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I still have mine, but it’s basically useless.


I had a Series one. The jump from that to a Series six was wild. I didnt even realize my Series one was that laggy. The jump from that to an Ultra wasn't much though.


That was me going from the base model Series 3 that I had for years (which, at the time could only be updated by fully resetting the watch) to a Series 8 almost 2 years ago. I'm probably gonna rock this for a while.


the chipset in the ultra is equivalent to the s8 so it’s like going from the s6 to the s8 which won’t be that noticeable


Since the serries 6 apple hasn't updated the hardware


If you turn that 6 upside down, you would be correct!


How long does the battery last for???


Almost all day if I only use it for time and notifications. But if I take a walk at the end of the day with workout mode on it dies two miles in.


Is that the series 1 or the 0? I didn't know the zero existed


The first generation Apple Watch didn't have a "series," it was just called "Apple Watch," and it was followed by the Series 1. So it is colloquially called series 0.


oh I that's cool I didn't know that


The series 1 and 2 were released together in 2016. The original released in 2015. The series 1 was technically an “SE” version. The series 2 being the flagship for the year 2016.


The first Apple Watch is just simply, Apple Watch (First Generation).


Did you do a battery replacement or is it the original battery? 😯


Also curious about this. I wonder if it’s even an option at this point (at least officially through Apple).


Battery replacement has been offered for a while. It was 2015, not 2009.


And what phone do you use


iPhone XS, so I’m a little overdue to upgrade there, too, but at least it still runs the latest iOS!


And you don’t have much of a reason to get one with better battery?


Obviously not man




45 minutes or so




I still have my Series 0 but it's been retired. It's waiting to join the rest of the retired devices on the Apple wall. https://preview.redd.it/lh7z85ppz29d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2718adef3a587985041a53c34b5b6cdfec33ba


That’s so cool


Do those still have the Battery inside?




Dangerous. Keep an eye on them for expanding batteries which can cause house fires that are difficult to put out without the proper fire extinguisher. An exploded view of them would be awesome.


Never thought about that. The batteries are totally discharged. I'll notice if any of the batteries go like that and chuck the device.


https://preview.redd.it/zsw7uyves69d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5adb750d70919d238d0b9dac52937e41e8c13b2f It’s real, keep an eye out. I check my iPods every once in a while for bloat but those things are rock solid.


What’s the bottom right?


First generation iPod shuffle


Cool. I always thought that was a terrible device, but it’s a cool art piece!


It was great for exercise, although the other models by a massive improvement with their built in clip.


Call me old fashioned but, but you should be able to choose the song you want to listen to!


That’s some pretty cool wall art. Good work!


I have a bunch of other devices waiting to go up but I don't think Ikea sells these black box frames anymore so I might have to redo all of them.


I was just there and they have a ton of shadow boxes like this, just maybe not this exact one


Yeah, they're selling the SANNAHED frames which annoyingly are very similar but just different enough that it would be noticeable so I'll probably just reframe these four along with the other devices.


I wish i still had my old iPods. I had the first one that was only compatible with Mac and FireWire and I needed to hack it up to work with windows at the time. Super heavy and only 10 GB of space


The top left was my first iPod. It came with a firewire and usb cable and iTunes hadn't been released on Windows yet so I had to use a third party jukebox app. I can't remember what it was called.


Music match I think


Yes, that was it. Feels like a lifetime ago.


I love that wall! I've been using Apple devices since the 1980s. Never thought of using shadow boxes for the antiquated items. Unfortunately, I can't put up my Mac IIcx, but my Macintosh SE still sits on a shelf in my study. img


Very cool idea. So mad I’ve traded things or sold them over the years


I could never bring myself to get rid of them. I have a bunch of other old iPods sitting in a box. They'll be next to go up on the wall. Just need a trip to Ikea to get frames.


You’re my hero


Now that is awesome!


Oh man I tried it on launch day, but within a month Gen 1’s battery life/charge time lost me as an Apple Watch user for just short of a decade. Just came back last week with the Ultra 2 and loving it, I expect to be a long-time user.


https://preview.redd.it/zn0mfol2929d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df620137618ee8f215473a0cf7a4214547f0ba7 My S1 battery inflated and popped the screen like 3 years ago


Same here


My series 0 died after 9 years just 2 months ago :(


How so? What happened?


