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I don’t have a single clue what’s going on in the nfl now!


What the hell is goin on here?






I wish I blocked out all NFL content until week 1 and was just fully surprised by all the new players and coaches


Me neither, but I’ve filled my podcast listening void with an F1 podcast so I’m super plugged into the new aero and engine rules for 2026 that were just announced. I think if they do call it a day then I’ll be more of a casual NFL fan, maybe go back to just watching the highlights show (UK) rather than subscribing to game pass


I haven't watched a single game since they went dark


No replays of 1986’s Week 3 for you, eh 😆?


I've certainly been less plugged in on off-season news as this is the only NFL podcast I listen to year-round.


This is me right now. But come the start of the season, I know I'll be watching every Sunday as normal.


Same here. The biggest question for me is... where will I go on Monday morning to have the entire weekend recapped?


Personally, I just won't. I have lost most interest in teams other than mine as I get older, I just enjoyed the guys talking. Not really a void worth filling just for scores and takes.


I'm a casual listener but this would be my issue as well. That's the one episode of the week that I never miss. I don't listen to ATN that much because I also get a lot of my sports content from YouTube (Rich Eisen and the Clickbait Sports four), but I love the recap show and I love the preview show.


ill just listen to pick six pod, just move it from the backup hitter spot and move it to lead off. hope like hell the guys find a new home. as i will continue to do i hope they somehow get into the Fantasy footballers network and talk non fantasy related stuff, and they could also expand with some "spitballers" type shows aswell


Just look at the NFL sub. You get more news there than any podcast.


I'm on there too, but naturally, I miss a lot of stuff that I would otherwise catch on the pod, especially to do with teams I don't follow.


Honestly, in a weird way it's been kinda nice to detox from the football news. Don't get me wrong I love the heroes and I feel similarly to you, it got me more into football because the context helped me enjoy the podcast more. Plus their content gave me a deeper appreciation and understanding of the game. Howevah There are better things I could be doing with my time. It gave me joy which is great, but there are other sources of joy out there for me. I've been diving into history podcasts now which has been fun. If the NFL doesn't think these guys are worth whatever they are paying them, they have more knowledge than I do to back it up. But I agree these guys kept me roped in. Now there's some slack in the rope. If they do let them go I'm sure the NFL will still be fine, and I will still be fine. It will likely decrease my fandom but the NFL should be more equipped than I am to calculate how much that matters to them.


Nice “howevah” in a big spot


Yes, I feel less interested too. The show help to keep the excitement of football year round.


The combination of the heroes going away + the Cowboys embarrassing no-show in the playoffs and completely inept offseason has led to me fully stepping away from football the past month. And it seems to be fine.


What, you aren’t “all in?”


Football is BACK!


I am about as "all in" as Jerry and Stephen, which is "not at all."


Yall got zeke back tho! And yea, cowboys offseason has been strange. Not paying dak and lamb or making a play at saquon or Henry make no sense to me


I'm fine not paying Derrick Henry, he's an aging RB asset. But the rest of the offseason is classic Jerry Jones the past 10-15 years. He always believes he is one piece away from a championship and he has no patience for a long build. So he doesn't like to make disruptive moves-- hence why he hung onto Wade Phillips, Jason Garrett, and now Mike McCarthy way too long, and why he waits too long to extend his good players but then doesn't want to let them go so ends up paying them at the point of their peak market value. And sadly Stephen Jones is cut from the same cloth.


Mina Kimes has been getting me through thjs tribulation


Gregg popped up in her show the other week too 👀


Me too. I think she’s the most personable host, after the heroes. My strong second used to be MMQB with Conor, Gary, and Jenny. Even after Jenny left it was still lots of fun and silliness. But now that it’s just Conor, who is wonderful, the fun seems to have evaporated.


Mina is standout and there was a soft transition in case the heroes are being decommissioned, as I added her show to the roster about a year ago.


Yeah I could listen to the pod on my commute or at work and it would catch me up on the news. I’m a 49er fan so I’ve been kinda checked out of football for the summer. I wish I could have Dan Gregg and the guys renew that zest


When my team was on the cusp for a number of years, I started listening to the Locked On series. In the mid-to-late 10’s we had this guy named Seth Keysor who would guest and he was such a joy to listen to, breaking down Alex Smith tape 😂 When things heat up in the postseason I listen to these, and occasionally peep opponents’ Locked On… The 49ers had a guy I really, really liked during the last postseason, so if you want to tap in with a quick daily pod, I would recommend Locked On 49ers, at least the episodes with the former cornerback, I think named Eric. Idk what it was, he annoyed me slightly for a couple minutes probably due to an unusual voice, but by the end of the episode, he totally won me over. oddly enough, I got to the ATN podcast through Gregg and Jeselnik. (whispers RJVP)


EXACTLY how I feel!


Lately I can’t help but read news about mini camps, new contracts, etc, and can’t help but want to hear the hero’s take on them. Really starting to miss the pod.


I've had the same experience. I don't know why but after ATN stopped posting and I went to listen to my other football podcasts, I started getting annoyed/tired of them quickly. I now haven't listened to a football podcast in two weeks. It's like everything falls short of what I'm looking... And I say this, not trying to be a fan-boy, its just been what's happened


Same. I don’t know what’s happening to me!


I too care less.


