• By -


You forgot the change that her burst now resets skill cooldown


Omg I really did 😭😭


someone pointed out to me that you missed the - when you tagged me in the post, so you've now tagged someone else. the username pascl was already taken so I had to add something to make it unique


Bro missed the hifen when tagging you😄


I'll go an remind them


Fixed <3


Wdym? Explain plz


When you use her burst, her skill cooldown resets. So: Skill (30 sec cooldown), burst (skill is back)


Ohh that's actually neat ig we have to time our burst right for each rotation


So overall buff and c4 nerf? Nice


Indeed, thankful shes turning out really nice


How big of a problem is bonds going from 3-5?


Previously it was 20->25->70, 0+3s+3s. Now it's 40->70 0s+5s


Does it means in her setup rotation if we E first then do the q then do a charge attack(assume it takes 5sec) will we gain 70 bond immediately and casting another E and setup our support characters then switching to her give as 140% of bond of life In short E-Q-CA-E-SUPPORT CHARACTERS SETUP -CA WOULD GIVE AS TOTAL OF 140% BOL IN SINGLE TARGET


Yes, overall it's a buff.


Yea probably, no need to shout bro /j


Why not😶


E-Q-CA isn't long enough to get to full power from stacks so realistically you're only getting 40%. The stronger rotation would be. E->Swap->Q->CA->E->NA6+>CA->NA6+ NA6+ means at least NA6 because I don't know the timings off the top of my head to reach 5 seconds. Realistically this is NA6x2 Before, you would instead do E->swap->CA->Q->auto until E is back up->repeat. New arle is much stronger against single target.


Nop that is foolish her q will consume all her bol if CA before her Q so I ithik the most optimal is E→Q→chevresse E and Q →Arle CA→E→ficshel E→yae Milo 3 Eb→chevr E →arle CA→(140% bol) 19 NA→(40% bol remaining) E →Q(will healed about 80%)→continue the rotation


read the new notes. Her CA no longer consumes bond of life and healing is on her Q now.


You misunderstand, you wrote E -> swap -> CA -> Q, which would be pointless because when you burst you’d be clearing the bond of life she got from CA. If you burst first, then CA, you can stack up to 140% BoL. If CA before burst, you lose the BoL from the first blood debt. Edit: I may have misunderstood, I’m seeing some people saying her burst doesn’t clear bol and if that’s the case then what you said would work. If burst clears it though you’d have to CA after.


oh didn't see that the burst clears her bond. In that case you just do Q -> CA right? But anyways, Q->CA is probably more optimal anyways because that allows you to more likely vape or melt your Q


Yeah that should be optimal


Wait, I thought the BoL was capped at 80% of her max HP. You can stack blood debts and BoL ?


It says Q will clear bond of life though


you charge attack after your Q


Not a big problem at all, you only need 1 tick


Ah, that's what I was missing. I thought it was still 2 needed.


i’d say none when i read it i was scared, but considering the mark no longer levels up to level 3, but rather to level 2 and granting from 40% to 70% it’s more balanced. you have to wait one second less to gain max stacks, so you gain the same amount of stacks in the same time, it’s not like you have to wait 10s to gain 70%


Wait what does 3-5 stand for?


No difference in AOE, slight nerf to dmg potential in single target, but still better than prev version


We are so arleback


her personal damage improved by almost a lot, I would say that she is now less dependent on Bennet, although at the cost of extending her rotation. the previous calculations showed that she didn't improve a bit in terms of personal damage and that she simply changed her play style to extend the rotation and inflate the damage of the sub dps, now she looks more like a hypercarry in which you want to focus everything the damage


"by almost a lot" made me smile lol İt means a lot and it means nothing


I don't dare give a number because I haven't done the calculations, but at least it increased her personal damage by about 40%-50% with her BiS, which puts her more in line with the rest of the hypercarrys and enables a stronger hypercarry composition.


