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lol tell him to chill


Idk man, I've been screwed pretty good over something smaller than this. All depends on the agency. I just live my life now expecting to not get a deposit back regardless... I can easily see a complex using this to get a new floor at the expense of the tenant.


My friend asked me what my deposit was and then proceeded to tell me to count on not getting it back. My deposit was 645 as that was my rent a few years ago. I’d be lucky if I see a penny of it back.


If you’ve been there for more than 3 years, a lot of things turn into normal wear and tear. Depends on your damage. Like OP pic if they were there for over 3 years they are fine. 1 year? That’s not wear and tear honestly depends on the rental agency


You've been living there for a few years at a deposit of 645? I wouldn't count on getting it back, but maybe your apartment is more fair. I had an awful taste in my mouth from an apartment charging me 3800 to move out once. I'm incredibly anal about keeping my place in perfect condition too. It drove my girlfriend nuts. The place I lived in right after that only charged a "basic cleaning fee" so it all really does depend


Well…I’m in a rural state. Rent was more affordable a few years ago. Once my rent hits 1k, I plan to relocate across the country for job opportunities


1k? Interesting. I live in a relatively large city (suburbs outside austin) I pay about 1800 a month for 700 Sq ft and that's the average around here unless you want to live in a dump


My current rent is 750/month with wifi and utilities included in the rent. I’m honestly gonna miss this rental when I move as it’d be a dream to have another place like this. Apt sq ft is like 790 approximately. If you were to rent a 1B1B in my complex, you’re looking at around 900/month


That's not awful. Do you mind if I ask what state you're in? I got family in Missouri and nebraska and it seems to be about what they're paying. It all depends on what you want, usually a higher rent means a more populated area with more opportunities for job and social growth. Atleast in my experience.


I’m in ND


My security deposit goes up when my rent does. I have to send a check for the difference in last year to this year when I renew my lease and my rent is l triple what you pay 😭


In this day and age, I think everyone should just assume that the security deposit is gone and be pleasantly surprised if they get any back.


Mhmm, just look at it as a bill


Just let him know you probably won’t get your deposit back anyway no matter what you do and just live your life


So true. I never expect to get deposits back. Apartment complexes nickel and dime me every time I move despite any carpet cleaning, spackling and painting I do to essentially restore the apartment to the subpar condition they rented it to me in.


Most will do. When they take the deposit they have no intention of giving it back.


What the heck lol, my leases always say to clean to “broom clean” level. No need to do any of what you said. They should be spackling and painting after you leave! And I’ve never lost a deposit.


It's landlord dependant. Management companies are the worst because they use what they can get out of you for profit.


I guess we are more protected in canada than I realized, at least when it comes to rentals and deposits. If you leave a rental in good condition with no new unusual damage to report, the LL has to return a deposit within 15 days, or you can file for dispute and they'll pay double the deposit amount if approved by arbitration.


Yeah 100%. When I lived in NZ before moving to the US we used to pay our deposit to the housing authority directly and you could transfer it between flats and all charges had to be submitted to the housing authority.


That's an interesting way of handling the deposits. We still pay the LL or property management company directly, which doesn't always go in the favour of the tenant, but as long as you're not kicking holes in the walls, you will get your deposit back.


Here in the US, LLs are starting to not only keep entire damage deposits, they're attempting to charge extra to tenants who leave so they can make improvements beyond restoring apartments to their former state.


Omg that's actually illegal in my province. If caught doing this in BC, the LL reimburses the tenant for 12 months rent.


Not the case in the US


That's precisely why I referenced my country


Yes, it's really best to say farewell to that deposit the minute you give it to your landlord. Some people have an unrealistic idea about this and kill themselves cleaning the place when they move out.


Exactly. I learned that on my very first apartment. I cleaned like crazy for about a week before handing over the keys and got some crappy reply that the hardwood floors had to be redone because of our shoes. F that. Now I just live in the building and if I get it back, it’s a bonus :)


I’m also amazed at the lengths people will go to- spending both time and money- to avoid having anything come out of their deposit. At some point, just let it go.


i’ve been in my current apartment for 6, going on 7 years. we’re talking dollars per month at this point. idc at all about getting my deposit back.


