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Her solo sustain capacity are basically double. If before you'd get healed about 30% of her max hp per rotation now it's 60% of her max hp.


Does this mean her and furina are better cause she heals better or is it still the same


Still the same because she heals at the end of her rotation, so doesnt Matter at all for furi


It probably makes Furina teams less uncomfy to play then since you can deal with the health drain a bit better


The issue with the health drain isn't the amount healed but the fact you are far more likely to die before getting healed


*Cracks knuckles* Challenge accepted!


You don't get fanfare from the heal. But it sets up more fanfare in the next rotation. Not perfect synergy but far from untenable


It improved a little but it is more complicated to maximize so you will need furina C2-C3 and anyway you will need the party healer not the ST because your teammates will be drained for the second rotation and they are the ones who will give you the fanfare to arlecchino's DPS window.


Again not perfect synergy but far from untenable. She's not as easy to play with Furina as the rest of the cast is. But the restrictions in her kit are far from enough to make it not viable


Nobody has said that it is unfeasible. you can play furina but in C0 It will probably have it won't be different to kazuha buff for example. The restriction is quite well calculated to generate fomo towards the second Furina constellation.


What do you mean by setting up more fanfare for the next rotation? Wouldn't her ult only count any healing/damage done during its duration?


Getting her back to high health means Furina has more hp to drain to generate fanfare next rotation. Because her heal is so much bigger now she'll be able to get closer to max HP. If she doesn't heal much then Furina doesn't have much to drain so no fanfare


Oh duh. Lol thanks


Just use Furina before you heal


it matters a bit, because now she can use marechausse.. given you dont get hit a lot


Huh? How? Can you explain?


before, she couldn't use marechausse because she would heal too little, so at the start of every rotation beyond the first, she would only have 30% ish HP for furina to drain over time. So her MH would turn off mid-rotation now that she heals around 60% total hp, she will always have the full 50% to burn with furina, so she will stay draining for longer, and MH will stay active longer all that is, if you don't get hit and end the drain prematurely anyway


Ahhh that's good to know, thanks for the explanation. I first thought you were referring to her being able to use hunter solo without furina.


A shield is a given must to begin with for MH anyways so


Second rotation is good ish for furina now. But first rotation stays the same, mid to okay ish


Better synergy than before but not perfect. Still better.


more or less, depending on rotation you either stack the healing into fanfares or heal and get fanfares through eating hp not very much but definitely better than before


Yeah she can stay at higher HP more commonly now so that furina can drain again for the second rotation and so on. The better you dodge/are shielded then better that 60%max hp will be bring you to 100%


Nah the better would be to cast furina ult, heal and get drained which means you get 50-60 fanfare from healing and a gradual 50 from healing assuming you don't get hit. Tho note that if you have no healer the other teammates will always stay at 50 HP


> If before you'd get healed about 30% of her max hp per rotation now it's 60% of her max hp. And if you before got healed for 20% for example, you would now heal 40% instead. Does anyone how much she would heal now, if before she would heal 35%?


You'd heal at 30% because you loose pyro infusion below 30% so you have no reason to go below there. If you heal at 35% bol you are missing one buffed NA but getting 70% hp heals


But doesn't it now say that the infusion is unconditional as long as you are in combat, meaning the only limiting factor now is the rotation/buffs and no longer the bol


I also understood it like that first but if you read the patch changes it only refers to the 40% pyro dmg but the infusion remains subject to the 30% bol threshold


Sad, I wanted a catalyst with a scythe


It is not infusion unconditional, what is unconditional is 40 pyro damage.


Expected a heal buff and exactly happened lol Makes me all the more happy that Furina, MH synergy is way better now


We sure can, and it's a pretty good one as well


hope this trend continues, and still hoping for at least SOME IR, but for now its looking better.


I feel like they’d only add it at this point if they added it to the RES passive. It would help a lot. Right now I’m thinking of using ZL/Chiori/Bennett in lieu of reactions to just have a comfy and consistent experience while Scything away


Oh that res passive needs to go honestly, either buff it to like 40% or rework it to something else. You only reach the full 20% if you run an atk buffer too if I am not mistaken since you need 3k atk.


