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A simple extension of this logic would erase sexuality within marriage completely.


Well, isnt it how the straight marriage works? You know, they marry eachother and "pouff", they stop copulating and hate eachother until one kills the other for the insurance. Then someone makes another episode of Forensic files so I can watch more nonsense and learn about forensic science.


And that’s why, if I ever settle down, I’ll have children. Food tasters.


It is a good idea, as a base, but make sure to look how the partner serve the food or it will not work properly. And test how much the partner loves the children, dont know how, maybe just push a kid under the bus or something, just to know if also would kill them, or would use the insurance money to get them to DisneyWorld. Another solution is kill your partner first, you know, if you get to love your kids in the meanwhile. And you could use the money to get GameBoys and churros, look, churros at DisneyWorld are expensive... And if you make them happy, maybe, they will not kill you for the insurance money too in the future. A happy ending! Love those. Just if mom and dad could bought some Gameboys back then, that way I could killed time instead!


If there’s one thing true crime YouTube has taught me, it’s that 90% of murders are committed by the victim’s spouse after taking out a life insurance policy


I saw lots of Forensic Files episodes here, because Tv use them to fill dead (oh the irony) spaces. And like you said about TrueCrime Youtube, lots of them are for the life insurance money they had on the partner. Lots of times for so little money that I really dont know how to react (like 5 or 20k $, for a life! For your kids parent!) They even receive the lover the same day they call the police to relieve them! In front of the police too. Some people are so crazy and self centered it scares the hell out of me.


Mike from That Chapter has a life insurance dance.


Always ready to give life insurance a goo


Exactly, as soon as a man gets married to a woman he's no longer straight. It would be diSrEsPeCtFuL to continue to find the opposite gender attractive, right?


Exactly what I was gonna say


I hate this so much. I mean, why is it so hard for people to understand that being bi doesn't mean we need both, it means we're happy with either! Also, are those people jealous of every single person of their own sex, too, if they're married to a straight spouse?


>Also, are those people jealous of every single person of their own sex, too, if they're married to a straight spouse? Yes


This is why the "Mike Pence" mentality is so common in men, and why possessiveness is normalized in women. Some straight people are literally terrified to be alone in the same room as someone of the opposite sex while they're in a committed relationship. They'll often say it's about trust, boundaries, and avoiding even the suggestion of impropriety, but I think it's more about the gross stereotypes that men can't control themselves, and women are vulnerable.


A friend of mine lives with his dad to help the guy out with medical issues. They live in separate apartments on the same land. I came over to hang out for a few days and nights, because bunching the days worked better logistically given the drive. But, you see, I'm AFAB, and apparently my magical vagina was going to corrupt his son. So the dad got insanely angry about me staying, even though there was literally nothing happening besides watching Babylon 5 and hanging out. I'm nonbinary, asexual, and sex repulsed So, I'm not even a woman, and I don't like sex. But I can't visit overnight because of my magnetic/magical vagooboo. The kicker is that the guy's actual girlfriend is a trans woman who is stealth to the dad, and is allowed to live there because of that. The dad loves her because she's been a lot of help to him. She's literally more of a woman than I am, and not ace. But if we pointed out the utter insanity of that contradiction, then they would both get kicked out. The queerphobia hurt itself in it's own confusion.




Yeah, precisely. My girlfriend is bi (I'm lesbian) and while I absolutely get jealous if she tells me she finds someone else attractive because it happens and she and I have established that we also like the little bit of possessiveness on both sides, I would never think she'd cheat on me because I trust her. She chose me for a reason. Attraction ≠ romantic/sexual interest, and yeah, as said, she chose me and not those other people. Her being bi doesn't change that, and her being loyal to me doesn't change the fact she's still bi.


> it's about trust It's literally the opposite of trust. If you trusted your partner, you would have no problem with them having friends of their preferred gender(s).


I came here to say the same thing. Do these people ever think a little before they spit every shit that goes through their brain out into the world? Or is critical thinking to much to ask from this specimens? 🤦‍♀️


The worst thing is that many of the people who say stuff like that think they are way better at critical thinking than you and me.


As humans, we tend to form our opinions subconsciously and justify it to ourselves afterward. This was enough to calm the cognitive dissonance in their head. So as little thought as possible is put in these "thoughts".


I know for a fact that Catholics are taught that sexual desires are an insatiable and life long urge for men and that men need to satisfy that need. The fact that it's a woman is a matter of biblical doctrine. Men need to have every bit of the sex and it's only ok to do it with one woman. Although cheating is ok. Anyway, if you're bi, your double insatiable urge can never be satisfied because you can only have one partner before god so it's -5 if it's gay, -2 if it's two people.


