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Stocking is as follows: Otocinclus x6 Pearl Gourami x1 German Blue Ram x2 Zebra Danio x6 Cherry Barb x6 Ember Tetra x16 Cardinal Tetra x5 Siamese Algae Eater x1 Assassin snail x6 Dwarf Chain Loach x1 (trying to rehome him) Quite a crowded tank but nobody seems to be too stressed with the ample cover and caves. Been also wanting to get some cories or small pleco but I think it’ll be too many stocking wise lol


Sweeeeeet scaping


Great looking but very weird stocking for many reasons.


Haha, I agree. Kind of just kept adding as I went, what recommendations would you make?


Hard to give any suggestions except choosing which fishes you want to keep and then build around them. You got fish that want different water parameters(most importantly different temperatures).


2 years later and I don’t expect a reply, but I can’t find one for the life of me, where’d you get this one?? It’s also very nice btw!


Hey! Thanks for the reply. Are you referring to the rank? I got it from a local seller on Facebook marketplace, it was used :)


Oh yeah I was talking about the tank! That’s neat, I just knew I had trouble finding one that was long and 40 gal and this was like exactly what I was looking for lol! Thanks for answering even if 2 years later !


Where does one get a 40 long?