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Little bunny Foo Foo. Ontario. We didn't learn it in school. We just all knew it. Maybe a camp song.




It was little rabbit foo foo for me. It was a camp/Brownie song. 1980s/90s




Sang to my son in late 1990s in Ottawa. Learned from Sharon Lois and Braham.


I didn't know that Sharon Lois and Bram recorded a version. They were an institution for a decade of kids (at least), so I'm guessing the 90s lyrics were standardized to their version, at least somewhat.


Albertan and that's how I know it too


Same, that's how I know it, probably from ~1995.


New Brunswick, child of '87. I was also going to blame Sharon-Lois-n-Braham for this, however in I found [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EdpbhzjNpFo) and the hand actions are very familiar. I have a stronger memory of watching Lambchop than I do the Elephant Show, so I think it was Shari Lewis for me. I also blame South Park, specifically Butters, for reminding me in my university years of the song. (South Park, Season 4 Ep8: "Something you can do with your finger") My son is 5 and learned it through Scratch Garden youtube videos at school this year. It has always been little Bunny Foo Foo.


Little Rabbit Foo Foo, early 90s, in Newfoundland. My (Chinese, raised in Mb) husband thinks English children's songs and nursery rhymes are barbaric, and this is one of the first he heard, cause we found a dead mouse.


>My (Chinese, raised in Mb) husband thinks English children's songs and nursery rhymes are barbaric They are. Most of them have origins in Germanic fairy tales and those are particularly gruesome.


True that! I don't think he's read any of the original Brothers Grimm fairy tales lol The first time he heard me singing, "It's raining, it's pouring" to our toddler, he looked at me like I had 3 heads and asked what the hell I was teaching our daughter 😅


Yeah, don't look up the original Hansel & Gretel...


Wait till he reads the translation of Alouette! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alouette_(song)




Yes! I think plucking out a lark's eyes is worse than bopping a mouse on the head lol. Not that I condone any kind of senseless animal abuse.


Saskatchewan, 90s. Didn't learn it from school, but from my mom. Little Bunny Foo Foo, hopping through the forest Scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head! And of course I know all the actions!


Alberta, 90s. Exactly the same, but ‘scooping’ was replaced with ‘picking’


Bunny Foo Foo. Late 70's, early 80's. Alberta. Didn't learn it in school, but from older cousins. What do the bonus points get me?


One more chance before being turned into a goon!


Bunny, early 70s, Alberta.camp song


Also Bunny Foo Foo. Also Alberta, but mid 70s. Didn't learn it in school, as I remember already knowing it in playschool (pre-Kindergarden). I was the older cousin among our generation, so I'm not sure where I learned it. I'm guessing my Mom?


Same with the lyrics. I can’t even remember where I learned this song!


Bunny foo foo, serial killer of field mice. Alberta late 70's.


It was little Rabbit Foo Foo. Manitoba, 1970s. Learned it in 4-H.


I have no idea what you’re talking about! Born 1962 in Vancouver.


Late 70's, Quebec; also no idea.


Little Rabbit Foo Foo. Ontario. Learned it in the 1970s. Still know all the actions. Scary what takes up space in my head.


Same same


Ontario too and seriously (sigh)


Little Rabbit Foo Foo, running through the forest; Scooping up the field mice, and boppin' 'em on the head? I feel like that's the lyrics. Yukon territory, 1980.


My brain remembers little Rabbit Foo Foo Hopping through the forest, but it could have been either.


No, you're right. I'm now 80% it was "hopping", not "running". We're going to crowd source our memories to get this right!


It’s hopping. And down came the good fairy, and she said: “Little Bunny/Rabbit Froo-Froo/Foo-Foo, I don’t wanna see you scooping up the field mice and bopping them on their head!


One of my friends swears it's, "little bunny foo foo, I don't like your attitude, scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head."


This is the one I learned - "I don't like your attitude." I always assumed that "I don't wanna see you" was a cleaned up version!


