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R. She was elected because of the R.


I have a relative that claims he voted for Sarah because, and I quote, "I don't like the look of that other fella". Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out


But he likes the look of sanders?! He needs glasses


Lmao, I know it. I pointed that out to him and he had no answer at all. We all know exactly what he meant.


You should tell her she’s trans( probably is) see how he reacts


LOL! What could that possibly mean??


Arkansas is racist as hell.


I'm sure that relative will be happy to answer our questions white away.


He’s got a black friend though…


This. People vote based on feels, not reals. And also how their mom and pop vote cus they think someone can see how they vote in the booth so to not to disappoint their parents/family, they vote the same way so that their not ostracized.


This. The "group-think" stuff is big around here. "If it was good enough for papaw, it's good enough for me!" crap. Most of the native Arkansans I've met since moving here honestly don't have the courage to form an opinion different from everybody else's. Not alot of independent thought.


Shouldn't have moved to Arkansas, mistake number one there pal. Lol


I feel your pain on a cellular level


Word. I've lived in many states, from Hawaii to North Carolina, arkansas has some of the most shady, two faced, non-critical thinking, maga loving people in concentration. Don't get me wrong, everywhere has people like that, but holy hell Arkansas has them in spades. Finally got out for good myself just a week ago. Where I am people use blinkers, let you merge, don't spew their oan and fox news bs every chance they get, don't vote to spread pain and ignorance, doesn't have a governor stealing and destroying education, just to name a few things... Couldnt be happier away from the dense majority of asshats that make up Arkansas.


I'm getting away in 2 weeks and god it's going to be a breath of fresh air to have all of the "normal" back. Lived in a few states and agree, this place is very.... special. The fact that so many don't vote here is another shocker. My ex-husband is from here and didn't know how politics or voting worked. The older populace, a majority of them aren't fairing any better.


Got out as soon as I realized that was a thing. It's been lots of years and l'll tell you what I miss. 1. Easily attainable fried catfish.


I think I'll miss the thunderstorms. That's it 🤣


A lot of Arkansans don’t vote or participate because they think it doesn’t matter, which of course is a self-fulfilling prophecy. We need to get a *lot* more people involved in our governance at local levels and work our way up the food chain.


I too have lived in many states, including 7 years in Hawaii. Now I've lived in Arkansas for 30+ years and every single day I kick myself for ever leaving Hawaii. Probably the worst decision of my life.


Where is better please tell me.born here stuck here......


I'm from NM and I can confirm it's much better there me n my wife are shaggin ass out of here as soon as we're able


Left WV...the Arkansas of the Mid Atlantic States, in 1985 with no regrets..


Skill issue


Are you happy with your long distance, btw?


I'm unsure what you mean...


I understood your meaning so much so that I was flippant and made an 80's joke in solidarity. So yeah, I didn't know what I meant either.


I know, right? If I had it to do over again, I'd have just stayed on the interstate .... and passed right by! LOL! I got here in 1999, I think it was, and it seemed very different at that time. The simplicity of life and the friendliness of the people was a refreshing change from previous places I had lived, and I really liked it here. Man, how things change


It's crazy how one man has completely brought out the absolute worst in so many people. I knew there were still shitty people here(the US), I just didn't realize how many there were, or how shitty they could truly be.


To use the language of the day. Arkansas is indeed full of NPCs.


Incredibly overlooked observation, offers valuable insight into the population of Arkansas. Interestingly, its impact is much broader than expected across the nation.


Education in Arkansas has never been a priority or a desire or in the south either. Public education in the former slave states for whites only started when the former slaves started their own free schools. The rich whites back then sent their kids up north for education. The desire for the conservatives is to correct this and banish public education again.


That's how that senile fool Biden got infected.


Just wondering what the percentage of voting-age non-voters there is in y'all state. You are correct -- that's exactly why she was elected -- but I'm willing to bet if yall really didn't want her as governor ya probably could have done something about it. But no, voting is for squares, man!


We are a non-voting state, for sure. It's also notable that fewer people voted for Sanders than the down-ballot repubs on the ticket. Which means that alot of people skipped voting for her (probably out of certainty that she was going to win anyway, as well as not being particularly enthusiastic about her).


