• By -


I joined this sub to see her potential builds, team comps, and kit breakdown. Wtf is this šŸ’€


Ignorance is bliss in your case then lol. Just continue ignoring that which is not useful.


Not to sound rude but I could care less about ships and gender roles. Itā€™s not ignorance, but an understanding of: itā€™s just a game, theyā€™re not real, and itā€™s not that serious


I wish everyone had that attitude tbh. Live and let live!




Arlecchino mods are built different frfr


The good old MST3K mantra. ā€œItā€™s just a show, I should really just relax.ā€


++ on this and some gorgeous Arlecchino fanart(solo or with other characters), but I didn't know this was going on šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


This a million times


Yeah I read like the first 3 sentences and Iā€™m done lmao why is the internet like this, theyā€™re literally just ships who fucking cares


Hey now, no need to be rude. The artist clearly put a lot of love into their work. It really brightened my day. I admit to being initially confused. Is that you, Thoma? Then I realized that my little dude Aether has been juicing, he's doubled in size! What marvel of Fatui medicine. I do admire the artists optimism. Pretty sure Arlechino will still crush his pelvis when she transforms into a giant hilichurl like Cater.


This is good to see. There's way too much generalisation of both "gay shippers" and "Aether fans" on this sub so it's nice that you guys are putting out a firm stance against both sides throwing insults


We as moderators want to foster a subreddit for all Arle fans irrespective of our personal preferences. We appreciate your recognition! :)




ugliest fotm cartoon ever


Sigh.. again? Man this is why I steer the hell away from shipping communities as far as possible.


I see you avoided venturing into those comment sections


Truer words have never been spoken.


Genshin community once again proves itself to be so fucking embarrassing.


I do not have a right to say anything given how whiny I am... But this gave even me second hand embarrassment.Ā 


This happens with every anime community lol


https://preview.redd.it/2exycnb3yeqc1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ffd3ee6de20dc1b473ee321ceb48367dc4d4fba Well this is quite something, good job mods.


People who fight over ships are the most miserable people on the planet. Doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re against it or for it.


fandom when fanfiction https://preview.redd.it/qa1icbmdpeqc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93f43a23444db998de16b9eed519bd2f37cfd43f




fandom mfers after realizing fan creations do absolutely nothing to the original character's writing nor do anything to their head canon


Fr as long as someone isnā€™t shoving Fallout equestria (turning a childrenā€™s show into a grimdark gorefest) Level of mischaracterization in my face itā€™s fine. If I get bored and inflict that on my self by going and finding it, I canā€™t really be mad at anyone but myself


Not to show my age but back in the age of Tumblr, people tag their ships so that people who dislike or donā€™t want to see said ships can blacklist the tag and be on their merry way. All the same, people who like the ship can post and appreciate their ships without debby downers conflating ship preferences with whatever perceived moral issue they have. I wish people still uphold that unspoken shipping code. I personally donā€™t have very strong opinions on ships but I hate seeing people comment ā€œthis ship is homophobicā€ or ā€œthis ship is heterophobicā€ or whatever the hell is the current moral issue with a particular ship on posts meant for shippers. If you donā€™t like it, scroll past. Some people are genuinely way too old for this stupid behavior. Anyway, thanks mods! Havenā€™t seen those posts myself because I mostly check the tc posts but glad this is the stance of the mods ā™„ļø


This honestly reddit sucks so much for this cuz you can't tag properly and easily exclude tags you don't want to see.


Unfortunately it would be very difficult to have specific flairs for different shipping categories in this subreddit that has a fairly wide scope and thatā€™s the closest we have to a tag system on reddit. Additionally reddit makes filtering by flair quite clunky and itā€™s not very effective in curating oneā€™s feed.




Lmfao. Life must be good if shipping fictional characters is what presses you the most.


