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After draining the water, I add a bit of butter and stir. Then I add the cheese powder and stir, and then add a bit of milk and stir. I don't bother measuring, I just eyeball it. But I add the milk last so the cheese melts in the hot noodles. And I only add a small amount of milk so that it's enough to make it cheesy but not watery.


Any good canadian just eye balls it.


Any true Canadian adds chopped up hotdogs


Hotdogs are for special occasions.


Give bacon or pancetta a try.


I put ketchup on mine


I like to add a little bit of spaghetti sauce


I add a can of tuna.


Whoa there bud, calm that one down.


A can of spicy tuna and dill pickle relish


>a bit of milk and stir. DO NOT USE THE 1/3 CUP OF MILK IT SAYS ON THE BOX. Like, good God, Kraft. What were you thinking?


It used to be less and called for butter, but to improve the nutritional info they swapped all butter for skim milk. Another fun fact, there is absolutely no reason boxed food like this call for anything to be added at all. Originally, they would dehydrate and powder ingredients like milk, butter, egg. They stopped as it made the food feel to “fake” so by making you add one or two fresh ingredients it makes it feel more like cooking and makes people feel better about it. Nutritionally degraded milk versus fresh is the same once it is re-wetted. Flavour wise it was identical, if not better cause they could control the recipe better.


>Another fun fact, there is absolutely no reason boxed food like this call for anything to be added at all. Originally, they would dehydrate and powder ingredients like milk, butter, egg. They stopped as it made the food feel to “fake” so by making you add one or two fresh ingredients it makes it feel more like cooking and makes people feel better about it. Nutritionally degraded milk versus fresh is the same once it is re-wetted. Flavour wise it was identical, if not better cause they could control the recipe better. So...kinda what they do with their KD snack cups that you just add water to and microwave and let stand to "thicken up"?


This was specifically Betty crocker cake mixes. Housewives felt guilty for only adding water to a mix so it was reformulated to require an egg; sales took off after that.


EZ Mac baby


My husband and child like it made according to the (old) box instructions, with way too much milk and butter. Whereas I have quite happily made it with no milk and more butter than usual, if we happen to be out.


KD soup


Also don't do the suggested time. The noods just fall apart. Do like, 2 fewer minutes. I actually don't remember the time because I never use the instructions but DO IT FOR LESS


Yes, that's the way. Mixing in the powder before adding any milk makes the best sauce.


Or better yet, leave the milk out and just have really cheesy KD


This is the way


>But I add the milk last so the cheese melts in the hot noodles. Just put your pot back on the same spot on the stove you cooked them on. Doesn't even need to be on(unless you have an inductive cooktop)...residual heat will help keep the pot warm despite the addition of cold milk and allow your butter to melt and the added liquid early on helps emulsify the cheese powder and butter


Alternatively, you could add the milk it advises you to add then add ¼ cup of cheddar. It makes it 10× better, trust me


I replace butter with mayo. Pretty fine.


Thats fucked up


Try it.


Shit it sounds gross, but you’ve got me wondering….


mayo is oil and eggs. Margarine is oil, and people substitute butter for margarine all the time. Adding mayo is similar to adding butter and eggs. You are basically making carbonara at this point.




Haha ALMOST EXACTLY. except if you call it that a Nona probably drops to the floor somewhere


i actually like ketchup on mine lol!


Dijon ketchup!


Might have to call the mods in on this one.


I replace the milk with mayo and keep the butter. Endlessly superior.


Nice! I’ll have to try that. Cream cheese works pretty awesome too!


I second this. Bliss.


I hear this a lot, I fuckin hate mayo but it's probably pretty good


Mayo too


Mayo! I'm a senior and have never heard of this omg - my parents failed me!


Hahahah. I’m a senior too! Sometimes tuna and frozen peas also sneak in, but I don’t think you’re supposed to talk about that here




Might as well link this to r/stoners. Lol


This is the way.


Adding minimal milk at the end is key 👌🏽


Thank you. Kraft Dinner should be cheesy, not watery.


pro tip melt a bit of velveeta cheese into it


Add a tablespoon of Cheez whiz to brighten it up!


Put a random amount of water in pot. Bring to a boil. Open box and pour macaroni into the pot, accidentally dumping the sealed flavour pouch in there as well. Fish out flavour pouch. Tear up box and throw in recycle bag. Extract box from recycle bag, and reassemble the side that had the instructions on it. Read instructions and then throw box away again. Watch TV and forget about noodles until overcooked. Strain out water, put in random amount of butter and cheese powder. Stir up. Put in milk until it has a nice sauce. Put in an excessive amount of grated cheddar. Add too much salt. Eat noodles and feel bad about self. 45 minutes later remember to turn off stove.


found the stoner


Extra cheese and salt sounds like a good addition.