If I have to bet, I would say swollen battery. Seems to be somehow common with very old apple watches


Oh didn't know that, should I be worried about my series 3 though?


It will notify you with a „pop“


Still have mine. It has been retired to my sock drawer for several years. Worked great at the time but I upgraded to AW2 due to GPS. I’m sure the screen would seem painfully small and I still remember how slow it was. Ended up closing so many apps because they took forever to load, hahaha. We’ve come a long way.


Ah, so iOS17 installed on my iPhone is why ‘now playing’ doesn’t work on my series 2 watch!? Thanks. I hope to update with a series 10/X later this year.


If you have the energy, please use the Feedback app on your iPhone to submit a report and reference `FB14064870 (First generation (“series 0”) Apple Watch can no longer control iPhone Apple Music app.)` somewhere in the report so they can see this is a recurring issue…


I’d be happy to, but I’m a bit confused what you mean by the ‘Feedback app on your iPhone’. I’m in NZ and I can only see an Apple Support app, and it’s not clear to me how to contribute to your report. I’ll do a web search with your report reference to see what comes up…


The feedback app might only be available on the beta versions of iOS. I’m not certain. It’s definitely preinstalled on beta builds.


I have the same issue with my S2. Battery still lasts almost 2 days though so don’t want to upgrade


We’ve both been lucky with our S2 batteries then! It’s been a fantastic device over the years.


That's cool that you're using your devices as long as possible! Great for the environment. Ignore the consumerists here. I'd restore as new and see if that resolves your Music bug. Also, I'd swap the battery too at some point - would be cool to see how much longer it lasts you with a swapped battery. Honestly the Series 0 has all the basic smartwatch essentials. Glad it works for you.


I tried restoring the watch as new, it didn’t work either :( I think it’s a permissions issue, because iOS 17 or so introduced a permissions prompt for an app to access music, and this watch is too old to prompt for it.


Exactly this. I have my S3 still and feel guilty upgrading since nothing is wrong with it. I only really use it for workouts and the rest of the stuff I could care less about. It’s hard to sweep the urge to upgrade, but I am going to keep it pushing with this watch till it dies on me. It’s been 4yrs too it’s unbreakable.


S4 here, and same.


For me I consider GPS, fast charging, and an always on display as basic smartwatch essentials. Then the smaller bezels, ultra wideband chip, keyboard, and increased water resistance are all very nice to haves.


I’m still rockin mine!! I plan on getting the new one they release if it comes out this fall. Most of the apps don’t run, or even install. But basic things like notifications, phone calls, weather, and pedometer work. The battery is original and surprisingly lasts over a day. I don’t know how but it’s pretty impressive.


Which band is that?


A copy of the Pride band from a couple of years ago


I like it! I’m not someone who can get away with wearing the pride bands but they are some of the best looking bands.


Why can’t you get away with wearing a pride band?


A couple people really got at me for saying that. I’m gay, but most people I interact with aren’t aware which I’m fine with. I dress pretty typically for a guy my age, and the pride band would really stand out when compared to what I typically wear.


I guess I take my part of NYC for granted sometimes… people here usually keep to themselves, and if they do go out of their way to say something it’s usually positive. I’m sorry that you don’t live somewhere more supportive, and I really hope that you’re safe! 💗✨


I appreciate your support. It’s not so much about living somewhere that’s supportive. I certainly do. I kind of didn’t expect to get into this when talking about an Apple Watch band but it has more to do with having grown up not really thinking I’m gay, developing a friend group of people who are straight, and just kind of preferring to maintain that sort of friend group. I don’t find straight men attractive at all and don’t really live any differently from my straight friends outside of the gay thing. It’s just easier for me if people assume I’m straight because at the end of the day it just doesn’t matter. Wearing pride stuff would stand out for me for that reason. I like it, it’s just not for me personally or the way I’ve chosen to live my life.