Thank god. Drama over a ship is so stupid on all ends. There's people drumming up drama on both sides so needlessly. If someone is taking the time to make fanart of Father then we should celebrate it! Art is incredible, ship or not. Worst case just scroll past it if you're not a fan. Personally I'm an ArleFuri person, but there's people who hate that too. They're all just fictional characters at the end of the day. I'm just happy people are enjoying Arlecchino as much as I am! https://preview.redd.it/kxf5g8jaokqc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c3751c2bbee85d8a385a490369e77db786b01e3


It's just a game bro it's really not that deep


Tell this to the toxic twitter shippers. They need to hear it


Preach it my guy


This shit again. Fucking hell. I can't really express my view on this so I'll just say this: ship within reason. Be reasonable with everything. For shippers: Don't take shit too far. For non-shippers: Don't take shit too far.




>Going forward, we will be slightly stricter with penalties and will be issuing temporary bans to those who are persistently rude and offensive, no matter whether they are pro, anti or neutral toward Aether. We believe this will allow the users to calm down and prevent riling up others. I feel like some users are actively being inflammatory regarding this topic and I believe it'd be best to just outright ban them from the subreddit. I don't wanna point fingers at certain individuals but I'm pretty sure you already know who they are given that some of their posts have already been locked in the subreddit and how they interact with the other members of the subreddit in the comment section.






Thatā€™s fair. We only lock posts when the level of rude arguments escalates to the point where moderating individual comments and users becomes difficult. There are a limited number of us and we all have IRL commitments. So locking comments prevents the flames being fanned so to speak.


>to fulfill anotherā€™s agenda. AGENDA?! https://preview.redd.it/1716amcntgqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409fc3def52da11adfba7dced0195cf2fd111207


Iā€™ll say. I donā€™t like a lot of the Aether art (mainly cause gacha game burnout of MC x everyone), but on Reddit mobile, I have this amazing feature called a thumb that lets me scroll past things I do not enjoy. A lot of people that get annoying at pro or anti Aether people should really try getting one of these thumbs. I heard thereā€™s a tool for the PC version as well called a scroll wheel.




>but on Reddit mobile, I have this amazing feature called a thumb that lets me scroll past things I do not enjoy And on pc have these 2 very cool features called the scroll wheel (if I use a mouse) and 2 fingers (if I use a touchpad) that lets me scroll past things I do not enjoy


I thought we're done with this shit, father is around the corner just get along guys


I think Arlecchino's release will just make it even worse lmao


I donā€™t really care about ships, I only care when they heavily sexualise women and make the tits as big as the head. Thatā€™s weird and makes me uncomfortable. Guess Iā€™ll just have to block the people that post that garbage from now on


I'm honestly only uncomfortable with that when it's not even close to that in the original design, like if someone with normal proportions gets drawn with absolutely absurd ones


Another drama involving Aether again?


I'd rather argue about her kit and meta all day than be a part of this depravity šŸ’€


I've been in many fandoms over the years and I consider myself quite an enthusiastic shipper, but it still amazes me how rude and mean can people get because of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS AND THEIR FICTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS (that aren't even canon in most cases). Why can't we just enjoy whatever we like in peace? T_T Also really appreciate mods making a stance and being unbiased towards it... That's quite rare to see these days lmao


Is this the only mains subreddit that has this big of an issue? I thought the whole thing with the OOC or debacle nonsense already died down but people here are still having a keyboard fight? Over a fictional character? Good thing Ive been trying to steer away from it cuz my God, that's just pathetic.


The moderators of most Genshin subs are aggressive more than they are neutral and moderate so I assume they tend to allow and disallow content based on their biases. I recall one mod that I strongly disagreed with on another sub who wanted any and all posts depicting bare feet to be marked nsfw, which I found ridiculous. By the virtue of being tolerant and not banning users we end up allowing vociferous arguments. Since I had the misfortune of going through the mod queue we inherited, I can attest that the toxicity is at most 5-10% of what it was previously. However, itā€™s been consistent enough to warrant an announcement. Personally I was hoping we wouldnā€™t need to address it and the last embers would be extinguished naturally.


Oh dearā€¦ I wonder how the feet person would handle Clara in Star Rail :O


Yae mains occasionally has a piss fight about it every now and then but it's more "wahhhh I hate seeing her with Raiden" and "wahhhh I hate seeing her with Aether" than arguments about character portrayal


Guys I really don't want to leave the sub again.. I left the last time because of this... They are polygons... Fictional characters.... Please relax, if you need a character to revolve around your own head canons to function, seek professional help.