Yup. 12 going on 13 for me. There’s definitely a little wear and tear, but they also haven’t had a single month without rent in that long, or had it paint or show the property or do any of that in all of those years, either, so everyone is coming out ahead. It could really use some paint and new carpet, though. 😂


If there has only been normal wear and tear then you deserve that money back. Unfortunately, landlords love to squeeze every drop they can, legal or not


My landlord is actually lovely. They are incredibly fast to make repairs, they haven’t raised rent more than a reasonable amount each year when they really could (housing costs are skyrocketing in my city), and they otherwise leave me alone. I don’t have any complaints. They might actually give me most/all of it back, but if they don’t, I won’t mind. It has averaged out to about $100 for each year I’ve been in the house. It has been such a good experience for me, I’d consider it to be worth it.


They will be lovely if they give you back your security deposit and any interest they earned on it


Just don’t pay last month rent. Problem solved. Small claims court. Rinse repeat. Google demand letter template. Google small claims. Easy money. What’s happened, happened. Now react and get your money back. Even if on principle. Cost them money like they stole from you.


What’s wrong with this response I don’t get it


Yeah and what they charge you for is weird sometimes. I just moved out in April and didn't repaint the walls I had painted figuring they'd charge me and they didn't bc they were obligated to repaint anyways. Ditto didn't charge me for paint issues on the kitchen cabinets because they needed to repaint to match the new complex color scheme. But they DID charge me the full $2k deposit to replace the floors that had 1 board that was damaged which I'd told them about 3 years prior. I didn't fight it since I'd figure the deposit was gone anyways.


That is weird! They will find some calculation to make sure we don’t get it back. Maybe it’s different if you rent from a person instead of a corporation, but I just consider it gone. Enjoy those beautiful walls.


You can always just hire a lawyer for 4000$. Then they might send a letter to the landlord. Or not.


That’s not really true. Other than when my abusive ex trashed my apartment, I’ve gotten back every security deposit I’ve put down (5 different apartments) and they haven’t taken a cent. I just take very thorough videos and pictures when I move in, and treat my home really well. I’ve never had any type of issue getting my deposit back


I’ve never lost bond on a rental. I make right before I leave…


I think that people who repeatedly lose their deposit don’t properly take care of their home. I understand not getting the deposit back if you rent from a shitty slumlord, or like having a one off with a bad company who unjustly kept your deposit, but if you’re renting from reputable complexes/ communities and you keep losing your deposit that’s a you problem. At my last apartment complex I got to chatting with one of the women who worked there and cleaned the units between tenants, and the things she told me about how people leave their apartments were horrific. She told me that they leave the unit filthy and damaged, and that they’re almost always angry or shocked that they don’t get their deposit back. Dirt build up in/ on the fridge, holes in the walls, broken doors/ hinges, stains on the walls and floor, bugs, dirt and grime caked on in the kitchen and bathroom so bad that it takes a long time to scrub off, toilets that haven’t been cleaned in weeks or months, abandoned furniture, and awful smells are the things she had to deal with most often that people didn’t realize weren’t normal. She told me sometimes the units were full of trash and rotting food, and even worse things. She said that most of these people were perfectly nice, seemingly normal people who were well dressed and appeared to take care of themselves, they just didn’t clean. Apparently the chances of this stuff happening skyrocket if you have young children. I don’t know why I’m writing all this other than to say that it seems like most people who trash an apartment don’t realize that they’re doing it, they just have a very low standard of cleanliness. Like if you’re not thoroughly cleaning your floors, kitchen, and bathroom once or twice a week and you live there for years, a day or two cleaning up at the end isn’t going to get it where it needs to be. Some people don’t even realize they have to regularly clean their walls, doors, windowsills, and light switches and they just get caked with dirt over the time they live there


Same. Moved around for the last decade and never had an issue getting my security deposit back anywhere.


I commented more on depth on another comment replying to mine, but I think people who repeatedly lose their deposit have very low standards when it comes to cleanliness and housekeeping


100%. My last apartment’s damages were exactly the amount of the deposit. Image that.


I've never NOT gotten my full deposit back. Also, as a property manager for 10 years, 90% of residents who move out from the properties I manage get their full deposit back.


I've never had this experience and I've been charged for stupid shit like blind deep cleaning when we had actually replaced ALL of the mini blinds with brand new ones. Some properties see the deposit as a profit center and some don't


This is just not the case for the majority of renters.