The burst actually doesnt seem to clear BOL, even in the CN text.


Nope, it heals her BoL instead of removing it


Oh yeah, I forgot how BOL functions. Thanks for the clarification.


Doesn’t that mean her sustain goes down now? Like it heals off her BoL + some atk % which means that you only actually get healed by the atk % amount? Also, if the burst heals off the BoL, then why are people talking about being able to get like 140% BoL from doublecasting the E? This is literally the only thing about this update that confuses me.


You E then Q to reset E. Following the Q you use your CA to call in the first E's blood debt. Then E again (this resets the ICD on gaining BoL from blood debt) then CA again after 5second. Now you have two E's wordt of BoL stacked.


You only consume the first Debt after casting Q to reset the second E, so you skip the clearing part.


DAMN jsterns yesterday calcs were with the 221 multiplyer this changes everything she might be doing closer to 2.5 mil with a fuking 4 star weapon


Likely won't. Jstern's calcs assumed the sub dps were doing about 1.1m together. Buffing Arlecchino's damage won't actually increase team dpr that much because she's only doing half the team's damage. This buffs her hyper carry teams significantly more than overload. You'd need to buff her personal damage by nearly 50% to add another 500k to the team.


Jstern still doesn't specify his Yae and Fischl builds, 1.1mil damage per rotation is a lot, most bosses in abyss have less than 2mil hp, follow his calculation we can 2 rotations any boss with just Yae and Fischl


Let me guess, the fuking 4 star weapon is R5 Death Match?


R1 i am pretty sure


Yes, but it is what it is. Her damage falls off hard without bp or 5\* weapons.


I mean Neuv also falls hard from his signature and any other options on him (30% + dif after his best F2P option)


but neuvi’s ‘falling off’ still does more damage than other 5*s


I don't think I implied otherwise. I'm just stating that that's how it is with the character. Not every comment needs to become a what about this other character scenario.


My White tassel Arle stonks r going up Gotta say it's such a great wep for her when u have either of these 2. -Yunjeen -Benny


What 4 star weapon did jstern use? I hope it's not death match


It's deathmatch. The only f2p option Arle has is white tassel


How is blackcliff on her? I might consider buying it, lol


Blackcliff is fine. Not as good as Deathmatch. Should be around White Tassel I think it might be worst in teams with Bennett but better in teams without him


Not even dragons bane or missive windspear? Because that's all I really have in the spear department.


Both are worst then White Tassel. No point in using those 4 stars when a 3 star weapon is easily better


Overall, a buff to her. Her new rotation goes like this now: e -> set up supports -> Q CA E 4naD (CA in between when need to after 5 sec if the enemies with Blood debt is still alive) -> repeat when e is up again I'm wondering about her icd for particle generation. If it's going to be 10 sec, it's no big deal because e -> set up supports -> Q CA before second e should take 10 sec. Her on field time is looking to be 22-25 sec depending how quickly you can get to e again during on field. Also, the added atk scaling to her heals makes her more viable with Furina since she can heal on first rotation. Edit: Swapped Q and CA


I think Q clears BoL, so would be EQ, CA at lvl2 bond, E, CA. Or maybe I'm dumb lol


No, you're right. I forgot about that my bad. Just swap Q and CA. If her Q kills enemies with blood debt, she should be getting bond of life.


someone smarter wants to explain how this affects her rotation?


depends on the team (talking c0 for this) it's probably something like E Q CA E swap CA stuff (110% bond one target r0)


What if she doesn't stack?


Can she become good as a Solo DPS?


Is it confirmed that two marks can be on the same target?


Nice try Doomposters, try next character




Didnt Alhaitam go from like "totally, insanely broken" to just like "still broken lmao"?


