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This isn't a question, and this isn't what this sub is for. But the message is good so we'll allow it this one time. Get yourself checked people, boys and girls.


It’s absolute bullshit that we aren’t offered proper pain management during and after doctors bash about inside us! I had two different doctors try 5 separate times to get a balloon catheter into my cervix to induce labour. The second Dr (a gyno consultant) laughed and said id breeze through labour after getting through that…………. I wasn’t fucking laughing. We all deserve better, and I hope your results are all good.


Blimey. That’s rough. The doctor is a bit of a twat. Thinking it and saying shit like that out loud are two totally different things.


I had 2 stretch & sweeps, balloon catheter and they also broke my waters. I ended up having a c-section but my gal hasn't been the same since! It was a painful experience but so normalized. Just breathe in and out while someone poked every apparatus further than it should go. Why do they think vaginas don't have nerve endings???


Historical patriarchal medical practise. Read up a bit about it - it’s eye watering


For truly horrifying nightmares, google the origins of the chainsaw.


The symphysiotomy. It makes me ask why women are made to feel so hated?


Even just the internal exam during labour. Your body is doing all it can to forcibly expell a rockmelon & they're digging around in there, against the grain, like they're planting a tree!


Yeah, it’s absolutely disgraceful how women’s health in managed! Anything to do with your reproductive organs doesn’t count apparently. OP thanks for this post, as I’ve had a hysterectomy and I had no idea I had to keep getting a papsmear!


The Pap smear has been replaced by a cervical swab test in a lot of cases now, and we get to take the swabs home and do them ourselves, and post them back, so even less reason to put them off! (Although I’m sure I still will.)


You’re welcome. It’s crazy how bodgy our bodies can be. I had my hysterectomy many moons ago. 2014 or 2015 ish. They all told me at the hospital and the checkups that I didn’t need to have a papsmear ever again either. Even though the doc said that the pathology report stated CIN 2 was present everywhere. Anyway, now we know. Take care of your coochie. Hehehehe


I read an article recently about misogyny in the medical system. Basically men not listening to/believing women and their pain levels.


Not just men, my friend. There do be some callous bitches in the gyno world.


I saw a female doc for my first Pap smear as a youngster. I refused to see another for nearly 30 years afterwards. It was so painful but I guess because she’s been through it I should just suck it up and deal with the pain. Luckily I’ve found excellent male GPs who listen to me.


Exactly. My GP, a woman who I went to for routine Pap smears, was brutal every single time. I had a tilted uterus, so the speculum was just super painful regardless of the size they used. She'd just crank that mother fucker like she was jackin' a car up! My gyno, however, was a lovely man. I saw him from the age of 14 up until I moved away at age 47. My daughter travelled to see him until he retired & now goes to the Dr who took over his practice. Empathy is the person, not the sex.


Please go get a pap smear. I waited about 10 years between them, and wish'd i hadn't. Had an abnormal one, so had to have a copolscopy, they are no fun at all. My experience was not like OPs tho, luckily. It was still pretty bad. Two surgeries later (a cpl years ago now) and it's time to go back and see what, if any, the damage is now. I'm procrastinating, and i shldnt be. But 30 years is way too long girl. You go make an appointment, and besta luck 🤞


Sorry if I wasn’t clear in my wording. I meant that it took me around 30 years to see female doctors for smears. I have been getting them regularly; I just prefer male docs. My daughter sees an excellent woman doctor who’s a part of the GP group we’ve been seeing all her life.


Worringly, the patriarchal practices have severely limited the progress in understanding female biology. Hard to believe, but the clitoris was only fully studied in the 1990s!


We women have known about clitorises since we came into existence thousands of years ago.


Yeah I was reading this wondering who I'd have to bribe and with how much to put me under general anaesthetic for this.


I was offered a D&C in the office once. I was are you fucking kidding me? I will be sedated, in the hospital, TYVM. I also had the oral surgeon who did my wisdom teeth ask me why I was sedated for it when I'd just had a baby without drugs. I was like I'm not fucking pregnant, matey, I'm not doing this for fucking fun.


I told my midwives that after 10 internal checks during my labour I would do one on them. Didn’t get past 4.


Fuck, ouch! I've had one of those buggers inflated in my nasal cavity and it's possibly the most painful thing I have ever experienced so I can't imagine it's much fun in your cervix either. Good luck, OP, keeping everything crossed for a happy outcome!


Towards the end of my first pregnancy, I went to hospital in excruciating pain. The duty obstetrician told me it was just normal late pregnancy pain and I’d just have to deal with it until the baby arrived. Then my blood pressure started spiking so they decided to induce me. When I was in the delivery room, another OB came in with my blood test results and commented, “Oh wow, your white blood count is through the roof - you actually are in a lot of pain!”


Agree.... That was so not fun. I lasted 12 hours then said deflate it and get it out I was done. Barbaric thing!


same here! the worst experience of my life. took two separate doctors until 1am to get mine in, the night before my induction which was scheduled for 6am the next morning.


I had to beg for more morphine while in hospital for a kidney stone.


This story made me laugh and cry at the same time. I had a similar experience involving biopsies and was told that my cervix didn't have nerve endings, so I wouldn't feel anything. Anyhoo the squirming in pain determined that was in fact a lie. A lack of anaesthesia when performing gynaecological surgeries is really prevalent, and it has to stop!


Anyone who thinks that the cervix doesn't have any nerve ending has clearly not had an IUD inserted/removed. I was told it would be slightly uncomfortable which was indeed an understatement.


