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Imagine referring to real life kids as Lolis... He should be on a watchlist


Imagine bragging that you bang children. I had barely got my period at 14.


Right? Just because it's legal doesn't make it morally okay.


Its not even legal. Age of consens it 14 yeh but only to others around your age. Se say a 14yo could habe sex with a 14yo legally. But the age gap maximum is like 6 years or so there. Still quite high if you ask me but well if you are 21 or older you can kiss your ass goodbye aswell


I mean age gaps matter less the older the two people get. A 40 year old with a 50 year old is much more appropriate than a 17 year old and a 27 year old. But yea. 6 years gap at that age is insane.


Wildly enough, the older people get the more developed their brains get too, for better or for worse. So a 40 and a 50 year old is *insanely different* than a 17 and a 27 year old.


The age gap is 4 years at max as far as I know, a 17year old can't fuck an 18 year old


Nah there is no mark at 18 i know thst. The whole reason behind this is so that teenagers in relagionship can indulge in sex without their parents or the state interfering because sex is kinda seen as a human right ova here.


Ah thank you, didn't know that




Keep that sentiment, you'll need it. There's some dark shit coming in the next 50 years and having a firm grip on your own morality will be important when the fascists take over.


He has the german flag as his bg on his profile pic... now there is currently a football event so its less clear cut but usually such overt signs of patriotism is a BIG red flag (\*insert "They prefer another big red flag" joke here\*) because in general national pride is understandably an iffy topic for germany.


This is fascinating, thank you Like learning "every building with a French flag is a government building because the French don't fly their flag"


Not since...The Incident.


The Incident ... ? šŸ¤”


Oh yes. [The Incident.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastille_Day)


Ohhh Oh. Hm ... You do know we raised it again after that, right ? I mean, we did stop with the guillotine thing, but we still are pretty ready to fight. It happened multiple times since. Even recently, but we can't access the ƉlysĆ©e anymore because we don't want to kill people nowadays, just protest, but we still block the place from people going in or out. (To be clear : I know it's a joke, but I don't think it works. Also, that's not seen as an incident but a period of time to remember as the french identity ... šŸ˜¬ Even our actual politicians are speaking about the Republic as a good thing (I don't know if they truly believe it, but still they're saying it), even more when the country is burning and we're saying we can attack again the same way we did. An incident would be something bad we would try to forget, but that's the opposite. I mean, we did our share of shits we're trying to hide so much (i.e. : WWII) that could be seen as "The Incident", but this one is one thing we can all kind of agree on (like, I don't sing our patriotic sound because that's too violent to be one, but also because it's being proud of our own nation and so sounds too much nationalist for me, but I'm still into being proud of the country to have been brave enough to do a revolution))


So is what lilbluehair said wrong or...? Because my joke hinges on hyperbole, which is by definition, incorrect if you nitpick it.


What lilbluehair said is actually right, but only in a way if you want me to nitpick it. You won't see people proudly having a french flag as a common thing, except nationalist who are extremists who only want "pure" white french people inside the country's lines. You will see some regional flags a lot, but the french one will really show up on all the official buildings. But, lilbluehair is talking about nowadays only, to describe a random day somewhere in France. What you're saying is that it depends on the timeline, since one day we suddenly stopped having the french flags everywhere because we killed the royalty. But if we wouldn't do it since that day, that would mean the french flag represents royalty only. Except that it doesn't, on the contrary. Technically, that's even the opposite, since the french symbols today are mostly linked to this moment. (And as I already said : that's not an incident, and that's the only thing we can all agree on, from the most neutral politics to the more extreme ones) If for Germany the moment where it became different to raise a german flag is the 3rd Reich, which clearly is something bad happening, that can't be the same with the Bastille since it was one of the best things this country did. Once again, if you want to talk about an incident, you have plenty of examples, but the last one can clearly be WWII too. We still barely acknowledge what we did back then (helping Germany by giving them half the country, encouraging them to kill jewish children when before that they were safe from the Holocaust, shushing the victims to be able to change history by making us the revolutionary heroes we barely were, ...), and we are clearly not shy to call the nationalist in politics Ā« the nazis Ā» (or every french term we would also use for them). The only moments where french people will all be together rising a french flag for the good of all and not for nationalist ideas, that's when we're doing the same thing as we did with the Bastille, and we did it multiple times ever since and will do it again.


Tell me you're not french royalty without telling me you're not French royalty.