They also like to assume pans and bis are promiscuous and into 3 ways. I literally had a dude I was dating ask if he could bring a random chick to bed with us. Um NO


This is definitely a component of bi-erasure. Why would finding both genders attractive somehow imply that you aren’t serious in the relationship you’re in? Actually disgusting.


People love to mix up bisexuality with polyamory and assume that neither are capable of being faithful to people. This black and white, all-or-nothing ignorance of truly frustrating because it's paraded around as morality


This frustrates me to no end because ethical nonmonogamy is actually ALL about commitment to multiple people.


ENM is a blanket term that includes polyamory. I have a friend that is married. While they have lots of sexual exploits outside their marriage together, they only are committed to each other romantically. They are in an ENM relationship, but not a poly one. Even poly relationships all differ in levels of commitment. There are so many ways poly relationships work. Some have a central couple that are committed and just have separate side relationships they aren't completely committed to. I know poly folks that are that way because they like living alone and not having to be the center of a committed relationship, but like more casual connections with people. My polycule is more what you are describing, but being fully committed to multiple people is only a portion of poly relationships! I don't mean to nitpick, but I do see a lot of comments that tend to misrepresent what it means to be ENM. The only requirement of ENM is that all parties involved are aware of the arrangement and happily consent to it. How you do ENM past that is up to you!


Absolutely true! In my own relationship we do a mix of both. We each have some casual relationships and hook ups here and there, and I have a secondary who I am still in the early stages of dating. We’re feeling it out but we’ve been close friends for years so the emotional intimacy is there and the commitment is there too.


I fucking hate the whole "bisexuals are promiscuous" stereotype or anything similar, like married people of other sexualities still find people other than their partner attractive and don't cheat, it's not like the ring goes on and the priest says "I now pronounce you so-and-so" and ***boom*** you're ace/aro towards anything not the person you're married to.


That stigma is entirely why I was very distressed and depressed as a teen. I couldn’t like girls because I already liked boys, but couldn’t be bi because I hated sex. Turns out bi people aren’t defacto horn machines and you can be a biromantic asexual. I still struggle with feeling invalid in both of those. Like I’m not really into someone because I don’t want to fuck them (bi imposter), but also that I’m not actually a sex repulsed ace because I’m into most peers who breathe (ace imposter). There’s so so little visibility of either. When bi is there, it’s overwhelmingly sexual (threesome bait). Ace isn’t there at all or is reserved for cartoonish hermits (no love without sex). Sorry about the rant it’s been rough in local lockdown lately.


The only real difference is that there's probably some more overlap in who else they find attractive.


So marriage is supposed to magically cancel out any attraction to people outside the marriage? How on earth does that make sense


If you read the relationship advice subreddit, yes, a whole lot of people think you shouldn’t feel any attraction to anyone else when you are in a relationship. In fact a distressing number consider finding someone else attractive as a kind of cheating. Insecurity abounds on Reddit, so much so that these folks have created an echo chamber where they convince themselves they are the normal ones.


Only people of the same gender apparently


> So marriage is supposed to magically cancel out any attraction to people outside the marriage? A disturbing amount of people think that. Just look at all the stupid jokes about married men not being able to even glance at another woman without their SO flipping their shit.


that's not how bi works...


That's not how sexuality works...


That’s not how biology works…


So should straight people just stop being straight? Because "oh, you're attracted to the opposite gender? Are you implying that you'd date _another_ person? Disgusting."


That's why people stop finfing their parter attractive when they marry and start acting like their marriage is hell. They have to become aro/ace as soon as they get married or they would break their vows.


I am here for a world full of ace people tho. But aro/ace people don't hate their partners that's like a very str8 thing to do.


Projection, projection, projection! Or else, how would they think that finding a bigger part of this earth’s population attractive equals to faking their commitment to their partner?




I stg some people’s thought process is just “does this sound coherent? Then it must be right and I will defend it without ever actually thinking about it”


Fuck this person very much.


No, I definitely wouldn't fuck this person


this mf seriously think we can just choose to turn off the bi in us whenever we want. damn you should talk to some actual bi people.


Being bisexual is NOT the same as being in an open relationship or polyamorous. And that’s coming from a bi in a polyamorous relationship with both a man and a woman.


Living the dream 😌


By that logical a man can marry a women but just might as well get together with anohter different women. Hetero doesn't mean one person, it's one gender!


Why is it so hard for people to understand what sexuality is? It's not controllable. It's just your body's physiological reaction to certain other bodies. And it can't change Even the most progressive sometimes fail to understand this


Then straight people dont get to be straight after marriage


Single straight people exist. Once you’re married, you should no longer be straight. Imagine you’re married to someone, you two have pledged your lives to each other, til death do us part, and your spouse is like “I mean I’m keeping my options open, ya know. Like obviously I like my partner, but like, other women are kinda hot too.”


