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Rude and loud people probably won't become civil without intervention from management. You need to step it up and report the noise.


Talk to the property manager and ask what they are going to do to remedy the situation. This may involve you having to notify police after quiet hours begin. Keep a log in the meantime.


Report the noise. And never think twice about being reasonable. Unfortunately, people almost always mistake kindness for weakness and will walk all over you if you let them.


Likely will have to report if it continues. I find there are way too many inconsiderate people these days, that only seem to care about themselves. I moved from a unit with a neighbour that blasted his music all the time, to now where the person above has a dog that barks a few hours a day and she stomps....I am considering calling bylaw about the dog if it continues. I'm done dealing with building management.


You need to record the noise and report it. You don’t pay rent to not be able to sleep. From my experience there is no working it out with each other. Some people are understanding majority aren’t. Sorry you’re dealing with that. I know I deal with a loud neighbor below me and I’m reporting it every time. Depending on what your lease says there should be quiet hours which is after 10pm to 7am.


Those rude and noisy folks likely won't calm down on their own. It's time to get management involved and report the noise.


Call the police on loud noises after 10pm. As for noise during the day, you should have asked for a 3rd floor apartment. Do not expect people to remain quiet for the day time, invest in good earplugs for sleeping. I live on the 3rd floor, we've been here since 2009 and it's gone from up all night college kids playing, yes we are near one, to loud adults, right now, the building is great, many long timers have been moved into the building and they are older and quiet. You may want to get everyone use to white noises going to bed.


You already spoke to them. People like that are not going to work together with you. Not sure what the recording laws are where you are but you should also think about recording the noise. Make a report to the landlord and get a paper trail going so that if the landlord doesn’t remedy the situation you’ll have grounds to break the lease


My complex has security they send up that handles noise complaints and so far that has worked in the rare instances where my neighbors were too loud. I guess I'm of the opinion that people who are loud generally know they are being loud and just don't really care about you. So I don't hold out much hope for them caring even if you tell them. And those interactions can escalate because I'm sure for the loud neighbor it feels like you're attacking them which can make them defensive. I'm glad it worked out for you and I hope they continue to be cool.


Play call of duty late at night with surround sound cranked.


I have incredibly rude, inconsiderate loud neighbors. Just tell management and call the non emergency number. Even if they don’t show up they will issue a report to the office. There are nuisance neighbor laws in most states. Keep a record of it and if they are real assholes you can take them to small claims court and sue them for each time.


When someone is loud, you are not the only one hearing it. New people moved above me, and there are constant banging, dropping noises. Daytime, I think a kid is jumping off furniture. I don't know what's happening at night but sometimes it's till 1am. My next-door neighbor and the unit next to the noisy people hear it as well. We contacted management. Fingers crossed.


You have a right to complain about excessive noise at any time, even during the day. Noise is inevitable in an apartment but this is ridiculous. You’re paying money to live there. Management needs to handle this for you.


If you catch any of them around the building (laundry room, checking their mail etc.) kindly talk to them about the noise, most places 10pm is quiet hours. Record the noise if possible with time stamps. Report to management with recorded evidence if it persists.


This is what I would do, lots of people on here will tell you to immediately call the police for noise complaints or tell apartment management right away, but I would give the neighbors one more chance to figure it out before taking those steps. You mentioned its only been 2 days of the noise and you didnt really notice it before that? They may have guests staying over for a few days, which they still need to be respectful of other people in their building, but sometimes catching up with friends or family you don't realize how loud you're being. If you did come to them with a bit of rudeness the first time you went over, they may not care too much to watch the noise. If that was your first interaction with them, they may just be thinking "well that guy was kind of a dick" and not really care too much to lower the noise. I'd leave a note or knock on the door one more time and just be like "I may have come off a bit hot headed last night, I came over after a long night shift and my wife and child being unable to sleep all night because of the noise from your unit so I was understandably a bit frustrated and exhausted. I'd prefer to keep the peace and don't want to go to management or make this a bigger issue than it is, so if y'all could please keep the noise level down during nighttime hours it would be greatly appreciated. If you'd like, we could exchange phone numbers so we can communicate if the noise level gets too high, that way neither of us have to disrupt our night by coming to the door again. I know it can be hard to tell how loud you're being in your own space, but I would really appreciate the effort to keep it down during normal sleeping hours. If the noise continues to be an issue, i'll have to file a formal complaint but i'd prefer if we could just figure this out ourselves" If they respond shitty to that, then by all means get management involved. But I would give them another day or 2 to figure it out before then. They may have not had neighbors below them for a while and got used to not having to worry about noise too much, or just may not realize that they're getting louder. Don't let them walk all over you, but one more chance of talking to them when you're not actively upset or exhausted from a long day might make all the difference.


I appreciate the response. I think yours is the only one that isn't immediate reporting. Not everyone is shitty and can be reasoned with, and as ya said the way I came across probably really didn't help. I don't fully disagree with other responses to go report, I'd just like to at least give it a try to talk first. Hell, if it works well I could make a friend of the neighbor, if not then shit happens but I tried to do it face to face, man to man/woman. I know if I do something dumb I'd rather be approached first. And you're spot on about friends/family catch up that easily gets carried away, I've been that guy before.


I 100% agree with everything you said. I think sometimes we're all quick to react in these situations because of how awful it is being kept awake from noise and we automatically think they're shitty people for keeping us awake lol. Like you said not everyone is shitty and most can be reasoned with, so I'd think it'd be worth it to try one more time to keep the peace and like ya said you might even make a friend out of it, and its always nice to be friends with the neighbors. If you try one more time and they still don't listen, then definitely go to management and you at least know you did everything you could to be neighborly and direct with them and they chose otherwise.