Yes you need 3000 ATK for the full 20% buff


Tbh most cases you are using bennet or chevreuse, and even with chevreuse you can get close to 3k Atk quite easy with noblesse, pyro resonance and chevreuse pasive.


arle nation keeps winning


These are good buffs. Better DPS and survivability


And better pyro infusion


The pyro infusion didn't change, she gains 40% pyro damage bonus unconditionally now, not an infusion. The stipulations for her infusion is the same as it was before.


He probably means better Pyro infusion because less BoL consumption means more infused attacks.


it just decreased the intervals where you will consume BoL, so now I think it'll consume slightly faster if you keep smashing NA, but nothing major


Where does it say less bond of life consumption? Edit: the text in the image is misleading. Bond of life dosent consume at a lower rate. It actually consumes at a slightly faster frequency of 0.03s, but still consumes 5.5% bond of life per hit, so there's no change to the infusion uptime.


Except that doesn't work, because this means MORE BoL consumption, not less. The frequency changing is to make the 4th hit of her attack string consistently remove BoL twice, since before it would sometimes only remove it once depending on ping. It's not a significant change, it USUALLY did remove twice anyway, so no one's calculations should be getting changed (since they should've already been assuming both hits of N4 reducing BoL), but it is technically more, and therefore your reasoning doesn't make sense either.


Of course. Its a mixture of QoL, bit of dps buff and self sustain. Plus we literally got some brand new CA attack so who knows how that will affect her kit.


Is this real or bug? She was flying like wanderer for 12 sec in the vid https://preview.redd.it/er6v5svo06pc1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa40b50ce3615691c522a6c741b77c1b946e8c37


I believe she's actually floating like Neuvillette (which is programmed like a bow character's held charged attack) without the water beam but yes




It's a Buff, really great for Survalibity, especially for C0R0 (Most rotation she would only heal 30%, now she heals 60%) Also it's a buff to her burst(And skill), since before for ER purpose you were bursting before you got any BoL so burst didn't have this 40% Pyro bonus, now it always have it.


That's right, however it's still preferable for Q to use it in the old order of E -> swap -> CA -> Q. If you E->Q now sure you wont lose out on the 40% pyro dmg buff from the life bond anymore, but you still miss out on the Swap setup and 1 stack from your artifact set that you'd get at the CA right before Q. A more energy economic option is just punished less hard now. It's also a good win for her E, which previously might often find itself without the pyro buff if the player already dropped the life bond to just below 30% from normal attacking.


I wonder what it really means to have "unconditional" infusion. Like is she basically a melee catalist now ?


No, the 40% pyro damage is always active while in combat. The Pyro infusion on NA/CA/plunge is still tied to 30%+ life bond.


Of, sorry though both had 100% uptime


Can someone explain what NA consumption decreased from .05s to .03s mean? Is it like we lose bol per NA faster now?


Sometimes, very slightly. Her fourth normal attack does two hits. Before it was inconsistent if both hits consumed BoL. Now it's consistent. The rest of her normal attacks are unaffected, since they're not that fast.


Oh I see. Thank you. Which means overall everything is a buff (except C1)


I think the reason C1 is clarified is also consistency, and to make sure very high attack speeds aren’t abusable.


I don't think 0.1 (10 attack per second) atk speed is possible. Like the only thing in her kit that can get that small of a gap is her fourth NA which consists of 2 atks that are 0.3-0.5 seconds apart meaning you'll need to be at 300% of normal attack speed to have a problem with the C1 Edit: I forgot something, I think this change is so you can't get a huge amount of BoL by hitting multiple targets at the same time Edit2: I just checked and she has 0.05 cool down on BoL consumption, so it may be possible to have hits that don't get the C1 bonus, but that would be only when fighting multiple opponents and one enemy gets hit between 0.05 and 0.1 after the last hit that consumes BoL. And as her attacks hotboxes are wide, this may happen if the enemies are at opposite extremes of her NA hitbox


You won’t be getting huge BOL though, CA/absorb/on kill share the same cap of 80% maximum (and then weapon +25% and burst +15%/25%). Regarding the second part, if you did hit multiple enemies wouldn’t I just trigger normal BOL? It triggers per your attack after all, not per number of enemies hit by it. It’s triggers according to your attack string and it’s irrelevant if you hit 1 or 10 because it only counts your own attacks.