We sang all versions. Moved a lot.




I remember it as bunny froo-froo... But I'm in my 60s and can't remember my phone number some days. The stuff you learned early stays longest.


This person knows nothing


In my childhood (1970s, Ontario) it was Little Rabbit Froo-froo. He was running through the forest, smacking field mice on the head. The good fairy gave him 3 chances, then, POOF! She turned him into a goon. The moral being, hare today, goon tomorrow.


Child of the 70's here....  twas a bunny foo foo pickin up the field mice and boppin them on the head in Alberta  And if you think this is barbaric, I recommend avoiding most original fairy tales.  Hans Christian Anderson could give Steven King a run for his money


HCA was nowhere near as awful as those Grimm brothers.


Rabbit Foo Foo southern Ontario mid to late 80’s


Rabbit, I'm pretty sure. And I'm also pretty sure I learned it from Sharon, Lois, and Brahm. In the early 80s. Ottawa.


Rabbit, BC, 1970s.


Rabbit, 70s, ON


Rabbit which is strange cause I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s in Saskatchewan the land of the bunnyhug


Hmmm. Another Saskie here and it was always Bunny Foo Foo. So, that’s how I taught it to our kids


learned it from my sister in the early 90's, who had learned it from somewhere in BC, in the mid 80's.    and yes, I can do the actions *and* the voice.    I know the three charcoal buzzards too *smug*


Charcoal buzzards? Of what do you speak? Do tell!


huh. seems it's "chartreuse" to many.  https://youtu.be/5U3msT41KV4?feature=shared    don't think much of this guy's action game though 😋   my sister and I give it a lot more drama.  


Thanks! My niece will love that. But we’ll keep the Chartreuse wording. It’s like a game of telephone! She just thought me a hand clapping game. Her words are: Lemonade, Crusty Eye (sometimes it was crunchy eye) Zip it once Zip it twice. Looked up other clapping games and found it’s supposed to be Lemonade, Crunchy Ice, Sip it once, sip it twice. Lol.


Ontario, the 80s, and it was more campfire songs, not a school song.


Saskatchewan, early 70s. Rabbit Foo Foo.


Ontario, 90s, school sleep away trip at a local camp ground courtesy of the camp counsellors. "Rabbit" Foo Foo, and yes, I remember all the actions. I still remember Stella Ella Hola, Ramsamsam and about 50 other camp/skipping/schoolyard songs.


Stella, Stella, Ola! I’d forgotten about that! Now that’s going to be in my head all day. :) I’ve not heard of Ramsamsam…I’ll have to look it up! My niece is 7 and we’ve been learning clapping games. So much fun! We do Lemonade, This that, and Tic-tac-toe. Always looking for more ideas to share with her!


What about Miss Sue? Miss Sue, Miss Sue, Miss Sue from Alabama, sittin' in her rocker, eatin' Betty Crocker... <3 Ramsamsam was more camp song than school yard song and the whole thing is just gibberish sung while holding yourself in a "crabwalk" position and bouncing your bottom off the floor.


Yes! We always sang May Sue. But I think it was just kids hearing it wrong and changing the words, as it happens in the game of Telephone! I’ll need to find a video and refresh my memory. My niece would love Ramsamsam. Sounds right up her alley! Do you know Lemonade? My niece and her friends were singing ‘Crusty Eye’ instead of ‘Crunchy Ice’ and ‘Zip it’ for ‘sip it’. Hahahahah! Crusty Eye sends me.


I think a lot of times the words are regional. A 65 year old teacher (in 1991) taught us Miss Sue, and she learned it in a high Northern one room school in her childhood, like the 30s or 40s. Honestly "Miss Sue" flows and sounds 100% better than "May Sue." Plus, up here, we don't double name girls. May Sue, Billie Jo, Billie Sue, Suzy May, Linda Lou, we don't do that up here. May Sue sounds absolutely wrong in every way to my ears. Crusty Eye is hilarious!


