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Amen, never Samsung! LG is highly rated by Consumer Reports, I have no experience with it though. I will soon, am having a pair delivered next week. You can get a 3 year warranty at lg.com for $25 right now and most appliances are listed as 30% off with free delivery, setup, and haul away.


I used to sell appliances and let me just say Google “Samsung” and “lawsuits”. You’re welcome.


I say Google lg and lawsuits too


I have all LG fridge, washer, dryer, stove, dishwasher, and microwave. I only had an issue with the ice maker getting stuck, so they sent me a replacement. By the time the 2-day replacement came, the craft ice maker was working again. They sent me a free filter. I just put the extra ice maker in the garage in case it fails again. I'd recommend lg. 👌


I wish this were my experience. DW board started shorting 14 months later (2 months after warranty expires) and my big fancy electric stove, just saw the broiler go out. I also don't understand how there are so many happy LG customers after a class action lawsuit.


If you registered your LG Appliances, you would know that they upgrade you to a 2-year manufacturer's warranty.


Yea there gonna be some customers that will get a lemon. I guess I just got lucky. My stove I got is gas. And my opinions on gas vs electric. Gas wins all day long. Electric stoves break down so much.


Our LG washer and dryer and very solid and get a lot of use.


Have had lg front load washer and dryer for 16 years, haven't done a single thing to them and no issues.


Absolutely positively agree - never Samsung.


Disclaimer that consumer reports does not provide accurate information


We just got the LG WT7150CW and I loveeeee it!


I’ve been using LG appliances for going on 10 years and haven’t had a single issue.




WM4200HWA washer and DLEX4200W dryer. I got $300 off in addition to the sale prices for buying 2. I think it came out to about $1400 for the pair with 3 year warranties.


While you’re at it, google “stuck in the washing machine”


I'm confused as to why so many appliance techs that I've spoken to have said the opposite, Samsung is best and LG has a high cost for maintenance. And yet Reddit is filled with people stating Samsung is horrible and LG is a great choice


They do not, if you know one who says that find another tech. Of course there is a lot of benefit to some shady techs who recommend those… future business.


The answer is never Samsung


Lol thank you! Do you happen to have some reasons why? I’ve never owned a samsung appliance.


Very poor build quality, even worse customer service


Also: Samsung has not been selling appliances in the US for long, and as a result has a very small network of repair techs.


Our local tech, who is the best in town, refuses to work on Samsung. GE is a solid brand with a good parts availability/


Good thing they have great parts availability, you'll need them if you buy one.


Not true. They are a Haier subsidiary and their quality has tanked since the acquisition. GE appliances exist in name only


Same exact machines quality has not tanked. Haier runs GE better than GE did (when it was mostly an ignored offshoot while they spent all their time concerned about their other lines of business that were more profitable) Hair is opening factories in the US while “American Manufacturers” are continuing to offshore more of it.


Worst take I’ve ever read. I truly hope you’re kidding


No. Ge is not solid


The reason is that there are lots of problems. But that is just because they sell so many more than other brands. The thing is, the *rate* of problems is pretty average. I personally have all Samsung major appliances and love them. The dishwasher is the best of all of them, with the range coming on a close second. My thinking goes like this. I've saved so much money compared to other brand appliances coming even close to equivalent that even if one or two appliances fail and I have to replace them outside of warranty, I'll still have spent less at the end of the day *and* I have killer features that I love.


Took the Samsung washer I bought apart 15 days out of warranty to discover the cheapest electronics board construction I've ever seen, yet the most expensive part to buy to get the washer working again. I instead saved money buying a new Whirlpool and that was 8 years ago. It's still running fine without ever having an issue. Never again will buy a washer from a phone company.


They also sell tanks


I bet they are expensive to repair, too!


