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I recently got them from the wet spot! Great store! I dewormed them and the skinnier ones are gaining weight.


The Wet Spot is so good. I only have experience with ordering fish to be shipped from them, but I hope to swing by their retail store in person some day.


Ah my fellow neighbor.


My wet spot peas have been happy and hearty for months!


I think peas will be the next fish I get when I have more room for tanks


They are cute little murderous fish! I have a heavily planted 10 gallon with a trio of Mercs on alternating meals of brine shrimp and blood worms. They seem pretty dang happy. Even sand substrate now!


I've got an empty 30, 20, and 2x 20 longs waiting for foosh. Also just waiting for a rescue turtle to eitherfind a new home or die so I can use the 75 gal he's in, but good luck with that. He will probably last at least another 10 years.


Heya PDX friend. I live on the west side of town, is The Wet Spot worth making the trip over for? I have been going to World of Wet Pets, but they are pretty meh.


The fish there are fantastic, but most of the staff I have found to not be very knowledgeable.


I always ask for whoever is their resident regarding whatever species I’m looking at. I will say their two managers, a woman with blue hair and the guy with the beard that does their plants are probably the two most knowledgeable people about freshwater species and plants I’ve ever met. Just gotta ask for them


Happy cake day!


Oh you too? I was almost upset because the person that KNEW the answers to my questions wouldn't come talk to me for only 40 seconds. Had this person who just started that week running back and fourth 5 times as a middle man getting me trivial information.


Go there for sure! I would if I was closer, I’m in southern OR and the Wet Spot is one of the most reputable shippers in the PNW. Check out their instagram, they are super knowledgeable and get great lesser-known species in. Also if you are ever in Eugene, stop by Pisces Aquaria, it’s a top-tier planted tank and fish store!


I drive up frome eugene for all my aquarium needs it's so good


I love The Wet Spot. I live in Eugene but make the trip up there once in a while. I've never had any fish from them have parasites. But I might just be lucky.


You’re lucky, I got some shrimp from them and everyone needed a salt bath to remove the Japonica hitching a ride. I also started seeing planaria around my tank a few weeks after adding a plant from them.


I love the Wet Spot! I got my 8 peas from them as well, and all have been doing great in the 2 months that I've had them so far! 100% recommend the Wet Spot. I haven't been in person yet, but I want to make the drive to check them out sometime soon!


Such cute and fascinating little fish


I love watching them watch me with their dumb little googly eyes


Neat! Curious how many you have and tank size? I’m planning on getting some and curious on everyone’s stocking. Planning on heavily planted tank


I have 14 or 16; I honestly can’t remember and they are hard to count lol. They are in a 75 gallon with kuhli loaches and some other bottom feeders. I did have them with filament barbs (which live with them in the wild), but the barbs were too fast and ate all the food. The peas are a lot more social with the barbs gone! I recommend a cloud of peas, they are so fun! The hardest thing is feeding them. These guys will eat frozen bloodworms, but some that you get won’t; they’ll only eat live food. I have a ten gallon tank that is just breeding bladder snails. I did have daphnia in there, but they died. Look into grindal worms. They are so easy to culture and my peas LOVE them.


I am planning on feeing ramshorn along with frozen bloodworms. I’ve gotta set up a mini tank for the snails. I need them anyways for my crayfish as a treat lol I’ll look into grindal! Are those live or frozen?


They are a tiny white worm that you can grow out in coconut fiber. It’s so easy to care for them as opposed to daphnia, since you don’t have to do water changes. Here’s a guide: https://aquaticdelights.com/blogs/news/grindal-worms-culture-guide Dirt cheap too (pun intended)


Awesome thanks!!


Thanks!! How many would you recommend for a 20 gal with no other tank mates?


You could probably do 6!


I'm really tempted to get pea puffers in my community tank when my Betta passes, I'll relocate my ember tetras to a 10 gal, but you think I could do 4 peas with 8 kuhlis in a 20? How's your experience with them and shrimp?


I think you’d need more peas, to spread out and aggression, they are shoalers, but they are territorial and do get into spats. I would worry that one would get picked on. That being said, I think you could get away with 6 peas and 8 kuhlis. Get an excellent filter. As for shrimp, my peas left my cherries alone. though, they’d probably eat the babies


Consider keeping a scud tank. They're a lot easier to keep alive than daphnia in my experience. My pea puffers also enjoy hunting them.


Nice to see pea pufers in a great setup!!


These little guys are the cutest. I still miss ours so much. He lasted so many years and by himself. I cried when I found his body. :(


Those tiny fishes are so cute!


I love how predator fish swivel their eyeballs as they hunt, it makes it super entertaining to watch! I really want to start a pea puffer tank at some point


Can someone kindly explain to me what’s happening?


OP removed waste debris from one tank into a jar. OP placed jar into puffer tank so they could eat the little detritovores that are in said waste debris.


I didn’t know it just sat in jars in water like that lol


I guess if you are careful not to stir it up too much upon entry it'll eventually settle!


So I can do this for my pleco probably?


Sure! People use jars to keep feeding time tidy. Leftovers are easily removed and less decomposition.


As a gardener who can’t have a fish tank yet… I was very confused by the video. Are those fish called “peas”? I was expecting some kind of planted aquatics setup!


Yes, they are Pea Puffers…a fresh water pufferfish 🐡


What a sentence


The guy at the fish store said peapuffers need salt in their water.. is that true? Other than feeding, like you mentioned, are there any other difficulties in keeping them? Thanks.


Most species of puffer are brackish, but pea puffers are not. Pea puffers are freshwater. 




What are they????


Hey! We are interested in getting some of these. Do they eat those tiny snails that infest your tank when you bring in plants?


Yes! They are tiny predators. They eat pest snails.


So they do like to hunt all these little critters in there? I didn’t know that and now I want them even more. 🥰


I love how all the ones on the outside of the jar are all, “hey.. it’s that jar thing again. Hey yeah, didn’t Sebastian and Jimothy tell us how they got inside last time?..”


This is so cool!


Perspectives are funny. To them, a jar of candy. To us, a jar of horrors


You should be careful, there might be parasites in that jar.