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That is a little kidšŸ˜


Iā€™mā€¦gonna need help with this one.


It's saying "sometimes life in sot fair", probably talking about the kid seeming to have bigger ass cheeks than the adult woman


Oh, good gravy. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




But the gays are the ones sexualizing minors? This is disgusting.




Gay people aren't going around telling everyone that straight people are inherently sexualizing minors and are pedophiles. No. We just call out the very many cis straight males that are predominantly the ones who victimize children. As for everything else, that's disgusting and disingenuous.


Okay but this post had nothing to do with straight people or relationships. The poster didn't even disclose their sexuality so I don't know what you're talking about.


>I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about Yeah because youā€™re a fucking idiot.




Sadly, yes.


Whatever. Just know that these hissy fits wonā€™t get you anywhere in life.


Are you in the right sub?


You know this subreddit is called ā€œare the STRAIGHTS okā€ right?


Did you just try to fucking justify the sexualization of miners? Edit: minors not miners


The children aren't yearning for the mines this time


miners can be hot... minors on the other hand will never be


Unless if you let them in the oven for too long


...no. i don't like this either, but you really need to work on your reading comprehension if *that's* what you're getting


I used voice to text and didn't properly proofread before commenting in my state of disgust but I added an edit so it's fine now


i wasn't talking about the typo.


What's more likely though, that this is written by a straight man into women or a gay man into women????? You are mentally jumping leaps and bounds in order land at your homophobic conclusions


>What's more likely though, that this is written by a straight man into women or a gay man into women????? i don't think this would ever occur to a real straight man and or a real woman. He is saying, life isn't fair to women, because they're not desireable, little boys have more sexually desireable buttocks than women. I think it's written by a gay man who is attracted to young inexperienced teens and boys. He's telling the teens, why bother with women, they don't have sexually desireable buttocks. I think he's saying that the buttocks of little boys are more desireable.


Go back to the homestead, Lucille. Youā€™re done.


...And I think you're just a homophobe looking for any way to turn gay people into villains. Can't tell if you're trolling but either way I know you know you're wrong, but can't admit it bc you dislike gay people too much. Maybe you ought to take some time and think about what really makes gay people so bad and how true that really is.


Ugh.. Really. Using your logic, that it was a gay man sexualizing a minor using a woman as a foil is simply illogical. Wouldn't a gay pedophile compare the kid to an adult male instead of a woman? Yes, but it's obviously not. This is clearly straight coded.


Youā€™re allowed to make this argument when we criminalize heterosexuality out of fear that straight people will sexualize children if theyā€™re ā€œallowedā€ to be straight in public. Not a minute sooner.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Why do you seem to think straight women wouldnā€™t be interested in sexualizing a child but gay men would..? Like, thatā€™s literally homophobia 101. Plenty of straight women are pedophiles.


Nonsense. Women don't have any sexual use for a child's butt.


TIL women don't have hands. The wonders of Reddit.


All around the world there are who're houses, young women and children are held prisoner in these houses of pain, this has gone on for ages. A steady stream of men support these brothels. There is no market for the same for women. Someone tried to open one in Nevada, they were laughed out of the state. Sure there are a few insane women doing bizarre sexual things, but very few. When there are women involved in rape or molestation, they are doing it to please a man. Women just don't get off on that. Often, teen girls get kidnapped and held captive and gang raped for months and even years. I know a woman who had that done to her as a teen, she and her girlfriend were held for weeks by a motorcycle gang, before they were rescued. My best friend in high school was gang raped when she was 11 by a group of teen boys. There are no cases of women, snatching men off the street, holding them prisoner and gang-raping them, and charging their women friends to come and do the same for a nominal fee. Women are just not wired the same way, even though we have hands, lol. I mean sure, there are a few insane women, who do crazy sexual stuff, but not enough of them to support gang rape and holding male sex slaves and inviting crowds of women to come have sex with them, as the males do with women and children sex slaves.


