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Default Workout App and sync to Strava


And sync Strava to Runalyze. Runalyze gives you a great overlook of all historical data. You can check out your current shape compared to when you ran X-race, and it'll provide quite excellent projections on race pace, fatigue levels etc.


How do you sync them?


This.. I come from Garmin.. where you have all the things. Realistically though I don’t need work outdoors for most things. When I run ultras… I generally know the courses or bring my phone for mapping.


This is the way


What’s runalyze


C’mon it’s literally the first hit on any search engine…


I mean its a website not an app?


Same. I like seeing the VO2 max if nothing else and the interface and integration with the OS is much, much better than strava.


Workoutdoors - it’s the closest thing to having a garmin in terms of functionality. You can program complex workouts, check out tons of stats, set heart rate zones, import a map to display. There’s seriously too many features to list in a quick response. I haven’t gone back to Nike run or built in in awhile to see if they’ve included any new functionality. Plus the developer is very responsive and helpful here on Reddit.


I never understood the hype for this app. What does it do other than display more metrics?


I do a lot of heart rate zone training. Zone 2 base and recovery mixed in with zone 4 and 5 for fast zones. I can set that up in term of time, or distance duration. I can set a pace goal for each interval. I can tell it to only start the interval when my heart rate has maintained a certain zone for a certain time. If you’re hiking you can actually put the map into the watch. Right now I’m doing burpees. I use it to design burpee workouts in terms of internals and recovery. I can send it routes that I want to take and it will guide me. It has some kind of support for a lot of other activities as well. Cycling power for example. I can’t speak to how well that’s implemented but it’s there. It’s very customizable in terms of the data it presents to you while working out. Intervals left, time left, time elapsed, current heart zone, average heart zone for this interval, average whatever for workout or interval. If you’re doing a distance based workout it’ll estimate how much time until you complete that workout based on your pace. I don’t buy a lot of apps. This was money well spent. Caveats: if you’re doing heart rate zone training you’ll want to get an external heart rate strap. When you use the built in running app on Apple watch it tells the watch to collect data at a higher rate. This app can’t tell the watch to do that. So the watch has to recognize that you’re working out and then it triggers the higher collection rate. That can take up to 5 minutes. With a strap it’s collecting data at the high rate all the time.


Hi. Is there a function in the app that triggers the iPhone to vibrate when heart rate is below a given zone?


Yes At the start of an interval I have it set up to say “target zone 2.0-2.9” if you fall outside of this range long enough it gives a chime and say “heart rate low 1.9” along with a small haptic bump. I’m not sure if you could tell it you only want the haptic but I’m almost sure there’s a setting. At a minimum you can modify the global voice and beep setting to zero and have the haptic only.


Thank you so much for your reply!


Just bought a S9 for running and was literally searching everywhere for a running app recommendation to track the heart rate zones. Much much appreciated.


you can import GTX files for offline maps for hiking, trailrunning etc.


Literally the only thing WorkOutDoors does not do is syncing with training plans like TrainAsOne or AIEndurance. Because of that I also use Watchletic.


1.99 / month to import? Seems steep


I think it’s 10 per year, but you are right. I’d prefer to pay monthly for WOD and have that functionality integrated.


I recreate my structured workouts in WorkOutDoors, but it is a bit of a pain. The biggest benefit with iSmoothRun is direct import from TrainingPeaks and direct export to many more services. I wish Ian from WorkOutDoors integrated more of these, but apparently TrainingPeaks is no longer letting anyone new use their API.


I see your point, the cost is to cover servers, support and continuous development. For comparison, iSmoothRun is $5/month for similar import functionality.


WorkOutDoors And HealthFit for proper use of the data collected during your run. You’ll need nothing else. No subscription for those apps btw…


WorkOutDoors. There is no question that this is the best app. Mainly because if you don’t like the look of something, you can customise it until you’re happy. Absolutely love it


I run a daily 10k. Used Nike for a decade then it started having problems. Been using the stock workout app for the last few years. I like that I can just hit the action button on my Ultra to start the workout.


Why a daily 10k?


Because I love to run?


Running is excellent.