All my Samsung appliances needed work too often. My Dad was a long time appliance repairman. Said to never buy Samsung appliances (mine came with the house i bought). My Dad and I went to find a part from the appliance guy in town and it turned out they were old friends and had worked together at one point. I got to listen to the other guy bash Samsung that whole time too. I was sold on not buying Samsung.


In the last 8 years Samsung has had two major recalls on top load washers, 2 serious issues in refrigeration, the cell phone battery catching fire fiasco, and while their TVs are wildly popular they have a history of power supply issues.


I've owned numerous samsung devices from phones to tablets to TVs to fridges. They all ended up in the same place after barely a year: Landfill. Koreans are pretty good at producing garbage


Isn't Hyundai Korean though? I love my Tucson!


I always read online to avoid Samsung but some of the machines looked alluring nonetheless. So just for fun, I asked the Home Depot appliance workers what brand is returned the most. It was a resounding chorus of “Samsung!” across the board.


Not only that but the customer service is non existent. It’s not great for the other brands, but Samsung straight up abandons you. When I sold appliances, I would have to call Samsung more than all the others combined and it was an hours long task that never led to talking to a human. There were times I waited on hold for an automated system. They try so hard to get you to hang up. It’s unreal.


My recent experience has me feeling that same way. Me and my husband bought a house with appliances bought 2 years ago and our top loading no agitator samsung washing machine sucks. Of course the warranty expired 3mo ago, and to fix it will be 400. A piece that keeps (or senses that) it balanced went out, so 80% of the time, it finishes the wash cycle and will repeat the rinse and spin cycle over and over thinking its unbalanced. We are just going to get a new washer, I dont trust this piece to not break again in 2 years.


**SINTA** Samsung Is Never The Answer ^(TM)


Even though I have had zero problems with my various Samsung appliances, they're all over 5 years old now. (Fridge, Washer, Dryer). Washer and Dryer are also in a garage in a VERY dusty/dirty area. I do plan to get something else when they finally kick the bucket.


I bought a Huebsch / Speed Queen TR7 a month ago and I’m so pumped that I chose that because it’s built to last! 7 year warranty included


Speed queen is the go to


Yes but she does not have the budget for that. Most people do t have that kind of budget especially when they are just starting out.


They're getting $1300 from their parents and can figure out the balance. Or finance it likely with 0APR over a year.


Bad idea to start out having to finance a gift. Truly defeats the purpose.


??? It’s a better idea to get a shitty appliance that you’re gonna throw out in 5 years instead? SpeedQueen costs 2x, but runs 5x++ longer. And better. It’s stupid to buy anything else.


My GE are 10 years in a running amazingly. I sell appliances and speed queens are great but don’t actually outlast many of the lesser costing options if you are smart about what you buy. And no having to pay on credit when you have an option to be free and clear is insane when you need someone to give you a gift to afford it in the first place.


My Maytag lasted 15yrs, I got an LG now. Doe the queen last 30yrs ? I doubt


Not worth it, my Maytag lasted 15yrs, I bet that the queen doesn’t last 30yrs.


My Maytag Neptune lasted 19 years too but everyone I talked to including appliance salesman and repair technicians as well as the appliance recycling operators say the new appliances don't last at all. Most brands will fail early and will cost lots to replace things like computer boards. I'm 60 years old now so if my washer does last 25 years it will probably outlast me. Besides, I paid $1649 for the washer which isn't too much more than a pretty Maytag with extended warranty added. Either way, to each their own.


Anyway, look up your manufacturer for the Maytag Neptune LOL


The GE over the Samsung, I have more complaints on Samsung than any other brand.... But if you can swing something a little more expensive I would go with LG. front loader if you can swing the cost, but top loaders are also decent, I would suggest the WT7150 model if you're looking to go TL, or the WM3400 for FL. If you really want to splurge, the WM4000 is fantastic. Side note, if you have an existing set that functions flawlessly, I wouldn't replace it at all.


