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Wearing a backpack on your front. Pickpocketing isn't really a thing here.


As soon as I see that I think “oooh what expensive shit are you carrying”


*found the pickpocket*




I got pickpocketed in Chatswood… I carry my bag on my side with my arm over it when on a train or near strangers now


Good pickpockets aren’t a thing in Australia. I’ve seen a few dead beats try, it’s fun to see them fail.


>Good pickpockets aren’t a thing in Australia. I’ve seen a few dead beats try, it’s fun to see them fail. I had some young kids try to pickpocket me in a Harvey Norman up in Queensland. One of the kids had his hand on my wallet until he noticed me glaring at him.


I betcha you just said “And what do you think you’re doing, ya muppet?”. The look on the kids face must have been priceless. 😂


I had a dude try to get into my bag on swanston st. I ignored it the first time he bumped into me, but the second time it happened I turned around and noticed we were the only two people around - he apologised and scurried off.




Omg, I just thought that this was a cultural thing from other countries. TIL


I do it sometimes so I can save my back.


I’ve heard of more muggings than I’ve heard pickpockets.


No sunscreen with them and theyre laughing and enjoying themselves at the beach.


And get so sunburned the have to go to hospital


Swimming without a surfboard, 100m outside the flags.


Whenever I see a paper white girls buying the Reef tanning oil spf 6 on a 40 degree day, I know they're Irish tourists before they even speak.




I’m relatively well travelled and I have to say, Brisbane has the worst pedestrian traffic I have ever experienced. And it’s all locals too. People have a propensity to not pay attention to where they are going, walk in groups in a horizontal line, and have no regard to keeping left. I feel like I am constantly having to jump out of the way when I’m walking down queen street mall.


Queen St mall = tourists. Mystery solved


I've just come back from a month in Europe and I'd say Brisbane pedestrians are generally much better. About on par with non-tourist areas, but in popular tourist areas Europe has been much worse. People walking, sitting and standing along narrow, busy, high speed roads with no regard for their own safety or how vehicles will pass them. Abrupt stops for no reason in a busy walkway, and standing 3-4 abreast blocking the whole path having a conversation.


People who've been here for years are doing that too, though. I had the same thought about people driving on the wrong side of the road, but again, I just don't think you can use that to tell any more.


Australians don't move when people walk straight towards them either


Australians walk in packs even with strangers, generally on the left. Apparently Americans don’t stick to a side and manage to weave through each other as a crowd


No hat in the sun.




First day - ghost white Second day - tomato red


"Boxing day beetroot's" my dad used to call them


Cruise lines refer to them as Lobsters




It's not just more sun. But rather the UV index here is absurdly off the charts. In the UK it tops out at 8, which is still considered "high". But here it goes to 14 or 15, which is basically nuclear blast zone high. 5 to 10 minutes in peek UV is enough to alter your DNA and turn you into a crispy chip.


Melbourne and lower third of Australia were it is the coolest has the highest UV index on average because it is on the edge of the hole in the ozone layer which moves slightly depending on outer atmospheric weather.


When I visit Tasmania it feels like the sun is burning holes in my skin.


They’re so obvious


They should add a checkbox to the entry form “I acknowledge that in the event I am not wearing a hat outdoors, then I am not able to play”.


No hat no play


I also notice Aussies will tend to walk in the shade when it’s available.


And shoes on the beach


Or even worse, jeans on the beach .


I’ve been here for 18 years. I just can’t stand the sand I mostly avoid going to the beach unless for a quick swim. If I’m forced to go the beach for some social barbecue or something I’m wearing my shoes.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Found Anakin Skywalker


I hear lava does wonders for curbing sand phobia.


How come, texture or something? Genuine question


Not the OP, but for me it's because sand sticks to my feet and then I end up with it in my socks. It's just easier to stay fully clothed. I love the coast and the ocean but the beach is just not for me.


