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Watch this video, but our Speed Queen DD7 front loads are now past 10 years with no problems. All metal parts, no plastic internal drum to fail. https://youtu.be/jmtLeB4ZplU?si=5YnW-hNI_3GtcE81


I sold an expensive front load speed queen stack to somebody four years ago and they have already replaced two expensive boards.


Super expensive with smaller capacity....


But reliable, at be least in my experience. I’d rather pay more up front for a washer and dryer that lasts 10, 15, 20 years than one I’m replacing in two years because the soap dispenser leaks onto the circuit board. It’s been a number of years, so things may have changed a lot, but SQ commercial appliances were my favorite W/Ds to work on when I was a service tech. More reliable and easier to work on than any of the competitors.


Our TC5 will do a load 15-30 minutes quicker that the year old Maytag we dumped because it was always getting out of balance. Have to wait on the dryer though 😂.


I just got an LG 6500hba(?) washer. So far so good but it’s only been a few weeks so that’s not proof of much. I’ve noticed this time around that 1 year warranties seem to be the standard now which I interpret as the manufacturer expecting shit not to last significantly longer than a year or two before something is needed. I expect a a few years without much trouble, maybe a semi-major expense within 3-5 years, and probably replacement after 5-10 years. Maybe I’ll be surprised one way or another… Appliances seem to suck now and I’ve adjusted my expectations and spending accordingly. Certainly never dropping $3k on a fridge again.


It is unreal how low quality these products are now. They are expensive, large, hard to move, and in the case of a refrigerator or freezer will destroy hundreds of dollars worth of food when they break down. I perceive that companies have stopped spending enough on quality control. So they incorporate components that break well before the expected lifespan of the same product with all high quality components. And as a consumer it's just a gamble on buying one. I'm not sure what else to do besides play "new appliance roulette" and then if you have one that lasts more than a few years do everything possible to keep it running. I'm willing and able to make extensive and complex repairs. But sometimes diagnosis is extremely difficult. And often parts (like electronics control boards) are a substantial portion of a new appliance. So it's very hard to justify parts replacement if I'm not 100% sure what part is at fault. In terms of washers the internet/consumer reports consensus is LG is the most reliable normal consumer brand. Speed queen is supposedly even better. I recently got a whirlpool front loader when my old washer died. I chose whirlpool because a local repairman recommended it. I'll see how that goes.


Weve had the bottom of the line LG pair for over 1 year and so far so goo. Just remember to leave the washer door open when not in use no matter what brand you get. Also read the manual to know all the maintenance required.


yeah, idiots complain when they have mold and mildew which is completely on them for their lack of care. Are they looking for washers that defy the laws of physics and nature?


Discounts just increased for the LG WashCombo. It'll take some adjustment to get used to how the heat pump drying works instead of baking clothes, but I believe with discounts the price is now just under $2k which may actually make it cheaper than some sets. Definitely cheaper over time if you factor in the lifestyle enhancement of being able to put a load of clothes in before going to bed and waking up to them being dry. Washer maintenence review suggested the extended warranty because the heat pump is a new design, but the washer system is proven technology with LG's ten year warranty on the motor. Also suggested a pedestal because of the location of the filters that need changed. It additionally sprays jets into the clothes which is an enhancement to cleaning over them just rubbing against each other.


I've had an LG all in one (not the heat pump version) for five years and it rules. Sure, it takes three hours to wash and dry a load of bedsheets but who cares? I can throw in a load of laundry and come back to it in three hours, three days or whenever I remember. The concept of laundry day doesn't exist in my house anymore, it's literally whenever you remember just pop a load in and come back to it when you remember again. And there's no lint trap or dryer vent to maintain (only the same pump filter as any front load) and it's not constantly exhausting conditioned air out of my house when it's operating. It just condenses the water from the clothes and sends it down the drain. It also only needs a 120v plug (hence the longer dry time, it's working with half the electricity) and consequently runs on a lower temperature so it doesn't cook the clothes as much as a conventional dryer. ALSO since you're regularly completely drying it out, it doesn't have the mold problems that most front loaders do.


My wife has ADHD and we figure the longer drying time really isn't going to be an issue because we both wind up forgetting to switch clothes for about that long anyway


This is exactly what happens to us!


Does it dry well?


Of course. It takes its time, but everything is always dry when I go to grab it.  If you aren’t like me 99% of the time and go get the clothes as soon as it beeps they might feel a tiny bit damp but that last 1% of moisture will evaporate pretty much straight away.  We had a smaller European/dishwasher sized all in one prior to the normal-sized one that we have now and that one would sometimes end up with a ball of damp stuff in the middle but it was a VERY small drum. Less than half the size of a normal dryer.  That doesn’t happen with the normal-sized all in one that we have now. 


We picked up the WashCombo for a bit under $2000 from Lowes last month. It has been good so far; we had an issue where the filter housing broke and got stuck in the machine, but LG said it was a known issue and immediately shipped us a new filter housing that fixed the problem. I was surprised by how good their customer support is - they gave us a direct number to text for updates and any queries in the future.


I have a GE combo and we absolutely love it. The one thing to be aware of is the lint trap design flaw which is easily fixable with a little epoxy glue and some weathering strips from a hardware store. I don't think we could ever go back to a two machine set up after this. Doing multiple loads of laundry in a day or a load of laundry at night is a piece of cake.


I just bought the GE combo and I’m glad to hear you love yours.