I’m going to agree with this! We got an LG set on sale in 2020 and I don’t have any complaints! Our washer is a top loader (not sure of the exact model) and I’ve heard people say front-loaders clean better, but we live in GA with a lot of red clay and it cleans really well! There’s no agitator (you just lay the clothes around the edge, in a donut shape) so it holds a lot. My mom has an LG front-loader and really likes it; she’s had hers since before 2020.


I wish we did but we’re getting into an apartment that has W/D hookups finally! I wishhhh we had a set already lol


Well, my initial rec stands then. Feel free to ask questions if you need more help.


I've added a comment of a spreadsheet I made of options (cause I can't edit the post for some reason), but with your recommendation and others for LG we are looking at possibly [this LG front loader](https://www.homedepot.com/p/LG-4-1-cu-ft-Top-Load-Washer-in-White-with-4-way-Agitator-NeveRust-Drum-SlamProof-Glass-Lid-and-True-Balance-WT6105CW/324433017) with this [top loader dryer](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.homedepot.com/p/LG-7-3-Cu-Ft-Vented-Electric-Dryer-in-White-with-Sensor-Dry-Technology-DLE6100W/324433081&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1716498583690262&usg=AOvVaw07cKpqKk0JXztDNC_VOyCb). What do you think? Price is a bit limiting because my parents are helping with about $1-1.2k and we'll cover the rest dependent on quality! We just want to get on top of the memorial day sales lol.




Our GE is the absolute biggest piece of shit imaginable, doesn’t wash for shit, can’t get a load to stay balanced, the drum continuously slams into the sides. I stay up at night dreaming about ways to make it suffer and throw it off a cliff


Have you made sure they took the shipping bolts off?


Avoid Samsung with anything that has water involved. My fridge failed after less than 5 years.


Samsung Bespoke line refrigerators are actually really good. The older models, yeah, bad.


my mother got a samsung fridge that had nothing but problems right after purchasing, after 3 failed repairs, she returned it


Yeah mine has had so many issues that I bought a new one from LG. Samsung offered me a coupon for 50% off a new fridge from them, but I no longer trust their appliances. TVs are fine though


You need service, support, and parts availability. Generally the domestic manufacturers are far superior in those categories. If you want a really good assessment, I can’t more highly recommend watching the Yale Appliances channel on YouTube. They sell and service a huge volume of units and perform testing and then compare with the service call volumes they get on different appliances. It’s like Consumer Reports, but then add on actual service call data.


Both are garbage. LG is ok get a basic model with less bells and whistles. Keep it simple. Also ask for a feature where you able to select water level manually. HE (high efficiency) is bs. In LG this feature wasn't bad and still gave enough water needed to wash the load.


This guy appliances




WT7000CW WT7150CW Both should be fine for family of four. Didn't know they do same models with impeller and agitator hmm impeller should be ok some old folks still prefer agitator.




Never sold or worked with speed queen but all i heard is they are built like tank. That brand also comes in similar quality level of Miele vacuums. Looking at the price my only concern would be the repair costs on them other then that i am not so sure what to tell you.


Having the ability to select water level is key. Too many washers are built with the sensor and remove that feature and i fucking hate it. I am perfectly capable of knowing how much water i want in my load, the automatic water feature is so stupid.


I've had an LG set for maybe 6+years now and been very happy with them. Washer is a top loader with no impeller.


Do you mean no agitator? It comes with either an agitator or an impeller.


Yup, I meant the exact opposite of what I said. No agitator.


Mine just hit 7 years and the transmission gave out. Ordered another of the same. There might be better out there but that thing has done a LOT of laundry and my wife overloads the hell out of it.


I already replied elsewhere in the thread, but same! Ours is about 4 years old. Clothes come out clean. People say front-loaders clean better, which might be true (I have no idea), but I’m glad I don’t have to deal with the seal on the door.


Neither. Get an LG.


