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I picked it once and it didn't seem to work all match? I might have not been the person to get the final kill. Not sure exactly what or who triggers it. Her other perk though, that shit tracks people. It's kinda crazy.


tracking for whole minute is kinda crazy but i think that perk for specific situation and passive playstyle. I like to play aggressive and fight often so this should fix when most of deathboxes are from your squad.


you can play aggressively with the tracking perk after all, what are the gonna do, hide?


ok ok i didn't mean that i want to say that the problem with ash are when most of deathboxes are from your squad and no living attacker so i can't use it often but the murder machine can fix a little bit for at least tell a squad nearby when i don't have deathboxes for tracking them after a fight.


From my experience so far it only works if you get the last kill.


I’ve yet to see it work, so I usually choose one minute to live as there is a good chance you can find a straggler for a free kill