I didn't saw a lot of these kind of posts and/or comments, but I know they exists since it happens in almost every main sub. And I dont even know why, it's just art of non existing people. W mods.


And here I thought that the most sexual thing about this sub were all the Bennett hate-boners...


couldn't agree anymore. I have no idea why they hate the sweet boy so much


toxic fans when they dont agree with someones headcanon and say its out of character (it doesnt match their own headcannon that is also out of character)






You all remember the old mods doing this shit? It's so fucking stupid lol


Mucho texto




Crazy how dat 1 loud group on both sides need to be silenced so communities can finally chill tf out damn


Thatā€™s just human nature I guess. It probably gets amplified over the internet.


it's very sad the fact that this post needed to be made


u guys fighting over this? really..??


For the second time btw


Shit like this makes me embarrassed to admit I play genshin lol. Itā€™s easier to explain yourself from watching fury futa hentai in public than from partaking in Genshin communitiesā€¦




Just enforce Rule 2 atp, it got so bad on Twitter ppl are now in the *"90% of Twitter is someone imagining a guy"* phase. You have ppl who go so far as they think that men like women who are more feminine when in reality she fits in the concept of "tomboy" in every way, men in the anime community eat that up quickly.


This is why I love the ā€˜hide postā€™ feature on reddit. I can just hide shit I donā€™t like. Side note, are people really claiming ā€œheterophobiaā€? That is really funny.


I see the post as drawings and nothing else , i just ignore the "drawing" and move on , aether x father if they are happy with go head draw but if people get so angry by a single drawing to the point of reporting and start cursing towards the poster and telling them to kys which is so sad like man theres other thing to do in life than get mad on fictional ships


Im not here to ragebait, just spouting my experience in other mains. Imo, arlecchino mains kinda the worst for the toxicity there is when it comes to shipping... Edit: Reading other comments before me. Its clear as day this sub has its **problems** and i love itt šŸ˜‚


I think this argument happens more when its a tall serious/scary type female character Like raiden and yae. Thia also will happen if kujou was popular. And also navia if shes not friendly. Idk why but somehow its will happen depending on the character šŸ¤£


Sara is my favourite (living) character but 4 stars are never that popular sadly. I still wish she were a sword DPS and had the canon wings as her gliderā€¦


Sameee. Theres also this kind of art of her with aether in her sub but no one really cares. The problem of not being popular is that she wont be appear in any event šŸ„²


I loved her in that Inazuma event with the Raiden figurine! I havenā€™t really played Genshin in a while so Idk if sheā€™s gotten much screen time after that.


Ive been in the raiden mains sub. They're pretty tame ngl


Im not in that sub anymore but I remembered that artwork of her being clumsy and cried received lots of hate šŸ¤£


genshin fans, actually no Hoyo fans in general are insufferable when it comes to these things, its actually fucking pathetic lmao


W mods


shipping mfs canā€™t be real šŸ’€


aint no way twink aether is clapping arlec


Arlecchino is quite obviously a polyamorous pansexual woman who is capable of being a loving father as well as a cold-hearted fatui operative. Also she pegs Aether.


Glorious headcanon


Nice name






Sir, this is a Wendyā€™s




2 Number 9's, a number 9 large, number 6 with extra dip, number 7, 2 number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.


Still not the worst shipping drama Iā€™ve seen


Some players need to grow up


idk, what is annoying tho is when I'm trying to find good builds/teams and all of the sudden there's fan art of arle's ass and camel toe... like I'm sure there's a nsfw arle subreddit and I don't think this is it... same with the weird aether harem/self insert shit


As if it is that hard to keep scrolling. Im not fond of shipping either, doesn't mean i gotta try to make others feel bad for their headcannon/preference.


Ngl I didn't expect another reddit sub to have more aether hate than the leaks sub but here we are


How about we just remove any Traveler content (yes, both lumine and aether) it's not like they don't have their own place for their silly self insert shipping, lol.