Try adding tuna as well


Al dente. Mostly butter. Only a splash of milk


And lots of fresh cracked black pepper. And for the BEST use of leftovers (which there almost never is), is you slice a hotdog or 2 and fry in a skillet with butter, then add the cold KD and fry until slightly browned and a little crunchy. AKA “The Clogger”. When I die, it will likely be because of this.


No milk, butter only.




Boil, strain, back in the pot with a dollop of butter and half a pack of cheese powder, stir add remaining cheese. Add cooked and diced hotdogs stir and serve.


I just strain it with the lid of the pot!


and donate half my meal to the sink gods? no thanks


Undercook slightly, drain and set aside. Melt butter in empty pot, add cheese sauce packet and whisk until smooth, then add milk and simmer a minute or so. Then add the noodles back. Bonus points if you let the butter brown a little and use cream instead of milk.


Pretty much this, with the addition of a handful of shredded old or sharp cheddar just after the powdered cheese sauce mix. Scoop a bunch into a serving bowl, then top with fresh ground pepper. Don't sleep on the Great Value brand-- it's a good dupe for the real KD.


+1 for a lil extra cheddar


This is the way.


This is the best way. I've added cream cheese a few times and it makes it super rich.


This is the way.


This is the answer, anyone who pours the package straight into the noodles is a savage. Also I swear the box originally called for mixing the milk, butter, and cheese separately from the noodles before putting the sauce and noodles together.


Wet the drys, dry the wets, dust the wets, wet the dusts


All we are is kd cheese powder in the wind


I boil sausages and broccoli with my noodles until they are soft (don't drop the broccoli until the end to make sure they don't get all mushy), add milk (only a little), 2 tbsp of butter and the cheese sauce. Stir until thoroughly mixed and enjoy! It's my go to comfort meal


Mac and trees!


Try replacing the milk with a bit of sour cream and then come back and thank me. 


This is the greatest thread of all time


I like PC white cheddar but I still call it Kraft Dinner. Boil the pasta, add a good amount of butter, then mix in the powdered cheese, then add a LOT of milk! I like mine soupy. Finish with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.


PC White Mac is amazing. My autistic son requests it every day. We call it "white noodles" (as opposed to neon orange noodles, I guess).


It’s the only kind I buy, so much better than classic KD


Thé pc White cheddar is elite


Try adding Swiss cheese next time.


PC white Mac with chunky salsa is a solid dish


When I make chili or tacos, I’ll make PC white cheddar mac and cheese the next night and throw in chili or taco meat: easy weeknight meal


Amy's baby! Costs the same now anyways and the quality is better. Get the aged white cheddar with shell pasta


Get it from Costco, I think $18 for 12 which beats the $3 in regular stores


One of the best things I've ever done was make PC white cheddar with plain cream cheese instead of butter. Literally can't have it any other way now, it is perfection.


That's going to be something I will be trying!


Nothing fancy but I sometimes grate a little cheddar and add that in


I cook the noodles about a minute less than suggested (about 5.5 minutes at 3300 feet altitude so a bit longer than most of Canada) and I add about 2 tablespoons of butter with just enough milk to liquefy the cheese powder. I also add a bit more powder from a jar of it that I get at Costco.


Garlic butter, (very little milk, if any), and green onions if I have any. Also the cheese powder.


Extra cheesy tip: Take one quarter of the macaroni out of the KD box before boiling. Save them for later to toss into chicken noodle soup (which never has enough noodles). Yes, I just changed your life.


That might just be the most brilliant cooking tip I've learned since my Ukrainian friend in high school taught me to add sour cream to drained instant noodles! 💚


I've been doing this forever. Pretty sure this tip is included in citizenship documentation for immigrants.


The boxes have gone from 225 to 200 to 175g so I can't do that anymore. But bulk barn sells cheese sauce mix so you can add as much as you like!


This is better than "just throw away 1/3 of the noodles" like other people have commented.


Boil till al dente, strain and then mix in cheese, butter and milk to 'look right' which to me is smooshy enough that it doesn't start sticking and clumping together. I prefer to err on the side of thinner sauce rather than too thick and gluey. I'm a purist, so no ketchup or any other additions though sliced hotdogs are acceptable on occasion.