Yeah, outside of international sporting events, I've never met a German who is comfortable with overt displays of nationalism.


Yeah, for example we don't tell our soldiers: "Thank you for your service" or smth, because of that one mustache guy from austria yk


I live in a town with a military area right next to the grocery stores and I feel so conflicted about them. On the one hand I feel sympathy for them as people, potentially forced to be cannon fodder, I also know some sort of military is neccessary, on the other hand I feel weird about people being trained to kill, and so many people in uniforms out and about are intimidating, reminiscent of certain movies and historic timeframes.


Looks like the creep deleted his account lol


He 100% would be if he came to the us




Look at the username as well, literally contains the word ā€œshotaā€ alongside a questionable display pic.


Yeah that's horrible


Manā€¦ he clearly doesnā€™t ever see women in real life. Like at all.


Imagine being the one coping and seething and saying ā€œcope and seetheā€ to someone else.


Okay fine itā€™s not illegal. Youā€™re still disgusting. Cope with that I guess


If he is above 21 its still illegal. The law is meant to prevent existing relationships between teens suddenly turning illegal, not allow .pdfs to creep.


Oh youā€™re right Okay great heā€™s disgusting and a criminal!


We have something like that in Texas called the Romeo and Juliet law. Basically (and it is more complicated Iā€™m just summarizing,) you can date anyone within like, a three or so year age gap. So an 18 yr old dating a 17 yr old wouldnā€™t be put on the predator registry.


Many states in the US do have variations of that. Add in different ages of consent and ages of majority. For example, in my state, the age of consent is 16, but the age of majority is 18. So if a 18 year old (can legally consent, a legal adult) and a 15 year old (cannot legally consent, not a legal adult) have sex, it's a felony... But if it's a 17 year old (can legally consent but not a legal adult) and a 15 year old, then it's still illegal, but just considered a misdemeanor. Why's there a gap in age of consent and age of majority? I dunno, but it means that from the ages of 16-17, you can be married off to a legal adult if you have your parents permission. And they say child marriages are dead!* *Don't come at me with "oh but that means a 16 year old and an 18 year old can get married" because that's not what happens in practice. In real life, it's the 16 year old girl gets married to whoever got her pregnant. Sometimes it's her 18 year old boyfriend. Most of the times, it's her 30-40 year old ~~groomer predator~~ "boyfriend".


We have the same thing in my state. It's 16 with a 23 month age gap. So depending on when a person is born and 16 year old and an almost 18 Year old could be together legally. Or a 17 year old and almost 19 year old. I know the law because I had a family friend that ended up pregnant at 16 and her family was considering reporting it because her bf was 18. They never did but they still learned about the law and told us. But yeah you're right the reason that the law exists and so if a couple of high schoolers are dating when they were 15 and almost 17 it wouldn't just be Illegal the day the oldest person turned 18


I still find it crazy they call it like that when Juliet was 13ā€¦


Not really cause itā€™s complicated. As a teenager you can have a relationship with a 21 year old or higher if your parents do a lot of bureaucracy. And sign a lot of papers. And itā€™s even more complicated sometimes cause itā€™s a bit of a grey area.


It's only illegal if the child is "too immature", which has to be proven at court. It is usually only prosecuted when the parents don't approve with the relationship.


God i need eye bleach whhhy


> if your parents do a lot of bureaucracy germany.png


I was not able to find any evidence of that for Germany from either reading the law itself or by searching relevant european law websites. What I could find is that if the offender is above 21 and the victim below 16, then that is illegal as per article 182 of the German Criminal Code, but above 16 there is no restrictions unless there is a "situation of duress/exploitative situation". [https://www.lewik.org/term/15677/abuse-of-juveniles-section-182-german-criminal-code/](https://www.lewik.org/term/15677/abuse-of-juveniles-section-182-german-criminal-code/)


Privacy reset


Why would we be talking about 14 year olds? The OP is about someone who is purportedly 17. The discussion is about whether it is legal or not (and regardless of which, it is still gross. The comment I replied to said categorically "under 21 it is illegal", but it only is for 14-15 year olds. But there's no indication that the person knows that, and why would someone be focusing on the age group that isn't relevant to the discussion?


Privacy reset


Fair enough, I was focusing on the whole Dr Disrespect thing.


There is no "purportedly 17", that was made up by parasocial fans


It's the only age I have seen floating around. That's why I used purportedly - because it's questioned.


