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Fitbit vs. Apple Watch - Fitbit: Great for basic fitness tracking - Apple Watch: More features, better integration with iPhone, not just for fitness If you want more than just fitness tracking, like better integration with your phone and extra smart features, the Apple Watch is worth it.


You misspelled Fatbit.


I loved my old Fitbit, but the fact the Apple Watch is native to iOS and therefore fully integrated with the system has been valuable to me. I wouldn't say I use my watch in a great way, But I do regularly use it to send messages, set numerous timers, sending or replying to messages. I also use Apple fitness plus daily, so the integration during exercise is really valuable to me. My old Fitbit was more than capable of tracking workouts, for swimming and steps but it didn't do any of the other useful things I use. I could live without them, but they are handy to me. There's lots of apps I use on the watch too that are useful (some to replace things missing on the watch) such as Pedometer++ gives me a step count complication. All told the watch is useful, but if you don't want or need its features you might find it unnecessarily expensive for your own purposes.


Personally, I find the watch gives me more freedom from my phone. It helps me reduce my screen time but not needing to always have my phone within arms reach. Because the temptation to doom scroll (free dopamine) isn’t there, I find my self reaching for the phone less. It helps me be more engaging at work, and focus my personal time on more personal development with better habits like reading. That being said, I also significantly reduce the notifications that I get on the watch. Pretty much limiting it to personal communication: messaging apps, phone calls, work emails, teams messages, and breaking news alerts - everything else can wait until I pick up my phone again. I also use it for those basic fitness tracking, step counts, sleep tracking, etc. and find it to be more than adequate for my day-to-day uses. Edited because I didn’t’ read the whole question: It’s not the “best thing”, it’s just the best for me, for the reasons listed above. I also have a lower end Garmin that I use to track longer runs and connect to my InReach in the back country. It all comes down to that use case.


The main advantage for my personal use is the freedom to go for a run or walk and leave my phone at home. This is especially useful if you have the cellular version. Even with the wifi version you can still store music or audio books on the watch to listen to while working out. I also use it for contactless payments and checking notifications without getting my phone out. I think some of the smartwatch Fitbits can do this now as well. The only big downside with the Apple Watch is the poor battery life, though I just charge it while sitting at my desk working.


People have jobs for this


If you’re questioning why it’s “worth it,” then the probability is high that it’s not worth it *to you* which is all that really matters. At this point the capabilities of the Apple Watch are well documented, so if you’re struggling to think of a reason why it is worth it then you probably don’t really need it and definitely don’t seem to want it. Conundrum solved! =D


It just depends what you value more for you watch. Do you want an extension to your phone that can also somewhat track exercise? Get an Apple Watch Do you want a tool that’s main purpose is to track exercise but connects to your phone? Get a Fitbit/Garmin/Etc.


Are you a 50-year old Karen? Yes: get a Fatbit to count steps. No: join the club and get the best smartwatch there is.


How’d you waste so many characters and say nothing of value?


If those are many characters I understand why you can’t understand the difference between the two devices 😂😂😂😂😂