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To be clear you think sending cute puppy photos will cause a dejected team to rebound? This is what you are taking from this???? I feel sorry for your team


Op = total loser


Look guys, nobody gives a fuck about my team. Also, This comment is actually pretty funny even if unoriginal, seems to never get old. Suppose I walked right into it. I'm bringing your votes back to zero my dude.


Yep, I like to break em down and then build them back up by demoralizing them and humiliating them in front of others in meetings, then posting rarepuppers on slack. It reinforces my dominance and keeps them inline. But really you misssd my point, the story is made up.


Your simple statement wasn't misunderstood. You've painted a vivid picture of yourself in a few short sentences. I can just imagine what your team says about you in group chats you aren't invited to.


The future of the Internet will be like cable where you can only see what Big Tech wants you to see because it has been generated through their data centers. I.e., what "AI Overviews" actually mean is that Google transitions from being a platform for Information it becoming a creator of Information. Everything will be fake, and we will love it.


we are actually dealing with the "in hindsight" thing right now (and have been for the last few years), and making sure we dont continue down a bad path. everything hasnt exactly been "fake" per say, but it has not been exactly an accurate representation.


As with many modern developments, AI helps increase the speed of producing incredibly mediocre content. It's hardly surprising it's being driven by people with no taste.


["AI" in hindsight](https://www.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/1dgx0zg/one_thing_that_intrigues_me_about_the_skibidi/)


I think nostalgia is a disease.


Such extreme language A disease lol How about “nostalgia can sometimes be a bad thing” And OP does have a point. Have you heard about enshittification?


slowly but surely moving towards deshittification believe it or not


Possibly, it sure is a hell of a drug.


Why do you (ambiguously all humanity) enjoy a painting like this? https://preview.redd.it/uaxnhxjsb48d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7885eddbacf68d24cbc6dfb3f0b11896218a962 It is not a *realistic* rendering of a cityscape. Yet, it is one of the most iconic paintings to ever hang in a museum. Part of why humans like these sorts of things is that they imagine a world that could be more beautiful than it actually is.


That's a good point. Do you think that ai has enough creativity to paint works like this without a priori works to copy from? Will we see a Picasso level innovative style of painting from ai? I think not.


I won't miss people nostalgic for a pre-AI world as they fade away.


Hopefully (i think probably) there will be tools to identify which images and videos existed pre-Ai, at least at the point where it becomes indistinguishable what is real and what is generated.


why do people feel the need to do video chats? just use text chat. its easier to slow down, reread, think before you speak, reference/link things, etc. theres literally zero reason for video chat (unless you tryna do some cybernasty). it takes up unnecessary bandwidth. you can even share slides or whatever else via numerous applications built specifically for that.


"Original Content" will just gain value through supply and demand as synthetic content saturates in supply. Not saying it won't be different, but it's ultimately an economic market.