What do you think of this [LG dryer with matching washer](https://www.homedepot.com/p/LG-7-3-Cu-Ft-Vented-Electric-Dryer-in-White-with-Sensor-Dry-Technology-DLE6100W/324433081?g_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&utm_source=google&utm_medium=vantage&utm_campaign=24516&utm_content=26168&mtc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D29A-029_008_LAUNDRY-PB-LG_ELECTRONICS_USA_INC-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-MK864439001-24516-NBR-6785-NA-VNT-FY24_Q1_LG_D29A_0RM_AON_SEM&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D29A-029_008_LAUNDRY-PB-LG_ELECTRONICS_USA_INC-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-MK864439001-24516-NBR-6785-NA-VNT-FY24_Q1_LG_D29A_0RM_AON_SEM-71700000117822691--&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAolLu98EqUMgOUdK90KkFJffcX1Mp&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wpTmTC4lHbHDDmxUCUGaFfmCjp5BhIeNSSVGnFaYkbbF1XKJvyrU7gaAkZPEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)?


Great entry level set. I have that washer. It’s basic and fine. Not fancy.


I would go front load but their top load are also better than Samsung and GE in my experience.


Thank you! Definitely the front loads are a bit more out of the price range, but definitely for the right set we are willing to pay more!


My GE top load washer lasted 13 months. I didn’t like it. I have an LG top load washer, wt6105cw that with tax was like $548. It should be on sale for like $498. I wash a small round basket of clothes in the normal cycle with cold water with 1-2 tablespoons of Tide 10x hygienic clean laundry liquid, no fabric softener. It agitates for 19 minutes in the washing cycle. That’s pretty good for time considering it uses a low amount of water that sort of covers your clothes. Total time 42-46 minutes. So far, the clothes come out clean. For some crazy reason if I choose cold water, the machine will use a lot more water than if I use warm water on the normal cycle. Be aware that hot water is not available on the normal cycle nor delicates. If I have a very large load I wash on the Deep Wash cycle, cold or warm. It’s like 55 minutes. Lots of water in that cycle!! Speed Wash is trippy because if you select warm it will use warm water to rinse your clothes. All others use cold water. But if you add an extra rinse to the Speed Wash the second rinse will be cold, not warm. On Speed Wash with a second rinse, the cycle lasts 57 minutes. Heavy Duty is an hour and 20 minutes, using warm water and powdered tide detergent, I’m able to get the stains out of the kitchen towels, dish cloths, and cleaning rags. I line dry to save money on my electric bill. When I do use my Maytag dryer, I find I only need to use low heat for about 30 to 35 minutes to dry a load of clothes. This top load washer spins the clothes well. Keep in mind that appliances only last 1 to 4 years, nowadays. Pick a washer that has the cycles that you need. Edit: spelling. I also want to add that my husband and I picked up the washer at Lowe’s ourselves, drove it to our home, and installed it ourselves. I saved $150 doing that. You only have 48 hours to return a washer at Lowe’s.


We just bought a GE, noisy as hell! Sounds like a cross between a sub mine dive alarm and an ooga horn


GE - GTW465 is a solid entry level washer. 5-6 year lifespan. I have sold hundreds of these with no real complaints. Just don’t expect 10 years. Speed queen is top notch with a 25 year lifespan but costs 2x more.


Run away for that GE if you get a cheap one like 500-600$ they sucked so bad. The ones in the thousands fine. I have a Samsung front load the new champagne Colors and it’s been 2 years and still no issues and we make the necessary cleaning and filter maintenance.


If you can afford it purchase a speed queen.


Both will get you about 4-5 years before they crap out. If you want a few extra years, get a similar one from LG. If you can't afford it, the cheapest Amana NTW4615 or similar will be a good bet w/ matching dryer.


Seconded on the 4516


Agree. Try to drive to the retailer that has the Amana in stock ready for you to take it away in your truck. It’s important that you look at it in person.


Yea was broke af and needed a washer my Amana has been pretty decent for what I paid it's a 2018 model and still going strong


Yes, good washer that washed clothes!!