No the trigger is by hit not attack, it is clearly stated. "When she hits an opponent, this attack will deal extra DMG that is scaled off her ATK multiplied by her current Bond of Life percentage. This will consume 5.5% of said current Bond of Life. A Bond of Life can be consumed this way every 0.05s.", if it was per attack the 0.05 colldown won't make any sense as it is impossible to attack 20 times a second in genshin with NA, but this can be changed at a later beta, or may have changed and we just didn't receive any updates


Oh, thx it totally makes sense now


We can EQ now for energy and both will be buffed unlike before + her healing got better so it's a small buff, yeah.


Still her Q wouldn't be fully fuffed unless the bol% DMG boost is only applicable to NA, so I'm not sure, correct me if I'm wrong


The BOL% DMG boost only ever affected her normal attacks. The 40% Pyro DMG buff was moved to passive and can now buff both skill and burst without relying on her BOL, so it's better now.


Big buffs. Biggest imo is the better synergy with Furina


MH to be specific


Yea I didn't even realize that but it should be viable now if she can regularly get herself to full or near full health before each rotation


These are GREAT. Addresses a big chunk of her burst damage issue. And gives her a LOT more survivability. So now a standard rotation of 15 seconds gives you a 60% heal. Which, if you play somewhat carefully and use xingqiu or beidou, may negate the need for a shielder considerably. Which lets you bring a kazuha, sucrose, etc. Also the difference in hp change could give her a bit more synergy with furina if you time it correctly. Still not great synergy but better than before. Now her biggest issue is her energy cost and lack of interruption resist as a close range unit.


yeah. im also curious about her new CA... Hope to see her charged attack benefits from BoL in future beta versions to justify this new mechanic.


I would call that a standard rotation anymore as her infusion is not tied anymore the her having more than 30 BoL


Incorrect. Her infusion IS still tied to her having 30 BoL or more. Her pyro damage bonus is now just a passive when she’s in combat rather than being on BoL. But she DOES still need BoL to get an elemental infusion on her normal and charged attacks. Her standard rotation hasn’t changed at all actually. The CDs are exactly the same. And so are her NA multipliers based on her BoL. You still get heavily diminishing returns after like 15 NA combos. Her damage will drop off like Alhaitham’s skill projection attacks. So even if she DIDN’T lose her infusion, (which she still does when she drops below 30 BoL,) you would lose the benefit that comes from having high BoL. Which is the NA multiplier buff.


These changes and especially the new animation tells me all I need to know about how much they care for the character. At this point, I have full confidence in the team to not disappoint. My earlier doubts have been cleared with this info. Either with full release or with near-future characters, she will definitely feel "complete" and powerful.


Hoyo is alr going all out with 4 I swear I'm gonna have an eyegasm the moment i see what they're gonna cook for Columbina, Dottore, Capitano and Pierro


They are not that popular. At least rn as we don't have much info on the rn. Columbina is carried by her design rn and dottore can get offed so I don't wanna hope to only get signora-ed again. I think after these capitano is quite popular. As for pierro I don't have much info on him


I mean there was barely anything for Arlecchino for a long time.  Her design carried her popularity for 2 years. She has the least screen time and least impactful role of any of the playable harbingers. She has more screen time but less impact than Dottore and Signora as well. An Arlecchino main really has no right to judge the other Harbingers when she really had nothing going for her playablity. 


I didn't criticize anyone, like I said colombina is carried by her design, like arlecchino was and like capitano is. dottore is popular because of screentime and pierro because he is the leader. and soory if there are error I am basing what I say upon how many people I see talking about them. so maybe it's just my algorythm that didn't show how popular they are


They definitely are popular, especially capitano. The Fatui subreddit talks about him all day long. Columbina and more so Dottore are also very anticipated from what I’ve seen over the years


Yeah I did say capitano is popular. But I dunno about dottore, not that he is not popular but I have doubts about him being playable


Oh yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if he dies, but in specifically dottores case that isn’t mutually exclusive with being playable. My theory is that we kill the segment we met in Sumeru but a different segment will be playable.


yeah I guess that works too


For now The moment they (alongside Pulcinella, Pantalone and Sandrone) show up, i bet they'll become more popular outside FatuiHQ Capitano and maybe Columbina will be the first to become more popular outside FHQ, if the leaks that say Columbina will be in Natlan are true, then Pierro in snezhnaya, and after in Khaenri'ah, he'll become even more popular, since i assume he'll be the main harbinger of it


so 40% pyro dmg bonus means we can use an atk goblet, right? i am never sure with these things.


