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Why do feel like suggestions to study anatomy are not concrete advice? If you want to draw people, you must familiarize yourself with what they look like. What they’re made of and how they move. You must study and work from references. By looking at these, it seems like you’re mirroring cartoons or some idealized image in your head. Those things aren’t necessarily wrong to do. But you’re asking a very broad question. If drawing realistic people is not what you’re after, then maybe your questions need to be more specific. What is it exactly you’re not satisfied with here? Edited a typo <3


I know studying anatomy is important and it is something I already started doing , just the whole concept of "studying anatomy" is vague , where do I start corectly ? , where do I go next ? When I'm asking for advice , I'm asking for stuff maybe I hadn't realized . I wanna know how people feel about my drawing , are they bad ? Are they good? Are they in between? and why? What could I do to improve besides the stuff that everybody is telling me , besides the stuff I'm already doing . I want to see what everybody's first thought is after the anatomy because I doubt that's the only place my drawings are lacking. I believe there is more but I can't put my finger on what.


What is your goal? Like what do you want your drawings to look like? Do you have some example of works or artists that you really like? There really is no “bad” or “good.” You’ve gotta know what your mark is before you know if you’re missing it.


I think the most striking is their proportions, try to draw mannequins with the proportions (in numbers of heads total) that you'd like. Otherwise even if you fully render them , it will still look weird if a neck is too long, or an eye too small.


Maybe just focus on one body part and draw it over and over and over and over again. Like if you want to learn more realistic looking arms, copy as many reference photos as you can until you get a sense for the proper proportions, then repeat with other body parts.


These drawings look really good! I think if there was one area you could work on it would be planning your figure out first. It would be helpful to use references so that you will be less likely to position body parts in ways that are awkward/not possible. Also, it is also helpful to draw the areas that are out of sight very lightly when starting a piece. That ensures that the front body parts are connecting correctly to the ones in the back. You may want to try drawing 3d shapes in place of the body parts to make sure that the figure's pose is correct. If you can't draw it with the 3d shapes something is likely wrong.


Unfortunately, I *do* think anatomy is your biggest issue here. The mistake it seems like you're probably making is trying to start with the finished clean outline instead of getting more of a 'skeleton' in underneath first. I think that's most evident when you look at the thighs of the girl in the first drawing. While your linework is fine, you can see that her left thigh is as thick as her entire torso, and then her right thigh is pushed to the side and doesn't look like it properly connects to the rest of her body. I think it would help you a lot to draw out more guidelines before you start. Every artist does this a different way, but something like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c7/f8/68/c7f868f93c53a9f3f849e80d2f21e0b7.jpg) is probably the most common. As an artist gets more comfortable with this kind of base gesture anatomy, they can start skipping it in quicker drawings, but when you're just starting I think it's worth it to draw something like that out first.


I should probably mention they were made in an hour and half(total) at work. So definetly not my best work but I guess this would be my average.


For the second one I think her chin is too short. You need to make her face a little longer (: what threw me off first was the neck looks too big, but it’s proportional to the body. So the issue is the length of the face. Also her arm looks a little weird around the elbow where it connects to the upper arm but I’m terrible with arms so I don’t know! Maybe it’s just too thin? First one, there shouldn’t be space where her butt crack is, and I think her left boob should be casting a bit of a shadow on the right? Or that there should be some kind of shading between her right boob and the torso. That blank space just looks off The gestures themselves are good. I like the motion they convey! You’re doing great. I love the legs of both and the hair of the second one. There’s lots of motion.


The legs feel a bit too long, the "Bayonetta" type too long.