I used to have Copper 7 and Copper T devices inserted - every time was like being harpooned 😓


I’m guessing the men who think their penises are gigantic and don’t hit the cervix so it can’t possibly feel anything 🙄


I have given birth to 2 kids and still remember the absolute agony of getting my Mirena inserted. I had to drive myself home after ( I assumed I would be fine) and thought I was going to vomit from the cramps. Mildly uncomfortable my ass


It's not often I've felt happy to be infertile. So this one is a blessing Ill never have to worry about


I had mine implanted a month ago under general anaesthetic, the gyno had done a biopsy a few weeks prior & it hurt like hell so I said there’s no way I’m getting the Mirena put in awake.


I had a mirena and it had annoying side effects so went to the dr's to get it removed. It took my breath away with the shock of the pain. Dr spent the whole time lecturing me that I shouldn't need it and should look to using the rhythm method instead which seems to negate a lot of the point of birth control.


Well so far it hasn’t been great but I was told to expect that, we’ll see how it goes. Mine wasn’t for birth control but to reduce my period as it tends to last for weeks at a time, but nothing has really changed as yet. But the dr wanted to get a biopsy first to check if there wasn’t a sinister reason behind it. I literally yelled out FUCK!!!! & started shaking uncontrollably from the pain & had to ask them to stop. The Mirena was supposed to go in the same day but I changed my mind after the dr said it will be just as painful, and had it under anaesthetic instead. I’m hoping the side effects settle down fingers crossed…


I got mine in today (under a general coz I had an ablation at the same time) and I am dreading side effects. I’ve never been able to take the pill, so can’t imagine the mirena would be much better. But now it’s in, I’m leaving it in there forever because no effing way are they taking it out without a general after hearing the horror stories


When you only discover you've met a catholic after the speculum is in.


I got mine during a D&C and I am scared to get it removed/replaced. Is it really an option to get it done not awake?


Certainly is, I went through the public system as well & only had to wait a month.


I know right. Being awake when having mirena inserted should be illegal! I've had 3 kids. That was worse.


Yep and yep. At least the twilight meds please. I had my first lot of biopsies and surgery for CIN2 when I was 23. And again in my forties. Now in my 50’s it’s taken itself up to a whole new level.


I remember hearing the noise I made for that cervical biopsy. Reminded me of a bellowing cow for its calf (I grew up on a farm). Doesn’t hurt is bs. Mightn’t hurt the the doctor, sore as hell hurt me.


Im lucky. My gyno works as part of a womens health and research group that specialises in nothing but gynacological and obstetric issues. She insisted on having me sedated for Mirena insertion, irrespective of whether or not I'd given birth. She doesn't believe in unnecessary pain, and it also gives her the opportunity to investigate more thoroughly than if you were awake and tense.


It does seem to vary wildly between women. For example I had a cervical biopsy just like this, no local anaesthetic, and I literally couldn’t feel a thing. Didn’t even know it was done. So having the anaesthetic needles would have hurt much much more. It’s all about discussing options, as anaesthetic is not without risk either.


Part of the problem for things like a punch biopsy is that the local anaesthetic can be more painful than the actual procedure and there aren't many decent alternatives. Similar to how if you're having a wound stapled they generally don't give a local if you're having less than 5 or so staples. I've also had dental work done with no anaesthesia because it was minor and the local would hurt more for longer. Often times unfortunately it's pick your pain.


Haven't heard of that but will show my missus your story. She has the BRC1 mutation and opted for a hysterectomy and oopherectomy as a preventative. She was going to have a mastectomy and reconstruction too but breast cancer struck first so she ended up with chemotherapy as a bonus. Anyway, have you considered writing as a career? You're very descriptive and engaging.


Thanks heaps. I love to write. It’s kinda like my therapy. I so hope your missus is doing okay now. So many different things that people have to deal with, it’s crazy to think about. I’m a wee bit of a mixed bag. Like everyone else, I’ve got a bit on. Tell anyone who will listen about getting their vaginas checked. My story (about this) is just beginning really. I’ve stalked a few groups on line who are going through a similar or way worse experience. Google sux. 😂 but I’d rather be prepared for the worst case scenario and hope for the best.


So, even in a country with excellent AND free-ish healthcare, women's pain is utterly ignored? If a man had had similar done to the ween & beans, he would've been fully sedated and sent home with a monogrammed morphine drip. I tell ya, the U.S.'s healthcare sucks notoriously, but WOMEN's healthcare sucks *universally.* Sorry for your crisis, and if you haven't already joined, *please* share this story in r/menopause!


Thanks heaps. I will do that. I think I skipped menopause among my health issues. It was definitely a shock to my system. I don’t understand why women are made to tough it out through things like this. I imagine that men have similar issues with their prostate checks. Pretty painful, but a quick examination.


It would also be helpful to post this over in r/hysterectomy Recently had mine whipped out and was told, now sans-cervix, 'nice to meet you, have a nice life, won't ever need to see you again' by the gyno. It's widely shared as a positive aspect of having a hysterectomy so it might be useful to dispel that myth. All the best with your recovery 🌸


men's biggest fear w/ a prostate check is getting an erection. I feel super cheated.


Man I hope you recover well and it's all done with. They tend to be cavalier when shoving things around down there, don't they? I'm always kind of left o.O and needing a strong drink! Thanks for letting folks know about VIN - it's definitely worth it, and now I'm googling about it. I always try to put off things because the checks hurt so bad but you've reminded me I need to get onto it.