Undercook pasta a little, say, 6 minutes. Strain add tablespoon of butter and heaping tablespoon of cheez whiz. Put hot pasta on top, stir gently, add powder, splash milk & fresh ground pepper.


My everyday college meal, is that you? Also, it's still delicious


I add a bit of Mustard. I know it sounds weird but it really enhances the flavour and texture.


Back in the 80s the instruction dictated 1/4 cup each butter and milk. Still the best! If you let it rest a bit it thickens up and the you just top with some pepper and enjoy!


1. Follow package directions 2. Eat pure sodium and simple carbs.


Microwave for 7 mins with stirring every few mins, add ingredients by vibes, stir, enjoy. You're wasting time with a pot and stove and also it always turns out better. I don't know why but it does.


- Bring water to boil - Add noodles and cook at medium temperature for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally - Strain noodles - Add 1/2 cup milk, cheese powder, 1/2 teaspoon butter, and a dash of seasoned salt - Stir - Eat straight from the pot


I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one to eat it straight out of the pot.


Finely chop a small onion and one pound of bacon. Fry onion in vegetable oil until soft, add bacon. While bacon is crisping, start a medium-large pot of water to heat. Once bacon is cooked, drain grease and set onion bacon mixture aside. Bring pot of water to full boil, add macaroni noodles and boil until soft. Drain water, add butter and noodles to pot stirring until butter mostly melted and coats all noodle, add sauce mixture and continue mixing until all the noodles are orange. Slowly stir milk into mixture until smooth. Add bacon and onions, season with freash ground pepper and serve.


No milk, no butter. Boil noodles and add powder, few knocks of pepper.


Great KD sale at loblaws Ontario this week, .50c!




1. Boil some frozen vegetable: broccoli, cauliflower, corn, etc. 2. When the water is boiling add macaroni. 3. When macaroni is ready drain water, then put the veggies and pasta back into the pot and put back on the stove. 4. Add butter, cheese, and milk, some canned chicken, ham, oysters or mussels. 6. Sprinkle some shredded cheese on top. Serve.


Cook as instructed on box, I prefer the microwave option. Then hit it with a big scoop of butter and cheese whiz! Get that all melty then add the powder and a splash of milk


Am I the only one that does the butter, milk, and powder together and add the drained noodles after?


Apparently I make a mean krappy dinner. I follow the package directions for cooking. Then add approximately double the butter & milk required.


Add pepper and Maggi 🤌🏻


Cook as normal. Put in fridge for 1 hr to congeal. Slice


Not sure if this is a more Newfie thing or not. I make it with evaporated milk instead of skim.


In my mind, KD is junk food, so I very rarely buy/eat it. But when I do, I put hotdogs in it (...because if you're going with a junk food dinner, may as well go all in) and I usually add fresh cheese.


Boil a box of PC White Cheddar with two Schneiders' Juicy Jumbo's for like 7min. When done, take out the hot dogs and cut them into 1cm medalians. Drain the mac and add 1tbsp of butter, 1 minced clove of garlic, and the cheese powder. Mix that stuff until the butter is melted and gradually add milk until the cheese powder isn't clumps. BUT, not so much milk that it's runny. Added the hot dog medalians back in. Grate some parmesan cheese in and mix it all together. Divide the pot into bowls. Shred some cheddar cheese on the top and throw it in the microwave until the cheese on top is melted. Top with parsley flakes and serve.




Excuse me, but did you get your canoehead while portaging through Algonquin Park?


Yup, struck by a bolt of lightning.


1. Rub butter on cheeks. 2. Snort powder pouch. 3. Break teeth on handful of dry noodles.


I always cut up a leftover protein, chicken, roast beef etc. stir it in. Usually take my finger after the pot is empty to get the left over cheese on the sides of the pot. 😂😂


Don’t because I hate mac and cheese and KD is worse (sorry ik)


Step 1. Don’t buy it Step 2. Make real Mac and cheese Step 3. Enjoy an actual meal instead of this soylent green garbagio!


Open KD, pour in garbage. Purchase black and diamond mac and cheese, cook to instructions and enjoy some real mac and cheese. Fuck KD


1. Read the directions on the box. 2. Throw the box away. 3. Forget the directions and fish the box out of the trash to read them again.


Taste test noodle for consistency, al dente or fully cooked are fine for me. Replace butter and milk with cream cheese. It lasts longer in the fridge. Add pepper and serve. Optional: add taco seasoning for what I call taco kd. Sharing my secrets as I am no longer able to eat kd without dying.


