rest. No breathing time with the drive to recover. All my other moves I hired out but I helped just as much as I could. I can't lift al the heavy stuff. They did that. but the boxes and things, I was right there with them. saves money and time. Unloading the truck, I am on the truck. sliding and pushing boxes to the end for the movers and friends to carry in. Like an assembly line. When they needed me for placement, someone else took over what I was doing keeping the assembly line moving.


I've always moved myself + friends, spouse, etc. However, I'm over 30, I don't know that I want to again. If you could afford it, I'd hire mover. 3 flights of stairs with anything over 50lbs sounds hideous


Naturally for the lighter stuff you can carry yourself and will easily fit into your vehicle. Heavier stuff incl. furniture etc. YES a professional mover - or strong friends


Do it yourself if you could. I never dealt with any mover who was not dumb.


Then you got crappy movers! Mine were amazing! They were fast, caries everything to the rooms I wanted them in and wouldn’t even take some extra money for lunch. They also told me I tipped too much and tried to give some back. (They were double tipped by myself and my daughter)




I second this. But, popular opinion seems to be to use movers. I am a wiz with moving things, navigating turns, tight spaces. When I watch movers it is painful sometimes because I see them try three or four times to get through a door with a piece, lots of wasted time. So, if I get quoted for four hours of labour, and I see these guys take 30 minutes to navigate a couch through a narrow space, I am thinking 'The fuck? That one piece was just 20 percent of the quoted time?'


They are all playing to waste your time for earning more money from you.


Yep. Like, I did deliveries for a furniture store. 40 bucks was the bottom line for somewhere local. If people say 'that is too much' I would break it down: Two guys, loading and unloading 15 bucks each, which is cheap. That is 30. Ten for the vehicle. 'Well, it is five minutes down the road' Well five minutes, the guys still have to be paid an hour.....


Some are, some aren’t. I’ve moved a lot and only had problems with one moving company. That was the one that hired his nephews as a favor to his sister.


It is up to you if it is worth it. Me? I would never pay labour for movers from an apartment. I have four or five pieces of furniture that require more than one person to carry. I have served as a moving helper a bunch. Most recently, homeowner and I moved his stuff out of a mansion into another mansion. It was a total of 5 hours of lifting and loading. Four loads in a cube van. He had other stuff that required specialists, but I doubt you have multiple pianos in an apartment.


Hire the movers. I have never regretted doing that but have regretted letting people persuade me to save the money and let them help.


If you have a lot of stuff, not just a suit case and couch, hire movers.


If you can afford it, do it. The last time I moved I used movers. It was the first time I ever used them. It was so great, totally worth the money.


Hire movers. If you have the funds to do it you’ll never regret it.


If you can afford it, do it. Your friends don't want to help you move up 3 flights of stairs. Edit: Read some other comments. Clearly, most of us have paid our friend's little brothers with pizza and $50.


Haha there’s an elevator that the building lets you use for the day!


I’m never going back to moving myself. I will always use movers now lol


Hire I ended up in the hospital not doing so


I've worked as a removalist, soldier, coal miner, roughneck. I'm pretty hardy and strong. I wouldn't move my stuff with friends. Friends are weak they'll drop your stuff and break your stuff or you. I'd either move it by myself or get removalists. Friends are hopeless. \*Edit DON'T PAY BY THE HOUR, PAY FOR THE JOB.


Hire if you can. I did it once and honestly regret not doing it my last move. It saves time, sanity, and your body. Well worth the cost, but definitely shop around.


Hire movers. You have more stuff than you realize. If you want to save costs, pack as mush as possible.


If you are consistently weight lifting more weight than you would be lifting during this move, then go for it. If you're consistently weightlifting, it gives you all the information you need to determine whether or not it's safe for you to lift something. You'll help practice with your form, it'll strengthen all the muscles and Bones you need in order to avoid injury, and the process will be faster and easier. For most things people have at home, this is easy. The few things you need to be really concerned about are large furniture items. In my opinion, by far the biggest issue is your form when lifting. Weight lifting is an excellent chance to practice proper form and ensure you were using proper form every time you lift something. Either be absolutely sure you're going to do it correctly or pay someone else to do it. That's my opinion.


I moved most of my stuff on my own at least all of little not heavy iteams. I then hired some movers to get all of the heavy stuff moved.


That’s what I was planning! I have two weeks to move so I was going to handle all of the smaller/fragile things and then have them just move the bigger items.


Home Depot


Hiring movers was the smartest choice I ever made! Money well spent!