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If Tyson foods can sack me for having a diabetic episode on the line and call it “sleeping on the job,” they should absolutely let him go. He needs to go be stupid somewhere else.


That sucks. Am sorry to hear that.


Yeah, but that happened back in 2010, so there’s nothing that can be done about it now.


Don’t stop talking about it. They did it once they’ll do it again. You might help someone who is still within the situations and was unoffensive about coming forward. I hate big asshole corporations


Totally agree. I also once worked for tyson temporarily. Worst work environment I've ever been a part of. Fuck em all


I've seen those scum no ethics people do far worse as far as harassment breaking g labor laws and falsigying documents to the USDA. they're all pigs together folks. Terrible ethics and people. Now that everyone is digitally connected they're hav8ng a hard time recruiting g people even from the third world countries who are in civil wars that they go after usually.


You're not the owners irresponsible alcoholic son. This guy is.


What a chode.


Nepotism at its finest Edit: at least he went to Harvard and Stanford, so he's not an idiot like some nepo babies.


How do you think he got in? Money.


If he's overseeing their money, how can I trust that anything that's going on in their factories is safe!? I'm going to buy chicken from these people? They can't even hire someone sober to handle their MONEY. I'm not going to buy a meat that can kill me or give me prion disease from people who hire nepo-alcoholics to run their company.




Did not know that. Now I want to try some of that chicken you describe. Glad I ran across this comment from you as I scrolled on about this over privileged, drunkard Tyson dude.


I do the same. It is more expensive but we just eat less chicken and enjoy it more.


Eeww, no. My main office is in Springdale and I grew up a few blocks from OK Foods in FS (as well as working for them). One chicken truck is all I need to see to just… no. Eww.


You should never, ever eat Tysons food. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They can’t even fire him. They suspended him. Lol. I wouldn’t buy a thing from them.


Not a trained professional


Dynastic wealth is a societal plague


If any “normal “ person were in these wacky situations we’d be in jail for a while.


Nepo-babies aren’t “normal”.


Not true. Anybody would get booked and let go with a court date.


Yes, but at that court date a normal person would expect to face repercussions. So far, this dude has not.


You don't know that. What was his plea agreement for the first offense? Do you know? He's gonna have a better lawyer than I did and I didn't serve jail time for my first or second. He'll likely have fines and programs like most others would.


Congrats on your two DWIs, I guess?


Congrats on snap judging people, I guess.


I’m a felon and two and a half years sober. I try hard not to judge. You seem to want to believe that this Tyson guy is just like you, I’m guessing because it makes you feel better about yourself. Feeling kinship over shared drunk driving offenses is not in your best interest.


Again with the judging. You certainly aren't trying hard. You seem to want to believe he's so different, when like us, he's got problems as well. The Tyson's aren't the Kardashians. Should he be punished *more* because he's a Tyson?


Look, it took two arrests to get through to me that I had a problem. I spent a year in rehab, and it was *hard.* It was also the most worthwhile thing I’ve ever done. I did this with family support, but no money. If I can make it happen, anyone can, including a Tyson. No, I don’t think he should be punished more harshly because of his name. But, because of his name, he has access to resources 99% of people do not, and I truly hope he takes advantage of them, regardless of what the court may or may not throw at him.


If you’ve been through recovery then you should know how stupid what you’re saying is lmao Money doesn’t matter when it comes to addiction. You made the personal choice to want to stop. And that’s all it takes for anyone, but to pretend like him somehow having money makes him a “worse” addict than you is proof enough that you’re still not there lol You sound like a dry drunk who is trying to judge others because you feel better than those in active addiction. I don’t think you learned anything in rehab lol I really hope a relapse isn’t in your future because this kind of attitude is what kills people


What is the good of a court date anyways? That means nothing when the penalty for those in wealthy status is a fine.


Our jails in Arkansas are full of people that get charged and do not get out of jail waiting on court dates. Depends on prosecutors and judges and sheriffs and depends on the technology at these mostly crappy county or city jails.


User name checks out.


“Governor Ashy Eyes” 😂😂😂


I can't take credit for that! Comedian Michelle Wolf made that reference during the Correspondent's dinner years ago. But it was funny as hell seeing SHS face when she was doing her routine.


That was gold!!


What a loser. Given everything in life and behaves like this.


Yea, all nepo babies whose Daddy's ran mega companies are like this. August Busch III or IV had a woman die in his mansion in St. Louis from a cocaine overdose. It was well known he loves the booger sugar also.


Wow, what a name for ya! Just sounds sinister!


This dude is barely older than I am and he is the CFO? Nepotism baby.


Maybe some of those 14 year old employees they lobbied for can be his driver?


And another reason to not buy his shit food!


He's rich, charges dropped....


It saying right or wrong but when he went to sleep in that ladies house, it was a home he had previously rented. Want just a random house. Dude clearly has a drinking problem, surely he’ll resign after this.


I had not heard he'd lived there previously. In college?


You think he’ll resign lol? He literally got a promotion from CSO to CFO when his first arrest happened. His great grandfather started the company, and his dad is Chairman of the Board. He isn’t going anywhere, except maybe a 2 week paid vacation/suspension


My favorite was his stint as director of diversity and inclusion. A real man of the people, that guy. 🙃


Hell no, he won't. He's still going to be the ceo in five years.


CFO? He looks like hes 20


He’s family.


Of course


Glad the chicken wasn’t crossing the road then!




He better have been rushing more chickie nuggies to my grocers freezer!


For the record - he did not enter a mansion and fall asleep. He wandered, drunk, off Dickson street and entered an apartment of several college students and passed out


I’d guess his last name is an indication of how he earned that job.


Sarah has his back...bet!


“Still under investigation… no comment “ as Tyson once again slides out the courtroom with hand slap


The laws don't apply to him. He be a rich little effer.


Any update on this? Is he still suspended?


Hopefully this is the blessing in disguise he needs to find sobriety.


Looks like a drunken chicken fucker


The Tyson scum starts at the top