Very noble of you sir. I wish you the best of health albeit without this fine cuisine


American fan of Kraft dinner here. Excited to read how the pros make it, but I have not seen a single mention of Dijon Ketchup and it kinda bums me out


I make sure I drain really well, add cheese powder and butter, then a little cream. My secret weapon is back on the burner and add some cheese whiz. It'll change your life.


In my defence, I hate KD. However my wife occasionally asks for: Cook for 8 min. Drain. Throw 1/3 of the pasta away. Cheese packet, big hunk of butter. No milk. Mix and serve.


That's how my Dad makes it. But he throws it away before it is cooked. I was always appalled at the wastage. I add a spoonful of cheez whiz instead.


He might consider buying the cheese powder at Bulk Barn or Costco. Then he wouldn't have to waste the pasta, or could even skip the package and buy the pasta separately as well.


Cook it for 8 minutes, drain, add a tablespoon of margarine, add a splash of milk, add the powder, add the Frank's Red Hot


Boil to al dente. Don't over-cook it! No milk. Add plenty of butter, like a half inch from a new stick of butter--a half a cup, maybe. Stir it in with the powder. Add Sriracha to taste.


1. Open box. 2. Pour into bowl. 3. Wash noods like rice. 4. Rolling boil 5. Dump in noods 6. Stir at med til aldente 7. Strain and shake your noods. 8. While pot is still hot, toss in 1/4 cup butter and 2 cheese packs and 1 cup of shredded cheese, and 1/2 cup milk. (Fatter the better) 9. Dump noods back into pot and stir until it's gold amd creamy. 10. SEND THE NOODS!


We are almost the same! Try full fat cream instead of milk! You’re welcome


i cook the noodles al dente, toss the cheese power for cream ,butter and real cheese


Follow instructions on the box, when all is done, add canned tuna.


Step 1: Ditch the Kraft. It's not what we grew up with anymore. Replace with Annie's or a store brand like PC. If Kraft is your only option, a dash of dry mustard powder (i.e. Keen's or Colman's) gives it back a bit of the zip that's lacking. Don't use liquid mustard for this hack because it has too much vinegar. While I respect the popular approach of grating in some extra real cheese, at that point you may as well have made actual mac & cheese. The joy of KD is its simplicity.


Cook until Al dente. Drain but leave a tiny bit of water. Add cheese powder and mix. Add some pepper to taste. Top with ketchup




1) Don't.


Quinoa and granola for our boy out in BC


Y'know, the vast majority of BC is actually quite conservative, with tons of hunters, farmers, ranchers, etc. My diet is almost entirely meat. Lmao. Look at the voting records of BC vs. Newfoundland. If anyone's the quinoa/granola type, it's you Easterners.


This. Outside of the urban centres BC leans Alberta.


Very quick to bring politics into this, my diet is almost entirely Kraft dinner.


- refuse to buy kraft dinner as it's a waste of money - boil some handfuls of macaroni until al dente (about 12 mins) - make a quick roux with equal parts butter/oil and flour - add salt, seasoning (chicken powder and pepper usually) - whisk in water and milk (ratio up to you) gradually forming up a nice creamy sauce - add in some shredded cheddar and stir until melted and combined - combine everything in a glass casserole dish, and stir to mix thoroughly - cover with breadcrumbs and moar cheddar, and broil for a couple minutes until the top is browned Way better than kraft dinner could ever be, and only slightly more work. I don't measure anything, can just toss it together.


That’s just a totally different thing. Unrelated to KD.


True. KD isn't food.


I wish I was as deeply cultured in gastronomy as you, my lord


Upgrade trick for thee best homemade mac you’ve ever had: add a few tablespoons of KD powder to the sauce. Nobody will be able to put their finger on why they like it so much, but they will. It’s sold at bulk barn :). My recipe is 3/4 box undercooked noodles, butter, a splash of 10% coffee cream, and a small handful of shredded cheese if it’s available. Top with fresh cracked black pepper.


try the above and you'll never buy KD again. It's not hard.


Many of us make both KD and homemade Mac and cheese. No, from scratch isn’t hard but it’s a way bigger pain in the butt at midnight when you just want some KD.


Open cupboard Pick up box of Kraft Dinner Walk across kitchen Open garbage lid Drop Kraft Dinner in garbage


- Open the box - Pour contents into trash - Make actual mac and cheese


Throw it out. Make a proper mac and cheese instead.