Exactly this.


Arkansas ranks last in [voter turnout](https://www.kark.com/news/your-local-election-hq/study-shows-arkansas-ranks-last-in-voter-turnout-how-ballot-measures-intend-to-bring-numbers-up/)


Iirc, about half of those eligible to vote are registered and only about half of registered voters voted. I knew it'd be bleak, but I voted for Chris anyway. That said, while I always encourage people to vote, I do understand why so many didn't. Basically, in 2022, there weren't enough contested races for the average person to care. Every state house seat was up and a huge chunk of the state senate, yet ~80% of the seats were either completely uncontested or it was the currently seated republican vs an independent or libertarian. I heard several make the argument that if SHS won, the legislature would rubber stamp everything. If Chris won, they'd block everything. It would have been worse than how they treated Asa the last 2 years of his term. So, it was hard to argue with their reasoning for not standing in line to vote, especially in a non-federal election year. I'm hoping that voter turnout will be better the next few cycles, especially since the Democratic Party of Arkansas made sure that every race will be contested in November. I'm not going to hold my breath, of course, but I'm hopeful nevertheless.


This is the most correct answer. A dried up booger in the middle of the road would have one with the R.


I'm an R. Well I used to be I'm not sure what I am anymore with that party the way it is. And I did not not for her.


It should be safe now.


Take the up vote. If anything, for the chuckle


She’ll get reelected again The idiots are running the show


Maybe. I think it depends on how badly LEARNS is going by re-election time. The tremendous costs of the program are expected to become evident in a few years. Also, if by re-election the numbers of former public school kids now attending private stay the same (95% of voucher kids last year were ALREADY in private schools), then the program will be viewed as a very expensive failure. If she has another scandal (lectern-gate blew through alot of the unearned political goodwill she enjoyed), if anything actually comes of the whistleblower complaint, who allegedly has documentation of financial fraud ... stay tuned.


I'm not sure if most people are aware of any of this though. We know because we're on here all the time. But none of my co-workers knew anything about either the podium or LEARNS until I brought it up. Obviously that's just 1 group of people, but still.


Yes, local news stations don't really cover these kinds of things, and most people are woefully and willfully uninformed. Only when the repercussions become really terrible do people pay attention. But, the voting public aside, Sanders has managed to alienate a fair number of high profile republicans in this state. I had hoped that possibly there would be a more qualified and trustworthy primary challenger for the next term, but since RPA has closed their primaries, that doesn't seem likely.


So many local news stations are owned by Sinclair Group now that it's that way everywhere. A few stations here are Sinclair owned and they ignore almost all local political issues unless they involve Dems.


Arkansas is truly ground zero for propaganda and under-informed voters.


Thank God for idiots.


Arkansas will vote for Jeffery Epstein actively kidnapping your children with a Republican Banner over Jesus himself resurrected with a Democratic Party banner.


Jesus resurrects the dead. “Nope! We dont believe in them socialist policies!”


These zealots would vote for a dead animal carcass if it has an R in front of the name.


They did.


Vote Republican, re-elect Dead Animal Carcass for Governor 2026. She may not be the most intelligent, most ethical, and/or living choice, but we are morons so fuck it.


Not electing Chris Jones set this state back 20 years or more.


Hopefully he runs for congress or something. Maybe even tries governor again in four years. Or less, if we can try a recall, just because it didn't work in California doesn't mean it won't here.


Because many of the voters in Arkansas think like she does.


Some of them, I'm impressed if they think at all.


Nepo governor.


She's installed little girl friends in every position she possibly hammer one into. Some departments she's taken over have appointees with little to no experience making 2-3 times what state employees are making.


She also has little to no experience. So...


Sycophants and Partners in crime.


She’s a very experienced liar though so, it helps.


she's probably going to pass out ammo


Because Arkansas has the lowest turnout number for voters in the entire country. Arkansas is not a RED state. Arkansas is a NON voting state.


This is it right here! Every single person on this sub is so blue. Then the people elect representatives soo red. Dems would rather cry on Reddit and not vote. Republicans would rather vote for the devil. Both sides of the isle are solely responsible for the shit show politics in our state and nobody really wants to improve it.