OP listen to me. I'm a repair man by trade. GE is terrible, SAMSUNG discontinue parts sometimes after 1 year. Go to Lowes, find one on sale, buy tge 5 year warranty for like 100 bucks. I recommend whirlpool, because LG has no repair infrastructure and can take awhile on parts. The other option is spend 1100 and get a speed queen, they are built to last longer and are nearly indestructible. They still can break, but it's much more rare.


I have a Speed Queen washer! Bought about two years ago and I love that thing.


What do you think of this whirlpool [dryer](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Whirlpool-7-0-cu-ft-240-Volt-White-Electric-vented-Dryer-with-AUTODRY-Drying-System-WED4950HW/304753183) and [washer](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Whirlpool-3-8-3-9-cu-ft-Top-Load-Washer-in-White-with-2-in-1-Removable-Agitator-WTW4957PW/326960013)? edit: will most likely order from Lowes, just had the links on hand from HD


Very common model, solid


I say Samsung I have had great experience with Samsung but I recommend the front loader


I'm on my third year of [this Samsung washer and matching dryer](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Samsung-High-Efficiency-Stackable-Front-Load-Washer-White-ENERGY-STAR/1002890950), (4.5 cu HE stackable front load) , no issues so far so I suppose it will be interesting to see how it goes based on all these comments. I have been happy so far.


My appliance techs always say to get Electrolux if you don’t splurge for the speed queen, fewest issues and fewest repairs.


I can't edit my post, but so far [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQcv1qsUhsGBHgPUep133ULSldiNsrdB_-3i4u24T_Xlwxx3m8N7adV0-94cViKqKlMmfWfjEouMBuT/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true) is a spreadsheet I've compiled right now of what we have been looking at. Lots of these are on deal right now due to Memorial Day so that's why we're buying right now! My family is looking at around $1-1.2k for a set but my boyfriend and I are willing to shell out more if it is better quality on top of that. Right now, based on feedback and research, we're looking into getting [this LG front loader](https://www.homedepot.com/p/LG-4-1-cu-ft-Top-Load-Washer-in-White-with-4-way-Agitator-NeveRust-Drum-SlamProof-Glass-Lid-and-True-Balance-WT6105CW/324433017) with this [top loader dryer](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.homedepot.com/p/LG-7-3-Cu-Ft-Vented-Electric-Dryer-in-White-with-Sensor-Dry-Technology-DLE6100W/324433081&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1716498583690262&usg=AOvVaw07cKpqKk0JXztDNC_VOyCb).


This is probably the best set with your budget. LG makes great laundry


Used SpeedQueen. Mechanical timer Prolly cost you the same and still last 2x as long


Never buy GE or any appliance from HD. Bad experience with their 3rd party delivery


Another vote for GE. Every appliance in my home (except for one) is GE, 10+ years old, and operates perfectly. Hat tip to our 40 year old Hot Point refrigerator in the garage. They don’t make them like that anymore!


I have a whirlpool washer that is 15 years old and runs flawlessly, and a very basic Amana dryer that is about 10 years old (they came with the house and we have the papers). Prior to that i had a Kenmore washer purchased new in 2000, and a GE dryer that I bought new in 1998, still going strong as of March when my old house was re-sold and they were still there in the listing photos. One thing I’ve learned is that simple is good.


I think we decided on a basic whirlpool set! Thank you for your input :)


Samsung has a terrible reputation with appliances. But I currently have a GE washer and dryer and hate them! I had LG at my old house and they were amazing.


Lg WT61 series is the best starter washer


I had the ge recently when I bought my condo the handyman we have said it was very light and feels so cheap when he was moving it out to replace it


Never ever, NEVER EVER buy a GE/Hotpoint top load washer. They are absolute garbage. Their gearcase WILL fail and you'll be stuck with an expensive repair or having to fuss at them and then wait for the warranty repair to install the same poorly designed part.