1) Put it back in the cupboard. 2) Make a roux. 3) Add cheese. 4) Add white whine, cream, garlic, pepper, sea salt, and parsley. 5) Pour sauce over cooked pasta. 6) Stir and serve.


Throw it in the trash.


Open cupboard. Throw boxes in garbage. Buy Annie’s Aged white cheddar Mac and cheese


Thanks for your contribution, I’ll add this to the list of 100’s of the exact same comment


Step one throw it out. Step two boil water for not garbage pasta. Step three in a seperate pot add butter and flour. Cook down into a roux Step 4 add milk to roux and stir Step 5 after milk is incorporated add cheese. Stir till melted Step 6 drain not dogshit pasta Step 7 add sauce to pasta Step 8 enjoy.


Just throw it straight in the garbage! Don't waste time actually cooking it.


Step 1: Throw in trash


Make regularly but when you go add ingredients you’ve got two options, my friend’s favourite; add 1/2 cup of butter and no milk with the cheese powder or 2-3 tablespoons of butter, splash of milk and a cup of grated cheddar cheese with the cheese powder be sure to mix throughly Measurements are approximate NOT exact. When in doubt eyeball it don’t measure it. Just add until it looks right, if it’s too runny make another pot with less milk


Agree with al dente instructions. I add grated cheese or - plain Greek yogurt. Just a spoonful. Balances the salty cheese mix. Lots of pepper.


Cook 7-8 minutes, drain. Add a little butter, mix then add cheese powder. Add a couple of chopped up chicken fingers that are tossed with some franks red hot, some extra grated cheddar cheese, Mix and enjoy


I use wanted instead of milk, and I save a little bit of the powder to sprinkle over it on the plate.


I use a bunch of butter instead of milk. But the real secret is that in addition to the powder cheese sauce, I shred some real cheese into it and stir it up so it actually is Mac and cheese


Remove 1/4 of noodles, keep the 1/4 for other recipies. Boil in saltwater. Strain pasta. Put 2-3 tablespoons of butter, splash of cream, cheese sauce and a slice of cheese in the pot on medium. Stir until creamy then add the noodles. Black pepper on top (optional).


As with every recipe ever - double or triple the butter!


Prepare President's Choice White Cheddar elbow mac & cheese mix instead, but only use 80% of the cheese powder provided.


Boil the noodz in salted water. Drain when tender. With the noodz sitting in the colander for a few seconds, melt your butter in the bottom of the still-hot pot. I just grab a wooden spoon and yeet in a big dollop. Add noodz back in and stir. This makes them not stick to the bottom and sides so badly. Splash of milk. Stir. Check consistency is a bit runny/wet. Add the cheese powder. This will thicken it up. Stir a whole lot more, and then a bit more than that, to make sure it's all dissolved, smooth, and combined. Add more butter and milk if necessary. Add Cheese Whiz if you fancy.


Fuckload of butter and a tiny splash of milk. That's all there is to it.


Boil the pasta until al dente, dump into a colander. Reduce heat to med-low. Melt butter, add some milk, a scoop of sour cream. Stir until its smooth, add the cheese powder, stir until smooth again, then add ketchup and/or hot sauce and stir again. Then add the noodles and some pepper and stir until combined. If I'm really feeling fancy, I might add some shredded cheese at the end too, but thats rare as if I'm having KD I'm probably not in the mood to grate cheese.


Boil till al dente, add the cheese powder, throw in a bit of butter and milk and mix, add hotdogs and red pepper flakes, serve with ketchup if desired. FWIW, my wife actually measures per the box and I consider her to be a monster for this 🤣🤣


No milk, extra butter, bacon, salt, and pepper


Boil water. Add macaroni. Cook ‘til desired texture (5 min or so). Drain and add powdered sauce. Mix thoroughly and enjoy. I don’t like extra stuff in my KD.


1. Boil water and cook noodles until al dente 2. Strain the noodles, pour back into pot 3. Add 2-3 tbsp butter and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of milk, mix until butter has melted 4. Mix in cheese pack and stir until evenly dispersed 5. Salt and pepper to taste


Some real haterz here it seems. I add less milk. But I have to say I only buy extra creamy. Even Extra Creamy GV brand is really good


I agree with al dente. The cooking time on the Kraft box is too long. The noodles turn to mush and fall apart if you boil them that long.


RTFB. Done..perfect everytime.