It's probably one of my favorite household gadgets lol. Couple of quick tips before you give it a lot of use: 1. Modify the lint trap before you use it too much and it'll save you from most of the problems people have with it. I'd be more than happy to walk you through how and what things to grab from lowes/HD if you have any around. 2. Don't use the "sense dry" feature on things like pillows, bulky bedding, and dog beds. Just set it to dry for a specified amount of time otherwise it spends a fucking eternity trying to "sense" how much for time your pillows and other bulky items need. We haven't had issues with the "sense dry" feature for anything else though.


Yes please tell me how to modify. We haven’t used it at all yet, our contractors are finishing up the post-house fire rebuild so we won’t be moving in for a few days yet


Cool beans, I'll DM you a video waking you through it plus a couple of links for the supplies. Congrats on the rebuild!


Do you mind sending that to me as well? Literally just got mine today as well


I’ve had this machine for about three months now and it’s awesome. It’s just me doing laundry so I don’t have back to back loads like some families do, so you would lose time not being able to start a new wash while the first load is drying, but overall time from starting the wash to the clothes being dry is about the same as a normal washer and dryer. However, when I lived with my married friends who had two kids more often than not. A load would finish in the wash and then sit there for hours or even days sometimes. So having the was automatically dry would have saved them a lot of time. My recommendation for families would be to get this machine and use it as the primary washer and dryer, but also have another dryer for when multiple loads need to go back to back. Start a load in the washer, but also set it to start drying, so even if you take 15 minutes to put it in the other dryer, that’s 15 minutes the clothes have already spent drying. On top of that, you never have to worry about clothes being left wet in the wash. The other benefit of this machine is the liquid detergent reservoirs. If you don’t use fabric softener you can convert that tank into detergent and then you have about a half gallon tank full of detergent so you don’t have to put it in for every load.


The detergent reservoir was one of the reasons we went with the 5700 which also has it.


We’re doing the WashCombo plus another dryer too. I also have a Sidekick I need to get set up under the WashCombo so we can have the ultimate setup.


I bought an LG washer/dryer all-in-one combo back in 2020 and have already had to replace the water pump three times and the motherboard twice. Replacing the drain pump is a major undertaking and replacing the motherboard is expensive, roughly $500. I'll never buy LG again. edit: drain pump


LG, speedqueen Everything else is kinda ass. The duet was a solid machine for years but whirlpool had done everything in its power to ruin their product. Whirlpool can get fucked for removing the drain access panel from many models. I no longer recommend them


We had the duet in our house & saw how bad the newer versions were and went with LG here


EDITED TO ADD: The drain access on the front was great, now with the newer Duets you have to take the cover damn near all the way off to get to the drain. /endEDIT I just took apart my Duet’s door latch because it wasn’t registering the door closing, couldn’t find anything out of place, so I put it back together and put it back on and it’s working again. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Second time that’s happened where I took something off, looked at it, put it back and now it’s working. We also had to replace the pump, but we’re a dog friendly house with small children so I’m not surprised the pump got clogged and burned out. It does creep me out that the lights and LED stay on for a minute after you unplug it, though.


I have a 16yo LG and have only replaced the drain pump at year 12. Best machine we’ve ever had. 4 years ago we switched to an aqueous ozone generator instead of using detergent and the inside is pristine.


I have to imagine that’s extremely hard on the seals and gasket. I’d be concerned about accelerating the breakdown of rubber components that in my case are probably already being degraded faster than usual by our extremely hard water.


Everything already has to be resistant to phosphate detergent and chlorine which is a much stronger oxidizer. Everything is butyl rubber or other resistant rubbers. Hard water is tough to use with ozone though.


Speak more of the aqueous ozone generator please.


Checkout o3waterworks. Basically it’s how the military and large industrial places launder. As long as your tap water isn’t too hot it works great. You use the coldest water available and nothing else. It’s awesome at getting rid of smells and organic stains (grass, wine, food). For other stains sometimes I need to add a tablespoon or two of detergent. It seems to not break down the fibers in clothes and lines as much because I have very little drier lint compared to detergent.


Interesting; thank you. Off to Google!


> an aqueous ozone generator instead of using detergent I kind of wish I had good enough water to use something like that, BUT I ended up with a good water softener (yikes, $1700 to install with permits at all, demand-generating, Enpress tank, Clack valve, serviceable and reputable parts - should last forever with minor maintenance) and that keeps all sinks and toilets clean too, and makes car washing a breeze, plus I need very little detergent AND the washer is spotless. What condition was your water in and how many PPM is your generator? I'm assuming it's only used for the water to the washer and not any other sink/tap?


I have Electrolux and I absolutely love them.


Me too! 600 series


yep, we got a 10y/o electrolux as a hand-me-down and we've had it for about 4yrs and it's great, I can't speak to the new ones but ours is wonderful.


Mine is older. I had it since 2008. It’s the front loader with the pedastool on the bottom. I only had to fix it once since then.


I went from Speed Queens to LG and I still don't understand the fetish obsession with Speed Queens especially on here. They don't clean as good as LGs like not even remotely close, especially with all the features on LG, pain in the ass with their sizes doing anything thick like blankets or comforters, had some mechanic/QC issues. Oh and Speed Queen wrecked some delicates of hers, a couple times which was last straw. Dog beds and towels clean and hold up way better in LG. Certain LG things I wouldn't do, ahem fridges, but their Washer and Dryers are excellent. I have Miele units at the other place the last owners installed, and I still love the LG Washers and Dryers. So spacious, efficient, and work amazing wether delicates or heavy stuff. Even steam setting is great and makes a big difference depending on what material/clothing doing. So for me LG and Miele are solid, but the Mieles are way smaller on capacity (it's at a condo), LG just flat out has better and large capacities. Mother has 2 LG Washers and 2 Dryers and no issues, sister has LG Washer and Dryer at their house and same. Their LG fridge the ice maker still doesn't work otoh lol. Friends got rid of their Speed Queen setup 2 years ago as well.