FINALLY! What I honestly find annoying is the constant and clear bias this server has against pairings involving Aether. Itā€™s always ā€œoh itā€™s so cringe, theyā€™re turning Arle into an out of character waifu bait. Aether bad!ā€ And itā€™s the most generic piece Iā€™ve ever seen. I know what cringy Aether posts looks like. Iā€™ve seen plenty of them before. the stuff here? Thatā€™s not it. But any one else. Arle could be as out of character as you want and no one bats an eye. It was so bad that I got into an argument over someone who called the art piece a mischaracterization of Father and the artiest doesnā€™t truly love her all because sheā€™s smiling with Aether and her kids. And even if it was? Who gives a shit!? THE ENTIRE GENSHIN COMMUNITY is a cesspool of mischaracterization. Sometimes to the point (Everyoneā€™s gonna say Ayaka but letā€™s not forget the likes of Ningguang, Kaveh, Ei, and Yae) even this subreddit thinks of Arle as a generic edgy bad girl with no real personality other than ā€œI step on peopleā€ Iā€™ve seen people emphasize how Yae only exists to be with Ei, almost every mention of Ningguang is just ā€œsay gexā€ with Beidou, Kavehā€™s whole character revolves around Al Haitham, and 99% of Genshinā€™s jokes that stick the longest is just porn. Hell I made a whole post about it that got taken down on this sub. Long story short. If you honestly give a shit about ā€œmischaracterizationā€ to this degree in which Arle smiling or wearing a dress is too much for you. You need help.


aether main here since i started playing (well, traveler main cuz i main both aether and lumine and can't not have them in the party), it sucks how people could just start a war over a bunch of pixels showing two characters. this happened before and it sucks it's happening again. i'm hoping A Certain Power Rangers Fan doesn't start doing "fuck you" posts here again just because of all this, because as far as i know, that's what made the situation a lot worse last time. i joined this sub cuz i'm a future and hoping-to-be Arle haver (sig weapon included). her lore interested me the moment i saw her in Winter Night's Lazzo, and i got a lot more interested when Overture came out.


is this even the same sub? lol i guess i missed out on all these ship wars. i only joined to look at builds. and this is why ppl look at genshin community negatively.


Goofy ahh people


sad to see no action towards clear instigators that flood the sub with aether harem type cringe content exactly because they wanna piss off fans that have eyes and taste. pretending like its a "oh everyone has preferences just ignore each other ā£ļø" situation is stupid. whatever. I hope I don't see that much disgusting posts cause people will find a new anime hole to self insert with eventually šŸ¤·


Bunch of weirdos. The entire lot of them.


Based mod


Bloody hell I don't even particularly care about shipping her but can we just let the damn people ship who they want to ship and stop complaining about it. If you don't like the ship just move on to a different post not everything has to be a battle.


Why do people act like Aether and Arle are real people? They are products made by hoyo to sell us in a gacha game, why crying over people's drawings? I'm asking genuinely, I really can't understand it. I personally like that this reddit isn't just about builds (if I wanted one I would go to KQM after Arle's release, ngl, and if I for some reason wanted a build from here I would just use the search bar) and people post their art and other stuff and discussions and ugh, I really don't get why people are angry over it šŸ’€


Shipping is so stupid dude. How do people let themselves feel cuckolded by fictional characters? Insane


Didnt know this aether x arle exists lmaoo


Wow, I don't like Aether x Arle but I didn't even know flame wars were a thing since I simply ignore them.


all of this because for some reason wear pants and have a father title make her a canon lesbianšŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


I'm going to be honest. Most Aether ship arts are fucking cringe. They just make the female character they ship him with into a boring housewife no matter how well that fits the character. I don't interact with any of those posts and just scroll through them but god it's basically a cardboard cutout of a housewife and you could swap the face to any of the women in game. If people like it more power to them I just don't see the appeal.