Alhaitham changes were overall a buff. A 3stack mirror q in practice absolutely sucks. His e nerf hurt tho, it couldve given him more frontload which is a weakness that he has


He went from broken Q to balanced there, while kept getting better and more QOL improvements to his actual thing which is EMirrors. Overall got better there where it matters. As for why i said Arle×Al, that's not just cause their betas been wild+doomposting etc but also.. Their gameplay is a lot similar now. Arle previously was like what Stronger Yoi+Aoe minus range. Now she's more like Pyro Alhaitham xD


I only recall people calling him "dendro keking" in a despective manner ( disregarding that keking is good since dendro and that a dendro driver is better than an electro one)


He was given some insane damage percentages in both his skill and burst. Non-reaction raw Dendro damage somewhere in Ayaka's burst ballpark, BEFORE factoring in Spread additional damage and other buffs. Hoyo lowered his multipliers and, if I'm not mistaken, put more emphasis on damage in his skill over burst. So doomposters, without seeing his final damage, went: numbers smaller than before + less possible playstyles = another mid male DPS, literally unplayable, they only give good kits and numbers to girls, uwaaaa!


lol i got downvoted yesterday for saying people were overreacting 🤷‍♀️


I literally got downvoted because i said people weren't understanding what the changes meant when in fact they weren't understanding the double BoL new playstyle


bro i promis you bro next time for sure bro... God, why do we have to go trough this shit during every single fkin beta. And when will they learn that every limtied unit is good in their intended role. Maybe the intended role is not their cup of tea (best example is chiori), but that doesnt mean that the unit is bad.


I must pose a question though. She's in a great spot now, but this is also after some fairly sizeable buffs. While I don't think she was nowhere as bad enough to actually be doom posted but there was definitely merit to a lot of criticism that DID come her way given the amount of buffs / fixes she did get. So criticisms *were* warranted about her previous state would you not think?


They just mean doomposting early into beta is frustrating, because its too early to be doing all of that. Critisism/pointing out bad things is fine, but constantly doomposting early changes/stats and comparing to characters like Dehya is incredibly frustrating and not fair


It's a beta. Numbers and kits are supposed to change. Criticizing is not going to change anything unless you're a beta tester


Not really the most criticism she got was after thespeculztion of thr changes(which were nearly all true) they called this a nerf and kept doomposting about how before was way better


The best part is that they doomposted more yesterday about this changes because they simply didn't understand the new rotation/playstyle. It does speaks volume about the nature of doomposting, they always hide (like yesterday) behind the "legitimate criticism" but if it's wrong then it's not legitimate criticism.


tbh, even I was very negative about the changes yesterday despite knowing the new rotation because it kinda (to me) is much worse from a feel-good perspective even if the numbers were a small buff (assuming BoL stacked from double E)


Idk, i wont judge over beta kits based on footage made on broken private servers, or footage made by doorcam in 144p and based on sheet impact. What i learned that my day 1 personal testing will tell if the unit is good / fun or not. And so far every single limited unit i pulled was functional and good in their role. So you know, i might as well just trust the professionals that they do the job better than some reddit randoms. So why would i or anyone start shittalking a characters early kit when we know that the end product ended up being at least decent every single time(dehya is not a limited unit so we dont talk about that)? Beta testers opinion matter, reddit opinion doesnt matter. Who would hoyo trust, someone that actually played the unit, or some randos on reddit.


Every time limited is absolutely not, have you ever tied playing Klee? Maining Klee? Got the girl cause she was cute as heck, her NA misses most of the time, her E relies on luck of the enemy walking into it and her Q is probably the worst Q in the game.