I’m so glad you know about VIN now too. I googled and then was horrified by some of what I saw. Can’t unsee that shit…. I’m looking at google and saying to myself, ohhhhh mine doesn’t look anything like THAT. 😂


Yep. Still don't know what VIN stands for in this context


Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia 3 is the highest grade of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. Typically caused by HPV. It’s a change in the surface layers of the skin and the cells start growing abnormally. It’s not cancer but it has the highest likelihood of progressing to cancer, treatment can drastically reduce this risk. OP is definitely having a tough time (as a women’s health nurse I intervene to ensure pain relief is provided) and the follow up is critical. We need to do better on clarifying a woman’s self management re future screening and care post hysterectomy when the cervix is removed. A friend has had post menopausal bleeding but didn’t realise it was literally a red flag for endometrial cancer (lining of the uterus). And so important to know our bodies well armed with good health information so we can pick up changes from normal and act without shame or worry to get stuff assessed and dealt with.


Vulval Intrapethelial neoplasia. It’s pre cancer.


You are awesome 👏


Fucking hell mate. It doesn't pay to be the owner of a vagina. I hope it's not as shit for you tomorrow. My vagina is wincing in solidarity.


Many thanks. It is a tad much hey? Lol


Love the topped and tailed! Of all my female bits I've only got one Breast left. But I am alive. You are braver than me. My breast biopsies were nowhere near as bad, but when told we needed to take more with the anaesthetic wearing off, I suggested we try the pathologists penis first. I could not believe he thought it would be ok


Being alive is definitely a bonus. I had to re-read the bit about the penis a few times. 😂 I’m pretty sure he’d run a mile. My boob biopsy was not as bad as I thought it would be. But I had to lay down sideways on a chair, with my boob squished in the mammogram. Then the needles began. The needles into the nipples for lymph trace was not as bad as I thought either. Short but quick stinging. 4 of them suckers too. Omfg Still bad, don’t get me wrong, BUT nothing has compared to the needles in my noonie.


I had biopsies in several suspicious spots, in both breasts. Both had malignancies but in situ. Clear margins. I was 52 the first time and 53 the second time. I just laid on my side and after half an hour a nurse asked me how I was going because I was so quiet. "Bored shitless. Can someone bring me book, please?" I had a prophylactic double mastectomy in the end. Why risk having breast cancer ten years down the track? My life is just beginning.


Holy crap. You women have really high pain tolerance - I'd have been yelling for sedation or GA really early on.


Sometimes true, but women's pain is often dismissed and we're accused of being hysterical and overreacting, and/or we've been conditioned to be quiet and not make a fuss. Decades of anecdotal stories are starting to be backed up by academic research: [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210406164124.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210406164124.htm) [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-07/women-health-concerns-dismissed-gender-gap-australia-talks/100188270](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-07/women-health-concerns-dismissed-gender-gap-australia-talks/100188270) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/interactive/2022/women-pain-gender-bias-doctors/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/interactive/2022/women-pain-gender-bias-doctors/)


IKR ….. Wtf? How is that torture allowed? Women have a crazy level of pain tolerance. And control. I didn’t punch anyone 😂


I had an IUD inserted last year and they told me to take some panadol half an hour before hand. No other pain relief offered and it was pure hell. They forcibly dilate your cervix to insert the IUD. I was crying and the nurse was so lovely but it was hell. I would take a broken bone over what I experienced that day. How women's pain is treated in this country is a joke.


Yep. Extremely unpleasant. She’ll be right mate. It won’t take long. It’s not that bad. Yeah sure mate. It’s crazy that no pain relief is offered. When I have my bone marrow biopsies done they ask if you want a local or if you want to spend some time playing with the fairies. Fairies….. give me the drugs so I can play with the fairies. PLEASE….. while you inflict havoc on me in the name of medicinal assistance.


I’m so glad my gyno only offered to do the IUD under general. Nice little sleep, few days of cramping, that was it.


I wish I had been given the option. I went through true health and they offered nothing. Still 100% worth it.


You poor thing, that sucks. I agree they’re worth it though; I went from hideous periods with lots of physical and mental symptoms to nothing at all. I just wish I’d been offered one 10 years earlier.


If they don’t offer, ask. Especially if you’re paying out of pocket or private insurance, they have no reason to deny you general anesthesia if they’re in hospital.


Yeah, I felt like a car being repaired when I had my IUD removed and a new one inserted. The male doctor cranked me open with the most outdated, painful speculum and I swear he just punched the IUD in. Didn't say a word to me the entire time other than checking what procedure I was there for. That was my first and last experience ever having a male doctor do the procedure. Before and since (three IUDs total, and countless cervical biopsies and other procedures), I've trusted female doctors only and they've been so lovely and gentle and kind. I'm a bit sad that the one doctor has given me such a fear of male doctors in this space.


I had an IUD inserted in March, and it was a horrible experience. I didn’t really want it done but I had to (it’s for hormone treatment, not birth control), I was stressed out and anxious before it started. I asked if I could get something to calm my nerves and the doctor told me “women get these every day, you’ll be fine.” I was not fine.


Would have been great to tell him that men get kicked in the balls everyday too. Then ask if he would be fine with that. What a prick.


The IUD is to treat uterine cancer, and I just wasn’t in a good headspace. Between that, and just how *dismissive* the doctor was… When my husband picked me up, I was sitting in the carpark crying. My husband is not a violent man, he’s a big teddy bear, but I had to stop him from going in and doing violence to the doctor.


I had IUDs in the 80s and ended up the same way. Crying in the carpark. My husband felt helpless and rightly so. We had been begging doctor after doctor to sterilize both of us because we simple didn't want kids.