One of my passions.


I'm using default AW Fitness app. Personalised my screens to display HR, W and Cadence. This is all I need. Also using Strava for social syncing but not as my main fitness app. I guess everything depends on personal choices, I don't do marathons, I care more about my fitness level than my pace. Also, I like to experiment, was doing 180 minutes of cardio and MaxHR hit once a week, now I am doing 10 min max out interval training which seems to have [same effect as >40 min excercise (link to study). ](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00421-021-04714-4?ssp=1&setlang=en&cc=IT&safesearch=moderate) I've built a personal dashboard to track fitness minutes and my body stats, you can [download it for free here](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/body-insights-live/id6467108273). Ofcourse, I've a couple of years running experience, so I know my body and thresholds, so I don't need an app to guide me anymore.


WorkOutdoors gang checking in


Athlytic is pretty cool.


I use runna, it’s pricey but the only app i keep coming back to because the plans are just so good for me


And soon you will be able to push the plan/workouts to your Workouts app via the HealthKit API. They are ironing out some bugs before release. Major gamechanger!


WorkOutDoors paired with Stryd is the way. I will use the Stryd app at times just to push the run to third party sites easier.


By doing so, you cannot use the stats on the Stryd is it?


You can still use Stryd PowerCenter with third party apps that support Stryd, like WorkOutDoors and iSmoothRun.


Do you mean that I can still import the workouts to the Stryd app and see everything as if I used the Stryd app is that right?


Yeah, completed runs show up in the Stryd app/PowerCenter. If, however, you’re talking about Stryd created workouts, you’d have to manually recreate those in WorkOutDoors.


Wow thanks! That is nice to know. Stryd app is almost good enough for me but I cannot get its audio cue to work loud enough on my AWU1 speakers. 🫤 also sometimes I still like to have pace alerts while running with run clubs.


I really like both WorkOutDoors and iSmoothRun. They both have very responsive developers and a ton of features and work with Stryd. The main advantage of iSmoothRun is that it can import workouts from TrainingPeaks. The main advantage to WorkOutDoors is the mapping feature.


I just did my run on WorkoutDoors with Stryd pod. I can’t seem to get it to sync with my Stryd app. How did you do that?


The easiest way I’ve found is to export the FIT file from WorkOutDoors to the Files app, then open the desktop version of Stryd’s website in Safari and you can upload it to Stryd PowerCenter. Stryd’s app doesn’t allow manual file import, which is a stupid restriction. iSmoothRun can automatically export runs to Stryd via its auto-export to Garmin Connect, from which you can set Stryd to auto-import, but unfortunately WorkOutDoors does not have export to Garmin Connect. iSmoothRun has very good audio cues. If that’s your main thing missing from the Stryd app and you don’t care about maps, it’s worth giving a shot over WorkOutDoors for the easier integration with Stryd PowerCenter.


Ah I see so you go from Garmin connect to Stryd. I use RunGap to transfer from Apple Health to Garmin then, that seems to work. 👍 Edit 1: A bit strange that my pace seems to be a lot more fuzzy than when using the Stryd app. Like within 10s I can be at both 3:00/km and 7:00/km. 😅


Nike Run Club. It syncs well, I like the interfaces of both watch app and phone app. You can add your shoes and mark each run with what shoes you used so the app will keep track how many miles you did with each so you know when you should consider getting new ones. It shows splits as well. And I have never used those, but the app also offers training plans for marathons and similar.


Thank you! I’ll have a look. Appreciate your recommendation.


TBH NRC is incredibly glitchy and is often broken when new updates come out. It does have a nice interface and complication which shows how many miles you’ve run for the month, but can be a pain sometimes.


I’ve never experienced a glitch and if been using Nike for over 6 months now


Lol ok


I use runna app. It’s a little pricey but I keep coming back to it.


Another vote for Runna nothing compares


I personally use Watchletic. Disclaimer: I'm the developer of it. I created it mainly because I'm a nerdy runner that didn't find any app that I liked, that allowed me to create intervals the way I liked.