While the law you cited does exist, it talks about sexual abuse, not sex in general. Sexual abuse is illegal in Germany no matter the age of the involved persons. If the youngest person is at least 14 and all participants are consenting to what's happening it's legal in germany, given that any adult sexual partner is not in any way in a position where the act might be exploitative (e.g. is a teacher/superior).


The age of consent law does not specify anything about 21 year olds or anything. From what I have been able to read elsewhere, it seems to be automatically considered sexual abuse if the adult is 21 and above and the child 14 or 15


What country is the dude from? If it's Australia, the USA or Canada I can tell you that is not what the laws are. In all cases 16 is legal for sexual consent with any adult and any person over that age, unless you're an authority figure. Of course, arguing what is and isn't an authority figure in court is where these laws prove their shittiness and un-suitability. In this case it sounds like the community needs (and has) stepped in to pick up where the law cannot serve us. And that's why we need communities.


Theoreticly cannibalism is also not illegal here in Germany.


Don't forget the seethe!


Isnā€™t dr disrespect likeā€¦ not German,




Isnā€™t a similar idea with the age being 16 here in the US? 16-17 can legally have sex but 18 year olds are legally required to do it with 18 and up


True, the age of consent is fourteen but that's as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, whatever that means. So it's kind of messy to put it lightly.


I'm surprised it's 21 in Germany. In Austria, the moment you turn 18 and engage with a 14-15 year old, you are committing statutory rape. The law exists to legally protect young teens from engaging with one another consensually. Not to protect adults from grooming/exploiting kids. I'm not 100% on the specifics.. but 20-14 is crazy. Edit: Looked it up. There's a maximum 3 year age difference allowed between teens.


So itā€™s basically the Romeo & Juliet law we have here in the states?


Over 18


Itā€™s 21 here in Germany. Cause before that youā€™re counting as a semi teenager. Something I might add: if there is a sexual relationship between a person under 21 and one over the parents have to accept it first through many documents


most German thing I've read tbh


Papers please!


FYI, no credible source has confirmed the child's age. We don't know how old they were.


They just decided she was just like 17 years 11 months or smth, because they wanted it to be true


Dude, Doc himself said they were a minor. If anything saying theyā€™re 17 is actually generous because minor could be way younger.


Also they called kids/minors "Lolis". That feels worse than, if not just as bad as, calling trans women "shemales" or something. (Imma err and say "worse" because they're talking about real, live humans not characters, so hello dehumanization too).


Otaku have a whole thing with justifying pedo shit so long as it's a young girl. Anime culture as a whole is too tolerant of that garbage which is why I gave up on 95% of anime when the moe wave happened.


thats lolicons and a bunch of toxic porn addicts, not all anime fans, alot of us hate the sexualization of characters under the physical age of 16 and lolicons are basically outcasts from the community, and you have to delve really deep into the harem anime and hentai community to see alot of incels at least in my experience, i typically stay on the much friendlier side of the community and block anyone toxic as well as toxic tags and words, plus most of the manga im into isnt super disgusting brainrot harem porn, im into only one harem anime, Quintessential Quintuplets, because its actually well written and each girl is different and the mc is an actual character


Notice how I said I dipped out in the moe wave. I mean I'm glad to hear it's better now apparently but that drap was EVERYWHERE in that time period. People want to pretend bronies were the first time dudes were creepy en masse on the internet but the amount of horrid loli trash that people were posting everywhere was a legit problem. Azumanga daioh art comes to mind. Plus 16 is still a kid and anime still fetishes highschool girls as a whole and that shits still gross.


>Plus 16 is still a kid and anime still fetishes highschool girls as a whole and that shits still gross. i do agree that it unfortunately does, however imo as long as a character looks and acts 16+ and isnt fetished for being a teenager its fine imo, the main issue for me isnt the character's supposed age, its why theyre sexualized, if its just because theyre hot then thats fine, but if theyre fetishized for being vulnerable for a factor of reasons (ex: being a teenager, and/or being unaware of their sexualization) then i find an issue


German checking in to say NO THE FUCK NOT! Why do german creeps in english internet always drag out that law to pretend their perversity is ok, Cosmodore did this too. An adult creeping on a 14-yo is still illegal, others already explained the law in the comments way better than I could.