Can confirm, Hotpoint is not great. Ours is 15 years old but I really don’t like it. Basic af, but not in a good way. No delicate cycle, loud and has one basic function of scrub everything as harshly as possible. For a no frills and cheap washer, the Amana is pretty nice though. I don’t like the Amana dryer, but the washer is great.


Go with speed queen. The classic 5 series.


I've heard the Speed Queen is the most reliable. At 1300 bucks it better be.


As a South Korean, always LG. Perhaps their US department is different, but it's universally accepted here that LG appliance just don't fucking die. It's to the point where we discourage LG products because we'll never find the opportunity to upgrade.(It's been ten years and it still works)


I'm going to say, buy once cry once. If you guys have the budget or if you can even swing financing them, I'd look at Speed Queens. They are expensive but there is a reason, they last. All this new stuff is such poor quality, you'll end up replacing them in 5-10 years. Consider having your parents buy the washer and you guys pick up the dryer?


Speed Queen ✅


I've heard never Samsung. But my mother got a speed queen washer. It's a stout unit, if a tad utilitarian, but does an awesome job.


Both garbage, avoid like plague. GE and Samsung are far and away the worst manufacturers on the market Ntw4516fw0 or a base model LG like wt7005cw


LG top load wt6105cw is like $500.




If it involves any liquid (water or refrigerant), the last brand I would buy is Samsung.


i was told by a lowe’s associate to stay away from samsung as they are the most returned brand 😀


MVW4505MW and MED4500MW


Any reasons to go with Maytag? I’m pretty novice when it comes to different appliance brands!


Just took my 2.5 yr old Maytag to the dump. $700 to fix it. I bought the extended warranty thankfully. They have been out 5 times in the 2.5 years. We got our money back.


Maytag does not exist, the label is a reskin sold and manufactured by Whirlpool. Usually at a slight premium.


I would turn you away from any Whirlpool Brands if you came to my showroom. First off, go look at this set in person. If you look at the basket, there is no drainage. Customers complain that they either have to do extra spin cycles or else they end up in the dryer for hours, where the most damage happens to your fabrics. I would sell you one if you insist on purchasing it, though. Whirlpool pushes their brands (WP, MT, AMA, JA, and KA) by giving the best spiffs. There's a really high margin on these brands. So I would end up earning 10% commission plus about 20% in spiffs. However, every customer I have sold a WP Family Brand to has either had quality issues or service/repair issues. Eventually, they return the appliances and go with an LG, Samsung, or GE. If you can find some used SpeedQueen laundry within your price point, that is also a good choice. In all my years with this retailer, I have only had to deal with 2 SpeedQueen issues. In addition, if you have issues, Whirlpool will not cash you out. They will only give you prorated credit to purchase another WP Brand. The 10-year warranty on their Maytag lineup is a joke. You get a full one-year manufacturer warranty. The remaining 9 years are parts only and only for very specific parts. You are still required to pay for the service call and labor out of pocket. Back in my Sears and Montgomery Wards days, Whirlpool Brands were the goto. Since 2013, that's no longer the case. Older models purchased prior to 2006 were reliable and much better quality. Now, everything in the WP Family is crap except for their KitchenAid Dishwashers and their JennAir lineup. I used to like their base model Amana and Whirlpool washers, the only complaint was that they are as loud as a jetplane. However, last year they changed the design of the baskets to the same design on their larger capacity top loads. So I don't even recommend those anymore. It's so sad to see the quality of WP Family Brands decline.


Speed Queen


Expensive and they’re not that good anymore. If the motherboard goes out you’re looking at $300-400 replacement plus labor charge ($75-150).


Used SpeedQueen with the mechanical timer Dam Fed regs banned them.