If you could find a way to do indoor/treadmill and edit the distances at the end to match the treadmill I'd pay for it.


did you check QZ [http://qzfitness.com](http://qzfitness.com) ?


It requires a cadence sensor and or heart rate monitor to go with the app. A cadence sensor could fix some of the accuracy issues just connecting directly to the Apple Watch. I’ve seen the Stryd sensor help, but those are another $250. I’m still surprised Apple doesn’t offer it, or any workout app which makes me believe it’s an integrated restriction at this point. People have been asking for it for a while.


Which treadmill do you have? I also developed a version for dumb treadmills


I have a Sole F85 at home, can’t remember what my gym uses.


perfect! so it's compatible with qz and apple watch! Just install the QZ app on the iphone and it will also install on your watch. QZ will write the metrics getting from your treadmill directly on apple health without needing any external sensor!


So essentially, I start my run through QZ instead of the default Apple app?




I also have Watchletic but haven’t really used it. I plan to do some intervals today and may try it. :) How do you like the Intervals app? Have you tried it?


Nike run club or Apple fitness


44M I run about 25mi/week, up until recently I was using the stock app, but things changed. I’m 10 weeks into a TrainingPeaks HM plan, aiming for a PB. 1. Outdoor runs: the WorkOutDoors app mostly. I import routes and follow them, the app is insanely customizable. Paired with my Stryd footpod for best accuracy, AW distance accuracy (even the Ultra) can be suspect at times. 2. Treadmill: Stryd. Have their footpod and use the Stryd app (which is surprisingly customizable) that imports and syncs with my TrainingPeaks HM plan. For my own custom workouts I also use WorkOutDoors because it pairs with my footpod and I can build indoor running workouts with alerts for both distance and pacing (stock app only allows this for outdoor runs which is dumb). I use Stryd because the Apple Watch’s biggest running weakness is treadmill distance, its GPS accuracy also beats all watch based trackers. My Stryd footpod solved this for me. My distance and pace are now FINALLY accurate. I’m also learning how valuable using running power is as a training tool. Like all things Apple, the stock app is “good enough” for most runners but I find the lack of customization poor. I also have never been able to get the stock app to display routes despite running the same 3 routes many times lol, not sure what kind of voodoo I need to do to get it to work so I use WorkOutDoors to import them manually.


I love that my gym has TechnoGym treadmills that pair with my Apple Watch. I HATED doing a 5 mile or whatever run on the dreadmill and my watch saying something asinine like 4.5 miles or 5.6 miles. When I wore Garmin I had a foot pod for treadmill runs but it was still pretty inaccurate. Brought down error from like 10-15% to 5%. How is Stryd any different/better?


Stryd is dead on accurate. I just had my treadmill installed and calibrated, stryd matches it. The GPS accuracy is also incredible. Garmin foot pods are terrible, to my knowledge they don’t do pacing which is why they suck.


I personally use the Stryd app (since I have a Stryd pod attached to my shoe, obviously), but before that nothing could beat WorkOutDoors for me. Lots of stats and screen customizations and it showed GPS quality as well I think.


WorkOutDoors can pair with the Stryd.


I know but I like the native Stryd app better due to the training programs and voice guidance it offers :-)


I use the default workout app for runs and Intervals Pro for HIIT workouts




No app. I just hire David goggins to yell at me as I run


Workoutdoors just wish I could edit the actual length of a race / run before posting it to apple health.


Having just moved from Garmin, I’m experimenting with both the stock app (which is fine for “just going for a run”) and WorkOutdoors (for structured runs with intervals etc). Mostly there although can’t quite display target paces in as easy a way as Garmin would - although I’m a bit of an arse for constantly looking at my watch rather than “feeling” the run.


Love and use ISmoothRun for many years. Does everything I need, and let's you custom make workouts, etc. and set up audio cues for when you want them. LOVE it. Have tried all the others, but I keep going back to ISR. Used to be only $5, haven't checked lately on it's price.


I use WorkOutDoors and Watchletic. Love them both. Love WorkOutDoors for routes/maps - closest I’ve found to Garmin functionality. Watchletic is amazing for intervals. Love how it displays the metrics and syncs my TrainAsONE workouts perfectly


This is the way


Dafult Workout App and sync to Strava and Tempo App. Strava for social aspect, Tempo for more detailed statistics and trends.