It's like.... They only nailed dehya and because she had a bad kit from the start. I never pay attention to people negative opinions on pre release


Uncle K leaks: Arle is pyro neuvilette more uncle K leaks: arle is over Reliable arle leaks: arle is back First damage calcs: arle is so over First changes leaks: Arle is back and strong af Actual changes: it's arleover Actual actual changes: we're arleback This aint even doomposting at this point, it's an emotional rollerposting


I was legit scared there for a bit, I haven't wished yet on my account and I've been saving and saving... the itch to wish is getting worse the closer she gets. 500 intertwined fates saved so far.


is the c1 increase to bond% additive or multiplicative like suppose my bond bonus is 110%, with c1 would my bonus be 230% or would it be 132%


Not sure yet


My understanding is it's multiplicative (i.e. 1.2x the base masque of red death scaling ratio). Zajef did a quick excel on his stream and found it came to approx 10% DPS increase, which is quite modest honestly. Feels like they reassigned some of the C1 power into the base C0 kit by giving her more on-field time via the changes. I suppose there's a chance it could be additive still, in which case the DPS increase would be massive. So that might seem unlikely to me.


What are the impressions on the C1 changes? Higher damage peak but the lack of BoL refills make it drop off faster to compensate?


I don't like it. As someone who mostly messes around in the open world this update is a rather big ease of use nerf. The numbers are bigger now, true but there's also more timers to keep track of. Also I have more than enough characters that grant big damage numbers so that's not exactly my priority anymore. I want to have fun. Maybe it's not as annoying as it sounds but it feels kind of icky. But I'm probably just overreacting. I'll see the ease of use and fun factor when she releases. All I know is that I c6'ed every 5 star since furina but arlecchino's constellations are...boring. mostly just "make numbers go more boom" which I kind of dislike.


Out of curiosity, why do you C6 every character? Especially if the your main point of enjoyment is overworld, you hardly get the benefits of a full C6 character in action. (Not hate at all, I  wanted to c6 Wriothesley because he's a favorite but at C3 he's so strong I don't see the point of a full C6.) Is it a collection thing?


Mainly a massive lack of impulse control. I'm not proud of it and know that it's stupid but I have accepted it. Kind of. Additionally since then I have adopted a habit of randomly joining domain groups many times a day to help people out after seeing that surprisingly many take really long to clear them. Artifact farming is cancerous enough as is so when I can help people to clear a domain in one minute instead of three or four it's a win for everyone. Granted, a little bit of a need to flex is there, denying that would be stupid, but I'm sure that the main part for me is to help people make artifact farming or dealing with bosses in the overworld more bearable.


How about her survivability? Has it improved? Will it be enough to not slot a shielder? After 1 rotation how much hp will she be able to heal back? I am mainly concerned about her survivability issue.


Slotting a shielder is a dmg lost, wouldnt reccomend. C1 increases IR during NAs so it increases her survivablity, but with c0 alone her survivablity is about the same as it was before, but her ult heals whatever her atk×3 is (2000 atk heals for 6000 hp)


Yeah I really do not want to slot a shielder. I hope the healing is enough for her


As long as you have good atk on her, she'll heal fine. Especially if you utilize an atk buffer like Bennett. He can easily get you healed like 8k-10k


Ah I forgot about Bennett's attack buff. I guess using Benny will have no healing issue


Strictly a buff now good, was tired of people calling it a nerf and doomposting her




5 per E cast, no ICD


wait confirmed no particle ICD on E???


Yeah no icd on E


Do we know if with 2 E we can get more than 80%? Does it stack, is it confirmed?


Happy cake day! And yeah just CA before the next E


so does it take 15 secs to get to lvl 3 blood debt? or am i missing smth


Its lvl2 now. 5 seconds to get to lvl2


o no more lvl 3?




So can she double stack BoL or is there a max BoL that you can get?


does the “replaced completely” on the C1 mean there’s no more BoL refund?






Did her sig not change from 25% -> 18% or is that just not updated on the website yet?




Oh thanks! I couldn't find it lol


Np <3


is this a 24% dmg increase? Or 12+24% ?


The total is 12+24. It's 36 now, used to be 32 before.


I'm going to miss the fact that C1 won't be a little BoL generator, but I think it's for the best as I probably will get just C0 realistically speaking (got 180 pulls as of now, I might save up ~60 more before her banner and am at 39 pity). Nevertheless, I'm sniffing hopium and gonna try and get C2 with r1 PJWS ready :>


I'm too stupid to understand, is this a good change or bad? I remember some people saying earlier that she's a constellation bait character, but I can't really tell since I suck at math.