Half pack of hotdogs, cubed


Cook only until done. No mushy noodles. Drain. Add butter. Stir. Add cheese pack and extra grated cheddar Stir. Add lots of milk and pepper. Eat hot out of the pot. I like it soupy. As soon as it cools I’m done.


I get into my time machine and head back to the early 2000s when it was still Kraft Dinner and not what it is now. And make it with cheese slices from Kraft.


I still obey the old rules from when I was a kid. Cook to perfection, dump noodles in colander, melt 1/4 cup butter in pot add 1/4 cup milk and sauce, heat til bubbling and then add the pasta back.


Dump out about 15 percent of noodles Cook al dente Add about a TB of butter Dump in cheese and mix a bit Add small amounts of milk and mix until perfectly cheesy and smooth, not soupy. No ketchup or other additives. I’m a KD purist.


I use the KD cheese packet only, and for pasta prefer something like rotini which really holds onto that cheesy sauce, and add a bit of shredded cheddar at the end.


I eyeball the milk and butter measurements. Essentially, make the noodles and cook as normal. Drain, and return to the pot. Eyeball the butter amount, measure with your heart. Stir until melted and noodles are coated. Then dump in the cheese powder and mix until it coats all noodles. Then eyeball the milk amount. Enough to dissolve the cheese powder, but not enough to make it liquid. If I'm feeling adventurous (aka: rich), I will put it back on the heat and throw in a 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar and a bit more milk and stir until melted.


Shredded cheese, Parmesan cheese, cheese packet to normal boiled macaroni, dash of milk. Chili flakes, lil garlic powder, and black pepper


Boil noodles until tender, none of this "al dente" bullshit. While noodles drain add 1 generous tablespoon of BUTTER. add noodles back to pot. Stir to coat in butter, sprinkle cheese powder and sir in, adding milk a bit at a time until desired consistency. A few grinds of pepper, maybe Cholula or chipotle Tabasco. Optional addition: Take 3 strips of bacon and slice in to lardons. Fry on medium low heat until crisp. Remove from pan and drain the fat from the pan. Add the bacon back to the pan with 1 to 2 tablespoons of maple syrup and a generous pinch on cayenne pepper and stir while on medium low heat until nicely glazed. Add to prepared KD.


I cook to al dente with a bit of salt in the water. I drain the pasta and leave it in my strainer. Back in the pot, I put in a little water (no milk for our house) and use that to mix the powder up properly, so there's no chunks. The burner is still on, so this is warming the cheese mixture at the same time. That's when I take a couple of slices of American cheese, break them up, and put them into the cheese sauce. I stir until those are melted, then put in my pepper, add the macaroni back in, and stir it all until mixed. Creamy every time, and no lumps.


1. Slightly undercooked so not crunchy but not soggy 2. Drain then put noodles back in pot 3. Add 3-4Tbsp butter and stir to melt 3. Add cheese packet and stir to mostly incorporate 4. Add a splash of milk, just enough to mix the cheese well 5. Add 1-2tsp of sweet with heat PC brand mustard and stir well 6. Add a sprinkle of trader joes everything but the bagel seasoning, trader joes mushroom seasoning and/or a few turns of the trader joes garlic salt. 7. Eat with a spoon ASAP


Read intructions


Drain water, add butter, stir, add cheese powder, and milk and more butter, stir. No measurements lol then add some everything bagel seasoning and stir again


I start by buying any other brand than Kraft because it gives me bellyaches. Store brands and Annie’s have more actual cheese than Kraft KD anyways. PC, Annie’s and Selection are all good imo.


No milk? Use sour cream!


Boil water, salt the water, add macaroni, take cheese packet, throw it away, make a nice roux on the stovetop, add some milk and slowly melt some grated sharp cheddar, provolone, gruyere and Monterey jack into liquid, add a few gratings of asiago, salt and pepper to taste, add a dash of cayenne for some zip, drain noodles and pour sauce over, enjoy.


I dump the pasta into a colander when it's done, turn the burner off, and then premix the cheese sauce in the pot using the cooling down burner to melt extra added cheese. I don't measure the butter or milk but I usually add more butter. Once the sauce is uniform I add the pasta back in and mix it up with the sauce


Bring salted water to a roaring boil. Add noodles and boil for 5 minutes. Drain noodles into a colander. Add 1/4 cup milk & 2 tbs butter into the pot that you used to boil your noodles. Once butter is melted whisk in cheese powder, black pepper & 1 tsp yellow mustard. Whisk over medium-low heat until thickened. Remove sauce from heat, add noodles back into the pot. Stir. 👌