And it’s always described as a pinch or a pull. My IUD was not a pinch, it was a battering ram being shoved into my cervix. The old one being removed wasn’t a slight pulling sensation, it felt like they were trying to pull my intestines out through my vagina. I firmly believe the language used by medical professionals is in direct relation to the lack of pain relief offered. Then you’ve got all the associated cramping and bleeding that comes with a lot of these procedures.


I tried a Mirena IUD once before my hysterectomy. Holy crapola. Going in felt exactly as you described it. Definitely not a little pinch. Having it taken out was a short, sharp moment I’ll never have to experience again. Yet my mate has had no issues or pain with hers at all. Dunno, but that and this pain are firmly implanted in my brain.


I have to have mine changed next year and I'm dreading it. The strings have vanished so I have no idea how they will get the sucker out, but I'm sure it won't be good.


If the strings are gone they should recommend doing it under a general anaesthetic, that's what happened with me. I insist on a general now either way - it's just too painful otherwise. Good luck!


It’s crazy the amount of pain and discomfort women are expected to tolerate in medical settings, especially where gynaecological issues are concerned.


It's literally so bad with gyn issues and it makes me extremely angry. I have severe endo and I've been brushed off so many times because 'look at the hysterical woman with her gyn issues' despite the fact it's spread well beyond my reproductive organs. It's getting a bit better now the more surgeries I have because I have evidence to back it up but in the 17 years I was fighting for a diagnosis I did not have my pain taken seriously once. They only listened once I told them I didn't want to focus on my poorly healed snapped tailbone as it barely registered against the endo pain. They finally believed me as they figured the tailbone thing would actually hurt. Ridiculous. When OP has an experience that's absolutely barbaric and there's people backing her up as the norm, change needs to happen


Take it easy love. Peace and healing to your home.


Many many thanks. It is definitely not something I would of expected or even knew about.


Was 37 when I was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Mum was 41 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Anyone can get something nasty at pretty much any age. Always get the weird shit checked. Listen to your instincts and its ok to shop around with doctors til you find someone who listens and takes you seriously. Hope your results are all good ❤️ you sound pretty tough.


I am so angry for you that they didn't offer pain relief or sedation. Hugs. If you're struggling with pain, ring up and request some actual painkillers. They don't have to give you a lifetime supply of endone or anything crazy, but it's 100% reasonable to dispense a 2 day supply of panadeine or Nurofen plus. (Yes, they come in boxes of 20 tablets or something, but with a prescription the pharmacy will break open a box and give you the correct amount). Please insist on it should you need any future procedures, they can also dispense a single tablet of diazepam (valium) as a calmative prior to those procedures. It's farking criminal that they do it without warning women. (Imagine men going in for their vasectomy without any warning or pain relief). I'm a midwife, I swear half my job is helping women to advocate for themselves. The number of women who've come out of a "routine" cervical biopsy or IUD removal barely able to walk and unable to work for a couple days, while being told "this is nothing, just a pinch". Grrrrr


Hi there. Thanks heaps for advocating for us women. We do tend to just put up with crap to get it over with. I’m all good now. It’s been a long week though. Even had to ice pack the bitch to get to sleep 😂


Medicine really does seem to be overtly sexist against women.


Seriously, pain management for women is some major fucking BS. Many years ago I had the (much milder) experience of the vinegar and biopsy special combo. When I mentioned how much it hurt to my otherwise darling Dad, a GP, he looked puzzled and said “but it’s just acetic acid” I admit my voice went up in volume and frequency, as I responded “well I hope next time you see your proctologist he shoves a cut lemon up your arse!” To his credit, he did pause and say “oh. Good point” And from that day on, was far more sensitive to the possibility that women might be telling the truth when they yell in pain. It was funny in hindsight - but he absolutely should not have needed his 35yo daughter to threaten him with a lemon.


😂 on ya dad. Lol at least he actually paused and listened to you. The things ya do to keep a lemon out of your ass hey… lol


Hooooly shit. Lost American here, I'll be asking my primary care doc to check my vag, but at what cost? Take it so easy.


Hi there. It’s definitely not something I even would of thought to consider hey. But now I know and you know and many others will know and hopefully it helps if they find themselves in a similar predicament. Those 4 little needles up my coochie was beyond any pain I have ever felt. I’ve had bone marrow biopsies, boob biopsies, other surgeries and procedures that really sucked. BUT……. Omfg. They need to use a twilight sedation for that sort of crap.


Ooft you poor thing, what a harrowing experience!! We women have it tough with these lil procedures on our reproductive organs, and so often without any kind of pain relief! A few years back I had an abnormal Pap smear result and had to get a colposcopy/cervical biopsy to get it properly checked out. I’ll never forget the pain and nausea from that. The vinegar on the cervix, the forceps, the punching tool going into the flesh. Then they put the weird paste on the wound to stop the bleeding and you have to lay there with everything pried open while it sets. Then for the next few days you have bloody chicken skin looking stuff dropping out of your vag when you pee or shower. Jesus Christ. I had to get a follow up one done six months later and thankfully got the all clear after that. I hope everything goes well for you in four weeks. Thank you for sharing your story ❤️


I’m glad you are ok now. It was an awful experience for you. I still remember the crunch sound from my first biopsy at 23. Instantly cringe when I think about it. Same as listening to the slice and dice last week.