I do agree the 2 party system has fucked us. I was collecting signatures at PRIDE yesterday and I had many tell they don't bother with voting because it does nothing. As I'm standing there dripping in sweat and trying to bring our voices to the ballot. But thankfully there was so much love to make it better.


I'm living here now (retired) because of my wife's desire to be near her family, I find about 85% of the residents here are a detriment to the quality of the gene pool.


Agree. I’ve been here for two years and wow.


I voted for the rocket scientist. Don’t ask me


Rich people purposefully seek out candidates that can be manipulated and used against the populace to give money to. When rich people give money to nepo-babies they get elected, because people in Arkansas can't be bothered to think for themselves. People in Arkansas just suck rich people and Jesus off and pretend that being the most brain-washed sycophant in the cult is a personality, in fact; it is considered the greatest personality.


It’s disgusting how many people voted for her just because she’s republican. I usually vote red, but I convinced my buddies to vote for Chris Jones just because he honestly appeals to both left and right wing citizens. But no, we get stuck with a legacy baby retard


She's so dishonest.


Dishonest isn’t even scratching the surface. You know there’s a problem when both parties hate your guts


That's a good point. "Dishonest" was a very lackluster word choice on my part LOL!


Fox News! 75% of the people in Arkansas watch Fox News and they vote the way Fox News tells them to vote. No thinking needed!


Well crap, I’ve always wanted to visit Arkansas but she’s why I’m waiting


Man, I wouldn't let a stupid politician affect your choice of vacation destination.


It's called vote with your dollars.


If you're scheduling a convention for hundreds of people, maybe that's effective, but a long weekend for a family will go unnoticed.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Individuals need to know they can make a difference.


Well, personally, I'm not going to let right-wing assholes stop me from seeing the world. They've already taken enough, why let them take that too?


Many more progressive states to vacation in I do try to use my dollars for good vs bad


Well if you're waiting for Arkansas to become progressive, I doubt it will ever happen.


We vote on issues more progressively than on the politicians. That’s why Sarah and her gang are going after our citizens initiative and voters. That’s why when we voted against 60% majority and not expanding the jail, Sarah went against what we voted for and did what SHE wanted.


Agreed, but our population still seems soooo brain washed I doubt we see another democratic governor in the next 25 years. I would be shocked if the legislative branch is ever progressive.


Yeah, that’s unfortunately probably true. Republicans have a stranglehold on Arkansas and don’t plan on letting go anytime soon.


Daughter of a con man, secretary to another con man. Tell me who you hang with and I’ll tell you who you are


How was she elected? Nepotism and the low voter turn out.


How was she elected - MAGAts and people with sub average IQ, which is pretty much the same subsets


My coworker who does a lot with the Republican party in Bentonville doesn't know either. She was in full mourning when Sanders was nominated and got worse the closer the election got. She fully expected Jones to carry Benton County and had a hard time campaigning for Sanders because she hated her so much. It was the first time in her life that she didn't vote. The Democrat who canvases Bella Vista thought so too.


Gerry. Gerry Mander. Thats how


I agree that the state is discouraging, mildly put. it makes me sick and I despise Sarah and the many rednecks, whackos, and apathetic people. But I am a native Arkansan and I love my state. I have lived in NYC and several other states. Still love Arkansas. I know many enlightened people (and they exist in good number) and I work everyday on projects to make us better. But discouraging people from visiting the state? That is as bad as not voting. Our state is beautiful and tourism is a strong economic driver. One day we will have a governor who is not a shrew, crook, and despicable creature. Trashing the state in such extreme ways will not help us get there. I know the down votes are coming, but how do we feel when Trump says the US Is the worst nation in the world ? A lot of people are swimming hard against the tide to raise Arkansas up. They need support and encouragement — and people who direct negative thinking into positive energy.


Please if you're going to go postal...get the right ones...plenty of politicians and backwards thinking judges


Hey congrats on the no knock later😂


[Did you know it’s illegal to say “I want to kill the president of the United States.” totally illegal. see I was ok to say it right there because I was just explaining that it’s illegal to say. now one thing that IS legal to say is that we have a group that meets Fridays under the Brooklyn bridge and the password is Sic semper tyranus](https://youtu.be/QEQOvyGbBtY?si=tUagjfVHm7Lw8LqV)




Oh, good. "The Boss" is stopping by Fordyce to make sure nobody talks.


