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Oh, I'm a little curious about the interviews. It's been a while since I've watched a season, but I was always shocked how badly the contestants sold themselves (and highlighted their own red flags) in their pre-show recorded interviews. Did you ever feel pushed to show yourself in a worse/more chaotic light to the production in order to get cast or did anyone encourage that direction?


Definitely felt this way. I would answer questions naturally and if I hadn’t given the answer that they were “looking for,” the follow up questions became increasingly more and more pointed until they got something acceptable. This happened in my Skype interviews and the ones in person. I also felt like they directly asked on more than one occasion why i couldn’t find “the one” on my own, which also might be a reason why cast members red flags were so apparent


Great answer, thanks for responding! I'm sorry you didn't get to play the statistics game/find the one on the show!!


Thanks for sharing this. I’m actually curious what the interview process actually was? What kind of questions were you asked? How many interviews did you participate in? And if you sent in a casting video, what did you mention in it?


I submitted photos and a brief bio in late 2017. I wasn’t contacted until mid to late April of 2018 and had about 3 Skype interviews just talking about myself and why I was a good fit. I had to send in more selfies and a video showcasing my room and talking about my life and interests. It was about 2 minutes long. Reflecting now, I was almost certainly cast as the “weird girl” because I mentioned I was majoring entomology (bugs) and this was continuously brought up during the whole process. I think what they’re looking for is novelty. When I went to LA, I was in a hotel room for 48h and only left when I was summoned from my room to complete more interviews or take personality tests. My room key was legit taken away. I was not allowed to talk to or even look at other potential cast members. I took one or two more love language type quizzes when I got home and then got my confirmation days later.


Oh, also they contacted my one ex and he was a good sport and had funny answers for their questions as well so I’m sure that helped. He had also agreed to be on the show for an episode which I felt like may have been to my advantage too. I have videos on tiktok where I go into more detail about this


What’s your TikTok?




Oh very interesting!! Thanks for sharing all of this. Have you auditioned/been on any other dating or reality shows since 2018 or were you really just interested in being a part of AYTO?


Nope! This was the only one I ever applied for. I was super sad when it was cancelled so I didn’t apply to anything else. Weirdly though, I was contacted by a few different dating reality shows after to get me to come on their show instead which I declined bc I was so salty lol


That sucks you made it so far! Are you bisexual? That would have made it even worse... Like I could a still been on it!!


I’m not! They had us check off our sexuality on our paperwork though so I wonder if those who were bisexual still made it through 🤔


Damn your perfect match is somewhere out there, hope they appear in the comments 🤞😂


Ironically enough my current boyfriend says he probably wouldn’t have wanted to date me if I was some ex reality TV personality 😭 so it’s a silver lining!


wait why didnt it air?


Never made it to filming, canceled days prior!


What kind of questions are on the dating questionnaire?


Oh god, uh a little of everything. I had to take a major personality test (over 100 questions if I remember correctly). It was pretty similar to MBTI type questions. then I had to take another test that graded my mental capability of being on a reality show. I really can’t remember specifics. I also had to take love language quizzes. If you Google any of these the questions will be almost identical I just can’t think of anything specific since it’s been 5 years. The thing is these tests don’t have much influence on your “perfect match” at all. They cast 20 people they think would be good for TV then try to play matchmaker after the fact. I also doubt my answers had much impact on if I would be cast, shy of the mental health one. I was under the impression it was my personal interviews where I discussed my life and interests that mattered most. Idk if this is helpful, I’m sorry :(


No no, that was helpful. Can I DM you? I have more questions but about how you submitted yourself to the show.


Go for it!


How crazy was the season, as it in terms of drama? I’m from the UK and signed up late to the global edition, but I was wondering how you like the show?


I did not appear on the show, as I said in my post!


Wow they really don't give you much time to get ready huh? I always thought cast had months to prepare.


nope lol I had to quit my job and cancel my summer semester with days notice!