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Holy shit I want this so bad. This is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire life


>Holy shit I want this so bad. This is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire life ))) Thank you! I'm glad you like it. )


This is batshit levels of glorious and insane. Thank you for sharing.


>This is batshit levels of glorious and insane. Thank you for sharing. Thank you so much!


OP knows what they’ve got. No low ball offers. This piece is priceless!


>OP knows what they’ve got. No low ball offers. This piece is priceless! Thank you!


Btw u don't need to quote the other person's entire response in yours....thats really only used when you're addressing a specific point in a longer comment. That being said, the bag is truely amazing! How many hours are into it?


Question: are the swirly parts on the side raised up?


Amswer: the curly bits are giving you a nice hug


Man I could let agree more. I’m a grumpy old dad and I don’t even wear purses/bags, but damn I would wear the hell out of this. You make Art.


I second this.


Oh my GOD I just stopped everything to investigate this. It is so perfect in every way. How long did this take you?


>Oh my GOD I just stopped everything to investigate this. It is so perfect in every way. How long did this take you? Thank you so much! It takes a very long time! I create bags from scratch. It took me almost a whole month to make the chameleon while working 5-6 days a week for about 5 hours a day. This does not include the creation of sketches, patterns, and other things. Just sewing the bag and embroidery takes so much time.


I can only imagine how much planning, math, and trial and error goes into this. So very thoroughly impressed.


>I can only imagine how much planning, math, and trial and error goes into this. So very thoroughly impressed. Thank you so much!


This is INCREDIBLE! Seriously could be in a museum it is stunning. I can’t imagine how long it took, the detail!!!!


>This is INCREDIBLE! Seriously could be in a museum it is stunning. I can’t imagine how long it took, the detail!!!! Thank you so much! Yes, it takes a very long time - it took almost a whole month of work for the chameleon.


Made me think of Pascal from Tangled (Rapunzel pet)


Just needs the frying pan. Such a great bag!


I just found this comment while watching Tangled. Weird.




>Reading the entire thread calling it beautiful and then going back to look again was super cute cause the chameleon looks like it has this “aww, shucks” kinda smile/expression thing going on. > >But also yes it’s beautiful I can’t stop looking at it. )) Thank you so much! He's embarrassed by the amount of attention he's getting.)


It’s fvcking amazing!!!!!! Love it 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵


>Yes! I need to know more. Even a photo of it partially done. Please. > >And what gallery will be exhibiting this, or is it in a museum? I'd love to see it in person. Thank you!


That's a showstopper. I can't imagine the work that went into this...and the *planning.* I wouldn't be able to part with it if I had made it, to be honest.


>That's a showstopper. I can't imagine the work that went into this...and the > >planning. > > I wouldn't be able to part with it if I had made it, to be honest. Thank you so much! It took almost a month of work. That's just the sewing of the bag and the embroidery. And how much time it took to plan, create patterns and other stuff I didn't even count.


Holy shit. Do you have a time lapse or behind the scenes video of you making it?


Yes! I need to know more. Even a photo of it partially done. Please. And what gallery will be exhibiting this, or is it in a museum? I'd love to see it in person.


Amazing! The definition on the leggies is so cute and I like the row of ring beads over the eyes. I also showed it to my mom, who’s good at embroidery, and she says “it’s exquisite!”


Coolest thing I've seen on this sub in weeks!


I’m rethinking my feelings about billionaires over how much money I would spend to have this gorgeous work of art.


*It was during the death throes of capitalism when craftsmanship got hijacked by the upper class.* *Handcrafted items of great beauty or those demonstrating an artist’s skill were labeled “bespoke” and marketed to the rich.* *The products didn’t do anything different or perform better than their mass-produced counterparts, but instead they took on the mystique of an art acquisition. The goods became a status symbol — the ability for someone to own an artist’s labor. The designer luxury industry with scantily clad models walking a runway had become a thinly-veiled yet acceptable form of modern-day slavery.* *The environment where these products were peddled transformed the goods by associating them with such nebulous qualities like luxury, rarity, or exclusivity. The stores featured bright lighting, empty space, and snobby salespeople — all of which served to elevate the perception of value. It was a message carefully crafted — not to impart that the product was worth more, but that the people who could afford to own it were more important and deserving of the artist’s labor. The products didn’t necessarily demand these types of displays, but the wealthy patrons did.* *What many did not understand is that the rich did not appreciate the quality more than the poors. They did not have the need for $50,000 watches, or $10,000 handbags. But it was expected that they should have them.* *All these goods — the jewelry, clothing, cars, art, etc. existed solely to allow rich people to spend their wealth. That was all — it was a manner in which the wealthy could display vast sums of money — not by owning the thing but by buying it.* *What value was there in being rich if you could not demonstrate your ability to waste money on overpriced goods that were unneeded?*


Has not fine art and bespoke craftsmanship always been the playthings of the wealthy? I just don’t know if we can say late-stage capitalism led to the hijacking of nice things by the upper class. If anything, mass-production has delivered quality products to the broader population and the wealthy have continued on buying the far higher quality, designer goods they did previously.


Personally, I believe many of these items are created to be expensive simply to give the wealthy something to spend their money on. I think they are extravagant for no other reason than entertainment. Not this, but things like Hermes bags.


Yes, opulence is one thing, but these items are expensive because good craftsmanship is a limited resource. Artists are not a dime a dozen because not everyone is a Rembrandt or a Michael Angelo. True luxury fashion is expensive because it uses materials in short supply, or of premium quality, and again is handmade for hundreds of hours by truly talented people. Obviously, where there is money there is a market, but you can’t discredit art and the extreme talent of a limited group of people simply because it is consumed by the wealthy. If it weren’t for the money, rightly or wrongly, this art may simply never see the light of day. The money facilities the craftsmanship.


