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Straight parents: "Gay couples are going to ruin their children's lives!" Also straight parents:


Yeah I've unfortunately heard this sentiment a lot but by dads saying they'd do this if they had a lesbian daughter. Of course this is the internet so you find a lot more crazy people here than in the real world so I wouldn't treat this as a popular sentiment but someone still said it.


Oh, obviously. I think most people here realise that we're just making fun of the crazy people, not all straights.


First rule of coming out as a lesbian is only come out to your family if you are absolutely sure it’s safe, because r*pe is a very real threat. You being safe is more important than you coming out.


*Homophobic* parents.


I see a bit of ~projection~ in there


Jesus fucking christ, how can someone even think of doing that to their own son!?


Thinking, writing it up, considering to post, posting it. So many fucked up stages to this emotional cancer


Imagine writing this, reading it and going "ah yes this is definitely something a sane, worried parent would do"


If there are fathers who rape their own daughters, there are mothers who rape their own sons.


jesus christ, that has to be one of the worst things I've seen on this sub


Just doing my part 🫡


Brace yourself, as it's only going to get worse. Right-wingers are in a degeneracy feedback loop when it comes to enshrining toxic masculinity. FFS, they're already worshipping a guy who's talked in public about how he'd love to have sex with his own daughter.


"If my future son" The hypothetical must remain hypothetical.


Here's hoping this one dies a virign


I sincerely doubt she's a virgin...


That is worse than a father paying a sex worker for their son as a 'treat'.


Not even that - this is exactly the same as a dad threatening to rape his daughter for being lesbian. Exactly the same level of depravity.


I think there was a video of a guy who hired one for his gay son and the guy ended up having a heart-to-heart with the SW about his sexuality




My mom had 5 kids when she couldn’t even take care of herself. Just don’t make ur kids have to raise your other kids and you should be alright


You didn’t need to say the r-word to write this comment


~~I feel like saying it emphasizes the severity of the original comment, because the post itself is downplaying it.~~ *edit: got on their wavelength.


If you need to use slurs to emphasize things you have a very poor grasp of language On top of that, emphasize the severity to who in this context? The other queer people on this sub who already know that this is bad?


Ah, I see now that you're talking about the other r-word. I thought you were objecting to the mention of rape. I rescind my previous comment.


I also thought they were talking about the word “rape.”


This is just a wordy of version of when old people complain about young people using words. Why do you fear certain words regardless of context no word is evil This is how it is used? If you can't are still offended by the language I used after hive explained how I am using these words and I'm sorry but I can't help you. This is one of the reasons why we quiz are not taken seriously in politics whilst you are quipping about language actual physical harm is being done to people around the world. I'd rather post what I want and how I feel than worry about tailoring for reddit language police Tldr: context, it matters.


Me saying “don’t use slurs” isn’t what’s oppressing gay people. You’re literally parroting a far-right strawman right now. This isn’t the same as old people chastising you for cuss words, either. Slurs do real life harm to people. It’s also possible to condemn multiple things at the same time. I can tell you that you shouldn’t use slurs and also condemn sexual assault. It’s pathetic if you aren’t capable of doing both. You don’t need to tear down others to uplift the queer community. And before you get on me about queer, the difference is that queer has been reclaimed, the r-word has not been. Even if it had been reclaimed, you wouldn’t be entitled to say it unless you had a disability.


OK you win have a nice day 👍


This is the shittiest take. Someone asking you not to use a dehumanizing slur is not policing your language. It's also wild that you're advocating to use dehumanizing language on an LGBTQ+ sub.


Uh, please don’t use slurs, maybe?


Respectfully no, sometimes hard feelings require hard language and language is made to be used not feared, by using theae woeda we rob them.of their hate. If you can't accept some words regardless of context I cannot help you


Or, hear me out, we use fucking cuss words instead of goddamn slurs.


OK, or hear me out. Context is key and you just don't like some words. The word Queer was originally a slur, now we in the lgbt community in the UK use it all the time to describe ourselves, words change over time. I even highlighted this in my comment. If it wasn't you with this word, it'd be some other redditor online with a bee in their bonnet trying to police my language. I'd suggest that you stop worrying so much about what I say, and worry more about the international reaction you have to some words. Or keep being a woke-scold idc I'm not the boss of you 😂


But gay people are the ones grooming children. Right. Sure. Wtf is that


This was a painful one to upvote goddamn


Incest and sexual assault. That a twofer.


Uh...best case scenario, you make him even gayer.




My thoughts exactly.


Ew wtaf


This is terrifying


This is absolutely horrific. Even if it's a joke, how could you ever admit that you'd rape your son for being gay?


Yeah, cause I'd rather go to jail for statutory rape than accept my gay son. Makes so much sense


The fucked up response to this absolutely shitty comment would be: "Your son has already seen your pussy. Why do you think seeing it again would make him straight?"


i don't understand why homophobia even fucking exists. like oooo the scary gay persons gonna.... be a normal human being except for the fact they like someone of the same sex/gender instead of the opposite? homophobia is not only morally evil but also a god damn waste of energy like all bigotry.


They want to do corrective rape not because it is corrective but because it is rape. The person who made the tweet wishes her son is gay to give her something that the right would excuse and even consider her a hero for . To them, homophobia allows excuses for all sorts of evil shit to be done.


from what i recall in most religions rape is kinda... a sin like extremely bad type of sin that pretty much gets you thrown into their version of hell every time. i have seen bigots try to qoute religion it's why i go my personal creed of "don't believe the lies of scripture for it's written by man, don't believe the lies of the priest for he uses scripture for his own objectives and don't believe the lies of the zealot as they don't wish to live in a world where their evils are not in power" as in if you talk to a lot of religious zealots they seem to talk only about how the world from the perspective of their faith is evil, almost never do they talk about how the world is good because the world actually having some good runs counter to their objectives. i don't give a rats ass about what religion someone subscribes to as long as they pose no threat to innocent people.


Incest, rape, bigotry, and likely pedophillia! Man what a “father”.


I do believe it is a hypothetical mother, but either way it is extremely fucked up, hope this sorry excuse never has a child. Ever.


Ahhhh your probably correct. I was thinking the toxic masculinity aspect, but I get the feeling you’re right. And still plenty disturbing and absolutely disgusting.


No. No the straights are definitely not ok.


Good lord this is fucked


I audibly went “WOAH” and choked on my grilled cheese after reading this


Jesus on a fucking stick, this is the second post like this in a row, the other one was a father raping his daughter for being gay


How many overlapping watermarks does this image have lmao


Do you think we might lack something that breaks down collegian? Or do we not emote as much?


The straights are *beyond* ok...




Illegal on two accounts, depending on the state! (Might as well maximize that jail time ammiright)


I’d expect nothing less from someone with the handle @SideHoeNextDoor…


A straight parent is threatening to rape her own son if he doesn’t turn out as she wants. And who’s the groomers again?


"oh my son is gay... i better rape him"


Whoaaaa.... wrong on so many levels.