Punch biopsies are a proper cunt! I hope this is the end of your slicing and dicing, lady ❤️


I agree 100%. My fingers are crossed because I can’t cross my legs. Lol


I’m so angry for you right now. No pain relief or aftercare. It should honestly be a crime. They know enough about pain to stick needles in for a local but don’t think that slicing and dicing one of the tenderest most nerve filled area in the body will just be fine after. I’m also very annoyed that a female doctor just didn’t even click to think about it. I’m sorry this happened to you but also appreciate you sharing your story


If men had to go thru any of this, aggressive pain management would be provided


This story had me laughing so hard, your writing is a gem! Thank you for sharing though and best of luck with your full recovery; a couple of things it made me think of. 1. I swear we need a second round of sex ed at about 30 to learn about all the stuff that can happen and will happen. (And everyone needs a matter-of-fact first round of sex ed, there’s no excuse with the many great resources out there now). Everyone with a vagina would do well to check out [Dr Jen Gunter’s](https://drjengunter.com/) website, books and podcast, as a great starting point. 2. Thankfully the HPV vaccinations that have been very widespread over the last 20 years or so should reduce risk of this sort of thing significantly. It seems like you probably just missed out based on your age OP. I’m nearly 40 and part of the first year that got offered them. For anyone reading, check with your GP if you’re eligible and if you have kids (any gender, not just girls anymore) make sure they get the full course of vaccinations, it’s so important. 3. Have those checkups! Pap smears and prostate checks and mammograms and colonoscopies as recommended by your GP aren’t much fun but all of them can pick up things before they turn into giant traumatic shitshows.


You can get the hpv vaccinations up to age 45 but it’s out of pocket. In the US they are doing catch-ups for the older group but not here yet. I’ve heard worldwide that the vax rate for gardisil is dropping which isn’t good. My kids have had it.


They definitely forgot to send me a memo about this crap. Lol I’m glad you enjoyed my story. Lol My brain is wired just as bodgy as my body thankfully. Or I’d be screwed dealing with life. Lol


I wish you a speedy recovery. Ngl you have me a little concerned after my appointment last week. Was supposed to have a mirena refresh and a pap attack (cervical screen). Did not go to plan. My poor girl was just not having it and I was having pain where I really shouldn't have pain. The Dr quickly (and painfully) did the pap attack. We spoke in her office and I agreed to have a pelvic and internal ultrasound (which happened the next day and again pain when it shouldn't be painful) See the Dr next week. She assured me that my cervix looks fine. We have a history of youngish breast cancer and some gyno cancers so im just hoping this is a "why does my body never cooperate" frustration that we can overcome. I've had 2 kids and a high pain threshold getting the mirena in and previous pap attacks have never been painful.


From one stranger to another, good luck with your results next week. Hope everything is ok.


that is god awful and to kick you out without pain medication is fkn barbaric. no opiates love, ya might get addicted. ffffffffffffffffffuck off. complain to your gp that the hospital sucks


This is happening way too much. I've never had decent pain relief for any surgical procedure except my wisdom tooth removal and even that wasn't medicated properly. It's completely fucked.


Bloody sad, sorry to hear that. My wife got decent stuff for the surgeries she's had in the past few years and they were a couple of very significant surgeries including a hysterectomy so very thankful they didn't pull that on her. Not sure how she would have made it through.


It’s truly amazing what we can get through in life hey. She sounds like an amazing strong woman.


Copied from my own comment a few months ago: I had a culposcopy in Australia about 3 years ago (no biopsy) with 0 drugs or anaesthetic offered. They sent me home with a pad and said "if you bleed through this go to hospital". And it cost $400


I am a bloke and that made me x the legs... damn ouch


It’s cringe worthy for sure. I don’t have balls, but it felt like, if I do, they’d of been up around my ears in shock. 😂


I’m so sorry mate, I was treated for CIN3 (similar condition but cervical). I had a tough time with pain (went into shock). They kept injecting more local aesthetic but it still hurt. I think it’s a far more sensitive area than people realise. For comparison I had a lipoma removed from my face under local, full on inch of my face opened up and I didn’t feel a thing! You’ve made it through so much and I’m so glad they caught this at VIN3, pre cancerous. Thank god for the new testing. For all people eligible for cervical screening, get it done. The new tests are much more advanced than Pap smears. They can detect PRE cancerous cells, sometimes even 10 years before a cancer will develop. It’s amazing stuff. Between that and the HPV vax we could potentially wipe out cervical cancer. If it’s not right, check in with your doctor.


I too was treated for CIN 2 in my 20’s. I don’t remember anything like the pain I experienced last week. Lipomas suck too. Glad that they got that sucker out and hope it never returns.


Oh, VIN, yeah. Only coz I know about the smear test process. But I can't remember, but the name rings a bell. The "grabbing cells" process too, sucks. Shits me that no one gives pain meds tho.


Vault smears are usually only required after hysterectomy with a history of abnormal Pap smears and HPV. Did you have any of that before your hysterectomy? I am 4 weeks post hysterectomy for cervical cancer and will need yearly vault smears for the next 5 years


She said elsewhere is has been an issue since early 20s, so likely yes.


Sorry for your pain. Loved the write up, awesome.


Thanks and You’re welcome. It’s definitely not something I want to experience ever again.