It's always Aether somehow become sigma gigachad god 5000 hentai protagonist with a harem most of the time like what? That guy a cutie patottie and a sweet guy who just want to find his sister lmao. At that point it's more of a self insert ship rather than an "Aether" ship


>At that point it's more of a self insert ship rather than an "Aether" ship The Aether subreddit honestly is just that it's less about shipping Aether with another character and more about shipping themselves as Aether with other characters. This discourse wouldn't even need to happen if people who only seem to participate in this subreddit to "troll" the stereotypically vocal Arlecchino fans were banned in the first place but there is a reason why Kaiser is [notorious](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_xVGXWzGVtxtKJwhx-w0l5tSxeeQ4RzfX8zxpQ8VZ3I/mobilebasic) in certain subreddits.


Because he allows free speech and free thinking? Cause thats what I feel the man does.


Exactly. There are characters who I could easily see him being shipped with like Kokomi, Ayaka, Noelle, Fischl, hell maybe even Dehya I could kinda see but then they're like "no actually Aether is the rizzler who gets all the mommies." Like I'm sorry but I can't see a universe where Aether could ever get together with Yelan or Miko and even if he could he's the housewife in that ship.


Hell I myself am a Dehya main and I saw a lot of cute Aether and Dehya fanart just as how Dehya and Candace shipper artwork is. People don't exactly hate the shipping itself (well some maybe actually do) but more of the butchering the character aspect of it. At that point it not even the character anymore,it just some random people decided to cosplay as them.


>Kokomi, Ayaka, Noelle, Fischl, hell maybe even Dehya this all depends on how often the characters appear in that story (F/GO is the biggest example), you say Dehya but I don't see any significance on Aether x Dehya. And besides, Ayaka is not everyone's taste. People want tall women


tbh i dont like any Arle ship they are all cringe and make her something she isnt is


Yeah that's fair. I don't even think we have enough info on her to make accurate portrayals of her in ship art.


exactly!! we know nothing about her, this is what some shippers need to understandĀ 


Didnā€™t this happen already or am I having dĆ©jĆ  vu? Also OP, arenā€™t you that person people seem to hate for some reason, why is that?


The drama was mostly with the previous mod team. This is our first announcement on the subject. People dislike me for a couple of reasons: - As a moderator, I aim to foster tolerance and am reticent to issue permabans. That extends to people and content that some users vehemently detest, particularly nsfw content. - In the past, I wanted to moderate more subreddits to potentially reduce some of the negativity ordinary users experience at the hands of more aggressive, authoritarian moderators. As a result, discord moderators, especially those affiliated with TCN felt that I threatened their hegemony especially since I didnā€™t tow their line. - Over time, people sprinkled in outright lies and the exaggerations snowballed to make me out to a boogeyman in Genshin reddit and discord circles. - People did not like the quantity of art I posted in the past.


This is why I stay away from shipping stuff, especially given the whole her being called father despite being a woman thing, (let's be real if she was called mother the community would be even more down bad), which still makes me a bit uncomfortable, but could just be me having issues, regardless this stuff happens and it's never fun


Wtf this, i jponed because of leaks and team and now this. Bro let them post fanart who tf cares people :skull:


The solution is obviously Father x every character, now one says no to Father šŸ„µ


Shipping and the aether harem crap has completey ruined the genshin community I'm tired of it what ever happened to just playing the game?


The weird furina crackship doesn't make any more sense than aether does


Well there goes another character into the list of characters that I do not like the mains of Let's see if Arle mains can surpass Noelle mains in this list


Tbf, theyā€™re only a minority but an unfortunately vocal one. I think most Arle mains are fairly reasonable.


I mean those artworks are clearly inflammatory on purpose. The goal is clearly to show them conforming to gender roles to an excessive degree to piss off queer fans.


1) While artist may have different intent, what matters is the art itself or the action likely directly taken An art of aether isn't an endorsement of bigotry just for featuring Aether, just like art of Arlefuri aren't endorsement of abuse/rape 2) Some of the art feature stuff as simple as handholding yet still get inflammatory reaction 3) Also: If the existence of some ship/art is so intolerable that downvoting or blocking isn't enough, to the point you feel action need to be taken to stop and erase it. If the justification on why such thing must not exist, is because those art cannot be about some people phantasm/headcanon/fetish/etc but must be an attack against your own principle. Then what i just described, is a common case of bigotry. If someone does something you dislike, downvote or block them. If someone behave in an hateful way or like a bigot on the sub, report them But justifying and pushing more bigotry as a preemptive measure isn't a solution but just more problem.