Anyone can get away with wearing a multi coloured band lmao wtf


Just read my other comments if you actually care, you’re not worth explaining it all over again.


I’m not gay, but nobody has ever though that I am gay because I have a pride band on. You’re thinking way too deep into it.


Good for you. Did you read my comments? I am gay and I have my own reasons for not wearing pride stuff.


Yes I read your comments and they make no sense whatsoever.


I wouldn’t expect it to make sense to you, you said yourself that you’re not gay. Maybe it exposed you to a point of view you’ve never considered because you’re not gay. My comments explained my perspective and I don’t owe it to you for you to understand.


Ok then


Im still using mine with an iphone 12 on ios 17.5.1 .. im upgrading to a 15 pro max (waiting for it in the mail!) I will be so sad if it becomes unsupported. All i use it for is notifications and time, i get around 20 hours on the battery still. Love the look of the stainless series 0


It was cool but had its first generation problems. For me it was the battery life and that it wasn’t waterproof. Those two motivated me to upgrade and had a friend who wanted to buy my Series 0 so we parted ways. No regrets. Went to a Series 2 and now a Series 6. No need for upgrades but the Watch X rumors are making me interested in it…


damn does music really not work anymore? thats a bummer


My S0 is in drawer, I remember even when they were new they were unsuitably slow and clunky. I remember waiting something 3 minutes for the Uber app to open so I could summon a car. I could have done it in 3 seconds on my phone but I was determined to give it a go.


I have, slow as fuck


do you need old iOS version for it to work with phone?


Nope, it still pairs just fine!


I would if the battery didn't swell up which made the display pop up, and i accidentally ripped it off when i took of a t shirt😔 I'm happy with my S5 now though


It’s an Apple watch powerbank🤨?


I love that the Apple Watch hasn’t really changed how it looks since day 1 Eager to see the new form, but I wish they just keep on refining this current shape.


I still use my S3 solely for swimming. It's so slow and laggy it can barely do more.


How is your pride band so clean lol


I just throw it in the laundry once a week or so!


I have my series 3 watch and I still use it every day. Such great product and battery life is still good.


s0 way to slow to respond. i archived mine


Very cool. Also digging the watch band.


That thing looks like a brick compared to the modern ones


i like your charger; can you share a link?


It was discontinued a long time ago, and I heard it doesn’t even work on newer models! Sorry! I got it on Woot.com a few years ago.


Oof. Thanks for the reminder to wash my band… yours is crispy.


I wash it regularly because i get it pretty sweaty 😅


I do! I still use mine everyday. Battery lasts uhm… almost until night if I don’t walk much, it’s still the original one. It’s a bit slow and definitely misses the advanced features of newer models, but tbh I don’t really feel like I’m missing out


It was soooooo slow…..why would you want to keep using this??


To be honest I’d upgrade if I could afford it, but there’s so much I’d rather spend that kind of money on lol


Band costs more than the watch 😂


I bet if I sold this watch at this point, the box and shipping would cost more than I’d get for it!


What’s that undelrneath


had mine for one day, the back came off... then the series 3 is used


I still have mine. Got the battery replaced but still doesn’t last for full day.


Everyday! It can’t do much, but that’s enough for me. My most used features are literally set a timer for the coffee and flashlight when I going to bed, and that still works fine :D


So apple refused to support old apple watches? Samsung would never do that


Mine popped the screen out in 2019


Mine too! I was livid when Apple said that they would have to trade my 42mm Stainless Steel Series 0 to an Aluminum Series 3, because they wouldn't be able to fix it. So I was forced into buying the Series 5 that I'm using now.


As replacement I bought a series 4, it is still fine but i waited long and fell in love with the first Ultra, I use them both now.


I have the same strap! Love it a lot!!


How the f*ck does that thing still have the screen attached? All 3 of the series 0 in my family had the bulging battery issue and were replaced within 2 years of purchase.


Not a 0, but still using the series 3! Got it when it came out and it works great. Lasts a whole day


I’ve been meaning to fix the screen and battery on mine. ifixit says it’s a tough process however…


I just replaced mine today with a new series 9 since best buy was having a sale!