That sounds horrendous.... Its amazing that Doctors think something like that wont be painful! I had a IUD put in, didn't offer me any pain relief and just told me to take Nurofen. Also suggested that a heat pack would help with the pain afterward. The heat pack made the pain 10 times worse...... They are useless when it comes to womens health


I've had a LEETS/LEEP procedure done last year after abnormal biopsies and Pap smears (im 34) and they wanted to also change my Marina (hormonal IUD) with only locals and I said F NO! made them give me the full GA at the hospital bc I was NOT having the end of my cervix cautorized off with a hot wire, then have the new IUD inserted thru the new wound... with only 10 - 12 local numbing needles.... no thank you, they could knock me out! Ladies please advocate for pain medication bc the Ops story is totally the sad normal in gyno world n total BS! We deserve pain management as biopsies are pieces of our cervix etc. Cut off with no numbing and that's total horse shit!!! Especially when men get offered pain meds for routine scrotal ULTRASOUNDS! WTF!!!! Mostly to prevent them from getting an embarrassing errection bc being embarrassed at the doctors as a man is the total end of the world. So bs!!! OP I hope your doing better now!!! Xx


Thanks heaps for your reply. It’s truly incomprehensible that the pain we experience is acceptable. I wasn’t offered any pain relief with the mirena other than pop some Panadol luv.


my wife had a hysterectomy too. 6 monthly checkups tho... they found stage 1 cancer. I am glad she gets these regular checkups. I cant imagine being without her.


Yayyyy. I’m so glad she’s ok now. Definitely make sure you let her know my story so she continues to get regular papsmears anyway.


OMFG I clenched up automatically reading this, girl you deserve a general anaesthetic and an epidural to deal with that!! I had my cervix removed with the uterus… the whole vault smear has me wanting my whole vag removed now😳


Lol. I clench with each memory of it all. Lol. It’s now unfortunately a core memory now. Thanks for that Doc. Lol


Yeah,nah, your gyno should have offered the option of under sedation. Next time you see her tell her that this was too painful and you should have been given the option, nothing will change if you don't give her feedback. If she won't take that onboard for future treatment for you or others, then she might not be the gyno for you. Also, did she give you a fact sheet at all about what you have and the treatment types for it? Most doctors these days usually print one out for you because they realise that you might not think of questions in the moment of being told about what you have. I had never heard of VIN before, but I have now looked it up, and there are lots of fact sheets about it.


WTAF!!!!! What sort of doctor is this? A freaking butcher?! 🤬 “just breath”. You breath bitch! That is absolutely horrific! Why do doctors assume that a woman can tolerate any pain and are told to just breath?


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/menopause] [Advice from Downunder](https://www.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/163fsey/advice_from_downunder/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I haven't had a biopsy there, but I had an FNA for a lump on my shoulder that turned out to be cancer. Then they did another kind of biopsy, with some kind of spring loaded needle gun. The first shot was a local anaesthetic, which hurt. The rest of the half dozen stabs were with the spring loaded thing, each of which hurt as much as the first needle. I can only imagine how much they would have hurt without the anaesthetic. I wasn't given nearly enough warning. You have my deepest sympathy.


Wow. Crazy that your lump was cancer. That would of been awful for you and your family to go through. Our bodies are whacked.


Ugh, that reminds me that I'm due for my pap smear and keep getting reminders to get it done. Last time I had it done it hurt because my cooter is small. I'm sorry to hear you're going through that, and it really shits me that they don't even bother giving any pre meds or anything before the procedure and don't give you pain meds to take home afterwards. You're just left to suffer through the pain and discomfort.


There are different sized ducks bills, make sure to let them know you need small!


Yeah I will do next time, for my first time the doctor went through like 3 different ones before she found the right one that didn't feel like it was splitting me in two lol


I have two cervices and a vaginal septum, but we didn’t know I had the septum my first one, so when they tried the ‘normal’ size I was like nope nope nope nope not doing this 🤣🤣


Make sure they do the HPV test, of it's negative you can go down to every five years


Oh man. Definitely keep on top of it hey. I also just learned that there are different sizes in the spreader. Lol. Thanks to the comment below yours. My cooter has gone through the wringer lately. Bit more TMI giggles for yas. One of my ex’s told me once my cooter was cute. (As if. Lol) and my mind just yells, AINT SO CUTE NOW IS IT???? 😂


GF went for her first Par Smear in about a decade recently. Said apparently it's do-it-yourself these day. Progress, I guess?...


It is and it will save lives. So many women in my cervical cancer groups are in a really bad position bc they could not bring themselves to have a Pap smear.


I can understand that. GF had been putting it off because it's so uncomfortable, even though she knows she should have one. Only ended up getting it done because she was getting her Implanon renewed (and they did a terrible job of that)


Wow that is borderline abuse. I can’t believe you had to endure that. I love that you still have a good sense of humour about it but fuck me that is rough. Advice taken, I will absolutely be more proactive with the Pap smears and breast screenings.


Yayyyyyy. My story has achieved what I wanted. Thanks for being proactive with your checks. Good job Bob. I unfortunately see the funny in everything especially when it’s inappropriate. Lol


Big oof, you sound like a trooper that's for sure. Sorry you had to go through all that, hope you get better soon.


Keep fighting. You're doing great. I'm sorry you've had a rough trot.


My favourite bit was when you called your vagina "old girl" 😂


I had a colcoscopy searching for cervical cancer, which they did find. Like the OP no pain relief or even a valium even though I told them I was in great pain to begin with. The sprays, scraping etc had me in tears. End result 7.5cm tumour growing out of cervix. Cruel and unusual punishment and the treatment was worse


People should also know, there is no way for those with penises, to be tested for HPV! They can be passing it around, but it’s only if a person with a cervix tests positive for it and informs the person with a penis it’s possible they might have it. How messed up is that?! We have to have our hoo-ha’s swiped (every 5 years now, as long as you have had the new Pap test not smear) for me double dose cause I have two of everything down there, but the penises as always get away Scot free… Don’t get me wrong, I religiously get my pap done (also remember it can’t check for uterine or ovarian cancers!) and will continue to do so, and will start mammograms as soon as I’m old enough for the free screening, and do my boob checks every time I’m in the shower, and get things checked out if they don’t feel right, but us people with cervices have to do this and there’s not even a blood test for penises regarding HPV!