My wife and I bitch constantly about our TR7. It doesn't clean worth a shit. Fabric softener is often left around the top of the inner tub. It's as if the final spin speed dispenses the softener rather than the wash spin. That's with a 50/50 water/softener mix. In a nutshell, it's a 3.2 cuft soak tub. I work construction and I never have once felt like my clothes are cleaner than my old whirlpool with a spiral agitator. It was noisy, sure but that thing cleaned great. What's the point of high efficiency if everything has to be washed on warm or hot for extended cycles, and possibly re-rinsed because softener is still on clothes? Actively looking for a replacement and probably heading towards an LG front load. Or an old washer from 15-20 years ago. I'm sure the TR7 will last a long time, mainly because I hate that piece of shit. I honestly don't think I'll ever buy another speed queen. But I really do appreciate the fact that it's made in the US. I just wish it was a better washer. Maybe I have a lemon.


No our Speed Queens sucked and was glad to get rid of them, and friends had Speed Queen (don't remember which exact model) and they too were glad to get rid of them after falling for the "Speed Queen Hype". LG runs circles around SQ, clothes, delicates, towels/comforters, dog beds, whatever. But there is a cultish sex level fetish obsession with them on here for some reason lol. I have a buddy whom owns a very large appliance service biz here and Speed Queens keep them busy along with others. Our Mieles are great too but they're way smaller like SQ than our LGs which washer and dryer are huge lol. I think some of LGs other stuff is crappy like their fridges, but the one thing they exell on is Washers and Dryers no doubt.


Reliability is hard to get a grip on. Manufacturers change models too rapidly for there to be good data on any one model. Whatever the case, there's always going to be failures. Nothing lasts forever, and sometimes defects get past the factory and cause problems for the consumer. Warranties are always "limited", parts become rare, and appliance repair places are apt to give you F-U quotes-- not because they're bad people but because there's so many unknown unknowns that could drastically impact the cost of the repair in terms of labor or parts availability. For those of us who are willing to do repairs, I think it would be useful to have reviews that tear down appliance models and critique them for reparability and longevity. None of this stuff is rocket-science. It is totally possible to make a washer that will last for decades, but there's always trade-offs. You could drop 5K+ on a commercial unit, of course, but would you really want that? I have had three front load Samsung washers in 24 years: 1) 13 years, no problems, sold house with washer in it. 2) 14 years, Inherited 7-year-old Samsung from mother, repaired leaky Ag+ module after 4 years, and it succumbed to a control PCB failure after another 3 (14 years total). No replacement available, so had to junk it. 3) 3 years, got another Samsung. Last month, counterweight got loose because of an overtightened bolt (it sheared clean off), the counterweight eventually broke in half and put a hole in the outer tub and tore the boot. I spent too much money and effort to fix it myself, but it now works fine. If you don't do your own repairs, I would recommend buying from a local appliance vendor that will do warranty work AND ALSO do repairs. The model, IMHO, doesn't make that much difference unless you are getting a very expensive commercial unit.


This. Yes to teardown reviews. Our Mexican-made Electrolux FRFW3700L from 12/11 was their cheap model, but it is uncomplicated and pretty easy to get into and fix. (We bought it because it didn't look like a giant spaceship; the fact that it was inexpensive and repairable was a bonus.) At this point I've put in 2 new door switches, a new door seal, and a control board. (When I changed the control board I also did the drive belt "just in case" because I had gone through all the trouble to get in there.) That sounds bad, but those are just a few hiccups over 13 years. We keep talking about getting a more up-to-date machine but every time something breaks it seems easier (and certainly cheaper) to just fix it.


> You could drop 5K+ on a commercial unit One point that a lot of people forget is that the commercial units work more, but they also often have better water quality, which makes a huge difference in longevity and efficiency. A commercial unit in South Texas with untreated water will still experience issues.


Yep, and they ALSO have problems and need repair... but then they're usually maintained by trained pros who know them inside-out and who have easy and reliable access to spare/refurbed parts.


Miele, speed queen, Electrolux


I have an Electrolux and I hate it. No soak feature, uses so little water, it feels like the clothes don’t get clean. Whites are so dingy. I use very little soap and the extra rinse feature, but it doesn’t really help. No issues with repairs (haven’t needed any), but I’d give anything to have my old Bosch set (we sold our old place and moved, so I had to buy a new set).


Echoing this. Electrolux sucks, and is LITERALLY impossible to clean. The gasket *cannot* be fully accessed and it’ll just sit there collecting mold on the underside until you replace it again.


That seal is a PROBLEM. I bought the electrolux set with the house we're in. It took the better part of a day (!!) to clean out the gunk left in the grooves of that seal by the previous owner. I wipe it out the best I can weekly and run a sanitize cycle with an Affresh tablet at least biweekly. And the damned thing still leaks.