Depends on what you want, but yeah, you can use atk goblet instead of pyro as she has alteady the pyro dmg bonus in her kit all the time


Playing since 1.3 and my Pyro goblets are bellow mid. On the other hand using an ATK goblet would be an absolute win for the ratio.


With this changes could i use ATK goblet and EM sands too?


EM would be good for vape, dunno much about overload damage equation tho so I dunno


i feel like this is an absolute win.


Indeed it is ! Even better than i pyro dmg bonus goblet ! (Or close i don’t remember the exact value)




If remember correctly, she gets all elemental RES based on her atk or base atk?


oh does she? i feel like i read a kit like five times and still didn't reaaaaally understand all of it. but that would be great!


Gets 1% in all resistances for each 100 points in atk above 1000. If she has 2000 atk => 10% RES If 3000 atk => 20% RES


daaaaang. that's pretty good.


Not really, 20% isn't much for a character that relies on NA but has scarce healing opportunities


i mean they did buff her healing. i just hope it's enough.


they did but that won't change thhat you will only heal at the end of the rotation, so before that you are at a huge risk as 2-3 hits will put you pretty damn low


yeah it's either a shield or really good at dodging... i guess it's a shield for me against most enemies. 😂


total atk.


Wait for theory crafters, you need to do some graphs for these things. I can link you to a video about artifacts and stats/which one to choose if you want. Doing the same would be too consuming for the average Joe but at least it can help you understand the concept


i mean we gotta farm a whole new set for her anyway. i do have a pretty okayish ark goblet lying around though. but yeah i will 100% wait for some proper info on what will be better. ☺️


here is the link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jX1sb4K6xo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jX1sb4K6xo), should give you a pretty good idea how to choose best stats, the actual optimisations start at 4:15 but the things before that are quite good too. there is a link to a spreadsheet containing the damage gain graph [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lz0X9ej5Oo9yAo68W3k51Lmf0BOpkI\_g7fKwg1ZOtAU/edit#gid=158560743](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lz0X9ej5Oo9yAo68W3k51Lmf0BOpkI_g7fKwg1ZOtAU/edit#gid=158560743) and you can apply the method shown in the video to do the same. but arle's kit is still not final so you should wait before doing it


thanks for sharing the link. i will go and watch that tomorrow. will totally watch the whole thing.


no problem


Her pyro damage bonus didn't change. Prior to these changes, she had 40% pyro damage bonus on her normal attack talent for having over 30% BoL. She no longer has that, and instead has it passively while in combat. So it is a buff, but a pretty minor one. That said, attack % goblet is already performing semi-okay in most calcs, and is performing quite well if you don't use Bennett in your teams.


i know it was there before, but it didn't count for her burst, right? now it does. and yeah i feel like using her without benny. esp if they don't change her range. which is honestly too tiny for an aoe character. but we will see


In overload team with both benny and chevy and atk buffs I think pyro goblet is still slightly better , but both atk and pyro goblet should be close in performance 


i honestly don't really wanna play her with benny. while i love him, i do t really enjoy the circle impact part. and sadly no chevy for me yet...


Hope you get her, brother in arms


thank you. i hope so too...


there is a high chance she will be in father's banner , I hope you get her


thank you and that is what i am hoping for. plus actually getting her b


Wait wait I'm confused about the last line. I assume this timer resets if you re-use the skill? Otherwise it would force a super long Rotation time. I assume the C1 change is just so NA4 can't trigger it twice? The movement thing sounds awesome, can't wait to see it. She really deserved an exploration passive. Would be cooler if movement speed increases with BoL though to compensate for Overload knockback.


no C1 change is so you cant get 20% charge if you are mobbing, hit 4 enemies at the same time and get lucky w/ the proc


Oh I see, alright. And I see the NA consumption has a similar limit. Cool cool cool.


