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Frigidaire does ship them like that as do other brands . You have a 1 year parts and labor warranty so any repair will be covered


Is it a side by side or French door? The Frigidaire ones always seem to need the fan adjusted in the back of the unit after transport. The fan ends us scraping on the case of the fridge. Should be fine after that is adjusted .


Thank you for letting me know, I thought I had a floor model or refurbished one.


You may have a floor model, I don’t think Best Buy does refurbished. If it’s open box it may have been returned. Shouldn’t affect warranty though. Read your receipt


This is Frigidaire's problem to fix. Go back to them and demand either a fix or they need to buy it back. See if you can tell where the noise is coming from. Hopefully it's just a fan.


I have been trying to get them to send tech to fix it, first Tech said sorry cannot fix it and I live in an area where Frigidaire doesn't’ have any other techs except 90 miles away and they only show up once a week if your lucky. I asked many times to have it simply replaced but they refuse, said not the policy to replace it… I feel stuck.


Their tech should have completed a service report and sent it back to Frigidaire. Once it is deemed unrepairable, Frigidaire will issue an RA back to Lowe's, with your original purchase price, allowing you to purchase another refrigerator. Usually, Frigidaire requires you to replace with only their brand product, but I have heard more recently that they have become more liberal with their RA process at Lowe's.


This is a good answer


What reason did the tech give? Start filing complaints on their Facebook page, with the BBB, and with the state. You can also contact the local news stations.


He said “I do not do condenser/compressor work on new appliances, Frigidaire doesn’t pay me enough to deal with it, the Freon etc…” and LEFT.


He did say he would do it if it was OUT OR WARRANTY…. Horrible company, scary guy too


Techs get paid less doing warranty work that’s why


I have seen people recommending that if you tag the company in a tweet you will get their attention.


Whoa, I replied elsewhere but I retract that. Go scream at Lowes until they return it. In store. Buy from a different store, preferably one that does service, at a minimum buy a brand that has service techs in your area… you absolutely do not want a brand that does not service your area


Certain models in Frigidaire (and some models in other brands to boot) do not ship in your traditional cardboard boxes -- rather, they will have foam pieces covered by a single layer of plastic that reaches all the way around and has printing on it, like this picture: [factory-wrapped](https://images.offerup.com/sseWJF_-TZhA4DtR10eZq3NeHSY=/756x1008/8d08/8d081f08eeeb4da9bba9a3fb1c243beb.jpg) If the refrigerator that arrived in your home looked like that, and was secured with the foam pieces and such, it was a new-in-box piece. If it looked like they just slapped saran wrap-style plastic on it (something like [this](https://cdn.apartmenttherapy.info/image/upload/v1584030383/at/real-estate/Fridge/9O4A3156.jpg) or similar), then it was almost certainly not new-in-box, and I would be rather irate as well in your shoes. If this is the case, your conflict is with Lowe's. Otherwise, if it looked like the first picture, your beef is with Frigidaire (albeit through Lowes). You can absolutely still get warranty service through Frigidaire, but if they don't have service in the area, you may have to be quite persistent and loud with your inquiries. Eventually, if you make enough of a stink to both them and Lowes' they will find a solution. It's not ideal, I know, but be polite, persistent, and consistent with your calls and seeking a satisfactory solution. It can be discouraging, but don't give up! You WILL eventually become enough of a thorn in their side (especially since you have a valid claim under warranty if it's not cooling properly) that they will have to do something about you. It's more difficult when you buy from a big-box store, but see if you can leverage your retailer against Frigidaire. I wish you the very best of luck navigating this situation -- it's a tricky one.


It’s more of a location/big box store problem. I know this doesn’t help you but if you had the same issue with the same model from Frigidaire but you bought it from an independent dealer less than an hour away your problem would be done and handled already.


lesson learned :(


Some of the smaller fridges come in plastic and foam. From the sounds of it you probably a pinhole freon leak.


That is how Frigidaire ships, most brands actually. Only GE has retained using cardboard boxes on all units. Some other brands have boxes on some models and not on others. You are past your return period but you still have a warranty, not the easiest remedy but you are not totally out of luck. Independent stores have much more flexibility with returns, especially places that also do factory service also, if you have one of those near you should shop there.


Isn't it still under warranty? I didn't have a good experience with Frigidaire. I purchased a top freezer Frigidaire model FFHT1814WW refrigerator Oct. 23, 2023. After five months, the freezer malfunctioned because of a leak. It took 10 days to get parts. Now I'm wondering how long this refrigerator will last. I am disappointed in the quality control


Yes it is under warranty, but Frigidaire had one local tech who refused to work on it and now I am stuck with tech 3 -4 hour drive (one way ) and only comes here once a week. nightmare..and they say it will take several trips to fix it.... since they might not have the part on the truck...such BS


Nope all new have boxes. If not boxed up, it is a returned item always tell them when you buy it at the store. You want to see it in the box if you’re not taking it. I have seen Lowe’s actually resell a condemned gas stove from Samsung after they took it back with no warranty on it telling customer they had warranty Customer lawsuit.


I just feel so stupid, never never again Lowes. and NEVER NEVER again Frigidaire. Maybe the company is going under IDK... :(


Nah, do a chargeback and get your money back,