It's likely because they don't understand what age of consent laws are actually for. Like, they won't punish a 16 year old for doing stuff with their 17 year old partner. They just see the base number and assume it for everyone, not people within the same age range


German here, that's partially incorrect.The age of consent is 14 yes, but a 14 year old can only engage in sexual activities with a person up to 18 y/o, a 16 y/o with a 21 y/o ,and at the age of 18... y'all see where I am going


So like how a 16 year old in the US can engage in sexual activities with someone between the ages of 16 and 18?


Depends on the state. In some states, a sixteen year-old having sex with a 50 year-old is legal. Iirc, that was part of the scandal with Epstein. Him flying teenagers to other states where he (and others) could legally have sex with them.


It's good to note that it's a crime in and of itself to fly someone to a state with a lower age of consent specifically to "legally" screw them


True, but it's a different crime. If he had simply gone to that state and found a 16 year-old to have sex with *there*, it would have been all fine and dandy.


But we're the groomers...


While youā€™re right about grooming not being exclusive to ā€œour teamā€, this here post isnā€™t actually of a straight guy making the comment. Check his username (shota) and his profile pic :/






wait i dont quite understand what you mean?




*hhhhh. . . .* Regarding your edit, whatā€™s the sad reason for the self-inserts? I feel like I donā€™t want to know but I want to know, you know? Also elsewhere youā€™ve called him a likely ā€œchomoā€. Whatā€™s that? I donā€™t wanna look these things up for myself, Iā€™m gonna use you to filter out too much of the brain damage :P


ah shit i didnt even look at his username, gross oh yea i already know all that stuff nomatter if hes into boys or girls (or both) its unacceptable


Wonder if his wife has left him yet... They have a daughter together who's 9? I would hope he'd at least be against his daughter dating someone twice her age when she's 17.


I bet Cccrazy would change their tune real quick if someone they hated boned them without their consent


Theyā€™d likely still find a way to be shitty though. ā€œOh I was raped and Iā€™m fine so this 14 year old I want to rape will be fine too.


Nope and see him thrown into prison, as an adult you can't legally have sex with a fourteen old


No, from 14 you can "legally" have sex with ppl from 14-18. If ur 18+, u can only have sex with ppl 18+ So fuck no,you can't fuck children


I don't think that's how you do it? Why would you stop an 18 year old from being with someone who's example 16 or so just because they're now 18? I'm sure Germany has something akin to Romeo and Juliet laws where it's ok being someone under 18 if you're close enough in age to them?


Yeah R&J laws still apply


Pls be a troll.


Even if dude is a troll they are still normalizing abuse. Even if dude isnā€™t abusing anyone they are potentially emboldening abusers. Dude is still dangerous.


That's āœØnot āœØwhat āœØage āœØof āœØ consent āœØmeans. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'm in favor of orbital laser strikes


Alright, face the wall.


Bro really thinks thatā€™s a brag šŸ’€


At no point did anyone ever state their age, btw. His fans/defenders are just *assuming* it was a 17 year old girl. He has never said their age (or gender as far as I know either, actually), and as far as I know, no one on Twitch's side has ever stated their age either. It feels like they're trying to minimize it by suggesting they were "barely" underage or something.


Also, his own defense is that he never met with the minor and was never investigated by law enforcement, as if that means it didn't actually happen or something. Nothing screams "I did something wrong" like trying to make the thing you did seem like it was no big deal.


Men are gross, straight men are extra gross I wish we lived in a world where we didn't have to worry about creeps going after kids


Holy shit, openly admitting to wanting to fuck a child *this* bad? What happened to shutting the fuck up? Red flag number one, referring to children as lolis. Gives me a slight idea to this person's search history. This is something I'd screenshot and send to this guy's employer because no fucking way would any *sensible* company want to employ a *pedophile*.


Germany, famously a paragon of protecting children from sexual exploitation. Hey, anyone else have a weird urge to Google "Kentler Experiment?"


He is also completely wrong. That is the age of consent when having sex with other under 18 years olds. As in two teenages having sex with each other is not criminalized, anything involving an adult is.


Weā€™re not talking about whatā€™s legal or not. That part has already been dealt with privately. The question we need to ask is if we want to watch someone who is willing to talk inappropriately with a minor, or if we can separate the person (doc) from the content. With the limited information we have, I think itā€™s safe to assume doc is either a piece of shit or has some mental health issues he needs to work on. I personally have a hard time separating the artist/entertainment from the work, specifically in this case where itā€™s so dialogue/2 way conversation heavy as opposed to music or paintings etc.


just fyi that guy would go to jail in Germany if he did what he's preaching and got caught, age of consent is a bit more complex than just 14 over here


Even if she is 17, heā€™s 42!! Itā€™s so fucking gross.