Good job outing yourself


just dont interact? i dont understand why a ship art just existing is seen as a personal attack when in all likelihood it wasnt even directed towards that


The issue is that it is clearly directed towards that. It's posted specifically to piss off people, not even that they actually enjoy the ship, that's why it's so clearly out of character for both Arlecchino and Aether himself.


if its intentionally made to piss people off why entertain it then, they only win when they know people get mad


I do agree that ignoring it is the best policy, and fwiw I don't interact with those posts, I just think it's silly to act like they are not intentionally rage bait


The issue is that a lot of the people that do interact with those post negatively, also have an history of removed comment that display a clear desire or intent to get rid of "straight" content or even misandry/bigotry. So if we go by a process of intent and history outside of reddit to establish said intent, to make it remotely fair would lead to hunting down user on their intent and history. And it is a slippery slope, because there is also intent on twitter and more. The point is to make a sub where everyone can post and discuss what they like, imagine, fantasize, etc about Arlecchino Not to turn this sub into custom where every user has to go through background check to comment on what they like about Arlecchino. And we are already accused enough of being biased against Aether/straight stuff as moderator, to on top conduct a witch hunt on this stuff


Thinking it's a direct attack on you and your identity, or political propaganda instead of simply someone's fantasy or fetish is crazy. Believe it or not, you're not the center of the universe and fan artists are not "own the libs" chuds. Let people enjoy what they like. I could go in depth about the tropes barefoot & pregnant Arlecchino is playing on, which are mainly "breaking" the villain with love (tale as old as time), but I'll just say this. If you're at the point where you perceive ship art as a personal attack trying to invalidate your lifestyle and orientation, SERIOUSLY consider getting off social media for a while, a few days, a few weeks. Talk to loved ones, go outside. Debate with an actual person, not a stranger on the internet. Social media removes nuance pretty effectively from any topic. You'll find out things are quite alright. Then you can come back when you're a better headspace. Stay safe.


100%. i am very deep in queer spaces (irl tho and not online) and thinking someone takes the time for hours to draw what is basically fetish art ā€žout of spiteā€œ or to ragebait people is probably the most chronically online thing iā€˜ve read in a while. like, i get it if it were low effort posts, then thereā€˜s a point to be made. but if someone posts their fan/fetishart and you think its an attack on your lifestyle thats honestly wild. none of the queer people i know that also play genshin ever cared that much about fanart for one of their fav chars or even initiated a conversation going vaguely in that direction. edit: just saw that thread is already days old, lmao. oopsie.


I genuinely can't think of another reason someone would make the gnc woman a fucking tradwife of all things. And if femininity is something we want to explore, a character can be feminine without being pregnant and barefoot. Anyone portraying Arlecchino (of all characters) that way are probably doing it to get a rise out of people.


it has nothing to do with the female character. these users just post a\*ther because they know it's annoying. everything else is a red herring and the type of stuff they want to provoke and score posts for their sozials.


Or alternatively they see it as purely a source of self-insertion? It's like saying male fans aren't allowed to like Arlecchino purely because they're male. You're being way too generalistic and pushing away people who would otherwise agree with you.


if they like a\*ther so much they should post on the a\*ther sub instead of trying to bait other subs oh no I'm pushing away people and getting less agrees. tragic


Censoring Aether is wild


So yeah... you just don't like it when guys self-insert themselves into relationships with fictional women they like. Fucking wild.


I mean how DARE he does not like it! Fu**in wild indeed


>I genuinely can't think of another reason someone would make the gnc woman a fucking tradwife of all things. Likely for the same reason lot of people like some of Arlefuri art or like stuff like ntr, toxi yuri, incest, etc. Because it is their fetish/phantasm/etc And not some "propaganda", otherwise by the same metric, a lot of the art that have no ground in canon, are also propaganda.


you're right why are they booing youuušŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No matter how much this comment gets downvoted, it will remain objectively correct. The fact that the mods have chosen to let the inflammatory artworks continue and only act if someone responds to the provocation is disappointing to say the least.