Really lol? I don’t really see people walking around with hats on. I personally never wear a hat, I just put sunscreen on


They walk in the sun instead of the shade


Ha! You're right. I never realised we do this, but I'm always scouting for patches of shade.


That’s me, hiding in the shadow of the stop light waiting for the light to change.


Just read this to the tune of Losing My Religion.


That’s me at the corner. That’s me at the stop- Light. In the shady position.


Just commented this above. Aussies tend to sub consciously dodge the sun as much as possible. From my travels it appears to be a unique trait we’ve developed.


Probably something to do with all those skin cancer ads we've grown up with


They do in other sunny countries too, I’ve noticed locals doing it in Spain while the tourists bask in the sun.


I sit corrected :)




Oh yeah...when I was in Canada I had a surreal moment where a perfectly normal street scene looked completely wrong, it felt like I wasn't in reality. I noticed everyone walking on one side of the road, but thought "that's normal", then realised they were all walking on the sunny side and that's what was spinning me out.


And don't wear hats at the beach


Standing on the right side of the escalator.


Standing on the escalator, you got legs!


I've got 'em but I can't walk up or down hills very well and walk with a pronounced limp otherwise. I reckon if someone is that good on their pins they can take the stairs.


In the suburbs, people stand on both sides. Next to each other. They never walk either, just stationary. You have to say excuse me could I get past thanks. Bleh


Pink skin, soccer shorts, white sneakers


Every tourist from northern england




You forgot the shit skin fade


A lot of Asian people live here, but you immediately know they're a tourist when they film video of supermarkets. Something about woolies/coles/Aldi is so interesting they need to stand out front and take a long, sweeping video of the store. Never seen any other tourists do this.


Nah, daigous do this too - it's to show the goods they're shipping to wherever are legit.


Daigous?wtf is that


Just googled it: > someone who is outside China who buys goods for someone who lives in China Something about taxes


People who buy in Australia (often in bulk, and usually from our chemists, supermakets etc, sometimes to order) and ship it back overseas, often to China, Hong Kong etc. It used to be things like vitamins, baby formula and other children's products and so on, I guess because of some perception of quality or inability to purchase the produxts in those countries? Yeah, there were supposedly tax issues, as many people doing this were being accused of not reporting the income. But it was said to be a huge problem a number of years ago, and limits were put on formula etc because as soon as it was hitting the shelves people would just come in and buy up a trolley. There were dark warehouses that would manage the shipping for a fee and everything. It was a real grey export situation for a while, apparently.


As far as I know, there have been some major scandals in China regarding food safety. You can search up the 2008 Chinese milk scandal for more info - but I think things like this happen every so often. China, while improving with time, has had a pretty poor record of keeping its products safe. Even recently Shein has been accused of having lead present in clothing. I imagine as a parent, the thought of possibly contaminated items would make you very sceptical of Chinas safety regulation and interested in products from overseas with more of a guarantee of safety.


One of the big brands from NZ (that sell here) stepped up production and made their product available in China which is why demand isn't so high for shipping it overseas


Not taxes - quality. Baby milk powder is a big one for example


Honestly I was thinking it was a misspelling of the old slur for Greeks, Italians etc lol


To be fair checking out the supermarkets in other countries is pretty fun.


very underrated travel activity! I always check out the maccas too, it’s cool seeing how they’ve adapted the menu to suit the country’s cuisine


I've taken such videos when I first moved here and I lived in East Asia prior, it's the amount of produce especially fruits, nuts, cheeses, meats etc and how large and modern supermarkets are + how little people there are. I still love shopping at the supermarkets several years in as I find it very therapeutic.


I always though they were making a documentary


Interesting, what is unusual about our supermarkets? The chaos?


The prices: they're down down down! oh wait no they're fucking not


More likely the lack of, supermarkets in south/SE asian countries and especially wet markets are crazy crowded. The supermarkets are also pretty neatly arranged. I moved here from SEA and the general lack of people/crowds is really nice. Even peak hour trams/traffic in melb is nothing compared to the insanity of public places in many SEA countries.