That makes me so sad to hear. Not all property managers are ignorant assholes, I promise.


My current floor looks like Edward scissorhands came and did snow angels and front office said that’s normal wear and tear.


Edward Scissorhands. Ha! I feel old that i even know this movie.


Oh geeez...It's all over. You may even get locked up, and possibly do some hard time for this non sense. I'd suggest taking a plea deal to get off easy on these atrocious crimes your kitty committed.


that cat is a monster. he should be BEHIND BARS for the rest of his life!


Bread makes me 💩


Cheap Painted formica is such a joke, and they act like its Granite. take lots of pictures of the underside of that counter top to prove it's just paint.


Honestly i don’t even think the property manager will notice. And as everyone else is saying, normal wear and tear.


I would have noticed, for sure. And called it normal wear and tear. That wood laminate is stupidly fragile.


Well of course you noticed, you aren’t the property manager.


Not any more.


That’s normal wear and tear 🤷🏻‍♀️


You won't get it back no matter what


That’s cute he thought he’d get it back 😂


it’s normal wear and tear lol


Imagine what it will be like when he co-owns a house.


You’ll be okay haha. Tell ur bf you’ve got some people backing you and everything will work out ❤️ I feel you I have 2 cats lol


Every apartment I moved out of, as long as there’s no damage to carpet (which is what my cats in the past have significantly destroyed) I would highly recommend looking for a place that has no carpet. That will be your biggest enemy in the end


Yes!! I like my hardwood flooring. The only carpet my cats are able to destroy is my old rug in the living room, which is fine.


Yep 😂 I’ll never live somewhere with carpet again. It’s nasty in my opinion too 😂


Especially with animals! 😂


So true. We have 4 cats and a carpeted 2nd floor and they are slowly tearing it up lol. But thankfully we own!


Don't show them and they likely won't find it. And you probably won't get it back anyways, over something fucking stupid. Tell him y'all can argue about it if and when it happens but to zip it til then. Or tell him IF they find those scratches (don't admit to anyone it was the cats, play dumb) you'll pay for what they keep. I'd rather do that then listen to someone whine about an issue that isn't an issue yet and isn't guaranteed to be one.


Plus, assuming this place is one that allows pets, they’ll consider it normal wear and tear. It’s a lot less than, say, a big dog on hard flooring.


You misspelled “use a nonissue as an excuse to pick a fight with his partner”


No, I was trying to leave the relationship issues out of it. At the end of the day, I completely understand being "anal" about apartments after having lived under the thumb of slumlord after slumlord. But one thing I did learn was there's no use crying over spilled milk before it's even spilled. Issues I thought would be a problem turned out sometimes to be nothing while things I NEVER imagined would be an issue became one. I'm specifically remembering the cracked outlet cover at one apartment. The maintenance guys actually broke it, and if it hadn't been for me making note of it, even as silly as I thought it was at the time, our complex was trying to keep $150 from our security deposit. For wall outlet covers. We got it back but damn it was a a pain in the ass. And if I wasn't petty as hell and ready to die on that hill we probably wouldn't have seen one red cent of that money back.


you’re not getting it back either way lol


Get a new boyfriend


If your boyfriend is upset over money and causing a fight over it, then you should reevaluate your relationship. It’s never ok to upset a loved one over money. Never.


That doesn’t constitute reevaluating their relationship. You don’t know his side of the story.


That’s why I started with “If.” If the issue really is all about the money, then it’s not ok.


you will never get the deposit backno matter what that money is gone


You’re prob not gonna get it back regardless. unless you clean the place from top to bottom and not one bit of bathroom caulking, dust on frames, windows cleaned, mild discoloration of paint and outlet covers, wear and tear on door hardware, holes from hanging photos, etc etc. you have to have it look as good as it looked when you moved in. And 800$ is nothing for a secdep. Honestly, this is very telling and I doubt he’ll get better, prob get worse, about little shit the longer you’re with him. It’s a sold sign that he’s not mature enough to understand how something as simple as a secdep works and then to fight with you about it. 800 is 66$ a month if ur there for one year.