I also don't really understand the thing with her skill's timer being increased from 20s to 35s for gaining bond of life from it. If it doesn't reset whenever you use her skill, then that seems pretty bad to me. Hopefully it does reset when using her skill but I haven't heard anyone talk about it so idk. Edit: read through some more comments and it seems that it does reset with each time using her skill, so yeah it's a buff. it's just allowing more time to gain blood debt from her skill or something like that and makes little difference in an actual rotation according to others.


oh these are good quality of life changes, basically its mechanics are now easier to manage which reduces the risk but the poise status issue still remains so basically you will be playing with a protector anyway. I hope there will be changes in the damage numbers in the next week.


She keeps winning huh ? Better survivability+better movement for overworld+more time to clear her mark on ennemies (20 to 35s)+100% uptime on her pyro dmg bonus.


Pyro infusion is still tied to Bond they just moved the dmg bonus


Oh, thanks for the clarification


no its not. she gains 40% pyro dmg while shes in combat. Not related to BoL anymore. Edit: making u E>Q before rotation for Energy purpose.


Yes the 40% pyro dmg is while she’s in combat. I’m saying her NAs will still be physical until she gets bond


sorry i misread it.


Mihoyo tells u to use C6 benny-boy


Doesn't this mean that having C6 Bennett fixes her infusion uptime issues? Because if she has always her pyro DMG buff enabled in combat regardless of having more than 30% BoL, you can just ignore her BoL entirely, is my guess right?


In terms of infusion yea but you still want BoL for the damage bonus it gives. Very very nice changes and makes her work even better with bennett than before. I’m so excited to see what they do with her kit in the next 5 weeks. Loving it so far!


But the damage buff you are talking about isn't the one that now triggers in combat? Does having BoL active gives you more buffs? I thought the only buff was the 40% pyro damage bonus. I just hope that the amount of BoL used for attack gets cut so we can have less downtime. For what I've seen she seems to do 5 hits every 3 seconds, so against single target we would have 6 seconds of infusion but against multiple targets we can get full BoL (95% burst included) getting something like 7 seconds of infusion with 8 seconds downtime. I don't know it just seems a really short window to do damage, especially because I don't know if the supports can keep up to her combat pace. Probably I'm tremendously wrong and I hope so, because I'm gonna pull her regardless, I want Arlecchino so bad.


So previously, she only gained the 40% Pyro buff when she had 30%+ BoL. Now it’s an unconditional 40% buff all the time regardless which makes her rotation a lot more smoother and is a welcome QoL change. Already in her kit too, she also gains a damage bonus = to the percentage of her current BoL whenever she attacks that also lowers her BoL so you want it as high as possible. So BoL still matters but it won’t cause you to lose the Pyro buff now once you go until 30%.


Yeah but now I'm wondering what is her optimal rotation time. Would you still stop at 30 or is doin NA on lower BoL worth it despite having less bonus DMG from BoL


Oh sorry I re-read the kit again and I missed that line in the normal attack description. So yes having a nice amount of BoL is good but the caviat is that the amount of BoL that you can get is so low and the amount consumed is so high. I think that reducing the Bol consumption from 5.5% per hit to 4% would be a great qol because in that case she would have a fair and square 9-10 seconds infusion with 5 seconds of downtime with much more buffs in her belt under my perhaps flawed assumptions. Another solution is giving us a way to keep her on field as much time as possible gathering more and more BoL like for example: in her current kit, if you kill an enemy having a blood debt no matter the state you get 70% BoL. It could be changed in: when killing and enemy under the infusion state you get like 15 more BoL, making the player play her as aggressively as possible and against as many enemies as possible.


I see it as a buff because now your pyro damage bonus will always be active during combat.


Running her with Furina(especially C2+) is more viable.


Is it? Because you will still heal at the end of the rotation anyways so I am not so sure about that.


I didn't say it'd be the greatest, just more viable. If you can no-hit challenge, it'll work.


Yeah what made it more viable? This change added nothing to her with Furina afaik, since again the healing she gets is at the end of rotation.


Her not dying. People keep talking like Arlecchino the only one Furina gains Fanfare from. Furina is gaining Fanfare from herself and two other team members as well as Arlecchino, that's why especially more viable at C2 when Fanfare stacks faster.


You have her getting drained and healed so if you time it well you can get 100-110 fanfare as long as you time it right but maybe optimal rotation won't allow that to happen


The main thing this solves is that Arle played well will have HP for Furina to drain even after your first rotation. It’s still gonna be a risky team where you don’t want to get hit.