We rarely have double names in this area too but of course since I heard it when I was little, May Sue sounded totally natural to my ears. But now that I’m thinking about it, it does sound weird!!


Rabbit foo foo. Manitoba in the 70’s and my younger sister in Alberta in the 80’s. There are too many “bunny foo foos” for you to all be crazy though. So the only logical and reasonable conclusion is that we were all subjected to some kind of experimentation where they divided us up into groups and deliberately taught us two different versions of the lyrics. Now all we have to do is figure out which of us were the control group, the rabbit foo foos or the bunny foo foos!!! Oh and figure out what happened to kids from French families of course !! Est-ce qu’on a enseigner les paroles « lapin fou fou » ou plutôt « pinpin fou fou »?


Was it sung in French too? Pinpin sounds cuter, but fou fou, has a totally different meaning, if I remember correctly!


I have no clue what that is. Ontario. Decade? Born in 1999 I guess.


Nor me. I was around in the 70!s, maybe because I liked mice no one spoke of FooFoo.


I once went to a hypnotist show where the dozen or so unlucky participants each had their “bunnies” they found during an intermission destroyed in increasingly gruesome ways while the hypnotist sang Little Bunny Foo Foo


Bunny. Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Approximately, 2003.. teachers name was Mrs. Nice and ironically she was kinda mean 


It was little rabbit foo foo when I was a kid. Would’ve been the late 80s to early 90s I’m thinking. Edit: I’m in Manitoba


I thought I remembered Rabbit Foo Foo from the late 70s, but since most Google searches came back with Bunny, I've been second-guessing myself.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTqVltEy4JY This is the link to the song on YouTube!


Rabbit. Ontario. 1980s


i did not learn the song in school but i definitely know what you're talking about, i was born in the early 2000s, live in Ontario and it's Bunny Foo Foo


Bunny foo foo, 90s in Alberta


Little bunny Foo Foo, Ontario in the 80,s


Rabbit Foofoo, West coast, early 1970’s. Edit to ad, I’m pretty sure I learned it at YMCA summer camp.


I had never heard the song before and raised Ontario but moved with my kids to Alberta when they were 5 and 7. They learned it in school in late 90's Little bunny foo-foo, hopping through the forest, scooping up all the field mice and boppin them on the head!!!


Bunny, New Brunswick, 70s...I think we learned it at Brownies


Nova Scotia, and I definitely learned it at brownies, but that was in the 90s. It was bunny here as well.


Also at Brownies, but Nfld, 80s.


bunny foo foo. NS. mom and grandfather used to sing it to me early 2000s but they learned it in the 70s


Alberta, early 1980's. And we said rabbit foo-foo.


Manitoba- mid seventies. It was little * rabbit” foo foo.


Idk when I learned it , Bunny Foo Foo for sure and it’s now in a loop in my head.


it's also in my head now. it replaced Green Day. i'm not sure which is worse.


Rabbit Foo Foo. Ontario (Niagara region), 1980’s public school.


I didn't learn it in school, but my mom sang it to me. Little bunny foo foo hoppin through the forest scoopin up the field mice and boppnin them on the head DoWn CaMe ThE GoOd FaIrY aNd ShE sAiD (in the weirdest voice possible) little bunny foo foo I dont wanna see you scoopin' up the field mice and boppnin on the head I'll give you (X) chances and if you misbehave I'll turn you into a GOON!


Slightly different lyrics for me. Born mid 70s. BC. Not sure where I learnt it but I did go to Brownies so there’s a good chance it was there. It was: I’ll give you X chances. And if YOU, disobey ME, I will turn YOU into a GOON And that part was said with a talking voice rather than being sung. I sang Bunny Foo Foo, but remember hearing Rabbit Foo Foo, too.


Little Rabbit Foo Foo - Ontario - 1980s. And heck yes I can do the actions and bop those field mice on the head.