I use the built in workout app and sync it with Strava!




WorkOutDoors for training as many others have said, but an app called yourace for actual races. It lets you stay “in sync” with course markers so you can maintain pace better. This is a feature I’ve seen on people’s garçons before but don’t know what it’s called


NRC because my friends and I arrange challenges and leaderboards in this app. I haven’t tried other apps because the whole group would have to switch




You could use both watches. This is what I did until I recently got the 936. I used my garmin for running and my aw for life. But if you want an all in one use the activities app in the aw and sync with Strava.


I have been using iSmoothRun for years. I especially like the graphs of heart rate and speed versus time. (on the phone after the run).


WorkOutDoors when running in unknown terrain, fitness app when running at home. The underlying tracking algorithms are the same.


I mostly agree that WorkOutdoors is the best (most capable and customizable) but the interface makes the AW feel cheap. I haven’t used Nike Run App or Runna, but have used Footpath and I’d encourage others to try it if you want a more aesthetic interface with some customization, mapping/routing, and music integration. But no workout/interval programming. You can sync to Strava no problem.


Using the native Apple Watch app… have done several half’s, two Boston’s and NYC and haven’t had one issue at all. Programmed to what I need


Workoutdoors is the only answer


I do run-walk-run, so I need an app that can easily handle intervals. I used to use WorkOutdoors, but IntervalsPro is much easier to program new intervals.


I primarily use the default app because I like the racing feature where you can race against a post record. I believe only runs recorded using the default app are available for racing in that app. Otherwise I sometimes use Intervals. I’m not so worried about using the Watch to analyze my data. The screen is small, as is true for any watch. Instead, I use HealthFit to automatically upload data to any number of running sites to look at my details closely. I also have Workoutdoors which I rarely use. I do use it when hiking because of the map feature. If I’m running in a foreign location, which is rare, I would use that app, also because of the map feature.


Default app. Syncs to Strava where my primary activity log etc is and use intervals.icu to analyze the data/manage training.


Runna is pretty game changing when it comes to structured running plans.


Default workout app. WorkOutDoors is a good second, but I don’t like a ton of data. It’s good for data junkies and very customizable.


I think after watchOS 10 there’s now a way for app developers to let 3. party apps push structured workouts to the native Apple Workout app. A good example of this in use is the app RunKit!




Stryd, as I have the Stryd Pod, otherwise Strava, which is IMHO much better than the stock AW app.


Workoutdoors but i use rungap to upload to strava. I only choose what i want to share to strava and not all activities ive done on workout apps.


I typically go with the stock app or Footpath with my run group. I have WorkOutDoors but it is so daunting to me. Any of you guys want to elaborate on how you’re using it for runs or point to some tutorials.


has anyone used Supersonic? i’ve tried it a couple times, and i like the concept of the app. you guys should give it a shot. i mostly use the stock workout app synced to Strava, though. 


Runkeeper sync with AW for free, so I use it


I use Runkeeper and work outdoors.


Stock workout app but view my metrics and goals in Tempo. I like how Tempo organizes and displays info, including PRs. Anytime I tried using a third party app, the maps looked like it was only pinging GPS every 10 seconds or so, but maybe that’s changed. That was a few years ago.


**Outdoor**: Default workout app.  **Indoor**: Zwift (with runpod) - the distance on my AWU is way off compared to the treadmill. All synced to Strava, for which I have a premium account.




WorkOutDoors definitely the best option, let’s you have a map, gpx, custom screens and upload to strava. Also has workout modes for all kinds of other sports


Check out the Pace App which is optimized for Garmin watches. Soon to be connected to Strava. paceapp.net It’s the only running app that offers real-time GPS-based information about your Projected time DURING the event AND knowing “Required Pace” needed for remaining intervals (miles or KMs) to hit your goal finish time. Energy management, peace of mind and Personal Records!


My AW is not my primary watch but when I do I use the Workout app and allow Strava to pull it in.