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damn, sorry about that OP. hopefully it wasn't a longtime friend 🙁 you're obviously better off without them


About 6 years unfortunately, but I'm not upset about it. I just thought his response to being called boring was absolutely wild.


Oh wow what a piece of shit


that was never a friend. you dodged a bullet, i’m so sorry you had to deal with that


Fucking hell I'm so sorry I honest to fuck have no words for how awful that was to even read let alone experience. You absolutely deserve better, trust you handled that so well


time to find somebodies employer ✨️ In all seriousness though, thats horrible and i wish you the best.


Just block them?


Yeah this interaction went on longer than necessary imo


I agree it went on to long. I was running on 2 hours of sleep over 2 days so idk what I was thinking lol.


Honestly hard felt. Either way I’m sorry OP. Sending many love your way <3


This person is obviously going through something to be so angry so I applaud you for your patience with them, it's probably the reason you're a great carer. Massive high five for you.


I would curb stomp that shithead straight down to hell where he belongs, I'm not even gonna sugarcoat anything like this anymore


Well, that escalated immediately…


Not only is that person a flaming dumpster fire but they think “yapping” is an acceptable response to you trying to explain yourself. Ditch with *extreme* prejudice.


I'd say that's a good friend


3 words: Good fucking lord


That’s not a true friend.