I know. I had one. It lasted 7 years, heavy use with a family of six. The drum rusted out. I’ll never, ever use vinegar as a fabric softener in the rinse cycle nor make stupid homemade laundry detergent. I’ll just stick to powder and liquid tide detergent, just 1-3 tablespoons depending on the size and grime of the load.


Just send it it will work do your worst


Maytag or Whirlpool for laundry imho


On one hand, our Samsung dryer died after 16 months with a 12 month warranty. On the other hand, the experience taught me that almost anything inside it can be fixed with an afternoon, a screwdriver, and 12 bucks on Amazon. Turns out, one gets pretty resourceful when they quote you $250 to diagnose your practically new appliance... I'm just glad they didn't use any kind of funky proprietary screws or something.


Bought this washer and the matching dryer about 2 yrs ago and they’re great


I would not get either of those. Both are belt driven models, and depending on how often you use your washer, you're looking at 3-5 yrs before you need repairs. The higher end GEs and Samsung's that are direct drive models get much better feedback from my customers. I have a top load set of Samsung's in one of my properties, which is 11 yrs old now. I know they will need to be replaced soon. I'll probably replace them with Front Loads, though.


Stear clear of Samsung and LG.


If you have dogs or cats, I highly recommend the Maytag Pet Pro


Stay far far away from Samsung appliances..you've been warned.


Go for LG


Ge all the way


Modern top loaders suck. Go front load. And samsung makes the worst appliances. Straight from china. GE is Whirlpool made mostly in USA.


Miele. Expensive, but you’ll not regret it. But once and forget about it for at least for a decade.


I bought the Ge, make sure you buy the 5 years protection plan for the washer and dryer, I've used it 5 times at least in 5 years.


I have a GE washer and dryer and they both work ad expected, no issues.


Anything but Samsung


I’m the outlier here and have had trouble with every single LG appliance I’ve ever had (washers, dryers, and fridges). Switched to Samsung (because I didn’t know I shouldn’t) and they’ve been problem free and amazing. Currently have three Samsung fridges and two washers and two dryers. Because my partner manages vacation rental properties, the laundry machines in particular are running almost constantly. The LG’s weren’t able to handle a fraction of what these Samsungs have put up with. Rest of the house is Bosch and vintage okeefe and Merrit.


People shit on Samsung but I bought a used modern set and I replaced the suspension rods myself (very amateur DIY guy here) And it was worked wonderfully and not caused us any problems yet. But we have only had it for a year so far


Electrolux front load laundry in my opinion . Great value , great washing. Great overall units


'samsung chip failure' re. NVDA


Bells and whistles are your enemy, look for one with as little electrical engineering as possible.


No GE... It's our biggest return. Go with LG


Don’t buy Samsung unless you enjoy low quality and consistent breakdowns. I have owned three Samsung products and all of them had multiple issues. GE is in the middle of the pack as far as quality and price.


My new whirlpool washer I bought brand new in January exploded just this month. I am going with speed queen.


Oh no! What model of whirlpool did you have?


I have a Samsung induction range, fridge, and dishwasher and all 3 have been problem free. GE however does make the GAU-8 Avenger so that’s pretty neat


Samsung. GE is straight up African garbage.


Hard pass on Samsung. TVs are nice, but their appliances are a hot mess.


Why a top load? Front load is more efficient and gets clothes cleaner with less abrasion, and wear and tear on the fabric. Also can be stacked to save space. Check appliance discounters, and open box, or scratch and dent. Sometimes you can find great bargains.


Learning from a service tech recently for my GE over range microwave, he told me he learned in tech school that at the end of the day, no matter the brand, when you go under the hood, no matter the brand the parts are the same cheap plastic most likely manufactured in the same factory located in China. When I received 2 replacement parts he ordered, one box showed writing on one side as GE Repair Parts, China Mainland.