Thank. You. This is so damn validating lol. Shit, I guess I will try running a sanitize cycle (rather than cleaning cycle, good idea) with Afresh more frequently but yeah, there is truly no way to fully stay on top of this MFer. And YEAH—while you’re twisting and yanking the gasket to oblivion trying to clean the parts that are unreachable and bruising all of your fingers to do so, you can easily cause the stupid thing to leak. Fun fun! I’m about to go full on Office Space on ours. 📠🔨🪓


I hear you. Ours are from 2016 and I just want to get another year or two out of them while I spend this year’s paychecks solving more urgent problems. The Electrolux units are irritating but they do work. The dryer is a problem. It’s paint-mixer loud for no real reason. We tore it apart, checked the bearings… it just rattles like a chain smoker’s lungs for fun I suppose.


Come to think of it, the dryer is pretty damn loud too! And I can’t quite remember when we bought this set, but I’m guessing no earlier than 2018? And they do work okay-ish, like decently well but nothing to write home about. Even though it was supposed to be a higher-end set at the time. Here’s to getting the machines of our dreams once these damn things are finally retired from our laundry rooms.


Hmm, we never had any of these issues with our Electrolux set from the beginning of the pandemic. Clean as a whistle, no mold, all I had to do was run the tub cleaning once a month. It’s true they don’t use much water but that’s normal for front loaders. It’s a myth you need a lot of water and detergent.


Glad to hear it. I wonder if the machines I wound up with will eventually work better once I finally get the crud residue out of its system


I have two Electrolux washers and both do an excellent job cleaning. I’ve owned an LG and it did not clean as well. The matching Electrolux dryer has been fine. A through wash cycle can take approximately 44-60 minutes and drying can take up to an hour.on the con side you must use the clean machine cycle as recommended and leave the washer door ajar, with the included door feature, to keep the washer gasket mold free and to eliminate any buildup that could eventually cause draining issues.


Interesting! The shortest cycle on mine is 67 minutes, not including the extra rinse. I always leave the door open and wipe down the gasket. Any other tips or tricks you may have?


There is actually a 15 minute quick wash cycle but I almost always use a normal cycle. I am actually working on putting together a few YouTube videos with lessons learned, some basic repairs anyone can do and I am going to try to get official Electrolux answers for some questions and procedures. I will post a link when it is ready. Bottom line from my inside examinations and user look at LG and Electrolux front loaders I am an Electrolux customer. Two quick and important tips to make your machine operate optimally. 1. Don’t overload - no more than 3/4 full 2. Don’t overuse detergent and minimize use of liquid fabric softener.


1. Don’t overload - no more than 3/4 full  correct - this is why measuring a washer by the CF capacity of the drum is meaningless. Miele rates their machine in terms of pounds of laundry they can process.


Do you know if you can clean the filter in the washing machine? I found a YouTube video about how to access the filter, but it’s inside the machine and you have to take most of the machine apart. It doesn’t make sense that you can access the filter any other way.


I’ve done it, opened the machine, drained the excess water out of the hose, removed the coin filter and hose and cleaned them. I referenced a howto from YouTube, the correct tools, patience, and photos so that I could put it all back together after cleaning. If I had regularly used clean washer cycle and a cleaner like afresh it likely would not have been needed. File under lessons learned.


I have 2 mieles a pw6065 " little giant" and a W1, and a set of Electrolux 800 series? It's a fine washer but not the equivalent to the mieles - it does however have a heater which the speed queen does not. As long as you run the sanitize heater every once it kill any mold or gunk buildup. Maybe the lower end models without heaters have a buildup problem like the LG's and samsungs?


When I was ready to buy a new washer and dryer like you I couldn’t find any obvious choices at any price point. So I asked two people I know that have way too much money and aren’t afraid to spend it. One basically said he buys a new top of the line LG set every few years. That’s what we already had and we wanted to get out of the front-loader business because it just seemed to get dirty. His solution was to have his cleaning people follow some wild cleaning ritual pretty often and then just get rid of them every few years even if they were working fine. Then I asked a friend and she had recent purchased Electrolux ones for like $2500 each. But despite the cost a couple years later the washer still broke and she had a hard time finding someone to repair it so she was displeased to say the least. So she arrived at the same conclusion I did. Just but the cheapest ones you can live with and just assume you’ll be replacing them every few years. So I bought a higher level Samsung and so far so good but it’s only been a year or two. I’ll just replace them whenever something goes wrong and I won’t look back. Sure it’s BS but the sooner you just acknowledge that they are all crap the better off you’ll be.


My Samsung has been going strong for 4 years


I have fairly low expectations so anything over 5 years and I’ll be happy for my Samsungs.


Our Samsung washer lasted almost 10yrs before it started having issues on spin cycle. It still runs if we wash very light loads that dont get unbalanced inside but Im not mad tht it worked fine for 9yrs.


I first shop refurbished from established repairmen. No need to drop massive amounts of money on unreliable new models .


LG just died after only 3 years. No power whatsoever even after replacing the sound dampening motor fuse and the motherboard. Also when it worked it would overflow water with certain items. I am trying GE . Time will tell


My GE barely made it 3 years. I bought a speed queen and I love it.


whoever worked on that probably didn't know shit. You can take a multimeter and measure the current at different points to see where the issue is likely and even put jumpers on the motherboard to test. It's more of a problem that people cannot troubleshoot shit these days and just want to start replacing things instead.








Miele is great if you have the budget for it. They are incredibly efficient, have among the best cleaning abilities out there, and are very gentle on your clothes. However, they're Euro-style, meaning they have roughly half the capacity of standard US models, while costing the same as a higher-end LG unit. That said, Miele claims to build their machines to last 20 years, versus the 10 years claimed by most other mfgs. You also have to make sure there are service technicians available in your area in the off chance that you need them.