The non-lethal infant feeding formula


The absence of people is a tiny bit creepy for them.


Also at Immigration at the airport.


From what I can gather from other comments; we act as tourists here also a lot of times




I do this when I'm not even the tourist haha. Love going around and exploring my own city taking photos of shit I find interesting


If you're in Melbourne just wear mostly black and you're fine :p


Was in sydney doing that. Now i moved to Melbourne and keep doing that, and yes my main colour palette is black. I feel attacked haha Bonus points is I take photos with a 70's film camera. Now that I look at it im a walking stereotype


I live on the outskirts of Sydney and always turn into a total tourist whenever I venture into the city (which very rarely). I had to do a 5 day work course in the city, and every afternoon I was walking around with my camera taking photos of different buildings, and the Bridge and Opera House.


ahaha i do this daily on my walk to uni, our cities really are just amazing!


i do this too when going to or coming back from uni. sometimes the buildings just look really nice in the evening 🙃


I work in market street right at the end of pitt street mall and whilst I have no issue with tourists what gets me is when they stop suddenly in the middle of the footpath to take a pic of the centre point tower or qvb or some other building that I take for granted - especially when I’m late for a meeting and rushing back ….. that’s when I was wish the city wasn’t as busy


Taking pictures of everyday buildings.


Streetlights too.


Been here five yrs. Still doing that hahahhaa


Same as a tourist in any place then.


Taking photos of bin chickens.


I will continue to take pictures of every bin chicken I see til the day I die.


I just moved to Australia and I saw for the first time what looked like an average pigeon but it had a black spike crest on its head. As a pigeon fan I was extremely pleased.


Should come to the balcatta tip, your archives would be complete


Have you ever been on r/Brisbane or r/Sydney or r/Melbourne?


I took pictures of some recently on the Gold coast, they don't roam around everywhere in Melbourne.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in Melbourne. I go to Sydney and they’re EVERYWHERE. Went to Hawaii a few years ago, and they’ve got these vermin in a zoo 😂


Looking at awe at palm trees. When I was in uni I had a bunch of fellow students from Scandinavia looking starry eyed at every palm tree we passed, it was amazing to see


People swimming in our local weir at 18°c and raining is always a dead giveaway that they are tourists! Loud patterned/fashion brand clothing and shoes walking down the street certainly stands out as not being Aussie “casual” dress. Tucking Polo shirts into shorts and wearing a belt with shorts along with bum bag, long socks and expensive shoes. No hat, sunscreen or sunglasses, beetroot colour skin, screaming if a moth or grasshopper flying past them, walking against the crowd on the wrong side of the footpath, aimlessly walking around isles in the supermarket with completely confused looks on their faces trying to study/identify every product on the shelves etc etc.


But if they’re wearing a swimming cap and goggles they are local


Hahaha…… at the local heated indoor swimming pool maybe, but nobody local/Australian would be running into the freezing cold deep freshwater Weir out in the middle of the bush at this time of the year! It always makes me laugh though…… why do these people quickly swim to shore and shelter under a Gazebo/Tree when it starts raining? Afraid they are going to get wet? This has baffled me my whole life and still can’t understand why people do this!


Shirt with Australia written on it with indigenous artwork or animals.


As opposed to locals with writings in french which they don't understand (and would probably be better not knowing)


Possibly also wearing a wide brimmed leather hat purchased from the same store.


Walking without a sense of direction. Just looking at buildings and places.


I feel like I might be a tourist




My constantly lost self is feeling very called out. When I was about 19 I was getting a train to Dreamworld to meet my friends. I had done zero research so I asked a guy who worked at the station how to get there. He helped me then said "how long have you been in Brisbane?" ............. almost my whole life :`)


If they are Americans they will go to step off to cross the road and will look the wrong way and nearly get run over!


I literally had someone grab my shirt and yank to stop me walking into traffic when I was new to the country and looked the wrong way first. I often think about that random stranger saving my life.


