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>But still I feel like I should ring their bell and make sure they know the keys are out :) I would totally do that, just to be sure.


Done. Thanks. They had forgot it. 


I thought as much :) Source: I once also was the neighbour with the key dangling outside


As someone who has done it on a car!!!! virtual high five 🙌🏼 


Hehe this one made me smile


That was very good of you! It happened to me too and I was so grateful to my neighbor who knocked and gave me my keys!


I don’t get why you wouldn’t tell your neighbor. Would you not want someone to tell you?


I’m a shy person offline, and I rather do that after making sure if I should :)) 


It's not about being shy or not. You don't have to start a conversation with them, just tell them what happened, period. It's more of a human common sense thing to do.


Doesn’t matter if it’s common sense or not. For people with anxiety even basic human interactions even without striking up a conversation are uncomfortable and stress inducing. It’s not rational either. I also struggle with it. I would rather open the door and just throw the key inside than talk to someone I don’t know, but that would feel awful as I’m opening the door to where I shouldn’t, so I’d probably not do anything at first and after a bit of contemplation ring the bell like op did.


Ok, if that was the case (assuming a severe case of social anxiety), then it wouldn't really make sense to come here and ask if it's ok to do it or not, as the person wouldn't be willing to do it nevertheless. OP talked about shyness, which can be seen as a rather normal thing, and I think there is a big difference between being shy and a strong case of social anxiety which would inhibit a person for doing something like that. And it's not like the person needs to go to an interview and be under a lot of stress, it was more like ring the bell, show the key or even just say "key", smile, bye bye. I'm also a little bit shy myself. What happens in a life or death situation in which someone with severe anxiety is the only person that can call the emergency line to inform about a severely injured person in an accident? They come to Reddit and ask for instructions?


You can just open the door and let the keys on their dining table to avoid interaction . Serve yourself with a beer from the fridge on the way out. (This is a joke, dont do this)


Yeah, without that line in brackets our OP might have mustered the courage tomorrow and found those rotting bodies 🤣.


Believe me the moment that I was waiting at the door before they opened I was imagining turning the key and all the possibilities 🤣


Absolutely! Ring their doorbell and tell them, please.


Do it. You will create a small bond with your neighbours. Next time something is happening at your place (e.g. forgotten to turn car lights off) he will come to you to notify you. It is nice to have someone who will look after you from time to time


The OP is the person that would try to email the fire department in case of fire coz phone call makes him awkward.


Now I feel obligated to leave [this](https://youtu.be/uesx85EHRTo?si=8h69CNcIo8za70jo) here


Not fire, but close enough. Yes :D 


I just cant stop giggling imagining the scene.. you stand in front of someone door, looking at the keys dangling on the other side and type on reddit.... 🤣🤣


Nah, I came home. Slept on it. Asked on reddit the next day after seeing the key again :)


I have done this and IMHO it's a great way to start a positive relationship with previously unknown (or barely known) neighbors.


Absolutely. They laughed at themselves a lot, so a positive intro :)


yes ofc lol


>With your support I found the courage and rang the bell. They didn't know and thanked me. Thanks everyone. Well done! And yes, please always do this. It happens. I've rung the bell and told neighbours about having left their keys in the lock outside at least twice over the years (different neighbours) and once someone rang my bell to tell me I had left my keys in the lock outside. I was very thankful they did because it was late at night and otherwise I definitely would have gone to bed without noticing it. And I would have hated to discover in the morning that all night someone could have entered my home... It happens. People come home with their hands full of shopping bags or whatever and they just forget the key in the lock outside.... Usually they will be very thankful if someone tells them.


I don’t know why I felt so shy about it now that people are saying, yeah I was over thinking: maybe they left it there so that when a family member comes back can open the door,… idk. 


I forgot my keys the other day too and someone rang the door to tell me. I never open my door to strangers, but this time i'm glad i did


left my keys on the outside a few times now, very lucky and appreciative of my neighbours who always let me know


left my keys on the outside a few times now, very lucky and appreciative of my neighbours who always let me know






A good neirbours watches out for the others to a certain degree! You can't make a bigger impact in doing something good than close to where you are. Schönes Wochenende! 


That reminds me of a funny story when I was a student. My neighbour calls me if I could quickly come over, because there's someone acting weirdly at her door and she's scared. Turned out she turned off her door bell and left the key outside. So the poor guy was trying to notify her that her keys were outside but couldn't ring because her doorbell was turned off 😅




In US they would have shot you


Stand your ground yaaayyy!


once i left my keys outside, a kind guy in the stuwo rang my bell and showed me my keys were outside. it's a good thing to do


Good character development for the OP. To the people who don't "uNdErStAnD": Everyone is learning something all the time some people build one aspect of their lives more than the other and need, child-like hand holding in other aspects of their lives encouraging someone softly won't hurt you, it may even make you feel fulfilled by how you can touch peoples lives in a positive way with just a polite conversation. (TOUCH PEOPLES "LIVES" - if you read that wrong that's on you 🫵🏽)


Seriously? What kinda spam is posted here. OP finally found the courage to ring the neighbors bell - what a hero. Not.




That’s an insult on my creativity. I mean, I could say I saved my neighbour from a burning house or something :D 


“Hummm should I do the common sense thing or ask if I should do the common sense thing on Reddit first? What to do, humm.”


Easy to say for an extrovert :D 


It’s called being a decent human being. See I fixed that for you


This guy's empathy level is off the charts! #introvertsunite


Well put


Huh huh! Sounds like my dad. If he heard this story he would make sure to laugh at me for years in all family get togethers :D But it’s fine. Being shy has pros and cons. 


I know many decent people who avoid social contact as much as they can :)


The fuck am I reading?


Don't get me wrong, but did you really have to come to Reddit to ask such thing?


This is my easiest bridge to germans. Where else could I go? :D


I don't know... Maybe directly to your neighbors, telling them what happened with their keys and then go home.


In my home village, you will see that everywhere and also you basically will find all doors unlocked in general. The only reason my parents lock the front door at night is cause the cat is smart enough to open doors and we regularly found the front door wide open in the morning cause the cat wanted out


Wtf, how insecure can a single person be?


Yes :D