Straight ships don't exist, silly!


I don't think I've seen a single Aether/Arlecchino artwork posted here that wasn't "Arlecchino becomes his baby factory." It's not normal ship art, it's tradwife propaganda


bro really said fan art is propaganda.




Sorry, your post has been for not being in compliance with Rule 2 - Be civil and respectful. Please read the rules or message the mods for any further clarification.


Idk if this reply will reach the MOD team, but a word is missing in this message. "Sorry, your post has been ___ for not..."


Good catch! ![gif](giphy|LLYtaSxAuj47fmmwpU) For future reference, modmail is the surest way to reach one of the mods.


The only Fanart I saw was the one where Aether is holding Arle hand cause her hand is creepy looking, I thought It was just a Insert for player who are excited to pull for her, But If you class that as propaganda I don't even know what to say.


This community truly is something. Genshin presents itself as gambling game for children and the biggest concern of a part of the community is shipping wars and some heated arguments? Well, not like one problem nullifies the other either way. Who knows, surely there are some people here that like Arle and don't support genshin so they're clean


it's really obvious who the problem posters are. they are the ones that post nothing but a\*ther art and for some reason on every sub except the a\*ther sub. just ban those and you'll have no problems.


Aether fans are just as welcome as those who despise Aether. Bans are almost anathema to us. Posts with Aether should not be any more triggering than posts with Columbina, Furina or Lumine.


you can't consider posts in a vacuum. that's what those users are relying on to cause trouble. the post history tells the whole story.


Actioning content based on what happens outside a particular subreddit is against the moderator code of conduct. As moderators of r/ArlecchinoMains we are limited in what we should consider under our jurisdiction. We believe this to be a fairer way to treat users without prejudice.


ok have fun getting farmed for screenshots. seems like you see it and enjoy it as a type of martyrdom due to an inflated sense of reddet officiality and justice, so in the end everybody's happy.


no way you censored aether


it makes the world a better place


How about L**mine


The only thing bothering me about this is that you put 2 asterisks. Plz fix at your earliest convenience /s


she makes the world a better place


Or... Or... and hear me out... You ignore the Aether posts, scroll by them, not commenting on them, so they don't have a reason to post anymore. (I am not sure what you mean by Aether posts, btw, but I am assuming you mean the Aether x Arle posts) If the posters are posting purely for Rage Bait, then don't rage on those posts. They should stop if they see their tactic is not working. If posters just wanna share Aether x Arle art, without nefarious ideas, then still don't rage on those posts. The internet is a wonderful thing where you can ignore/skip the content you don't like. Use it. It makes the internet (and IRL places too) a much better environment for everyone, including you.


i meant that they almost exclusively post a\*ther pairing art and typically only on the sub of the non a\*ther character and not onĀ their a\*ther sub. there's no good reason to do that and they are 100% bad faith and looking to make trouble.


Again, ignore it. If they are looking to make trouble, don't create trouble. Don't give them what they want. I really don't care (in this particular case) if the art is posted in bad faith. (Mostly cuz I am apparently stupid, and didn't see it as such. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.) You either like it if you like it, or ignore it if you don't like it. Your problems are not their problems. Your opinions are not their opinions. If you want to share your opinion, be constructive, not hateful.


whyĀ areĀ you assuming i interact with it? this is a pinned post not an art post. and look up paradox of tolerance.


The paradox of tolerance work on the sub and for this case when they have done something intolerant here. as the paradox of tolerance and its status as a social contract work when answering intolerant action with intolerant action. We aren't some court and what they do outside this sub isn't our business, thinking otherwise would be power tripping as moderator. And pushing the idea that mod should do background check on user, as well as remove stuff not on what they did, but based on what is the possible intent they have, is not a good idea at all.