Alberta. But the good fairy comes and says "little bunny foo foo... Quit your shit or Imma cut you"


How very Alberta of the fairy.


little bunny foo foo (make bunny ears with fingers) hopping through the forest (bounce bunny fingers across in front of you) scooping up the field mice (make cup shape with hand and scooping motion) and bopping them on the head (turn cupped hand into fist, “bop” it with your other hand) bc, started kindergarten in ‘99 probably learned it there


from the 70’s , Northern Alberta , bunny foo foo we did a whole friggin skit based on bunny foo foo for one of those kindergarten or grade one (I forget which) assemblies Not only do I remember the actions, we also had to do the tango-line “bunny hop” into the gym to the stage and also when we were done the skit to leave bunny foo foo got in a wee bit of trouble for bopping the field mouse a little *too* hard on the head 🤪


Little Bunny Froo Froo, early 90's, BC.


I'm in Manitoba and I remember it as "Little Rabbit Froo Froo" I learned it from my mom.


Saskatchewan in the late '80s. It was "bunny" for us. I haven't thought of that in decades.


Little bunny Foo Foo hopping through the forest, picking up the field mice and bopping them on the head. 2000’s, BC


Yes Ontario Late 80s Bunny foo foo I know the actions.


Thinking again, I don’t remember where I learned it. It was from others, but not necessarily in school. Someone said camp fire, or maybe from a children’s vhs played for us in daycare? Criss cross, apple sauce?


Manitoba. Little bunny foo foo. At play group in the late 80s maybe?


Bunny foo foo. I didn’t learn it myself that I can remember (Ontario, 80’s), but my kids grew up with it from the Wiggles on tv. I think we also sang it at the early years with them (2010’s, Ontario) but not school that I know of.


Yes! Ontario (Toronto to be more specific) I was born 2001 so early 2000s? Maybe 2006/2007 And it was bunny foo foo And in 2010 my little sister learned it from daycare


Rabbit - Montreal, Quebec. Late 70’s


Alberta, Bunny Foo Foo, 80's. Can't remember all the lyrics, but I can remember the hand gestures. Learned in school, I believe grade 1.


Little Bunny Foo Foo is just misunderstood. What part of scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head denotes murder?!


Little bunny Frooo Frooo ON Early 80s I’ll turn you into a GOOOO!!!! (Not a goon). Being turned into jelly was wayyy scarier. Learned this in daycare, then through Brownies, Girl Guides etc. That’s where I learned there are variations (like Foo Foo or rabbit).


NB here. I don't remember this as a kid myself (1981 baby), but I would play this song for my 2 years old group I taught in daycare in the late 90s early 2000s Little bunny foo foo hopping through the forest. Scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head!


I had no idea that bunnies are carnivorous. Or was Foo Foo just a bully?


BC 1970's


Bunny foo foo, bc in the 70s/80s. I’m guessing that I learned it at camp




Alberta, late 80’s in school. It was little bunny foo foo. I don’t remember the whole song anymore.


Late 90s early 2000s Alberta


I sing Little Rabbit Foo Foo regularly Ontario/77


Alberta, Bunny Foo Foo was boppin all da mice, 89’ My Nanny sang it at night time or if we cried as kids to make us laugh


Little bunny foo foo, preschool in early 80s, Vancouver, BC. When I moved to a different school for Grade 1, that teacher taught us rabbit foo foo. 🤷‍♀️


Gahhd...now I have this stuck in my head.


SK, little bunny foo foo, I'm a 70s baby and loved singing it to my 90s baby cousin. 


British Columbia, I learned it in music class in probably grade 1 or so. This would have been 1989ish.


Little bunny foo foo. It was a common nursery rhyme, but not at school. PEI, late 80s


I know all the words and actions. Ontario. 70’s


The wiggles with my 2016 kiddo Never heard it bc that. BC


Late 70's, Vancouver. It was rabbit foo foo for us. And we used to take great satisfaction in replacing the verb and the body part of how foo foo would violate the field mice.