Why would anyone want a politician visiting? I have never understood that. They won’t remember your name after the sound bite and I would prefer to share my grief with my family and neighbors and not politicians and cameras and thoughts and prayers. I could possibly understand if you need a Disaster Declaration but otherwise, nope


Yes always a photo opportunity and the politicians concern is always fake - no matter the party or politician. The last president that I could believe sincere was Carter so almost 50 years of worthless scum.


Because, even with one of the biggest turn outs in years only 50.81% of registered voters showed up at the polls. Registered independents outnumber republicans or democrats. We have to get everyone out, to keep her and people like her out of office.


I believe our local yokels don't think highly of education nor self respect.


She pulling a democrat move their.. you guys should appreciate it


You need to learn how to use words and punctuation correctly before you interrupt an adult conversation. I was unaware 9 year olds could be on Reddit. Does mommy know you’re here?


Arkansas still has 3 K’s


It’s about getting in the way during an investigation. Anyone with LEO of first responders experience will know and appreciate this instead of making it a photo op during a critical time frame. Time is of the essence during these investigations.


When rich people see spoiled people that can be manipulated and used against the populace they give money to them. When rich people give money to nepo-babies they get elected, because people in Arkansas can't be bothered to think for themselves, they just suck rich people off and pretend they are the enlightened ones. But, it's ok, because Jesus.


Oh, because Jesus? Good. I was worried we might be dependent on some sort of imaginary figure for help. Someone that might rise again and leave this office for the Big White House in the East…


I sure hope Super-Bat Wolverine Lantern shows up soon to save us from all of this.




You can't vote in the republican primary unless you're registered republican. Wait- did they actually do that or realize that's a no no? Anyway if they did. Most races in this state I as an independent get to vote in only get two or maybe three Republicans to choose from. And preventing me from having a primary choice effectively takes my vote. I'm retired and stuck and am like wtf?


Last thing I read is that the party voted that but until the legislature passes a law to lock that in, it doesn’t apply.


Nepotism, racism, classism, ect


Republicans don't have a high bar to get elected.


She is a horrible, greedy, uncaring person. Next voting cycle , kick her hiney to the curb. Figure out a way she can pay back the $19,000.00 lectern.


There was no lectern. Taxpayers paid for her vacation. It was an expensive vacation.


She could work it off in a state prison - one of the private run ones so we can make sure it is the worst.


It's Arkansas, that should explain it. Racists and heretical "christians."


Agree. But this is Arkansass after all.


Whenever a mass shooting happens and politicians rush to the scene, they're trashed for trying to make it about them. Whenever they go a few days later, people complain they didn't give time to mourn. Whenever they wait a week, people complain about that, too. Seems like no matter what, people complain.


Imagine people complaining about mass shootings.


1. The Fordyce shooting is a tragedy. For those that don't know anything about Fordyce, there's some amusing stuff at \[1\]. 2. OBU is far more than a 'Bible college'. Even if that were all that it is, it has turned out some very impressive graduates. \[2\] (Unless you don't care about success in education, the military, business, politics, etc. ) \[1\] [https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/arrest-of-the-rolling-stones-3442/](https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/arrest-of-the-rolling-stones-3442/) \[2\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Ouachita\_Baptist\_University\_alumni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ouachita_Baptist_University_alumni)


Doesn’t seem like many recent graduates of note, Huckabee aside.


Amusing stuff? WTF do you mean, amusing stuff at [1]?


Read the 1st link. Thar link is the amusing part. Not the shooting.


Well it takes a few days to verify that your extended car warranty is about to expire.... sheesh


A Ouachita Baptist University alumnus like her daddy Mike?!...I don't think so!


