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UEFA. They're going to make huge profits, while municipalities that already are in debt will pay for it and get week long traffic jams in return, making everybody upset that doesn't care about football.




Nothing compares to a positive attitude towards life.


Actually very positive towards life. But public money paying for massive sports events while the profits go into some extremely corrupt organisations pockets really goes against my sense for justice and always annoys me. A lot. Made worse by the fact that some municipalities really struggle financially and I know how this directly impacts people's lives negatively.


Can you provide numbers for the expected losses of these unfortunate cities?


Well, the cost is estimated to be around 650 million euros, as of now: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/fussball-europameisterschaft-deutschland-kosten-100.html How much the cities will earn from this is almost impossible to estimate, as many local politicians trying to justify this talk of "long term effects" and such. Looking back at similar sized sports events in Europe in the last few decades this however would be the first time in a looong while, that the municipalities actually didn't loose money. So... Let's say I don't see any valid point why this time would be different.


Do you have numbers from these past events? And how do you explain this (from your article): "Wir glauben, dass wir wirtschaftlich von diesem Turnier profitieren werden, denn es kommen Hunderttausende Menschen in unsere Stadt, die hier Geld ausgeben werden“, sagte Stephan Keller (CDU), Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Düsseldorf, gegenüber der Tagesschau. Vor allem für die Hotel-, Gastronomie und Veranstaltungsbranche erhoffen sich die Städte einen Wirtschaftsboost."


Well, here's an article from the world Cup 2006 which I found after a short search, indicating it cost the tax payer several billion euros all things combined: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/die-kosten-der-wm-insgesamt-wurde-der-steuerzahler-im-zusammenhang-mit-der-weltmeisterschaft-mit-mehreren-milliarden-euro-belastet-die-kunst-des-rechnens-li.13041 So I guess if you need more numbers it should be easy enough to find them online


There were several new stadiums built for the World Cup. I am not aware that thats the case for the Euro 2024. So I dont think you can compare the two events. I also wonder how the journalist could already know the final outcome - when the article was published one day after the tournament started?


That has literally zero to do with me hating football and its fans


Probably Spain, Italy, England or France. It‘s a shame since you‘d expect germany to win s european championship in germany but currently I don‘t think we‘ll make it to the semi final. If we‘re lucky we‘re going to get to the quarter finals but that‘s not guaranteed either. And that really sucks


Nothing's for certain. I can already hear the Stammtisch: Greece has done it too.


Frankreich oder ‘Schland


Ich hab mal durchgetippt und komm auf Spanien. Freitag Abend mach ich das nochmal in Ruhe 🤣




A summer fairy tale can always happen.