Would a team with Arle, Furina, Yelan, and Bennet work? Bennet heals the other party members and Arle heals herself.. or would Kazuha instead of Furina do more dmg? I don't have Kazuha but I can always pull for him and sacrifice her weapon since I have jade spear


Hell no. Furina would do WAY more personal damage and her buff is more substantial. That being said, if your Furina is only c0, Kazuha is going to be infinitely easier to play. I am not sure I would pull him just for this team, but he is pretty universal character, so I doubt you would regret it. Alternatively, run her in mono pyro and just replace Yelan with Xiangling. Kazuha is definitely best in slot for that team. 


The team with Kazuha would be better, but Sucrose should be even better if you put ttds on her and do the setup correctly. Bennett's circle uptime is too low to both heal Yelan and Furina and buff Arlechinno, at this point he will only be there to heal and not to buff. Kazuha can just do skill and you're fine. (well, like the other comment said, it's a different story if you have c2 Furina, but that's c2 Furina) But the best option for you might actually be just Sucrose. Sucrose buffs EM, and this is a vape team, where EM is very useful. Plus she can do VV shred (same as Kazuha), and can carry TTDS. With just TTDS and VV shred her buffs will be almost as big as Kazuha, and with EM they're already bigger. The downside over Kazuha is that she is a worse grouper in comparison with Kazuha, especially when she's off-field, and, if you can switch to Kazuha mid rotation to regroup the enemies (a reminder that you can switch out and back to Arle if you need to, her infusion will still be there), then you can't do the same with Sucrose, both because her cooldowns are longer and because she has TTDS. Still, Kazuha is a very good character, and you might still wanna consider to pull for him.


Thanks, I didn't know about TTDS! I have sucrose built at c5 but I can always buy her last con from the shop. Not gonna lie, I really dislike her gameplay and Kazuha looks and feels awesome but if he is a side grade to c6 sucrose I would rather pull for her weapon.. My only main DPS is Cyno and he doesn't need kazuha for his quickbloom team. Arle will be my secound main dps so I really wanna make sure she's strong enough for the abyss


It's fine to try to make your favourite characters as strong as possible, but try to not actually sacrifice your enjoyment of the game for it. I don't think Sucrose's gameplay can be very bad in this case, since you basically just use skill and then switch out, but still, remember that games are supposed to be played for fun. Hope you'll make a decision you won't regret, GL! (Btw, just in case: ttds is not part of Sucrose's kit, it's a 3 star catalyst)


It's nice. 


nice buffs , we'll take it , still hoping for an increase to her NA range 


Yep its a buff but not enough


Does she still have the problem where she can't catch her own particles because of the rotation


not anymore


just use "E" + "Q" at the beginning of the rotation and it works too


Has her damage been buffed?


Very slightly because now her pyro damage bonus is applied to the burst and skill too But other than that, not really


not really, just feels better to play and solve a little bit the ER issue, since u can now E>Q before rotation




Or just dodge like with Alhaitham? Like seriously lol, why are people so obsessed with her interruption resistance when she isnt even meant for vape in the first place. I play Alhaitham Raiden/Kuki Yelan Nahida just fine


What do they mean by "mobility" here?


Yeah what would that mean. I think it's to combat the overload knockback but how would it be implemented




Wait.... Does that mean now she have like 35 sec of off field pyro mark proc dmg?


This is a buff on Burst dmg too if she gets unconditional pyro dmg


What does moving the 40% pyro buff do exactly? Now she has +40% pyro buff even if she doesn't have bond, but still doesn't self pyro infuse until at +30% bond?


Idk why but my brain can't absorb this font


Yeah this a pretty big buff


This is not a buff?


Holy mother of Lucifer... Yes, she was heavily buffed! I thought they just added her wraith form and called it a day. I am so happy.  I will stop doomposting now. In Father we trust! 


Yeah. I can now go for the Dehya solo sustain pretty relyably. Fouble healing means at least 60% of the total hp pool and you can make that 100% very easily. As for that charged-charged attack... we need to see whatever the hell it is to say anything. This is the first time for such a thing. Honestly, it's so far outside of genshin chqmaracter designe that it makes me question the validity of the leak.