Yep, stopped a guy from stepping in front of a bus on George St once, and he thanked me profusely in American by telling me his life story.


You mean if they're from basically any part of the right hand driving world?


1. Drowning at our beaches. 2. Wanting to cuddle dangerous animals 3. Looking left before crossing the street instead of right.


God damn it you look left AND right.


Filming an Ibis like it's the best thing ever


But they are!




Fully clothed in some euro centric brand like Le Coq Sportif


In summer




As an American, people that wear the flag make me uncomfortable these days. Lately, it's the weird super patriots that do that. I used to see it as kinda quirky, but with our current politics, I can usually guess the kind person they are. It's not normal for most Americans to wear a flag. At least not the type of people I hang around with.


Wearing summer clothes in Australian winter time-generally Brits


Unless you're from Melbs and visiting Bris


I'll never forget you UK shorts and t-shirt man at costal winter wind at the 12 Apostles.


Yeah nah. My husband lives in his shorts year round. We live near Geelong.


Lol, I know it’s winter when my dad pulls out the knee length shorts.


People dressed head to toe from the Malaysian chain International Traveller are obviously from Malaysia. This chain caters to tourists traveling to most of the world and only sells clothing for cold climates.


Sounds like us in Kathmandu gear from head to toe. Instant Aussie or Kiwi detector overseas


You mean the Kathmandu jackets, chinos, and RM Willams look? Or as I call it, the male Aussie Finance Worker winter uniform.


Lobster red burnt, especially nose falling off and crimson shoulders, and still walking around topless.


Standing on the right side of an escalator.


*Not planning proper clothing for where they are* Seems there's a pretty common preconception that Australia is extremely hot and winter is still pretty warm, and only realise once they're here that places out of sunlight can be freezing, doubly so if it's windy (on the south coast with strong winds constantly and night temps can easily be into the minuses). So people dress light, and freeze from biting cold. Alternatively they come in summer but from a colder country so they still dress in multiple layers of clothing because that's what they've always worn and don't consider otherwise.


Asking about spiders. Middle of the CBD “do you guys gets those super deadly spiders here, how many will be in my room?”.


they are sun brunt


Brunt as fruck


hate being brunt


You can always pick a Seppo tourist by the VOLUME OF THEIR CASUAL CONVERSATUON.


And their running commentary on everything they see.


In Brisbane, when it’s 22° and there’s people sunbaking and swimming at the South Bank beach. They’re usually from the UK


They usually dress better than most Australians


A deep, natural tan (for people of European descent). Most locals don’t do the sun baked look anymore or use fake tan.


Bum bags.


Eshay alert


Have to disagree with this one. As the other comment said many an eshay can be spied rocking the bummy


If they are smiling despite being in Sydney.


Wearing shorts & a light shirt - but they don't match, indicating that they probably only own one of each, packed for the holiday. Wearing socks. Having their shirt tucked in on a hot day.


How do you match shorts and a shirt? Do you usually buy them in a set?


Not swimming between the flags. Fishing off rocks when it is obviously unsafe. Wearing masks walking around. Wearing socks with sandals. Being over dressed in casual situtations.


Socks with sandals is trendy - especially with Birkenstocks.


Definitely not swimming between the flags.


Stepping to the right on the footpath, glued to a camera.


Americans in their jesus sandals (Tevas etc).


Just their clothes and the way they carry themselves really. I can always tell from sight a German or Italian. Scandinavians also have a pretty particular “style” or choice of brands that are easy to pick up on. Americans are usually pretty obvious too. Noticing a lot of South Americans too but they seem to be students or temp residents more than tourists. The girls are often pretty obvious because they’re usually gorgeous and very short.


Particularly the men. European men later clothes a lot and wear scarves. Layering for an Aussie guy is a black puffer jacket


Brands of clothes and shoes Inc style can be a good indication.


Where are their black puffer jackets & appropriate quality takeaway coffees??