Cope and seethe has got to be the most annoying line these types of people have picked up. Like who cares enough about someone's opinion online enough to get legitimately mad, let alone seething?


cope and seethe? american puritans? smh. as if american media doesnt glorify underage drinking, illegal substance use, and orgies in most things targeted towards young adults and teens. its absolutely disgusting what some people will try to justify.


COPE AND SEETHE HE SAYS WTFFFFFFFFF WHY ARE YOU DOING ANYTHING WITH A GODDAMN 14 YEAR OLD!? Seriously what do you, as a grown-ass adult, have in common with a fuckin 9th grader!?


Sadly, where I'm from (Italy) the age of consent is 14.. but if a grown ass man even tried to pick up a 14 year old CHILD (let's be ffr).. trust me, nobody would let that slide.. i have no idea why it's still legal


so the thing about the AoC in germany being 14 is that it has a ton of restrictions. Including but not limited to the elder(assuming 18+, if not this doesnt apply if I remember correctly) having any ammount of control/power over the minor. This includes fame to avoid celebs fucking teens who feel pressured into it because its their favorite celeb. This includes influencers like dr disrespect IIRC so its still illegal.


I kind of want to cuss you out for not tagging as spoiler/NSFW. This isn't even supposed to be allowed per the rules, the least you can do is hide it


That is both creepy and projection


Everyday I'm more and more glad my ancestors left Europe.


Setting aside the sheer yikes Who's Dr Disrespect?


Here in germany the age of consent is 14, so 14 years old teens can be together and relationships dont end if one partner turns 18! Its not fĆ¼r 30 year old dudes to creep on 14 year old teens! It is not accepted and will be shamed if it happens.


Her age isn't even public


Also this is a gross oversimplification of the age of consent in Germany. If your 14 and 15 you're allowed to have Sex with people max 4 years older. 16-18 lifts that restrictions but the person is not allowed to be in any position of power over you. And a large age difference will often count as a position of power. But the specifics are up to a judge to decide.


I think his account was suspended, can't find him anymore


I think I'm speaking for the majority of germans by saying that legality doesn't make it acceptable. Literally everybody I've met follows the unspoken rule: 18 is the magic number - drive cars, drink alcohol, go vote, (now) smoke weed,... and thus, intimacy is generally considered to be for people of that age as well. The only exception so far that I've heared of was when both parties were under the age of 18 and at most have an age gap of 1 year. this is sometimes considered as the "you're trying out things" phase by adults and gets tolerated. Though this also strongly depends on location and the people around you - I'm personally not a fan of this even being possible, and at the very least the people I surrounded myself with agree with me.


"Cancelled" isn't for something illegal, it's for something immoral.


Hi, German here. No he fucking cannot lmao. It's 14 *if you're 14-16*. If he's 17 or older he's going straight to jail.


I think it's people older than 21 can't date 14 y/o Minors dating minors is not illegal.


Yeah, I think they're called R&J laws, Canada has them too


"i found a place where my predation on minors is legal *so nyah!*" Stunning argument. Not the one he thinks it is though.


This kind of stuff always reminds me of Denmark (where I'm from). The age of consent here is 15 years old (which is really low), but it is not socially acceptable to date a 15-year old if you're an adult. Like a few months ago, there was this 34-year old politician who came out with the fact that he was dating a 15-year old girl. Everyone was enraged, and the politician ended up getting fired. As he should. Just because it's okay legally, does not mean it's okay morally.


Here In iran it's 9...a 60 yo can marry a 9 yo it's sickening...


Man, he really should've had a ticket to Epstein's Island


>I can smash as many lolis as I want (X) Doubt


i am german myself and my aunt's bf who is over thirty told me to catch up when I was 14 and deadass told me to have sex, wtf


Anyone know where he live cuz imma find this man and drag him to the police. (Btw i live in germany so i would reach him VERY FAST.)


Self report


Least pedophilic European




unfortunately not a straight thing, it would be less bad if it were, but honestlyā€¦ who does this predo think heā€™s impressingā€¦


sure, probably not only a straight thing, but really think with all the lgbt being pedoā€™s and groomers rhetoric, that your comment is appropriate?


This bait is pretty obvious