Single straight people exist. Once you’re married, you should no longer be straight. Imagine you’re married to someone, you two have pledged your lives to each other, til death do us part, and your spouse is like “I’m still attracted to men as a female” or “I’m still attracted to women as a male” how dare they not undergo the standard lobotomy? How dare they still be straight and plot to replace you with another person of your same gender? /s


“Sorry honey but you bleached your hair and my type is brunettes. I can only get horny for one type so we have to get divorced :/“


Man, not only bi erasure but poly erasure too! I hate it so much!


Do straight people just stop being straight after marriage ?


"I'm married, not dead.'' ''Doesn't cost anything to look at the menu'' etc. The gender is inconsequential.


Bruh 💀💀💀 I see we have a professional moron.


Ugh super shitty. My wife is pan. She was pan when she was married to her first husband, she was pan when she divorced him, she was pan when we started dating and she’s still pan now that she’s married to a woman. She finds other people attractive. That’s not in any way contradicting the promises we made to each other. This possessive nonsense is absurd 😡


"Single straight people exist. Once you're married, you should no longer be straight. Imagine you're married to someone, you two have pledged your lives to each other, til death do us part, and your spouse is like 'I mean I'm keeping my options open, ya know. Like obviously I like my partner, but like, other women are kinda hot too.'" *\*sigh\** Is it too much to hope that these people actually *get it* at some point in my lifetime?


People really think bi people are like schrodingers cat. Your both gay and straight until married or something.


That’s exactly it. They just psychologically can’t see men and women as one group. They don’t belong together. Reminds me of the old-fashioned “you can’t be attracted to both White and Black people” trope. The ones to get surprised and confused if someone dates different races after another. Anytime I’ve interacted with people like that they turned out to be racist. Which leaves me with little hope for “bi until married” vs sexist ideas.


We need Schrödinger's Bisexual to be a flair here if it isn't already. I want it.


Because being hetero keeps you from cheating. That's just facts


Based on this, every married person is asexual. They are not allowed to find anyone attractive lol.


Mf thinks bi ppl have collapsible quantum states 💀


So then if you’re single you’re aroace? If you’re gonna apply this logic then your sexuality is whatever your current relationship is


That's not what bi means 🥴


My husband is very aware that I am very attracted to women. It is what it is.


I have become an "only my spousexual"


So when you get married you are no longer attracted to anyone else? You become asexual apart from your partner? Maybe this person is demisexual. I’m confused


That's mistaking being bi for being polyamorous


Sexualities are literally just words to describe who you experience attraction to... Marriage has nothing to do with it


So when you get married you become asexual except with your partner? Yeah that’s not how that works


"Once you're married you should no longer be bi-" Okay but... What if I have a wife AND a boyfriend? Can I still keep my bi card? Also WTF kind of logic is this? Do we all end up just dropping sexual attraction? Does this apply to straight people- if a guy has a wife, does he have to stop being attracted to all other women so he isn't "keeping his options open"?


Thats……..not how it works


It's literally what can happen in any type of couple, even straights can go "I'm married but other girls/boys are kinda hot too"


By that logic, everyone should become asexual once married?


That’s it. If this person gets married I’m stealing their sexuality. You’re no longer straight or gay fucko, you’re marriedsexual now


There it is again, bisexual slut shaming. Homophobes lost the battles against gay people so now it's time to target a slightly different demographic to make themselves feel better


Oh, shit, I didn't know we had an on/off switch.


Apparently marriage didn't fix my bisexuality. I married a man, but it doesn't stop me from wanting to bang a former manager (F) of mine.




You aren't "keeping your options open," you've just settled down. That doesn't mean someone should change their sexuality


do people not realize that straight people can still be attracted to people when they’re married. and you what sexuality does the majority of cheating? STRAIGHT PEOPLE


This kind of stuff is so strange to me because there’s a shit-ton more of vicious homophobia directed at gay people, but it’s never quite as nakedly slack-jaw stupid as biphobia. Like, homophobe internal logic is extremely flawed, but biphobia logic just doesn’t exist. It can’t be followed.


"You can't like the same gender as I do, you're gay!" "But I like both sexes." "Oh yeah? Well... that's gay!" "I mean, like 50% lol."