My mum had VIN 7 times over about 10 years. It's incredibly difficult and often not widely talked about. All the best for your recovery.


I hope it all works out for the best for you. I'm 3.5 years boobless and still get a pap smear and checkup despite the fact that I have been 'out of commission' since I was 40. I had tokophobia all my fertile life and instead of enduring one more IUD insertion, I opted out of having sex at all. The last attempt to have a Mirena IUD was when I was on HRT and a female doctor was trying to reach my cervix with a speculum made for a goddam pachyderm! She twisted and turned that separating rod of stainless steel as I cried. Yes, I fucking cried. I could hear scraping which didn't help me with the misophonia. She stopped but not before telling me that it was painful because "I was dried up and shrunken because I am older." I got dressed and as I left, I told the nursing students that I hoped they'd enjoyed the perversion of a show that I had given no permission to be viewed. It's damned time we women got out the petitions and placards and made a shit ton of loud noise about this. We deserve pain prevention and pain relief. We are not bovines and equines to be bred, although they too deserve gentleness. I felt everything you wrote (you're good!) and after scrolling for a while, I have to bale out of this thread. I'm triggered. My internalized misogyny has returned. I hate the medical profession on account of how women are treated, just because we are defined as demonically gifted beings with enormous pain thresholds. We have pain thresholds because there is SFA pain relief, if any at all. My male GP said to insist on a male gyno and ask for anesthesia. Don't take no for an answer. The younger, newer male doctors are extra gentle, lest they end up with a SA lawsuit. Before I finish, I just want to yell out VELVET-LINED SPECULUMS FOR EVERYBODY!!!! And warm the thing up, stat!


Woman’s health is an absolute joke. We have such a long way to go. I’m so sorry you’ve had this experience and hope things get better for you here on out. Hugs.


I have had the injections up the vag and I can say with my whole heart it fucking sucked giant hairy balls. Hated it, also had pieces taking off and general clean out.......negative 1 million out of 10 do not recommend. Since that day Ive always told ANYONE if you needs this done, get knocked out or some serious happy drugs prior to the fuckery!


Don't really have much to add other than using the term 'old girl' made my day. Have a lovely day


Thank you for sharing and I'm sorry you had to go through that. The worst I've had is the HSG test where they flush fluid through your fallopian tubes to check for blockages. That hurt like hell but at least they weren't cutting parts off me


That one barely registered for me!


Whoaaaaaaa. That sounds really painful too. I hope you’re ok now.


O.M.G. why couldn't they put you to sleep for this??!


They could have, they chose not to. Story as old as time.


I’m sorry they didn’t offer you anything, but sometimes you need to be assertive when they don’t. If nothing is provided, *ask* and then ask again. Make sure you have someone that can drive you home otherwise they won’t give you anything at the hospital.


Thanks hey. I’m usually pretty good at speaking up. I drove myself as I wasn’t expecting it to be that bad. The last one I had was bearable. This one, not so much. Lol


Thank you for your wonderfully written post. I laughed, cried, cringed & winced. I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago & haven't had a pap since. Honestly thought I was free n clear. Am now rethinking deeply.


You’re so welcome lol I was the same as you. Living life uterusless and cruising by. Meanwhile I have been growing nasty cells in my hoohah. I had pre cancer in my boob, had a double mastectomy in May. The ‘put me to sleep’ gyno surgery in June. Now this and they’re going back in for more. But at least I will be asleep for this one too. I will definitely be telling them what I think of their needles up my noonie though. Lol


Can confirm about the vinegar and pain of the biopsy. I hade CIN 3 (which is a similar type of pre cancer but in the cervix rather than the vagina). I was in enormous pain for several days and was advised that it’s a common procedure and ‘not that bad’.


Ohhhhhhhhh. That solution is horrendous on ya bits. I’ve had CIN 2 twice before but had never heard of VIN. I hope you never have to experience anything like that again.


It does seem to vary wildly between women. For example I had a cervical biopsy just like this, no local anaesthetic, and I literally couldn’t feel a thing. Didn’t even know it was done. So having the anaesthetic needles would have hurt much much more. It’s all about discussing options, as anaesthetic is not without risk either.


I had dissolving stiches on my head once, turns out they take forever and my regular GP wasn't happy that they gave them to me. While I don't want to pile on I thought mention that once the area has healed and the stiches aren't necessary, if they don't dissolve in a timely manner see a doctor and get them taken out. I assumed they'd dissolve and waited way too long. No real long term downside but they're annoying.


I had my first cervical biopsy at 23 with no anaesthetic 😭


you poor thing, sending love and well wishes your way! fingers crossed that’s the last of the bullshit pain you’ll have to endure


Yeah Nah that shouldn't have been done with you awake. How brutal :(


I had the same thing 3 years ago! I had those same results for 10 years, constantly told it would develop into cancer.. ignored it like an idiot Finally came to my senses when deciding to try for a baby I had a LLETZ procedure under general anaesthesia. I wish I'd done it sooner! Super easy recovery, and have had no issues since


Can I ask what your symptoms were?


Fark! Hope you feel better soon.


JFC, I'm packing a cut lunch but that sounds horrific. If I had to endure that there would be requests for 120 types of anaesthetic and pain relief. Hoping for the best outcome and a rapid recovery.