Little Rabbit Foo Foo. Manitoba, 80s.


Learned it early 80s in Winnipeg. Little bunny froo froo Hopping through the forest That’s all I remember…


Was rabbit foo foo here ( Manitoba )


Little Rabbit Foo Foo, Ontario, I think 80s, on Sharon, Lois, and Bram? It creeped me out though!


Little Bunny Foo Foo in Saskatchewan. 90s. Definitely learned it in school. 1st or 2nd grade lol I don't remember the actions anymore sadly haha


Ontario and yes I remember this song well. “Little Rabbit Frou frou”


Bunny foo foo - Saskatchewan


Bunny in the 80s in Manitoba


Bunny, Quebec. Scoopin up the field mice, boppin em on the head.


Early 1990s at summer camp on PEI…it was “bunny”. Now my two kids know it too after singing (and acting out) the song when they were little.


Little Rabbit Foo Foo, Sask, born 1983


Never heard of that tbh. I’m from Alberta and was born in 2002.


Bunny, from my recollection. I learned it from a woman I babysat for in the late 90s. I had never heard it before and haven't heard it from any other families over the years. I forget the actions though


Early 90s Saskatchewan


70’s We learned it at camp. Sang it in rounds with The More We Get Together, Black Sock and Don’t Throw Your Junk in my Yard - does anyone remember that classic? Black Socks they never get dirty the more that you wear the cleaner they get … Don’t throw your junk in my yard, in my yard, in my yard, don’t throw your junk in my yard, cuz my yard is full… Little rabbit Foo Foo running through the forest picking up the field mice smack them on the head … much too violent for the little darling snowflakes of this generation! Memories of the good old days.


It does seem to be mostly a Gen X shared memory.


My nephew who is 30 learned the songs at camp as well, but he says the words were changed though


I learned it from Sharon, Lois, and Bram!


80’s in Ontario when I learned it, and it’s bunny foo foo


Nova Scotia - I think it was just a song we sang since we were quite young, like a nursery rhyme or one of those games you clap hands with someone else.


California, 1970s. Bunny Foo Foo hopping through the forest... Raised by a Canadian mother from Quebec, she taught us all the hand motions as well.


Little Bunny Foo Foo, Alberta, 2000s


Rabbit Foo Foo. I’m in BC(near Vancouver) early 80’s, probably learned it at Brownie camp??


I literally sang this song like.. mmmm... 2 days ago? Bunny and BC. ♡


Onterrible in the 1980’s. Definitely Little rabbit foo foo. I learned it as a campfire song when I was very very young. Still know the actions!!! 🙌🙌


Little bunny foo foo, alberta, very late 90s or early 2000s. I definitely remember singing it in preschool in class, likely also before that from my dad, also alberta lol


I first heard it at my elementary school graduation in Ontario. I also believe it was called Little Rabbit Foo Foo


Little Bunny Foo Foo Learned at day camp when I was 4 in the 1970's. New Brunswick


Pretty sure this was on big comfy couch. Alberta. 90s. Just like a fist into a palm for bopping on the head.


Little rabbit foo foo, hopping through the forest, picking up the field mice, and bopping them on the head. Ontario. 1980s


Bunny foo-foo, Nova Scotia


Rabbit Foo Foo -Nova Scotia in late 70’s… sang it to our babes from the late 80’s … it perseveres ….


little rabbit foo foo, in the late 80s in ontario. i was an early childhood educator at the time, working with 3 year olds. the kids thought it was hilarious.


I didn't but she my mom was teaching in the late 70's early 80's they sang it. Of course it came home 🏡. Yes I still sing it sometimes. It's ridiculous. New Brunswick 😉


A camp song in the late 60's or early 70's. Little Rabbit Foo Foo


It was rabbit and I am from NS. I think it was from daycare, not school where I learned the song. Would have been the early-mid 1990s. I think they also sang the song on kids tv programs like sesame st.