What I don't understand is why straights like this, always have to go to some weird extreme to show really how ignorant they truly are. They don't just stop being attracted to people of the opposite gender when married, so why would we be any different with the same or other genders? And just like straights who choose to be in healthy monogamous relationships, we can do the same without issues if that is what we want. It's really not that hard of a concept to realize. I would also like to point out that because we have more options potentially, we are a lot less likely to settle, so we are less inclined to cheat when we do choose the person to be monogamous with for long term if that is what both people in the relationship want. They also fail to see there are also many other relationship options beyond monogamy as well, even if you are married. It's all about having a relationship built on full trust, communication and respect. Which I know for a fact people like this don't have and most likely never will, so they really shouldn't be judging others relationships or marriages and how the people within them are especially with their sexuality... period. It's always gets to me that the most judgemental people are the religious ones, who are literally taught that they shouldn't judge. In most cases they are deflecting since their own relationship is shit... Or they haven't been able to ever have a healthy and happy relationship, especially sexually, because of these narrow minded beliefs on top of some major insecurities that they should have worked through before ever being in a relationship with another person to begin with. Like why don't they look inward to see what the root cause of all these feelings is, why they feel the need to be this way, and work on fixing that... Rather than making themselves constantly look like a close-minded misrable judgemental a$$****. It has to be a depressing existence.


Fun thing is my friend is bi amd they are dating a bi person as well and they make jokes about how everyone is hot and it's something too bound over when you both find someone attractive but you are still dating


How did they even get here?? Isn't Elliot page straight? (Which good for him! Heard he's married. Forget to who but I'm sure she's a lovely lady.) Or am I out of the loop??? I know he wore a green carnation on his suit at some event as a nod to Oscar Wilde but everything online says he's a straight man.


He is divorced.


Well, I know his wife was with him pre-transition. Did she end up concluding she still wanted a wife, not a husband?


Even if still pretty sad for him, coming out is hard but it wouldn't be her fault if she decides that she can't be with him because he's a man since, y'know, he is a dude and she'd be respecting that still which is nice. If that was the case that'd be rough so I hope he's doing ok. Divorce is rough for both people, it's like a breakup but more complicated and sad.


It was amicable and they are still friends.




I think so.


Aw that's sad. I hope they're still on good terms, divorce is tricky and sometimes it's good to still be on somewhat friendly terms. You don't have to be their friend but it can help ease the pain to know that you both still care for each other and nobody hates the other person.


This kinda shit is why I don’t want to date (cis) straight people and why I prefer dating bi/pan people.


Being Bi is like having the option between donuts and pizza, both are amazing in there own separate ways and you absolutely love both, but you wouldn’t want them at the exact same time. Edit: ok, maybe you might want them at the same time but that would be on a special occasion


If you get married become ace I guess. Otherwise you're just like "oh the other people of you're sex/gender are hot I'm keeping my options open"


Either, not both!!!!!


I dont think options are open if they are getting married


So are all married people automatically made demisexual? That's some bull


Ya my partner and I don't watch movies and when we go in public we plug our ears and go LA LA LA just in case we cheat on each other accidentally by finding someone else attractive


Psh. Heterosexuals as a whole have far more experience of "keeping their options open", if you catch my drift.


This feels like it would logically follow that straight people suddenly become asexual as soon as they’re married. “Duh just don’t be attracted to anything but your partner anymore” Just seems ridiculously unhealthy.


Married or not he is still Bi- what logic is that??


I do wonder how many people with this weird “not how sexuality works” bi take watch porn. Like, while they’re dating someone who isn’t the porn stars. What, other dicks/tits still turn you on? That’s fucked up bro, almost like you’re a real human. Smdh


straight men will say this and then try to recreate concubines.


I can find solace in the idea that a married person loses all sexual interest in people not their spouse. But that should count for literally all of them. How would that work on only half for bi people? If they marry a man, any random woman should do nothing for them but a random man should? They really don’t think this shit through


Gotta love the poly erasure. Not everyone is monogamous.




I can't imagine being so dumb I get confused over polyamory and bisexuality


I fucking hate these comments. That’s not how bi and pan work. Ugh


*Image Transcription: Youtube Comment* --- @[*Redacted*] single bi people exist. Once you're married, you should no longer be bi. Imagine you're married to someone, you two have pledged your lives to each other, til death do us part, and your spouse is like "I mean I'm keeping my options open, ya know. Like obviously I like my partner, but like, men are kinda hot too." --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Jesus wept, I'm a sapphic leaning Bisexual and demi and my husband is bisexual. I don't understand people, I understand then less with each day that passes


I didn't realize I was bi until after I was married. Oops.


Do straight couples magically stop being attracted to other people when they're married too? Makes no sense.


TIL when straight people get married they stop being attracted to all other members of the opposite sex except for thier spouse. /s


By this person's logic, once you're married you should no longer be gay or straight either, you should be spouse-sexual, attracted exclusively to the person you married.




You'd be surprised on how common this mentality is. I'm in hetero passing marriage and hear this stupid sh*t all the time


This is actually how a girl at my school thinks about bi people


He finds men and women hot. He marries a woman. Men and other women exist. I find women hot. I marry a woman. Other women exist. Is this not the same situation?