Does the pyro damage change significantly improve her DPS? This doesn't ultimately address the problem of her cap being worse than Hutao's for a significantly more difficult juggle. Bond consumption change seems nice but they also removed the C1 being more valuable when fighting multiple enemies. The extra healing... I guess at least you can swap her out and heal back up now when you mess up, instead of not even being able to heal fully. Maybe they are looking to overload her with drip and see what the playerbase's appetite for purely aesthetic pulling is.


Obviously that is their design direction. They gave her a unique movement from the charge attack. They just want to add gimmicks to make her feel fresh and honestly... Because it's so edgy, I am falling for it. 


The E nerf 🗣️ surely they increase the cap Edit: any cheap recommendations for clown-makeup ?


nerf? its just a buff for healing


So you missed the 20s to 35s increase , y’all too distracted from the healing man Edit: the passive got a buff but the actual skill got a nerf if you want to dissect properly




The 80% BoL cap from her E was reset after 20s, now it’s reset at 35s This means that you’d only get 80% BoL every 2 E uses


Thats...not what the description says at all. The description states you have 35second to trigger marked enemies after using her E, thats it. There is nothing stating here you are limited to only generating 80% BoL every 35seconds lol. This was probably adjusted because the Blood-debt directive lasts 30 seconds so they just made it so you have enough time to generate the BoL from one E use.


It don't think it's like that. It's says "within" not "every 35 seconds" Meaning that you have 35s of time to absorb the blood debt with the CA and gain BOL. If you skill next then you have another 35s of time to do a charged, it's not a cooldown.


I mean you can gain only 80 in 2Es only and only if you don't CA to collect the marks from first E which is just throwing and no one will do that


Exactly my point although it’s every 3 e uses


Basically you can only get BoL from BD every third skill


For 35s AFTER using skill. Those things reset after using Skill.


Is it confirmed ? Because the kit says through this method , doesn’t say it resets or anything


Exactly what robhans said, it would make no since and would destroy her kit if it was actually as you say.


Then get me confirmation man 😭 that’s what her kit says , because it’s the same situation with c6 Chev u need to be healed but it still activates. “Hidden text” , what y’all are presenting me is hidden text. So can we get a confirmation from a leaker 👍


Thats literally not how it works lol. The 35s duration is the time you have to generate BoL from marked enemies per one use of E. It does not affect subsequent E uses.


Mkey , I’ll believe yah then 🙏 I still want the cap increased 🗣️


Dude lol it changes nothing in an actual rotation If anything it's a buff to very skill issued players who will at least be able to deal damage even if they lost all the buffs from their team in the mean time lol


Old: You have 20s to maxed out (80%) your BoL after every skill. New: You have 35s to maxed out (80%) your BoL after every skill. Not a nerf, but not really a buff either.


I mean it's a useless change? It changes nothing in an actual rotation, no? I dont understand why the dude above your comment is complaining saying "it's a nerf" lol


He probably thought you can't reapply it till its gone, which to be fair would have been a pretty significant nerf.


Exactly my understanding of the skill. But I’m happy I’m wrong


Because my understanding was that you can only gain (80%) BoL after 20s of her skill through this method , “method” BD , so I thought that she won’t gain BoL within the 5s of her second E (if we just spam E hypothetically) and if it takes 6s to get to rank 3 meaning she’ll get 80% BoL right after the 20s duration. So I thought okey yeah that makes sense and how it works. Normally obviously that 5seconds will be covered with her onfield time/support rotations so it didn’t really matter. But when I saw the 20s -> 35s , you can see where I could mistake it as a nerf 🤣🤣 just a simple misunderstanding of her kit on my part. In reality the durations mean nothing I guess , 20s / 35s doesn’t matter …it probably helps the casual players /mobile players which take longer in their rotations 🤔


It shouldn't be a nerf because logically the duration should reset on every E skill, but I'll wait for some confirmation and hold my clown make-up nearby just in case.


Yeah that’s what I’m hoping , I’ll gladly wear the clown makeup for the team , I don’t mind at all. Just want people to understand why I thought it would be a nerf 🤣🤝


Pretty much yeah it can be seen as a skill issue buff to still do some damage ahaha


Yeah 🤣🤣


Yup , just don’t understand why they even have such long time windows man. It changes nothing essentially 🗿


Not really, she still wants above 30% BoL anyways & she’s locked behind a shield user so more healing doesn’t do anything