Tangent for a tangent, here we go. Just because it's more common to hear men doing horrible things to young girls, it doesn't mean women "don't get off to" young boys. It's actually an issue in our society, assuming women can't rape or abuse young boys, but you can find numerous articles of female teachers raping their male students. What is even more disgusting is that I saw countless comments downgrading the situation, saying women are incapable of raping others, hell, even saying the victim is "lucky" he got raped. And that's exactly why male victims are afraid of reporting rape cases. That's one reason why the statistics are uneven, or straight out false. Who knows how many kids were abused by women for real. I'm sorry to hear what happened to people in your life, but it doesn't mean women can't do the same if they want to.


Have you not been listening to the news or reading any statistics on the subject your commenting on? There are most definitely female pedophiles. Although it is reported more frequently about men, women do it too (it's actually gross when you compare the difference of the language used in the articles about this, women's actions tend to be downplayed and it's become a problem in our society). It's SICK people, both genders. A 6th grade teacher just got arrested for raping one of her 6th grade students, a little boy. You're bias is clearly showing but you lack so much self awareness that you can't see it. You're a homophobe if you actually think what you commented (and aren't just trolling), plain and simple.


You are more likely to be molested by clergy than a gay man


Damn it's almost like it's a problem that's exclusive to neither hetero nor homosexuality and has zero merit as an argument against either


Hey, I have a quick question for you, what is the central focal point of this picture? It seems to be a minor's gluteus area and what is the next focal point you see? A grown woman's gluteus area. And that Spanish sentence up top translates too, "Sometimes life is unfair." Think for one minute second how this could even have been made by a gay man minus your anecdotal evidence, if that's too hard for you then I'll spell it out, this was posted by straight man who is sexualizing a minor, *Dodo brainius* is your new taxonomy from now on.


I agree with your statement. Like seriously, how does this post have anything to do with straight people?


yeah because a lesbian would post thisā€¦




They're sexualizing a child's butt for those that don't get it.


Thatā€™s sick and disgusting


shit I'm so asexual my first looking at this image was "huh those are really cool boots"


They are tho


Ew. Just ew


It must be a drag queen who wrote that. I hear they sexualize children!!




Interesting hill you chose to die on. You're really going down fighting in this thread.


Seriously, the old chestnut of being gay = pedophilia.šŸ™„


You'd be shocked by how much women love butts..


I love a big bum. Lawd


Can confirm, my bf's butt hasn't been safe since we moved in together šŸ˜ˆ


Preferring a kid to a grown woman doesnā€™t make you gay, it makes you a pedo. Only pedos are attracted to children. Hope this helps!


Maybe they just like a round bum, straight people like bums too


Sometimes I see things on this sub and Iā€™m like ā€œoh this has GOT to be fakeā€. My brother in fucking Christ that is a CHILD. STRAIGHT UP. NO ā€œOH THEY COULD JUST BE A YOUNG LOOKING ADULT.ā€ CHILD.


He looks like he's 15 at most


Not even that kid cannot be older than 11


But more likely 7-10 years old (which is worse)


Disgusting. Also appears to be photoshop. Double Disgusting.


Oh my God. You're right, they're asymmetrical. Some freak had to intentionally go out of his way to sexualize a child


That's what i thought too, or maybe it was a part of the costume? No way a child that small has an actual ass?


I had to read the comments to understand what was going on since I really though it was something about the kids face paint or standing next to the girl and maybe it was a joke that girls and boys canā€™t be friends but not itā€™s far worse and the straights are not ok


I totally thought it was a day of the dead thing, so I thought "sometimes life is unfair" was a reference to losing people too soon. Then I saw the comments


I donā€™t know Spanish well so I was extra confused haha


Im not particularly fluent so I googled to double check. I was like "but that seems like a good title for a day of the dead photo"


I'm passable in spanish and understood the text, but still just couldn't get the joke. I was also trying to figure out if it was like a Day of the Dead thing or something about the facepaint or something? I figured there might just be a cultural component or spanish speaking meme that I just wasn't understanding. Nope. The joke is pedophelia. What a day to have eyes.