She was elected for a few reasons. I'll list them in what I feel is order of magnitude. 1. She is a Republican. The vast majority of the electorate in Arkansas is Republican. 63% of voters in Arkansas voted for Donald Trump in 2020. 2. She had name recognition. Her Dad was former Governor. She spent time in the Trump White House as Press Secretary. 3. Chris Jones was a political nobody until the state Democrat party decided to run him for Governor. 4. Chris Jones is not Caucasian. Disclaimer: I donated several hundred dollars to Jones campaign. It was the last campaign donation I ever make. Ever since then my phone gets hit with sometimes a dozen+ text messages a day from the DNC asking for my money. Google catches most of them as spam but it is still ridiculous the ones that get through. edit: Much smaller but still matters. Sanders had massive support from the RNC and from out of state interests. Jones campaign was distraught that the DNC refused to help his campaign out even when he got a good reaction to his initial ads.


My doctor said I have fordyce spots on my parts, wild anyone would name a city that




She cares about fetuses not babies. Once they are born she doesn’t give a shit, about the mother or the baby.


In my religion the soul is created at birth. So stop forcing your belief on everyone else. We want freedom.


Why a man? Are you insinuating that there are no highly educated women that could do a better job than the half wit etc. currently in the gov mansion?


Op meant Chris Jones on the Dem ticket. Well educated and super nice guy. I campaigned for him and I think we could have had a chance if national dems would have provided better support. It was inadequate due to bad decisions by DNC


OP is talking about the democratic candidate who ran against SHS and lost (I’m assuming it’s likely because of his race, sadly). His name is Chris Jones and he’s a highly educated black man with engineering degrees, who cares deeply about this state. He should have won by a mile, but unfortunately all the GOP folks came out and voted for SHS and in some places made it impossible for Democratic voters to vote. I’m still flabbergasted at how quickly Arkansas flipped from a majority blue state to a majority red state within only 18 months back in the 2010’s. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but here’s a good quick read about how politics changed in Arkansas: https://www.magnoliareporter.com/news_and_business/opinion/article_fcfb9ff0-72af-11ee-9220-1375498f31f1.html


It had already made a big move much earlier. With Clinton, the moral majority made a lot of converts even in Arkansas. They were pushing Baptist congregations hard.


The reason republicans gets elected is because democrats for decades were either racist or were seriously corrupt and paved the way for the GOP to take control of the state and even if she visited sooner you would still complain about it. That is why.


So now they have the racist and corrupt R's. Sounds like y'all are attracted to racism and corruption.


No as a lifelong resident of Arkansas you see things.


Like what? Are you seeing the same thing the rest of the country sees? Check this out: https://www.arkdems.org/record-economic-growth-continues-under-president-biden-biden-harris-administration-makes-historic-investment-in-arkansas/ Now watch this cross eyed ghoul take credit, after fighting every step of the way: https://governor.arkansas.gov/news_post/arkansas-breaks-economic-records/ Note that your own governor's site has multiple spelling, formatting, and grammatical errors. Nice. Those school vouchers are working out.


Got a list of racist/corrupt Democrats from Arkansas handy? I can wait until after Sanders pulls that podium out of your ass.


Ok fine start with Jim Guy Tucker go.


He left office almost *30 FUCKING YEARS AGO*…I don’t want to talk about *the history* of Arkansas politics. I am talking about RIGHT NOW.


Us local suffered under democrat leadership so I don’t know what else to tell you.


You could admit that you are wrong, for starters. Sixth gen Arkansan here. I have seen Arkansas politics for 50 years and can tell you the state economy and educational system were both better with Clinton in office. The country was in better shape under Clinton as President.


No it was not my father had to work out of state a lot when Clinton was in office as governor because there were no jobs in our area also everybody that lived in Arkansas when he was governor knew he was crooked so therefore I doubt that you are sixth generation Arkansan and observe fifty years of politics in this state.


You can “doubt” all you want chump. At least I know how to use punctuation. No jobs in your area? What did your dad do for an occupation? Could he find work doing it now? Your evidence in support of your argument is WEAK. Your ability to carry on a discussion is even more so…


That’s pretty sad when you’re losing an argument, and you resort yourself to pointing out punctuation to try and win an argument. Take the loss and move along. Also my father worked in construction.


I didn’t resort to it, I pointed it out. You really are good at shooting yourself down here. I am not losing this argument by a long shot and, considering I’M THE FUCKING OP THE ONLY ONE TO MOVE ALONG HERE IS YOU.


Your savior is a failed scientist and now a failed candidate. Maybe take up gardening