I disagree with the capacity and cost part of this They are way more costly than the high end LG. The size of the drum doesn't actually dictate how many pounds the machine can clean. With 18LB-19LB of capacity the Miele holds it own with the 4.5 and 5CF units that are often rated to process less. There is no measurement for a machines ability to balance a load, but the Miele wins here too.


I suppose it depends on the way you look at it. I was comparing an LG heat pump WashTower, which was around $3,100 at the time? Ended up buying mid-tier Miele washer & dryer for about $1,700 each. So itʻs not a huge difference at regular price, at least when I was looking. In terms of weight capacity, I agree. However, volume can have an impact on what you can and cannot wash at times, and this does matter to some people more than others. Agree on balance ability of Miele, which is critical since they spin faster than anything else out there.


I have a Miele, the 1600 RPM spin speed seems impressive, but it is a smaller drum so physically it’s not actually exerting anymore G force towards extracting the clothes than a larger drum spinning at say 1300 RPM. They are roughly equal.


I'm unfortunate such that I need to visit a Laundromat. Those machines seem to be fucking banger. Large, fast, simple to repair (always fixed next time I show up). Where could I get one of those?


GE ultra fresh.. with smart dispense. The best


My front load lg is 13 yrs old no repairs




Lg over Electrolux. Electrolux is a good brand however you can’t easily clean the drain filter. On an lg it’s accessible from the front. Electrolux outs there inside the drain hose under the machine. Not an easy job or DIY for most


I have both Electrolux and LG washers and have a perspective on your comments. Head to head the Electrolux cleans clothes better. Your comment on the absence of an EASILY ACCESSIBLE drain hose/coin filter is spot on. Acknowledging that, proper operation/preventative care can avoid that access being needed. Use the clean washer cycle as recommended and leave the washer door slightly ajar using the included feature to avoid mold on the washer gasket. FYI I have been inside the washers and the Electrolux is relatively easy to work on if you are handy, have a standard set of hand tools, and refer to the many helpful YouTube tutorials.


GE front loaders SUCK


Our LG was a complete piece of crap. Many problems over 9 years of ownership.


LG. 7 years. No problem.


I gave top loader GE washer and side Kenmore. Both are well over 20 years. I have replaced heating element in dryer once.


I am on year 8 with my Whirlpool front loader and have had no problem. I actually love how clean the clothes get and how spun dry they are reducing drying time.


LG 9 years. So far so good


Our front loader Bosch pair is over 12 years old. Love it!!!


Ditto. 18 years on mine. Just replaced the rubber door seal on washer last week but otherwise everything still running smooth. Same for dryer, only had to replace heating element 2 years ago (affordable & easy to do myself) and it’s still going strong as well. Been well worth the extra $ for them.


I had LG front loaders before and the last washer died after just a few years. We changed to a Miele W1 / T1 and absolutely love it. Amazing relative to the LG. We chose to not get the model with TwinDos automatic dispensing as it seems that many of the issues people experience are with that clogging. Also, I prefer powder detergent so the TwinDos didn’t really interest me.


Hi there. Do you need something energy-efficient, quiet, or with a large capacity? Electrolux and LG are both solid choices. You'll find mixed reviews for both, but that's true for almost any brand. It's often about personal experience and specific issues. Have you considered an [all-in-one washer/dryer](https://queencityonline.com/blog/ge-profile-vs-lg-all-in-one-laundry)? GE and LG have really great ones and they're both pretty innovative. Speed Queen, Bosch, and Miele are pricier but a lot of customers think it's worth the investment. Also, make sure your extended warranty covers both parts and labor.


LG is crap. Samsung is crap…lots of brands are crap. I’ve owned far too many washer dryer units over the years, and I’m convinced that Speed Queen will be my next unit. They are expensive, but repair people say they hardly have to fix them. That’s good enough for me.


There’s a GE all in one that doesn’t require outside venting and only a regular wall plug. I’d get that instead of two machines…


I had one of those but it's annoying that you can't wash a second load while it's drying.


Just get an LG with turbowash.


I always hear good things about Bosch from repairmen. We’ve had Blomberg units for years now without issue. We like that they’re just front loading, stackable units without any “smart” complications.


Check out Whirlpool. Made in USA and reliable


Just bought a speed queen TR5. Very happy with it. Feels like it will last forever


Yes, I got mine a couple days before Christmas last year and it’s a dream.




I've had my LG since 2011. No problems.


Speedqueen is where it's at. You pay more but they will last longer.


I'm looking at the Speed Queens now.I love everything that I am reading, except I'm concerned about the capacity and also I can't determine if the front loader is a high efficiency machine. Do you find yourself limited with the 3.2 cu. ft. capacity? I currently use a Maytag Bravos XL -- high efficiency with an extra large tub. I love everything about it--except it has needed repairs often. Time to separate ways!


We have a top load, and I wouldn't go back to front load to because of issues with seals that I've seen. The top load just works better, IMHO. We have, I believe, a TR7, we would've rather had a tr5 tonreduce the amount of electronics and dumb it all down. That being said, we've had no issues with it and haven't felt limited by the capacity.