My comments aren't just for you, but for anyone reading, too. I just thought your initial comment was the best place to get my point across. If you don't interact with them, good. I don't really know if the Paradox of Intolerance applies here, tho. At least in the examples I found, it wasn't about people having another opinion just to rage-bait. But here, in this sub (according to some, at least) Aether x Arle posts are there purely to rage-bait. So right now, I am still of the opinion the best thing to do is not to interact with those posts. If they don't get what they want, they either stop or they'll try get it elsewhere.


You must be sad getting upset by aether ship arts, maybe try to think of it as another piece of drawing rather than an agenda?


Lolll, i couldn't care less about ships but also cant believe such a post had to be made because gay shippers as usual call others names. Like with the artist that couldn't draw a thing for the same reason. A simple thought against the intolerant climate of today:"if someone is truly homophobic would you rather make them radicalise themselves even more by being angry or excluding them, or inspire them with beautiful debates?"


This post had to be made because *both sides* were calling each other names. It's in the post. Please don't be needlessly inflammatory, this sub doesn't need more of that


As Ä° have said above Ä° couldn't care less But we all know the demographics that have the most struggles with accepting the existence of different opinions. The post will obviously try to be "diplomatic", so it will obviously make it seem like both sides did equally wrong. There have been multiple incidents with artists on twitter and this particular demographics already, so if you like to ignore reality it's up to you, but we all know who does it the most


> whether Arle is a cruel sadistic misandrist or someone with a secret feminine side that conforms to traditional gender roles Am I the only one who finds this to be a concerning dichotemy? To portray being a "sadistic misandrist" and having a "secret feminine side that conforms to gender roles" as equals comes off incredibly slanted. Like, one describes a hateful person who derives pleasure from others' suffering while the other describes a gender conforming woman. Is that not weird or extreme to anyone else?


I guess the view is that the "secret feminine side" thing comes off as fetishistic or degrading towards androgynous women. As an androgynous woman myself, I don't really care because ultimately she's not real, but I can see where the hurt may come from. Regardless, the comments usually devolve into hell anyway with a lot of inflammatory comments towards everyone of all sides.




They are equal, because they're both headcannons Doesn't matter if you think she pukes at the sight of men or if she wouldn't mind being a stay at home wife, neither are canon, and neither probably will be


It might be but it depends on the individualā€™s perspectives. Much in the same way flat Earthers and anti-vaxxers are equated to the opposing side. In the case of Arle at least, itā€™s purely subjective and there are probably people who believe traditional gender roles are a greater evil than the torturing men.


Being sadistic is not bad, it is simply a personality trait. Genuinely. One can be someone who enjoys the pain of others but otherwise be a good person, most sadists are otherwise normal people. There are different forms of sadism that vary in their harmfulness to others, and many people are masochists. Itā€™s fine to be a sadist just as itā€™s fine to be a masochist. Others have talked about how conforming to gender rolls is fetishistic and appeals to normative social views which specifically degrade, dehumanize, and lessen womenā€™s places as people but thatā€™s not what Iā€™m focusing on with my comment. Being a sadist is fine, most sadists are just average people.


Because that is what is ""pushed"" by the two sides. The difference is that those that like Arle as a misandrist, consider Arle conforming to gender norm as a bigger offence than Arle being sadistic and misandrist or even abusive. People will take more offence to gender conforming role than Arle abusing Furina There is nothing wrong with liking one or the other depiction, but the reason of this dichotomy, is that user are not taking offense against common toxic straight fetish (like ntr, abuse, etc) but against vanilla stuff.


I see what you mean, but I don't think I've *ever* seen Arlecchino portrayed as a misandrist (and I use Tumblr as my primary social media). So the whole misandrist thing reads a bit like projection on the part of OP


There isnā€™t any artwork portraying that afaik but like another mod commented there have been several such comments. I understand why that may have come across as projection but I was simply trying to present a fair and balanced assessment of both extremes that we have seen while moderating this sub.


I have seen comment and removed some that claimed that: - Arlecchino hate man, hence why no straight ship should be allowed -People complaining a majority of male on this subreddit, as unfitting for Arlecchino So if you didn't see those, then i'll take it as a compliment for job well done here (though automod does most of the removal)