A lot of places will make up shit to try and and keep at least a chunk of a deposit. So he should relax. What will be, will be! Document conditions before move out and that’s really all you can do.


you won’t get your deposit back bc that’s just how these management companies work. they do anything to make it seem like keeping your money is warranted and there’s little to nothing you can do about it..


they won't see this, they rarely notice shit


😂😂😂😂 How dramatic!


This is normal wear and tear. Not sure how long you’ve been there but they calculate to allow for a certain percentage of damages every year. Also, don’t count on getting a lot of it back anyway. It’s usually pretty disappointing. 😁


You probably won’t get it back. But no point in his fighting over it.


Tell him to go step in the deep freeze and chill. You guys will be fine lol


That’s nothing but normal wear and tear. All these people in the comments talking about losing security deposits must live like savages or not pay their rent. Moved out of several apartments in my lifetime have always gotten the full amount back—who wants to take a loss like that? You *make sure* you always get your full deposit (plus interest) back.


You were never getting your deposit back


Ask your boyfriend what parts of his body he’s willing to trim off. Keep the cat, ditch the boyfriend.


Those fake wood floor things are easy to replace, from what I’ve been told they can remove pieces of them. Another reason why they’re better than carpet, no need to replace all of it, just the damaged parts.


First, pets scratching stuff up is damage and not normal wear and tear. Moving furniture and scratching floors is not normal wear and tear . As a landlord myself I would consider charging some out of the security deposit if these were brand new floors when you received the unit. In my rentals I use flooring that I can change planks out that may have this smaller damage. I would charge the cost of the plank which are cheap to replace a few planks. If these floors were left with other damaged areas when you received the unit then I would not charge. If this is a private landlord then it will be subjective if they decide to charge or not. I in no way shape or form can see you loosing much of your security deposit unless your landlord is an absolute dick.


Why is he fighting over it? Even if these are the excuse used to get back your deposit, what is he going to do about it now? Just plan around not getting it back. Then if you do, you can put it in savings.


Don't point them out


Our floor has claw scratches from a previous tenants dog. It’s fine


Must be your fault. Lol. I can't see anything


Depending on the kind of landlord you have…. The deposit is gone regardless of how immaculate you kept the place. For the flooring scratches, go buy laminate putty or a laminate repair kit to fix those scratches. Less than $20.


Nah, normal wear and tear


he's right that the deposit isn't getting refunded, maybe a portion of it if you clean for days-- but it is a dumb fight. they always keep most of the deposit-- trashed, damaged, almost spotless-- the difference is only a couple hundred dollars--- dirty oven? -- minus $250 of $750 punched holes in the drywall and black smoke stain in kitchen? -- minus $500 of $750--- the point is, treat your apartment like rockstars treat hotel rooms--- it doesn't really matter!


I never expect to get my deposit back - and if I do get it all, or some, back - cool. I don't do anything more than wear and tear at the places I've lived and more often than not, I actually have gotten my deposit back.


Even if you rented an apartment and never stepped foot inside of it, it's pretty much certain they'll keep the deposit. Don't ever think you're getting a deposit back. They're too money hungry.


I never expect my deposit back. I'm really surprised people do.


Sounds like your boyfriend is over thinking. Trimming back claws are not recommended or necessary . That is number one. Number two he cannot control everything . I would hope you have success in getting your deposit returned to you.


Your BF needs to learn what "normal wear and tear" means.


How long have you been / will you be there before move out? If his matters a lot If you re staying a year they may take out some for damages If you ve been there 5 years that’s wear and tear . Those also look like vinyl plank floors ( which I also have ) . It’s not as durable and they should expect to replace it every so often


Is your BF fighting with you or the leasing office? 😂 If he’s fighting with you I’d dump his ass. Red flag. People are more important than things and security deposits. (Someone I know was dating a new guy and she accidentally spilled coffee on his Porsche seat. Porsche seat is still stained to this day. He didn’t get mad. That’s the type of relationship you want) You may or may not get your deposit back. They may not want to see it as wear and tear.


Right. The thing is the only way to keep them from saying it is not wear and tear is a lawsuit. So they can do it, and keep the deposit, and then you have to be actively go after it. Now, I think OP’d have a decent chance of winning and getting their legal fees paid for, but it is an arduous process. Enforcement is always the crux of the issue.


Deposits almost always get eaten up by cleaning fees and carpet replacement fees and other bs. That money is gone OP.