These are good changes. C1 is great, and i reccomend it, but its not needed


Would you say that her C1 is more important than her Weapon?


If you own r5 deathmatch or jade spear, yes. If you dont own either of those, no


Would you recommend going for C1 if I’ve got a R1 Deathmatch? What with how brutal the weapon banner can be and all that


Returning to this, ill attach here calcs for her best weapons and in another reply calcs of her cons with r1 https://preview.redd.it/op132qe16oqc1.png?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4be91eaa1813584b1b9ff7764f07e7537d9d30a


Thanks for this!


If you genuinely want to avoid the weapon banner, it's okay to go for c1 instead and use deathmatch. In general, not having r5 DM or r1-r5 Jade Spear, getting her weapon is recommended. But I won't encourage you to pull if you're f2p/casual or a dolphin. DM r1 is fine overall


Con r1 calcs https://preview.redd.it/ahijbtt36oqc1.png?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d336d84d6c92b179e35cc19d9393b3f998abf239


excuse me some people recommending neuvillette as a very good starter next week question is arlecchino that good too ? or shes for veteran players ?


Just go Neuvi if you're looking for absolute top tier. He's piss easy to play too. Arle's complex and still needs hands on testing to definitively place her in the meta.


Neuvillette would be safer for newer players. He does great dmg with proto type amber, a craftable weapon, and is incredibly easy to use and understand. Arlecchino herself is complex and her best weapons are 5 stars or r5 battlepass weapons, as well as her best teams involving limited 5 stars or c6 4 stars. I'd go with Neuvillette and wait for Arlecchino's rerun. Good question!


From my personal observation, Arle needs more input, but not complicated, but Neuv is easier to use. So honestly just choose which design you like more. Both should performs similiarly.


Neuvillete especially if you're playing on PC. Huge range, can move while doing his CA and his self heal is really really great for newer players. Also hydro as an element is just much more versatile than anything else in the game.


C1 is some absolute greed-driven bullshit. This interruption resist should be in her kit at C0. This is some EA sports levels of “you don’t get to play the game as intended unless you shill out more money”.


All fontaine chrs are c1 bait. She survives fine without cons, just needs lots of atk




Can you guys tell me how her c6 work now ? How damage is calculated ?


So that you son’t get to use NAs anymore with C6. That’s personal, but to me, she is among the « boring, just raw dmg increase C6 » chars. I prefer a C6 that alters the gameplay or offers more flexibility with rotations


You forgot that: -her burst now resets the CD of her skill (similar to razor) -C2 applies max blood-debt level so no need for c4 to do as it was before Personally I think this isn't as bad as it seems, the only downside is that she can't go solo now, rotations are now easier to execute and they actually buffed her damage a little Rotation can now go skill>CA>burst>skill>team buffs>CA>spam normal attacks I'm not a theory crafter so I doubt that this will be the best rotation Another one can be: skill>team buffs>CA>spam NA>burst before buffs expire>skill>repeat


I think that now you can be okay with not bursting every rotation and it should be OK to burst every other rotation (I know this is probably a damage loss but the point is that it's not as terrible as it was before)


I’d be happy if her burst ended up in a similar place as Alhaitham; you can build ER and burst every rotation if you want, but it’s equally viable to just throw everything at damage-related stats and burst every other rotation as long as you understand the kit.


How much does c1 increase damage compared to c0?


In terms of NA i believe its a 13% dmg increase


Can someone explain me how the damage of her c6 Q is calculated now ? I don't understand her "700%" skill value.


She looks really good now


I can call this a W right?






