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Spent 2 weeks all over Scotland, lovely place.


I have been through Newcastle upon Tyne. I won't say I have been *to* that city because I was riding a train and I did not step off. Newcastle-under-Lyme sounds unfortunate. In the US, we know of Lyme disease, transmitted via tick bite. I hope the town wasn't named after a blood infection, or vice versa. I walked around different parts of London, Bath and Edinburgh. In the same way as the first paragraph I went through various smaller English and Scottish towns on different train routes and motorways.


That sounds awesome! Remember any of the small town by chance? And about Lyme, it’s pretty accurate 💀 it’s apart of a weird amalgamation that calls itself a ‘city’ called Stoke on Trent. Absolute awful place but I live here cause the house is nice and cheap and it’s a 5 minute walk from my university lol


I went to Stonehenge, and ate at a place in a nearby town named, IIRC, Amesbury. I also remember the name Berwick-upon-Tweed. Other names that come up are of towns I don't think are so small, like York.


Nice! Never been to those places. I think yorks a city? Idk this country loves changing its definition on what a city is. My home town is a ‘city’ cause it has a cathedral but at the same time smaller than the town next to it


Yes. I fly in up north and work my way down every two years. You’re the only country with a manufacturers event that is black tie. I can’t tell you how annoying that is. If I can help it in Manchester and out Luton. I do the trip myself because I enjoy your countryside, the food, and the businesspeople. I know people hate on English food but I don’t mind it. Plus the beer is good north and the cider south. I’ve started trying to do more tourist stuff. I even did London proper right before Covid. I don’t think I’ll ever do that again.


Yes, London.


Yes, London and York.


London and Belfast.


Damn that’s a jump, never been to Belfast myself but I think I’m an hours drive from the city that has ferries that can take you there


Separate trips. Belfast was part of a longer trip around Ireland.


I spent a week in London, it was fun. If I ever went back I'd go to 'anywhere *but* London'


Nice! I mean to be fair, London is either seen as a real touristy place or a slum💀 I had to do work down there for a few days once, absolutely awful area I was in lol


Try to think of London the way you lot think of Florida or NYC and you'll get the picture from our end.


As a tourist, I have the advantage of being expected in the touristy areas. ;)


lol yeah, manage to go into the house of parliament? I went there once on a school trip and it felt like we were just watching old people moan for an hour lmao


Couldn't go there, can't remember why, but Tower of London and Hampton Court were both highlights of the trip.


Ooh nice!




London, Cardiff, Leeds, Newcastle, and Edinburgh.


London and Cambridge. If I go back, I want to see Scotland.


I lived in London for five years so I went all over the UK. It was always interesting to me that there's a Leicester square and a Tottenham road in London (those are the first two that come to mind), but there are cities/towns with the same names. And I know Newcastle upon Tyne but not the under Lyme one haha. It gets confusing for sure!


They certainly love having places using the same names. I used to live on a road called Buckingham road, made me feel like royalty as a kid lmao


It's also funny that when they came to the US, they just put a "new" in front of places in the UK like York, Hampshire, and Jersey for the names. I'm not a creative person at all so I would do the same honestly hahah


London, Edinburgh, Liverpool


Yes, to London, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, and Surrey


London, Crawley, couple other places


Been lucky with travel. One of my best friends lives in London, so I’ve been there maybe ten times? Have also visited Cardiff, Bath, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Aberdeen, and the Shetland Islands. Driving through the Scottish Highlands is amazing.


Scotland is on my list. Honestly I'm not sure I have any real desire to see London


Could visit the midlands. It’s mostly country but full of nice towns and a couple cities like Manchester and Birmingham. Birmingham is a take it or leave it cause it’s equally alright and complete ass but Manchester is real nice! Other cities are around like derby, Coventry, Stoke, and Sheffield but they’re really not worth seeing and potentially dangerous 💀


I've been to Scotland and absolutely fell in love with the food, the people, the museums. It was wonderful


Spent a week in Scotland on a visit when I was 8, visited my ancestral castle. Very beautiful place, and I plan to go back sometime in the future.


Edinburgh(beautiful) glasgow(shit) Stockton on tees and London(amazing). Britains food was not good compared to other countries including America


Nice! This isn’t a ‘you focking wot mate’ but mind telling me about you experiences with the food? TBH I think most of what I eat is American stuff anyway but I might wrong lol


Everything just felt, I’m not sure, bland? Basic? Unseasoned? The food in Scotland was a bit better, but the fish I had just wasn’t doing it. Maybe I should do some better research on “good” places to eat, because where I live I could totally see tourists going to a lot of bad places


I would love to go to the all of the IMW museum locations and attend a Graham Norton filming. Never been and probably never will.


I asked my dad where we went when we went together because I didn’t remember all the names from to London, Salisbury, stopped by Stone Henge, and Dorset which I had had to look up as I remover we went to the Tank Museum and stayed in an old country house but I couldn’t remover exactly where it’s near and artillery range or school.


York, Salisbury, Haworth, London, Stratford-upon-Avon, places like that


Besides London, I went to Oxford and Abingdon to visit the MG Car Club and (try to) see the factory. And went to to the Goodwood Festival of Speed.


I’ve been to London a few times, visited some friends in Kent and have been to Northern Ireland (Belfast, Derry and visiting family in smaller towns in Armagh and Down).


Northern Ireland; Belfast for 2 nights and up to Giant's Causeway for a day trip. Did it as a part of a greater Ireland trip this spring. I didn't do a whole lot in Belfast but it seemed like a cool city. The Causeway was also pretty interesting, and I enjoyed the countryside. I liked how well (compared to the US that is) connected those small towns were on public transit. I talked at a native at a bus stop and he was complaining about how "shite" the transit was up there, right when I was about to complement how convenient it was!


lol if NI is anything like England he was probably complaining cause of how unreliable they can be on arrival times and delays


Luckily for me, no real delays! Unless you count when I got on what must have been a special route for schoolchildren? It had the same number but it was stopping at places that were clearly not stops, and it was full of kids. This was probably 3 or 4 in the afternoon. The bus I was supposed to take came by, but it had a schoolhouse symbol next to the number and the driver waived me off when I tried to flag it down. Then another bus, same route, no school comes by and picks me up a few minutes later. Our school busses in the US are completely different from the public busses so that had me pretty confused.


In no particular order (and probably missing a few): London, Salisbury, Leeds, Dover, Broadstairs, Sedbergh, Oxford, Haworth, York, Windsor, Luton, Stirling, Edinburgh, and Cardiff


Been to London several times. Never do the touristy shit, and just go about and explore the city, having good beer, good food, and meeting people. Love it and will probably go back again in the next year or two, and check out the rest of the UK too.