Bunny foo foo, would hop through the forest picking up field mice and bopping them on the head, in AB in the 80s


Little Rabbit Foo Foo. I grew up as an anglophone in Quebec but learned the song in Ottawa.


Bunny, in the early 1980s and I'm in BC.


I learned it as bunny foo foo. It was in beavers or cubs, late 70’s early 80’s…..my daughter (9) learned it off The Wiggles.


Ontario. Little Rabbit Foo Foo. Sharon Lois and Bram version - I sang that to my daughter who was born in 91.


Little Bunny Foo Foo I think I lived in Saskatchewan when I learned it? My kid learned it (a slightly different version) in Ontario.


Ontario. I had a cd with kids songs on it growing up, it was on it among others.


Bunny Foo Foo and I think I learned it from my siblings so I'm going with Saskatchewan though I only remember singing it in Manitoba. Late 80's early 90s.


I'm too young and also I came here in 2012


Learned in school, Little Bunny Foo Foo, central BC, mid-1980s


Ontario. Little rabbit foo foo Running through the forest I don't remember the rest. But wow, that brought back memories.


Grew up in Toronto, early-mid 1980s. Had never heard the song at all until I heard it on a Sharon Lois and Bram album when my own kids were little.


Sang it as kids all the time in the 90's (didnt learn it in school) Ontario (GTA)


Does anyone remeber a song about Johny Appleseed?


Oh, the Lord is good to me, And so I thank the Lord, For giving me the things I need; The sun and the rain and the apple seed.


THANK YOU .... I couldnt remember the words!


Second verse…for every seed I sow, an apple tree will grow; and then there’ll be an apple there, enough for the whole wide world to share, the Lord is good to me. Johnny Appleseed, Amen.


Alouette, gentille alouette Alouette, je te plumerai


manitoba, born '04, just learned it from my mom as a nursery rhyme. and ofc you always need the actions


Little Rabbie Foo Foo. Nova Scotia, late 80s. Little rabbit for my baby bro in the 90s.


Washington state, 70s, 5th grade, Camp Cispus, Little Bunny Foo Foo The best part was Mr Rockefeller, the musclebound jock, dancing to this on stage with the other teachers


The kids used to make fun of me and say I had a Hare-y Foo Foo


Late 80s. raised in Ontario's deep south. I had never heard it. Girl from Eastern Ontario moved down and thought it was the strangest thing that no one here had heard "Little Rabbit Foo Foo" I think it was very regional, at least back then.


I was a camper, then a councillor growing up. We always sang “Little Rabbit Foo Foo”.


Saskatchewan but it was a song my mom used to sing with me when I was little


Rabbit, Ontario, camp I think.


I learned it in school! Little Bunny Foo Foo! Ontario when I learned it, Alberta now and my kids sing bunny as well. I’ve heard it both ways though.


In the YMCA on Kimberly Ave.Wpg Mb in 1973.


Came from Sharon, Lois and Bram for me


She turned him into a goon!


Little rabbit Foo Foo. Manitoba late 60s/early 70s. Then moved to Ontario where we leaned about little bunny Foo Foo. My mom (83) and I (61) were singing this yesterday on our way home from our road trip.


I remember it. It's a classic.


Little Rabbit Foofoo, Saskatchewan




Apparently Temu votes for Little Bunny FooFoo


Born in 1981, from PEI. "Little Bunny Foo Foo, hopping through the forest" That's all I remember about it.


Little rabbit FooFoo. Ontario, late 70s and early 80s. School or Brownies.


Wow, as I read through the comments I see that Little Bunny Foo Foo was quite well known. I was Born in 1965 and grew up in Ontario. I never heard of this Little Bunny Foo Foo Little Bunny Foo Foo sounds like it was a thing. What did I miss out on!?


Southern Ontario, late 70's - early 80's. Probably learned in Brownies/ Girl Guides. Little rabbit froo froo, running through the forest, scooping up the field mice and popping them on the head!