This is nothing, you’re fine.


Isn’t it things beyond normal wear and tear? I think you’ll be fine.


As long as the rest of the place is cleaned up, nothing left behind, no broken appliances/fixtures, you’ll get your deposit back. Don’t mention the floor damage they may not even notice. You should’ve seen my old apartment I lived there for 3 years…. We got our entire deposit back, having 2 cats I was honestly shocked


Just for comparison (most of you seem to be US folk)… in Australia… this would probably be cause for an argument with the property manager. Not at the three scratches there, but the OP seems to think that this will continue - it’s her cat doing it… and I presume there will be more scratches. In AU the landlord can’t just take the whole deposit though. That looks like click together wooden flooring? Or vinyl planks? So the expectation is that only the damaged section be replaced assuming the same product can be bought again. Alternatively a floor is depreciated over 10 years, so depending when it is put in you’d be up for hte damage over the period of time remaining on deprecation. If it’s been down 6 years then you’d have to pay 40% of the replacement cost, down 2 years and you’d be up for 80%. You may, or may not, lose your bond over this (bond is like your deposit, four weeks rent, held in escrow) but you might have to argue with the PM. If there were many more of these then you would be arguing for sure… two or three over several years is probably fine unless the floor was brand new when you moved in and you have a PITA PM.


Those won't be 800. But a real slumlord will find a reason. Or make one. Take pictures EVERYWHERE


I know I won't get mine back. Cause they already barely want to fix anything. Nearly had to argue the landlady down about over charging me on rent, a few times. Which she never paid me back. And to top it off, when I first moved in, lied and said I couldn't come in until after 4, because of a cleaning crew, was a major joke. So I'm sure they will say cause I've been here 4 to 5 years, it justifies them taking it to make repairs. But it's like dude, just be honest and say that and quit lying. And actually learn how to paint too. If you have a clause in your own lease about potential of lead being in the paint or whatever, might be more concerned when it's dripped on someone's fridge or bathroom sink and shower wall. Just saying.


Tell him most tenants get screwed out of their security deposit when they move out and to relax.


Since I moved in, every vacated apartment is being reno'd. When/if I leave, they will reno mine, too. Do I expect to get my deposit back? Nope. 


first time renter?


You guys get your deposit back?


Your sign out procedures printed out, then do the final walk through with the landlord. Have him initial and sign on the printed page that everything looks good and you’re good to move out. Then if he tries to charge you, you have something with his signature on it stating that he told you that you were fine


It all depends on the property management company. I won't name names because I do business with quite a few national companies, but I would just be happy that they took my deposit and didn't charge me for the floor. I would just tell your boyfriend that this is why we have a deposit, to cover things like this when we move out. Very few people are able to leave an apartment with zero damage, especially if you live there for any considerable amount of time. The wife and I have animals, and we are just resigned to the fact that any security deposit that we put down is going to be lost, probably due to our animals. We do our best to take care of the apartment and not let it get buggered up, but sometimes life just happens.


Unfortunately apartments usually find some way to keep your deposit. At least that’s been my experience. I didn’t even have a deposit I moved in so long ago. It was a deposit I gave to have 2 extra gate phones and they kept them and gave some BS excuse for something I didn’t even have in my apartment. Since it was $150 I didn’t feel it was worth the fight. The amount tells you how long ago it was.


There is \*reasonable\* wear and tear expected in an apartment, to start. I don't know if a scratch on hardwood floor qualifies but even if it isn't part of wear and tear, a landlord cannot withhold your full security deposit for damage to a few panels on a hardwood floor which can be replaced for a couple hundred dollars including labor, at most. You have a right to challenge your landlord (former landlord) and get itemized billing for what they plan to deduct from your security deposit, if they are deducting for any damage. You also have a right to seek a competing quote to see if they are having the repair estimates inflated for their benefit. If this becomes contentious, look into it more and speak with local contractors who might have experience and can advise you.


To a normal person they wouldn't even see them or acknowledge them but if the office hates you they can TRY but it'll more then likely be illegal for them to withhold them but if your that worried try a turtle wax or miguiers scratch repair for cars. That MIGHT be able to cover them up and a bottle is less then 20$ at ypur local advance or autozone


Who’s he arguing with? You? Because you don’t know what the property management team will do any more than he does (or anyone on Reddit, for that matter) and if he’s mad at you about this, he needs to first - stop being upset about something that hasn’t even happened yet and secondly - if it does happen, direct his frustration with the property management company where it belongs. Most apartments require a pet deposit and/or pet rent. The pet deposit should cover any damages caused by the pets and these scratches are not something that requires repair.