Whirlpool or Maytag are solid. Never a Samsung


LG crashed after a couple years. Local repairman suggested GE. Very happy with it


If you want to buy a washer once and have it forever, get a speed queen if you have the money




I know a lot kd people complain about Samsung but I've never had any problems. I love mine. If you decide to go with Samsung you can get 5% off by using this code at checkout: ref-q4e89g. The savings really help.


There are two options. A barebones Amana with less stuff to break and the whole thing can be replaced with another cheap Amana if there is a failure. Or SpeedQueen.


NEVER buy Samsung appliances. They are rated horribly for reliability and their warranty department / customer service is trash.


GE is cheaper to repair long term, and easier diy, but also samsung seem to break less from personal experience


Appliances = as few computer parts as possible. The more classic knobs the better. Fancy looking does not clean clothes. GE or whirlpool all the way.


SpeedQueen Add to their budget and buy once cry once


Stay away from GE.


Samsung is terrible. I have a $4k refrigerator that stopped making ice 6 months after I bought it. A class action lawsuit and 6 years later they did the bare minimum and I’ll never buy another one of their products in my life.


The transmission went in our GE washer a month out of warranty, the washer had been repaired twice before that. We kicked it to the curb and bought a Speed Queen.


Go with the samsung, i had a samsung toploader and had zero issues with it. In fact i have a GE now keep away from GE they are crap.


That seems to be the general consensus everywhere I looked! We’re looking at a Maytag another user mentioned, Samsung still, and possibly a whirlpool set!


I went to Lowe's to window shop for washers last week. The salesperson asked if we needed help. I said no thanks, just looking. She said, "OK, but just let me say: stay away from Samsung at all costs." It sounds fake as hell but actually happened in Murray, KY.


No Samsung is the actual worse


I never had a issue with my Samsung, my GE on the other hand two service calls and a replaced impeller.


I work with appliances, sell fix and install, the most problematic brand we have is Samsung, GE every now and then has an issue, but Samsung is the most cheaply made stuff out there


They can be good, but typically we don’t recommend them


In your experience, what would you recommend? Ive been looking at the speed queen tc5


Speed Queen is the best brand on the market, the only issue is that’s they’re expensive and have a smaller tub size, but they still have the metal drum like how washers and dryers used to be made, all other ones (from what I know) use plastic, but the still use the metal. And they should come with a 5-7 year warranty depending on the model. I would recommend the tr series it the tc series :)


Only buy the speed queen from an authorized dealer that also has its own in house repair person.


I do not like top load washers, but consider the brand in this order; LG>Whirlpool>Maytag>Speed Queen.


Stay Away From Samsung


I bought a GE set in December 2022 and had to have the heating element replaced in the dryer last month. Already.


After 2.5 GE appliances failed on us I vowed to never buy their products again. After 2-3 Samsung phones died after minimal use, I vowed to never buy their products either. I’ve only seen poor reviews regarding Samsung washers. Our 9 year old Maytag set has been dying lately so I decided to replace it with a LG top loader, and a Whirlpool dryer. Most people seem to agree that Maytag isn’t what they used to be. Hopefully this combo gives us another 9 years plus.


If I've learned ANYTHING from this place, it's that Samsung is N-O, and appliances from the 80s were built to outlive us all.


We had a samsung top load washer. It failed at about 5 years and overflowed causing water damage. When the techs came to look at it, the tub was almost rusted out. We bought a maytag to replace. On the flip side, we have a samsung refrigerator. No problems after about 12 years.


My appliance repairman said to purchase the most "basic" W/D you can find. They clean your clothes just as well as the high priced fancy models, but have less things to fail on them. I went with a Roper washer (per his recommendation) and haven't had any issues with it for almost 10 years. You can pick one up for under $500. Not sure if they make dryers but they are just rebranded Whirlpool appliances.


I had my ropers for 16 years before they died. Very basic models.


Found the renters.


Lol in my post I did say we were moving into our first apartment that actually has W/D hookups!


Everyone I know who ever bought a Samsung has said never again.


Never, ever Samsung. Yikes.