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not fan of 30s cooldown on her E and the healing switched to Q


The cd is decreased with NA so we have that.


Plus Q completely resets that cooldown


Yup so the rotation is actually quite good


You are reliant on your burst being available and auto attacking a shit ton. That isn't fun at all. That is a chore.


it sounds like ashe just needs more investment and it’s an ooga boga character she needs thought in her play style. we’ll only truly know once she’s out


...So if the enemy has invul times and stalls for time, like 50% of the bosses, you're just fucked. Yeah, that is indeed great news.


Not really. Her range is quite fine and you can easily reach it. Plus she is more of an aoe fighter than a boss one tbh. Don't be overdramatic. And it's not really wasted bc her mechanic is not really time based so you can keep your supports when the window is good to attack. By your logic most vharacters won't be good


Well, for most characters, if they are fighting, let's say, the Wenut, and it burrows underground, they just lose the remaining potential dps they could've done to it. But for Arle with these changes, she gets stuck with a 30 sec CD on her energy gen, and her source of damage. You cannot assume that every enemy lets you hit it 19 times without pause, but if you can't attack, you won't have your E (and energy) ready for the next rotation, which exacerbates the problems with small dps-window enemies even more. I am not at all saying that Arle is bad now, or that it completely ruins the unit, but this is just straight up worse, or more pprecisely, way more inconvenient than her previous beta version. Rant over, I guess


Q resets E and the na lowers the CD. Plus her energy wants in overload are 0 and vap is 130% er. Childe has the same problem but it's not really apparent bc of the rotations. And it was calculated that she is actually doing way better than before for a longer rotation of a ddifference of 3 sec. She can go to 160% bc yes the leak is not fully detailled she does 80%+80% so she has a better dmg even at c0.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a boss goes and stalls... Who cares? It's not like your BoL decays, right? So just pick up where you left off. All you have to worry about are your support buffs/debuffs, the same problem EVERYONE has with stalling bosses. The E CD shouldn't really matter in that scenario.


Mountain out of molehills with a lot of doomposting here. Like any other boss, you just learn the pattern (and all these bosses have rotated enough most folks should know them) and just... not waste your good stuff when you know it's going invuln?


You're literally describing why she's better. Other characters would be losing DPS as their ability duration ticks down, or their infusion runs out, or whatever. Arle just chills. Her BoL doesn't decay or expire so you lose no damage on your NAs, and her skill cooldown can just tick down while the boss isn't available to hit. Invulnerable phases are *good* for characters with long cooldowns.


after next change she might be charge attack bow character


What I’m starting to see form from this is that she might play more like Alhaitham than a melee Yoimiya now. More complex and swappy rotations for overall higher payout.


Pretty much exactly this. She had a numbers buff at the cost of rotation becoming more strict/complex. So not worth doomposting over but definitely has room for improvement (especially in reducing reliance on burst)


Still going C0R1 idc


What I don't like the most for now is the over reliance on her burst and the skill CD, aside that, it's fine. Maybe the fact that they are quite imposing us the way to play her, which is not a fun thing.


![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu|downsized) im literally like this because to this day i still have 0 idea how exactly she works, and i refuse to read anything that drops from the beta because what i care is what drops when her banner is released only got the minimal information (prefarm and stats) and called a day.


Dont count all your eggs before they hatch. I like that. Im maybe 500 resin away from Triple Crowning Arlecchino.


We don't need more er meta


I just hope she isn't clunky to play both in the overworld and the Abyss.


I don’t care about meta. I would never force Father to go fight for me in the abyss.


Father is not mad, she's not upset either. She's just.. disappointed 😔


I will need a pictured guide for her rotation when she launches because I am highly confused by now, lol! Other than that I'm cool as a cucumber. It'll all work out fine.


imagine you wait from 2022 for her to become playable and when she finally playable you hesitate to pull for her because she's not meta 🥴. I seriously don't understand these people if you play for meta you should aware about something like this that's why never believe what the leaks said before when they said her power level the same with neuvilette. Right now meta people is the one who confused and worrying about what happen to her right now but for casual and non meta people like me we don't give a fck as long as she can kill the enemy that's enough, I'm so happy for playing this game not because of meta but to uave fun with the character I like 😇.


“i’m not like other genshin players” type comment. it’s cool that y’all don’t care but a lot of us would prefer if the character we liked was also good and fun to play. i don’t understand what ppl like u get out of constantly announcing that u don’t care if the character is good or not, we get it.




You know you can want both right? Both a new character you like the design and lore of, and a character that will make your account stronger.


I never said I want her kit to be bad what I mean is I dont fcking care if she's became a bad unit. Yes i want both because if she become stronger that's a win for me and I would be happy about it, but my point is I don't care if she is not a good character or not a meta character I still pulling for her..


I am worried because she does not seem particularly fun anymore. I have not been waiting since 2022. I only thought to pull her once the scythe was revealed. It should be easy come, easy go... But I love edgy characters and was quite attached to her before the rework. I am glad that you are happy because you enjoy the good Samaritan harbinger and everything, but I need a touch more than that to remain pleased. 




My brother, have you seen the leaks ?


What if new C1- Increases damage multiplier and adds super armor , not a IR it's shield , IR doesn't sounds like super armor, shield yes


Raiden's burst has infinite İR - it's called super armor


Really? Super armor? Where does it say that? I've never seen it


İt's in the in-game values İnterruption resistance = 1 means super armor (cant get interrupted no matter what), İ think


Really? Never seen that. Cool to know. At least her C1 looks good then(even if baity)


I've been trying not to dig into Arles kit for the suspension for when she does release but its stressing me out that everyone is going ape sht. Can someone pls tell me what she was originally and what she is now and what changed? Pls 😭🤧