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I'm convinced that this trad shit is just a fetish that people never learned to keep to their fucking selves.


It is, I realized they're like the dog chasing the car: once in a blue moon, one of these chuds ends up finding a woman who also wants the trad lifestyle... And they don't really know how to make it work. Like they believe their tiny income alone, in this economy, is enough to support a family of 3+. And once she finds this out, and asks him to either don't complain about her having to work, or for him to find a high paying job, the chud ends up calling her "gold digger"


It's BDSM, but worse in every way. They don't want to have honest conversations about sex, consent, and boundaries. They don't want to respect consent or boundaries. They don't want a woman who actually knows what she wants out of sex and isn't afraid to ask for it. And they probably think BDSM is only for people who like dressing up in leather and latex and use whips and chains all the time, etc, etc. Thing is, I can understand why a TPE relationship with a 1950s or cottagecore aesthetic is kind of hot. It definitely hits a kink section of my brain. But man, all the toxic shit that these people feel like adding on to it just really sucks.


Ditto all that, I’m sexually submissive with a service kink and I both enjoy that and internally scream *NO NOT LIKE THAT* when I see this shit




Literally came here to comment that this sounds like a fetlife intro from someone who's never been on the scene before


Yeah, it's just kink, but they don't recognize it


What if I'm a man and I want to be the submissive one? 😳😳😳😳


Then we have a deal




Get a fetlife and hit the gym tbh


No thanks! I'd rather not be a man's pet.


92% of people voted are men


I don’t know unfortunately they are people like the what is it deformed wives? And Abby Shapiro etc if it’s a republican account most likely a lot of women follow it, so sad that they are so brainwashed


I'm not sure they even have the possibility to use internet freely, social media less of all, without supervision if they are married.


I’m sure that’s true for some however a lot of women are sadly misogynistic regardless I don’t understand I just can’t understand why you would hate a gender of people especially your own


I would even say many women fall to some degree into a category like this. Not 100%, but to some degree, once I argued with a lot of traditional to redpill women on another sub, that is not as liberal or open as this. What shocked me most was how many people and other women did support them. Why women uphold stuff like this is much more complicated.


It says 59%. Where does it say 92?


59 and the 33 percentages together


Oh. Hopefully at least a good chunk of that was.


Fear me, love me, do as I say… except that was way better.


I made my comment referencing this exact thing and then saw yours, so glad I'm not the only one who thought of it.


This guy saying the above: weak, creepy, not even touching that with a 10 pole. David Bowie saying "Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave": Yes. Perfect. No notes.


He needs a source of feminine pleasure. Is this code for he wants to be pegged?


about 113 men vs 78 women


The 59% voting "I'm a man, show results" absolutely sent me. Like could you make it any more obvious you're in an echo chamber.


Good eye, that is a great point. also, I bet some women also voted on that to just see the results. which also means that we are not sure that all 78 of those votes were even women.


Literally my worst nightmare. I am not your pet.


I'd rather die


I'm gonna guess none of the people who voted were women, and half of them were bots


I'm not agreeing to be his fucking sex slave.