I am an appliance dealer in Boston. We also completed 37,000 service calls plus last year. Let me guess your shopping experience. Independents love Electrolux and Speed Queen because they feel protected from the Home Centers For all those who love combos (myself included). Nobody knows if they can remove the lint over time and what that might look like over 5 years...so be careful. LG is the most reliable statistically speaking. I like their new heat pump dryers which will save real money. For the SQ fans out there, I love the company and would love to sell a top load/front load set for 40% more, but the reliability numbers don't pan out versus the expectation of longer life. Following are numbers based on sales versus service in the first year [https://blog.yaleappliance.com/most-reliable-front-load-washers](https://blog.yaleappliance.com/most-reliable-front-load-washers) Good luck doesn't look like they accept links but its the Yale blog


I went from a GE HE top load washer to a speed queen top load... Before we had to use the additional smell seed things because the clothes didn't smell clean. After, we no longer have to use them as our clothes actually smell clean. I understand the well meaning of a high efficiency washer, but it seems like the clothes just aren't clean? It just seems that the whole market for the smell seed things is trying to make up for the fact that the clothes don't get clean!


If you e had your appliance more than 10 years it doesn’t count as a suggestion lol. I swear things have gotten worse and even reliable brands are crapping out on newer models. My mom’s had her LG for 10 years… our neighbors lasted 2 and stopped. Our first house had 15-20 year old Maytag… still working.. our rentals died after 4 We have top load Samsung washer front lost dryer… been e years… amazing… so many threads here talk about how much they suck. I swear it’s luck of the draw


We went through the same quest you are on a few months ago. We ended up with LG WM5700 washer, DLEX5500 & WD300 pedestal washer (which I am madly in love with) & a plain pedestal. House came with unmatching Samsung top loaders. We sold them on Marketplace. We had sold our house with Whirlpool front loaders on pedestal drawers and loved them, but Whirlpool sounds like they have declined since we bought those. Rented for a few months with a GE top loader and hated it. Left funky residue all over the clothes no matter how much I cleaned it. Also can’t put anything on top and hated the ergonomics of it. LG had a pedestal bundle when we purchased, so we got the pedestals for free. I can’t say how long they will last, but so far, I love them. Was leery about WiFi enabled devices, but it’s useful for the laundry. We set up a separate WiFi SSID for the appliances. I get a notification when the cycle is done and even a naggy reminder when I don’t take the wet clothes out. I thought I’d hate it, but it’s been more helpful than I expected. This model washer has ezdispense (5500 doesn’t), so you can add a bunch of detergent and it dispenses it as it needs it. You can use the softener reservoir as a second dispenser (which we do). The pedestal washer is great for me. Great for my bras & undies, great for washing a few things. I use it all the time. Spill something on a favorite shirt, can wash it solo without guilt. I leave the washers open when not using them, a habit from my whirlpool front loader. Never had a problem with mold. We also looked at the all in one, especially appealing as there are just 2 of us most of the time now and we would have used the space for a utility sink. The lint issue was worrisome to us. But it had a lot of appeal. Also looked at the tower, but the dryer seemed a bit high and the washer too low.


I’ve only ever bought Whirlpool washer/dryers. I’ve never had any problems with them. I’ve had 2 sets that lasted about 35 years altogether.


Honesty, Miele!! I have owned and tried everything out there. Miele only has one goal, perfection! The clothes come out perfect every time and my oldest set is 25 years old with daily use. I have never once had any of them repaired. They just do their job and do it perfectly. Miele’s motto is “Immer Besser,” which means “Forever Better,” I believe it at this point. I always say, there is only one thing I can count on, and it’s Miele!


Never used a Miele washer but we have their dishwasher and it is hands down the best dishwasher I have ever used. The brand is expensive but known for its longevity.


Ask any appliance repairman or counter person. They will say Speed Queen has the fewest problems by far and the best to work on. Check the forums…people have had their machines for 10-25 years with minimal issues.


Get one with automatic detergent dispensing. I got that a few months ago and never want anything else again. Why isn't this a standard feature anyway? Just out stuff in the machine, close the door and press a single button. Thats all. It's wonderful.


We bought a Speed Queen TR7 2 months ago and we are soooo impressed with our new washer. It handles our big comforter easily compared to our old Maytag Neptune which tore it two places. It’s our best purchase ever! Getting a washer that lasts 25 years for less cost than my iPhone 14 ProMax which will probably need to be replaced in 2 years.


I've had my front load LG washer and dryer for almost four years, no issues. I had an Electrolux dishwasher, it was awful. Didn't clean.


Unfortunately all the brands have issues because of quality control and cheap parts worldwide. If you’re on a budget m, stay within your budget and write down the cycles you absolutely must have. For the most part m, entry level models seem to last longer because they don’t have Wi-Fi connection nor expensive/fancy motherboards and features that can go bad in the near future. One suggestion is to plug the appliances into a power strip and plug that into a power surge protector. Turn off machine at the power strip when not in use. This helps if you have lightning and power outages in your area. LG‘s entry-level front loaders seem to have good reviews but some people have also got gotten lemons. Stay within your budget and stick to basic.


I got LG 5500HVA and the dryer that goes with it. Absolutely love them.


Ck out Yale Appliance in Boston They have buyers guide and video comparisons of brands vs each other Also large vendor and do their own reliability ratings based on their service calls


GE GFW650-series washer with the Ultrafresh Vent. I've had it for 3.5 years now. No repairs, no major issues, and no moldy door seals. My only tiny gripe is that I wish it used a little bit more water than it does, but the clothes still get clean. I always do an extra rinse for every load. They are on sale right now, or the prices have come down significantly. I just did a search and the washer is about $800. We paid at least $300 more than that in late 2020.


Why front load not top load? Just curious.


From what I’ve heard they tend to clean better and/or be gentler on clothes. Also, I’d like to have the option to stack them so I can keep them if I ever move into an appartement than only take stacked models, although that’s unlikely.