The passive gives her 70% bol unconditionally? Every 5s we just get 70% bol or what? I don't understand it


After you CA


Does the CA have to be after An E?


it's probably something like E Q CA E swap CA stuff (110% bond one target r0) for a full rotation


Ok bond level up once means its only 2 levels? Or ist still 3 and it takes 10s to reach there?


5 seconds for lvl2


So overall 10s for max?


No its lvl2 not lvl3 and it takes 5 seconds for lvl2


If Arlec gains 80% from her first E, then she uses burst and casts E again, will her BoL increase over 80%? In the description, it is said that the max BoL gained through elemental skills is 80%.


So burst reliant now ?


I wish that the C1 just had interruption added insteqd of replacing the whole thing, but i guess they can't make her perfect


The removal of the extra Bond of life from c1 is now compensated by how her burst resets her E, allowing 110% to 160% bond of life for each rotation. You get more bond of life now than you did b4 at c0.


So is she comparable to C0 Hu Tao with and without her signature weapon....


Imagine skipping lmao


They didn't nerf her weapon


They balanced it a bit. https://preview.redd.it/pv1xqsi2ygqc1.png?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ddf575446054a6d87e3ab2078a0b1cc24488650


18BOL+36% Dmg hmm Correct me if wrong, but i feel post Arle kit changes her sig definitely is a bit less valuable than before? It's definitely not looking as strong as it was for old Arle kit. Which is a good sign for F2ps i assume


Yeah less valuable in terms of it being cracked if that makes sense, its just more balanced like most signatures


With the BoL-granting passive I was worried it was going to be basically impossible to reliably keep up her infusion in overworld unless you pulled her sig, but thankfully they don’t seem to be *that* evil. With the new change I think I’m probably fine sticking with PJWS and using the extra fates to make a run at C1-C2.


So buffed or nerfed overall?


Buffed and balanced


What about her weapon?


Got a mix of a nerf and buff. More of a balance imo https://preview.redd.it/xkf1qq2g3hqc1.png?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e785f9d48c1d03bea71971ba1f3ef32d26feac26


12% and 24% from what percentages earlier?




Thanks man İ had gotten confused with the previous mid week changes so İ thought İ forgot the previous weapon numbers 


The e cooldown is a huge bummer I think


Ult resets cooldown and her E generates 5 particles with no ICD, so with a proper rotation it really wont matter


That’s good


if Q needs again 60 energy that bad, maybe 30 energy and 10s CD https://preview.redd.it/8zzjc7r4vgqc1.png?width=441&format=png&auto=webp&s=58e644373ef28dc5ae9d414df9f2468033198657


Q is 60 as translated from CN version https://preview.redd.it/wt9eqz6ivgqc1.png?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c3baa30859cc0e65c7837ed8ac4600552bfdd1


oh , 60 energy that's bad , harder mange 60 energy with 30s E CD even if NA reduce CD still need generate 60 energy


Using E twice in a rotation can help out a lot with the ER reqs thankfully <3


Also hypercarry units tend to require less ER for a given burst cost since they’ll be catching a large percentage of particles.


You can use your skill twice per rotation and get 10 particles. This rework basically made her er requirements nearly zero.


It is still 60energy , u can check on honeyimpact Her ER requirement is better now since her rotation is EQE , maybe CA in the middle of it


We have to wait to see if she has icd on her particle generation but even then it's only going to problem for vape team where her er requirements are higher


Even if she has particle icd, the time gap between ur 2 Es will be more than enuf bcos you would be running thru ur entire supp setup b4 u use ur 2nd E


It depends on how long is the icd, if it's 20 seconds she'll only generate 5 particles per rotation


Ninguang and faruzans particle icd CD is 6s. No reason to believe Arle will be any different if she has an icd


No reason to believe she will have the same either, what I'm saying is that until we have confirmation is all up in the air, also I guess it's possible they reduce her particles generation to balance the extra energy from the second E


she doesnt have icd for er


And it's probably not that big of a deal if you can't burst every rotation cuz her healing increased


Thats lame that it is 60 energy.