I am not discrediting the craftsmanship, but that these goods have been hijacked because they are exclusive and can be sold to the wealthy. Often what the rich are buying is not a handmade piece of art, but *the ability to exclude others from owning it*. I doubt someone like Paris Hilton would appreciate this piece and cherish it as I would. It would become a prized possession for me, a work of art, where it would become just another trinket in her collection that she would soon forget about. I think the rest of us recognize this as incredibly difficult item to make that is *art* where someone with hundreds of such items could not possibly appreciate it in the same way. Not sure why y’all are downvoting this discussion about how the wealthy hoard these things because they are marketed to them so they can spend their money. Frankly, I doubt the person who made this would be interested solely in the money it would generate and I am guessing would be unhappy about someone using it once and it sitting in their closet among hundreds of such bags. But whatever.


Where's the quote from?


According to Bard: The quote you provided is from the book The Tyranny of the Market: Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer by Ha-Joon Chang.


Thank you


Happy cake day!


I wrote it.


This really is amazing , great job


Pls message me the price of this beautiful being! 😭


I just want to know as well. With the time and effort I can only imagine what this would be worth. OP deserves a premium price for a premium piece of art.


Art mimics life! ( also this is the most amazing thing I’ve seen all day thank you for sharing!)


Dang, that's genuinely impressive. Feels like it could be on a poster for a museum collection.


That is one of kind. Incredible level of detail. But what are you going to do with it?


This is the real question! I need to know!


Is that purse really meant to be carried around stuffed with someone's cellphone and little make-ups?


why the hell not? carpe diem.


Because they spent countless hours making it. You don't see someone who spent hundreds of hours making a model boat giving it to their grandkid to play with in the bathtub. They put that thing up on a shelf to be looked at.


on the flip side, I see people spending hundreds of hours making functional boats who actually use them. from what I can tell that's a functional purse and not a model of a purse.


Absolutely incredible work.


Exceptionally creative, beautiful, brilliant❤️


Wow amazing! How long did it take to create?


It looks like something you'd expect to see in a museum or an art gallery. It's so exquisite and beautiful! Amazing work!


The work is ridiculously beautiful, but I find the composition and execution of the photo to be amazing as well. I can easily see this image gracing a beautiful art book or serving as the centerpiece of a gallery marketing campaign.


Wow, absolutely stunning! I love it


This is awesome! Do you have a store??


! RemindMe 2 days


I want it. I want it for my bf. I want it for myself.


I thought this was a historical artefact at first, absolutely stunning!


Thank you all so much for the kind words! Unfortunately, I don't have time to thank everyone for their kind words! I did not expect such a response! There are a lot of questions about how long such work takes. I create bags from scratch. How much time I spend on sketches, designing molds and other preparations, I have never counted - it can take varying amounts of time, from a month to six months. Just sewing and embroidering a chameleon bag took me almost a month of work for 5-6 days a week for about 5 hours of work a day.


I'm a man, and I want this. Badly.


As a live-long chameleon admirer and owner (who’s a straight guy) I fully endorse this bag! … I’d want one too.


Hey, straight guys can love and appreciate beautiful things, too! And tbh, this bag is the kind of thing *anybody* would want to be freaking buried with, it's amazing.


This is Insane. Truly beautiful. I love this kind of statement piece with a simple dress.


It's stunning! Thanks for sharing the photo.


Absolutely amazing detail. Great job.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,537,310,016 comments, and only 291,052 of them were in alphabetical order.


That is fucking beautiful. I refuse to curb my language when describing your work in this case.


I love it. The expression has real life in it, and the pattern is gorgeous!


Wow to say this is beautiful would be an understatement. I truly don’t know how someone makes a masterpiece like this. Fantastic job


I wish I had the amount of money that I would be willing to pay for this. I love it!


Wow, gorgeous. Best found in r/Art indeed


This is exquisite! Nice work!


I zoomed in to take a closer look, and it's even more impressive than I thought at first! I love the stitching on the legs. What did you use for the base, is it made of wire or something that you shaped felt over?


This is stunning!! Hope you have a good thimble I bet your poor fingers are exhausted after this!


Start a line of these if you loved the process, girl you could make millions


U draw this? Its sooo real!


It's a real purse


This is so beautiful! Imagine if it was made of leds and you could change its colour!


Oh. My. God!! Judith Lieber found passed away in one of her minaudieres! This is fabulous!


How long did this take? It's stunning!


I love the bumblebee bag, and the ripples on the little rabbit's cabbage are amazing. You are very, very talented!


That is amazing and you are amazing. Wow!


This is phenomenal! I'm really curious about how the legs were made too.


Why does this look so familiar. Like the exact color choices and artistic shapes. O\_o;


That is incredible! Amazing detail.


This is truly one of the best bags I have ever seen!!!! Just absolutely gorgeous


That's actually incredible.


That is a work of art beautiful!!! WOW!!!


Chameleons are my spirit animal


incredible detail! really impressive


This is so beautiful I gasped and showed it to my Fiancé who also gasped! The detail is incredible it is truly a work of art!!!!


Dude what the hell that's incredible!


This is both amazing and beautiful!


Bravo! Well done and appreciated.


Beautiful! But I would put it somewhere in my apartment as an ornament. I wouldn't wear it anywhere from fear of damaging it.


Woww! Love these❤️ These on solcial could go viral🔥


My jaw is on the floor. This is insanely beautiful.


This isn’t my cup of tea but it’s still very beautiful. Great work.