Well yeah it *could* be pedophilia. Seems more likely to me that itā€™s just sexism against the woman who doesnā€™t have an impressive enough butt for the meme maker to ogle.


I choose to interpret it as the original meme maker wanted face paint and couldn't get any


That is admittedly a more fun interpretation.


I thought it was the hairstyle. Or the woman helping fix the other kid's hair/outfit.


How dare you make me look at this




You are forgiven




As someone who hit puberty at 12, and who definitely looked like that, fuck whoever made this. Just because they have a butt doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t a child.


This kid looks to be 8 maybe? That ain't even puberty, it's just genetics and movement. Folks like who made/share this are why my family has our own pool, put the kids in long shirts if they have tight pants, etc. People get really icky around kids with features they view as adultā€¦ know this from how folks have been around my kids.


Ewwww god, why?


EWWWW I hope you and your kids are ok


Why do they sexualize a child for having a butt he can't be older than 10 years old


Translation? Edit: life is so unfair?


Sometimes life is not fair




that's the grossest one of these I've seen in a while


I always thought it was low-key weird enough when Iā€™d hear adult women say things like, ā€œLittle boys have the best eyelashes, itā€™s so unfairrrr šŸ˜«ā€ but this is taking it to a level beyond.


Those women spend a lot of money trying to get their eyelashes to look a certain way and some boys just happen to have those kind of eyelashes without even trying. Itā€™s an issue of pettiness and self-centeredness not some weird sexual thing.


That is... a kid...


uhhhhā€¦put them on a list


Dude what the actual fuck




Cringe, that is a childdd


What if i threw myself off a bridge bc wtf


Don't to that please :(


I canā€™t take anymore of this, man


Someone literally sat there and photoshopped a small childā€™s ass.


Do inside thoughts exist anymore? Why would anyone think to themselves, "I wish I was as sexy as that little boy," and then procede to tell that to other human beings?


At first, I thought they were saying doing the girl's hair in a high bun was unfair, which anyone who's done dance can relate to. But it had to be gross. I don't understand why weirdos will fetishize features in one gender then when the same feature shows up in the other gender get mad. Short women = good, but short men = bad. Dark skinned men = ok but dark skinned women = ugly


Is it just me or does it look photoshopped?




I've heard many women make this sort of comment about young boys over the years. Every single time it has been in respect to his hair/eyelashes. This is just beyond gross.


Oof, took me a while.


ĀæPor quĆ© estĆ”s mirando el trasero de un niƱo OOP?


Ese wey usa paƱal todavƭa


But I do wonder why does the kid look so buff at all? What is his workout routine?


I feel like most of these comments are over reaching The comment doesnā€™t explicitly sexualize the kid. The only thing that indicates any sexualization is the fact this is probably photoshopped


Itā€™s creepy that a grown adult probably in a basement somewhere really took the time out of their day to photoshop a shapely ass onto a child. Like someone really thought of this idea and was proud enough to execute it.


Nevermind I didnā€™t realize the women was also photoshopped. This is awful.


I canā€™t tell 100% if the woman is photoshopped too so I removed that part of my comment, but itā€™s looks like it probably was. Iā€™m thinking they possibly swapped the woman and boyā€™s butts. And now I feel gross and weird just thinking about all this




It's not about the face paint, they were comparing the little boy's butt with the adult woman's butt, they are saying "sometimes live isn't fair"




Well in the comments they were talking about they're butts so I don't think I'm wrong


Do you have some other explanation for what the meme maker meant by ā€œSometimes life isnā€™t fair?ā€ Because that is the translation of the caption and the butts are the obvious focus of the photo.


"sometimes life isn't fair." That is literally what their saying.


They are just wishing to have that booty size


That is a child


"sometimes life is just unfair" thats what it says