Here I thought that my 6 years old S4 was an achievement. 😔


I still have mine and it still, works? (Well as well as a series 0 with its original battery on watchOS 4 can ig) but its nice to wear whenever my series 6 is charging.


I still have mine. Replaced the battery after a spicy pillow incident. Works fine for time and notifications. But it’s hindered by the OS. Battery lasts about 10-12 hours. I don’t use it much though. I have a Series 5 I wear overnight and a Series 8 as my daily. I have the 0 more for nostalgia because I got it at launch.


My first one is series 3


Is it still worth it to use the watch who can barely work with his life battery almost drained? Asking just out of curiosity


2 of them as nightstand clocks


I still have mine, put it in a glazed box and transformed it into a piece of decoration


I ve recently went from series 0 to Ultra. The black sport band from series 0 still is doing his daily job with Ultras!


I’m just about ready to retire my series 3. With how little the 3 can really do anymore a 0 still functioning is crazy


Did you get the batteries replaced??


I stopped using my 0 in 2018 when the battery was nearly flat by 5pm after getting up at 8am


No not me anymore. I have an Apple Watch Ultra 2 it says but dunno if it’s a new model. I just received it from my boss because he couldn’t use it.


Did you ever need to replace the battery?


Yeah, once the whole front fell off because the battery swole up, but they replaced it for free… with another series 0 💀


No one


I passed mine to my preteen daughter. Batter still lasts all day!


Jealous!! My biggest Apple Watch regret is selling my series 0! 😡


I’ll trade you for a newer one 🤭


Had a series one and got the 7 when it came out. Only reason I upgraded was because I had to turn nearly everything off like notifications and such because it would die within 6-7 hours


I didn’t even know the Series 0 existed lol. I always thought it was just a name for the iPod that people used as a watch.


My Series Zero’s screen separated from the case, so I haven’t charged it since. I’ve been considering repurposing it as a scale television.


I see you have it on the charger. Do you have to keep it there now? I had a series 4 44mm that wouldn’t make it through the day.


My dad still uses his. But basically only as a perpetually-charging night light + clock


That’s what kinda sucks about wearable watches and why they can never truly replace a classic watch, a classic watch will last your entire life if you take care of it where these last X number of years or until Apple says we are done supporting it


Sure, but a “classic watch” doesn’t do anything that I want my Apple Watch for, lol. I wear it for notifications, workout/fitness tracking (good to see my heart rate as I’m running!), and other things like that… telling time and looking good are really just nice-to-haves for me.


Never even owned a Series 0. My first Apple Watch was a Series 3 but the screen came off.


That still looks better than the bulky AW Ultra in my opinion. It looks clean and something that’s made for everyday usage.


the ultra is so .. i dunno .. ugly. there i said it ahah. for its use case tho i can see the appeal - but anyone who buys the ultra and doesnt do like.,. mad outdoorsy shit just makes me cringe. why would you want that on your arm ahah. the stainless looks so much better than the aluminum for sure - i would never wear an aluminum watch on my arm. just looks.. meh


The Ultra isn’t for mad outdoorsy shit though. I mean I’m a weekend warrior and going on a climbing trip out in Acadia this weekend, with maybe some kayaking thrown in the evenings. So that’s a few hours of hiking each day, 5-6 hours of climbing, and maybe a few hours of kayaking in the evenings. The Ultra can’t handle even 2 days of active use.


Exactly. The word is cringe. It looks like a huge phone attached to the hands. Skinny arms with AW Ultra looks just weak in a way. Something that’ll fall off.


Yeah I still prefer the original shape. I recently bought a SS S3 having had much newer models in the past and it does everything I need and looks great. Battery life a day too




how do you use is with ios 17? i got what you told about a feedback, just wondering how is that possible…


Still pairs just the same in the Watch app. No “this is old/unsupported” warnings or anything.




Does it get updates still :3


Nope, stuck at watchOS 4.3.2!


Get a new watch :)


Are you gonna pay for it :)


series 0 stainless still looks like a $1000 watch. its stylish and goes with almost anything.


No :)


I’m still using se


No one that wants functionality or battery life.


no lol that thing is hideous and old