I'm really happy with my Speed Queen washer & dryer I bought a few years ago. They're not as well known, but they have a good record for reliablilty and lasting a long time. They're tough and well made, but one of my biggest bonuses is that there's no need to purchase parts through an authorized repair technician (Looking at you, LG). You can order replacement parts right from the vendor.


My LG ones have been going strong for over 12 years now. One broken belt on the dryer when I put in just shoes so it was heavily unbalanced, but that was an easy fix.


Bought an LG set 10 years ago. Still doing great.


Why would you go to Reddit for random recs? There are plenty of relatively reputable reviewers like Consumer Reports etc. Check out the reviews from several sites and see which ones pop to the top consistently.


Front load washers are crap. Period. I sold appliance parts for a year, and no matter the brand, they all have their issues. Most common repairs are door gaskets, drain pumps, computer boards, and tub balancing shocks. LG drain pumps had a very high failure rate. If you do go with the front loader, make sure to leave the door ajar when not in use to save the gasket. Hopefully, you are lucky and get one that doesn't have failure issues.


Whatever you decide stay far away from anything Samsung.... crap crap crap good luck


Electrolux is garbage now. For mid range I’d go LG or Bosch. Miele is great but expensive repairs. Speed Queen is industrial quality but expensive. I’m in appliance repairs and I’ve got a Miele washer and a Fisher & Paykel dryer (and a Bosch dishwasher). My boss has a Miele washer and dryer and a Bosch dishwasher.


My wife and I have a 9 year old LG set. Top load washer with the "flat" agitator plate in the bottom. Dryer is pretty standard. We've been happy with it. Heavier loads like denim, sheets, or towels will sometimes migrate to one side of the washer drum during the rinse cycle. The balance of the drum gets messed up and it makes the washer angry. The washer will attempt to fix itself by filling with water with a low spin to re-balance the load. It will do this 3 times. If it's unsuccessful, it will drain the water and give an error code on the display. If we're home when this happens (we usually are), we can hear the drum bouncing off the dampeners inside the washer body. We briefly pause the cycle and just have to balance the load a little bit and it's fine from there. Absolutely zero maintenance issues with it.


Get a modern top load washer instead.


I’ve had Samsung for close to ten years never a single issue.


Fuck washers! buy one from like 1980 or 1970s the older the better


Never buy an LG home appliance - they are JUNK. Great TVs, crappy appliances! As for front-loaders in general, just realize they're more problematic than traditional top-loaders. BIL had his own appliance-repair biz for 30+ yrs and handed it over to my nephew a few years ago. They've gotten better, but they are generally know to go through bearings that the drums sit on. If you find a repair person who's smart enough to identify the bearings by size, etc; and purchas them from someone who sells bearings - the repair can be reasonable. But most repair places are going to buy the bearings as a kit from the manufacturer or other appliance part supplier and they are a lot more exensive. Unfortunately, the days of appliances lasting 20+ yrs are long gone - so whatever you buy just plan on replacing it in < 10 yrs. I'd also HIGHLY suggest buying from Costco. They automatically give you a 2yr concierge warranty and you can buy an extra 3yrs for a pretty low price. I've bought a range and fridge from them and was super pleased with both purchases.


Ask your local appliance repair shops what not to buy.


Electrolux is just a fancy, top of the line Frigidaire... and anyone who knows appliances, knows that Frigidaire is the worst junk on the market. Their balance system is so primitive and non-existant that they are literally designed with a heavy concrete block inside to keep them from shaking and walking. Total junk. Go with a high end LG, and you'll get 10+ years of heavy reliable use from it.


Check out Yale appliance on YouTube for their repair metrics. I have a ge for 3 years. So far it has been perfect


Check with your state consumer protection agency regarding consumer warranty protections. Extended warranty is not needed in many states as your coverage extends automatically past manufacturer warranty for average lifetime of a product. Check with the relevant agency and skip paying for an extended warranty.


We had electrolux. Washer imploded at the 3 year mark and flooded the house. Do not buy. Blomberg is our new set. Really like


Buy a GE Appliances UltraFresh Front load set. Or a GE UltraFast all-in-one washer dryer unit. Great reviews.


I’ve been happy with my Bosch. I had a friend staying who had issues with it but that was because he didn’t follow the simple maintenance instructions. Straightforward and reliable. Worth the cost!


3 people in my family have an lg and so far they have been great with no issue


My ge washer had 7 service calls under warranty in 1 year, and 8 months after the warranty was out it broke again so I trashed it.


Samsung is terrible! Starting having problems at around 14 months. It sounded like a plane taking off... the repair tech told me not to fix it ($800) and to run it until it failed. I ran it to 20 months. I now have an LG.


Look at speed queen


Will never go with anything other than a speed queen


As someone who has no allegiance to a company through employment but fixes approx 400 washers and dryers a year…. Stay away from front loading washers. Here are the top problems.. Broken inner drum rear shaft within 5-7 years Rear outer tub bearings go bad Near impossible to keep mold/mildew from staining door gasket/boot Get a top loader and you’ll be so much happier And stay away from electronics as much as possible Buy a Maytag not the sexiest but it will last and repairs are easy as pie for the DIY’r