If it’s a big rental company you’ll be fine (single owned will nickel and dime you for everything) At my last place, my cats tore up the flooring and I tried my best to fix it but couldn’t. And I fully expected to not get my deposit back but did!


Ur boyfriend sounds like a girlfriend


You won't get it back.


Lol, he thought you get deposits back?


I've got two cats for near 15 a vinyl wood flooring in my last 3 homes. That doesn't look like a cat scratch to me in picture 1.


If they don’t charge for this, they will definitely find something else to keep if not all, most of the deposit


Minimal? Then you fix them


The only time I got my deposit back was because the landlord messed up and kept charging my card rent money (2 months and tried a third) I called everyday until I got my money back, finally he sent it all and my deposit + security.


There is more to life.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


These are so minimal, do not worry about it. They might not even notice of if they do, it won’t be a lot of money.


I've literally never gotten a deposit back, and I've hired cleaning services to come in. They find a reason to charge you every last cent of your deposit. My best advice after my experience is to ALWAYS take photos with time stamps of every small imperfection the day you move in and BE PRESENT for the final walk through. Update us, but I wouldn't be surprised if you guys don't get your deposit back.


Easy fix!! Tell buddy to relax and get on YouTube !! Tell him to use brain and research some shit if he wants his money back


When you leave a security deposit save yourself the stress by realizing you will likely not get it back. Most apartments and rentals will find the smallest thing to keep your deposit even if it’s just normal wear and tear from living. It’s not worth stressing, repairing, and cleaning every nook and cranny.


He's right you know.


He may be right


Dump him if he is getting upset at little stuff. Move put, and take the cat with you. Best way to avoid that problem.


Security deposits are just fees.


Tell him you could have never stepped foot in that apartment and still not gotten your deposit back. When I put a deposit down I just assume I’ll never get it back that way it’s a nice little treat if I do.


most (all) landlords will try everything to keep your deposit and run up charges. it’s their last chance to extract from you.


OP this is normal wear and tear. No big deal. However, from now on when you rent an apartment, I suggest that you take pictures of the apartment prior to moving in . Write down anything that needs to be fixed prior to moving in then turn this “ fix it list “into the leasing office. Make a copy of this fix-it list for your records. Upon moving out of any apartment, take another set of pictures . Make sure that you are in a safe place in case you are taken to court over damages .


Weird way of saying you caused the damage but okay


They will charge for the scratches on the floor, not minimum damage at all.


Can he sand it and varnish it. Easy to find a how to video on YouTube.


Just give him that Hawk Tuah to Mellow him out 🙃


That’s probably the most unfunny thing you could’ve said


Name checks out, 10/10, would fap again


Exactly… 😂 show him what he got without you right? Over a cat 😂


These are Normal Wear and Tear boyfriend!!! Op, he has my permission to relax now.


Don’t pay it. You have pictures. They are going to redo the floor anyway. Threaten them with a lawyer.


Clip ALL her claws. She can still defend herself. If you don't clip her claws they will continue to grow and eventually embed themselves into her foot pad causing pain and lameness.




The outsides do. The claws just keep growing. And they will grow into the pad. Same with dogs. [https://www.woofpurnayvet.com.au/ingrown-nails-in-pets](https://www.woofpurnayvet.com.au/ingrown-nails-in-pets) # What causes an ingrown nail in dogs and cats? An ingrown nail is caused by an overgrown nail. If your dog or cat is not naturally wearing down their nails through outdoor exercise or other activities, they will need their nails trimmed regularly. **If their nails get too long, they can start to curl around and dig into their sensitive paw pads. This can result in inflammation, sores, bleeding and infection.** This is especially common on dew claws, the nails higher up on your dog or cat’s paw that don’t touch the ground to wear down naturally. It is also common with dogs or cats that have longer coats, making it difficult to see their nails. Older pets can get ingrown nails due to different growth rates, brittle nails and reduced activity as they age. Certain breeds are also prone to nail problems.