It’s a bummer to me cos I always thought their offseason pods were some of the best. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Flagship shows, but I thought they really shined when they had to make up silly offseason stuff.


I'm so out on the NFL now with the pod blackout that I've scrubbed it off all of my social media


Same. Rewatching lord of the rings until they're back on.


I imagine if the pod doesnt return, I will be massively less likely to watch non-eagles games.


100%, I scrolled through Rotoworld for the first time in six weeks yesterday, couldn't believe how much had happened... and that I'd missed.


i only listen to the fantasy footballers and this pod in the offseason, sometime the pick six podcast or other cbs fantasy shows. this hiatus is a total flat tire.


Honestly, after 30 years of being a fan I’m done altogether. No podcast no more business. They obviously don’t care about people. It’s been fun.


17years for me. I think it would probably kill the NFL for me too. I'd watch some of it, and I might watch playoffs but I'm not going to be keeping any track of two random teams playing on a Monday night (1.25am local time) here. I'll be watching out for patriots/lions games on TV and just watching those. Not getting every game package.


100%. Like another said I will be back when the season starts (and probably before when my own teams podcast ramps up in training camp…and with hard knocks…and preseason) but the Heroes made the mundane off season drivel worth tuning in for. And now I’m tuned out. Thanks NFL. You want year round consumption? Give em the bag.


Denver kid and Broncos fandom passed down to me from my dad, so I will be a Broncos diehard and NFL follower until I’m in the ground lol but I see where this sentiment is coming from. I think it speaks to how unique the heroes are in the football bro pundit landscape. They are the anti McAfee. Down to earth and an actual sense of humor. They will continue to do this pod in one form or another, but without them, following the league has become a lot more tedious and bland. I WILL say that just following my Broncos specific pod has made me a little more hopeful about the season. The heroes are pretty down on them and that was just getting sad lol


I’ve switched to the other football with the advent of the Euros. The Guardian football pod has kept me going. 


Agree. I watch the Cowboys and Texans but usually have more fun listening to the Heros. With them being off i have caught up on some of my college football podcasts and some comedy ones. But man.... they better come back.


This is 100% me right now too. I know there is something about the NFL going on....really I don't care. This is almost worthy of making a binder like Wes did, but this will be addressed to the NFL. How dare they....this Podcast has legitimately kept me through a tons of places in life. They made the Pandemic more enjoyable. If the executives at NFL care at all for fans not of the NFL...But of something that they managed to bring together....they better make this a happen. If not...they truly are a Factory of Sadness....




I use the offseason to kind of “reset” from the NFL. I watch the draft and keep up with my team a little bit but not much else. It helps me stay excited for when the new season comes.


My guess is that they are all (NFL media except for the games and maybe pre and post game shows) being sold to ESPN and everything is on hold. How long? Probably have to be done by start of the preseason. Who knows, but not good for outside the box thoughtful analysis.


I stopped watching regularly a few years ago because I became sick of feeling like I was nothing more than a product being marketed to.


I likewise have ironically lost interest in other NFL pods, and media in general. Rather than filling the void left by the ATN hiatus(? i hope? not conclusion 🤞) with other podcasts, i have just drifted off into politics and other topics. I knew it throughout, but ATN was the anchor of my interest in the league. Fantasy, betting, viewing, all of it. It provided sincere and honest insight, meaningful interpretations; the alternatives feel like empty, insincere content-for-content’s sake to me. Greg, Mark, and Dan (and god bless Wes and his timeless takes) offered me guidance through the league that enhanced my understanding and appreciation of it. What’s funny, meaning surprising to me, is that feels fine to me, that my experience with the league is muted until they return. And i’m not sure i even mind that part of it. I would be less sad to lose that connection to the league i think than i would be to lose my favourite podcast.


I get the sentiment but this is ridiculous.


Some of y'all really just need to see a therapist lol


I’ve can’t recall the last time I was this disinterested during the off-season. A friend asked me what was happening in the league the other day and for the first time in years I had no idea what to even say. 


That’s fair, dawg


I have experienced the exact same thing, I personally found getting into another sport quite challenging having been a soccer,golf,snooker,f1…etc etc fan for most of my adult life but the NFL caught my eye and when I started listening to the pod many years ago it was the one solemn thing which truly cemented my fandom. The gang make it seem so enjoyable and personal at the same time. The humour is relatable and intelligent. The closeness and the connectivity they have with the fans made me stick around for good and it is the one pod I truly hang my hat squarely on for every single episode. Now it’s been missing, other pods seem boring and I’m not as interested… I barely can be arsed checking nfl.con (pun intended) for any updates and im frantically searching through the breadcrumbs for any news. Call it a bit sad or whatever but the show really does mean a lot to me and many alike especially on this forum. I just bloody hope they come back in one form or another because I’m a brand ambassador for life and also *former fan of the week on the DAZN mini series #humblebrag


Whilst I love ATN, I also listen to Mine Knimes (apologise if sp incorrect), Chris Simms and Bootleg Football podcast. But I was more religiously into listening to ATN where if I have time I will listen to a pod from one of these other ones


If you’re having emotional reactions because you think these entertainers who have no idea you exist are your friends then I dunno man, probably healthy to take a step back.


It's the dead period of the NFL, it's easy for you to say that. You'll be back when the games begin.


get a grip lmao


At this point I’m disappointed to not hear a damn thing. It’s basically saying they don’t care about the listeners.