We have a 15 year old set of Electrolux. Yes, mixed feelings. Within warranty, I had to replace my dryer circuit board. The appliance shop where we got them came out and did it for us. We have the wrinkle release "perfect stream" dryer (which connects to the cold water line, and sprays a mist to freshen clothes). It is awesome. However, about eight years in I had to replace the spray nozzle because it got gunked up with mineral deposits. Not too bad to replace, but a headache nonetheless. The dryer on gentle does not dry the clothes completely, we always have to run the gentle dry twice. I'm assuming it's just that gentle when drying gentles. On that note, when we are at our summer home that has a top load, old school Maytag, it produces a lot of lint. Our Electrolux on gentle produces such little lint, we know it's being extra gentle! The washer detergent drawer broke. It wouldn't stay closed. I took the closure piece out, cut two thin pieces of plastic the same size as the closure hook and super glued them all together to make a plastic sandwich. It's working, but don't know how much for long. The replacement drawer is $100. 😳 So, mixed reviews. They're doing ok after 15 years






If you’re thinking of buying LG yes, you’re better off going down to the river. My LG is not a 2024, but it has to be the worst machine in history. You have to dick around with the settings because theres never enough water to fully submerge clothes. Maybe all HE machines are like this, idk. So I start it and let it fill somewhat, then shut it off and restart it on bulk cycle cause that’s the only one that gives enough water. And it runs SO slow, like there’s not enough power, so yes, again, the washboard would be a better option! It’s constantly off balance too, even though there’s a True Balance anti-vibration feature.The soak cycle is only 30 minutes, hardly enough time to really do the job on heavily soiled items. For information, the machine is the LG HE WaveForce. Horrible machine…


I do front load cuz i just think it cleans better because of the rims in there that agitate the loads. It does use less water but I just do a prewash on large loads and it cleans great that way. I found this post cuz Im looking to replace my Samsung that is now unable to handle any weight for spin cycles…it flips the circuit beaker every time it tries to spin if the load is too heavy, which means blankets and rugs or large loads cannot be washed. Ive had my Samsung for about 10yrs which is amazing for any washer these days. I had to replace our Samsung drier twice…i don’t recommend any dryer tht offers steam both of ours ended up with issues and smelled terrible. We now have a Maytag dryer nothing fancy and I hate it. Takes forever to dry and the lint catcher doesnt do a good job so it collects down in the venting tube also its soooooo loud! Anyways Ill probably go with Samsung again but the washer we never shut the door when not in use and have not had molding issues. I also but borax in with every wash and add a lil when the drum is empty. I learned the hard way that front loads need more cleaning maintenance but its not terrible if you keep on a schedule of cleaning the drum and the filter at the bottom. Im also considering LG. I would love a stackable set cuz it would give us way more room in our tiny laundry room but Im unsure if that is a good idea. Anyways good luck! Im with u on this hunt! Right now there are deals going on everywhere so i think its a great time to buy.


I have the Speed Queen top loaders that are the old design your grandma used to have. No circuit boards either to fail just a dial to spin.


Front load washers are a lesson in over-engineering. You are fighting gravity for spin cycle balance, you are fighting gravity with rubber seals that get dirty and leak water, you are having overly complex components added to these things to make them function. Top load naturally solves water/seal leaks, much easier to balance the spin without overly complex technology or moving parts. Front load washers are just bad. Even the afore mentioned speed queen (which I own), charge way more for front loader and don’t warranty it as long (5y vs. 7y for top load).


Speed Queen


My 3 year old lg wm3500cw just went out. I replaced the circuit board and thermistor after reading about thx error code. Still wouldn’t work so I replaced it this weekend with a top loader that doesn’t have all the electronics of the LG.


Speed queen and lg at top of consumer reports.


My brother and I re-did our houses at around the same time, all new appliances. He's an LG house, ours is Samsung. We both sprung for extended warranties, so of course absolutely nothing went wrong. We're now on 9 years and neither of us has any complaints.


LG, running solid for 4 years now, no issues. We love that the turbo option washes the loads super fast.


Just bought LG 5500 for a great price at Costco, so far so good 👍




LG 💯%.


LG is the way to go, trust me. My family has had them for over 10 years, and I myself bought them for my new house. Never any issues.


LG is the most dependable brand and it’s not even close. Electrolux has the best feature set and it’s pretty good quality. Skip everything else: They are either much lower quality, or much higher price European brands that have about the same built quality as Electrolux, but for higher price tags, shittier service networks or harder to get more expensive parts.


I avoid the front load washes and dryers as much as possible. I don't have either anymore. I fix my own stuff in the front load. Washers and dryers have a lot of extra moving parts and they wobble. A lot more. They wear out a lot faster. In my opinion, they're not worth the money.


Both my front loads are 16 years old and no issues.


I had front loads for the last 10 years, finally just switched back to top load washer because I had nothing but problems.


What kind of problems? What brand did you have?


Samsung. Lots of issues, pump went out, door leaked etc. It also was a huge pain in the ass to have repaired, not too many samsung repair people in my area and the warranty is void if you have anybody else work on it.


I’ve only heard bad things from samsung for both front and top loaders. They look nice and that’s about it


I keep buying houses with front load washers. I hate them. I'll never buy one. Feels like the clothes don't get very clean, have to leave the door open into the walkway to air it out or it gets musty. It makes all kinds of noise and shakes even though it's technically balanced correctly.


Yep I went back to a top load washer from LG, pretty basic model but it works like a dream. My Samsungs (came with our house) were just shit and it was a pain in the ass to get a certified samsung associate to fix them. My husband fixed the pump on the last one and we sold it with our old house. Their problem now.


I miss the top loader. I hate that the clothes fall on the floor when taking them out.


Don’t buy a front loader. Buy a top loader analog model. No electronics to go bad


HE washers are a JOKE.


Aren’t they all HE nowadays though?


all the front loads are


All are HE and, yes, they all SUCK. A little spritz of water and some jiggling does not clean clothes.