Wearing gators and a fly net net at Echo Point lol


Those terrible gimmicky shirts with the flag on them


Are you saying my dad has been a tourist for 30 years?




This is situation specific, but not watching where they step. Most tourists will happily walk between their car and the beach, or along a bushtrack, with their eyes on the horizon. Locals have learnt to watch where their foot comes down. They know all about bindis, snakes and other hazards.


Watching someone read a coffee menu with a what the fuck look on their face. Always makes me giggle.


Backpack with german/Canadian flag, knickerbockers, socks in sandals. Map and camera (real camera) in hand. Asking for directions in a foreign language. I’m sure there are more blunt or subtle hints. Yes a dingo really did dance with my spider before eating a snake


Big ugly sneakers and brand-new hiking gear, on puffed red sweating people standing in full sun.


Tassie specific - walking around Salamanca Market decked out head to toe in brand new high end hiking gear that has never left, and will never leave, the most perfectly sealed of sidewalks.


Really really white folks sunbaking


Bum bag and they aren't an eshay


Those long pants with the legs that zip off but they never take them off


They stop in the middle of the footpath or doorway


Sydney must be about 98% tourists then.


Wearing a leather bush hat.


The European tourists just chilling on the beach in the middle of winter when it's 13 degrees Alternatively, the European tourists whose skin is bright red after a few days of no sunscreen on the beach in the middle of summer, followed by peeling all over a few days later


Yanks in shorts, loud shirts, short white socks and white Reeboks. In the middle of winter. Cause it’s always hot here.


A group of Japanese, cameras clicking, at remote airport near Alice Springs. Enormous spider on a tree..... rubber nailed there by some Aussie larrikin! They had no idea.


A poorly parked/driven hire car.


In Canberra - puffer jackets. It's a balmy 4 or so degrees, I'm in jeans and t-shirt and motorcycle jacket, and the tourists are in puffer jackets going "OMG, It's freezing!". We be like "No, freezing is when there is ice on the puddles. You from up north?"


"Up north" in this case being Yass.




Wearing the backpack on your chest.


White on the front, red on the back wandering around Cairns. You’ve been snorkelling or sunbathing at the lagoon. Our UV is LETHAL.


They are not wearing a jacket in winter


They're surrounded by Australians saying 'try vegitmite' 'try timitams' 'try Milo, you need to half more Milo than milk HAHAHHAHAHAH' 'yeah nah yeah' or 'pretty much c#nt means mate and mate means c# t here"


They are smiling whilst in Sydney


If you see someone bleeding in a ditch with a drop bear eating their face, they are most likely a tourist and not tough enough for Aus.


They lie on the beach inn the middle of the day and put sun tanning oil on


Stopping at the edge of a pedestrian crossing as you approach so that you have to stop. And then wave to me as they cross. If they just walked, they would be across before I got there and none of us would have had to stop. Or worse, standing at the edge of a pedestrian crossing and chatting or looking at their phone and somehow not noticing cars waiting for them to cross. Parking their rented car facing the wrong way which is against the law. This local got a fright one time to see a car approaching me then swerve onto my side of the street and then commence to reverse park. It was unexpectedly un-nerving. Australians are not used to cars purposefully driving on the wrong side. I teach English as a foreign language to young students. On days out, it surprises me how many of my mainland Chinese students will not try local food. At lunch they scatter looking for a Chinese restaurant or MacDonalds. One student told me she had an Australian meal once and didn’t like it so she doesn’t like any Australian food. I’m not keen on Wontons. I guess I’d starve in China.


Not wearing the protective drop bear gear.




I live in a small tourist town. Best way to know who is a tourist or not. Tourists love to walk onto the main street with their camera snapping photos without a care in the world. They also ignore road crossing rules (pedestrians give way to cars) The town now has a permanent 40 speed through most of the main town area to protect everyone just waltzing onto the roads.... (don't know if that's the reason for the 40km speed)


Wearing bright colours and sydney branded gear in melbs


Walking on the right side of the path