I am horrified and so sorry that you didn't receive a GA for the biopsies. I hope you heal quickly and nothing too nefarious appears with the results


OMG that’s horrific!! I am sending you hugs!! I had some spotting after peri and my female* GP got me a biopsy stat at the Mater Public who wanted to do sans painkillers while awake. I told them the last time anyone had tried that I bled for 3 days (and nearly passed out) It was rescheduled with anaesthetics and ended up being at the Mater Private (fancy) The literal torture they perform on women is god awful *when I mentioned it a male GP previously he just shrugged and said nothing. THIS IS A SIGN OF CANCER


Jesus H Christ, I’m glad you’re alright. Had a ablation and IUD inserted today and thank fuck they did it under a general. I reckon I would have gotten down off that table and walked out if I had to go through what you did. Ouch!


Local anaesthetics suuuuck


I'm shocked by what I just read and it reminds me of a Serial podcast about horrendpus pain women were put through in surgery. That was a typo but it fits the topic and it's hysterically funny so it's staying


You’re a legend. Good luck with everything and stay strong! What a woman you are 💙💙💙


It’s fuckinh barbaric that they still don’t offer sedation when they’re cutting chunks out of you. I had a friend who screamed and her doctor told her to be quiet because it’s just a pinch.


Fark that’s brutal as heck and I’m cringing so hard right now. Why are doctors so ridiculously insensitive?! Try jabbing and slicing up a man’s bits like that - there’d be a public outcry! I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all that 🥺


Oh you poor fucker. I had an ivf egg retrieval with no anaesthetic it was brutal... Needles and vag walls dont mix. I'll cross my legs no further treatment is required I was so scared from that ivf experience when it came time to have baby. I said the first person that comes near me needs to be the guy with the spinal tap! Never heard of Vin3. Crazy times


OP I bloody love your writing style. I remember your “tits done and dusted” post. I’m so sorry you went through this but I hope you’re okay and thank you for spreading the word.


Great advice OP, thanks Mods for allowing it. Holy heck, talk about poor bedside manner. Maybe it's my autistic self, but I need to know the ins and outs of anything intense like that. I'd be ticked off at not being allowed pain meds. What in the actual medieval torture chambers was that?! Hopefully healing goes well for you OP, and nothing cancerous or whatever results. You've been through the ringer.


I’m so sorry to hear about your experience and I hope you heal soon 🤍 I am 26 and have one child, I had my first smear test now and it was basically a covid test for my hoohaa & I was able to do it myself in private! I then received my results and don’t need one for another 5 years as it was normal! So even if you’re younger please don’t be scared & get it over and done with. X


Ladies if you meet criteria, you can self-collect your cervical screening test with a swab in the vagina - no speculum by a doctor unless necessary! ?Sorry ladies with hysterectomies need clinician-collected ones. Source: midwife and nurse currently doing a quality improvement project on CSTs


Gynae theatre nurse here. Although they can be done with just local anaesthesia, i really cannot suggest them being done that way. The pain is excruciating on our side even if we are not the patient. We do them normally under general anaesthesia. It's a quick procedure like 5-10 mins but maybe some gynae docs are just trying to save money from getting an anaesthetist. Just a bit of medical information here, the abnormal cells in the vagina is caused by the human papilloma virus. They will cut the abnormal cells off by burning it off with a cautery machine. Now if you dont burn it off, the abnormal cells can start to affect your uterus then your entire female reproductive system.


Men, be careful with unprotected sex, HPV is a STI and can turn into cancer with females. You can't test for it as a man and will only find out once you get a wart. Warts can come at anytime during the infection period and infection can last upto 3 years. Feel sorry for OP, as your female partner (even a hookup) could end up like this when diagnosed with cervical cancer.


I had an attempted manual removal of placenta without any anaesthetic, in the labour ward, 1.5 hours after giving birth and no longer fully dilated 😰 it failed, but tore me and I was rushed to surgery to have it done again under GA. It was absolutely negligent. There is such a lack in actual acknowledgement of the pain associated with gynaecological matters


Yes on my first papsmear at age 24


Almost choked on the topped and tailed comment honestly. This is so frigging accurate to Australian healthcare though. I don't understand the blatant disregard for shoving shit around all up in places they don't belong and expecting people to just deal.


That’s terrible! I’m sorry you experienced that


I had a couple of tears reading this, one from laughing at your descriptions and the other from the fucking awful thing you went through. That is honestly fucked. Hope you feel much better soon


Same goes with skin cancer!!! a family member is stage 4 and scares me. get lumps and bumps checked hope your recovery is better than the operation!


It is *infuriating* that these procedures aren’t done with any anaesthetic. I had CIN3 scraped out twenty years ago, chunk the size of the top knuckle up on my thumb, and it went pretty much exactly how you described. IT’S INTERNAL FUCKING SURGERY and at *best* the put a bit of numbing cream in beforehand. When my mum found out she was furious and went off at the doc and receptionist for not letting me even recover for twenty minutes before telling me to walk out of there. Actual screaming match.




I am in the UK (so NHS) and I think that procedure sounds similar to a hystoscopy? All of the online descriptions read a bit like yours. However, the reality is that it is usually done in a specialist clinic where there is gas and air available. It's good if you can take some pain relief before you turn up for the appt. It's not quite as bad as you think it's going to be and if it is getting really uncomfortable they will give local anaesthetic which is initially a bit uncomfortable but soon numbs the area. However, my friend who has private healthcare was automatically given the procedure under GA, so there's that!


I’m SO sorry for the needless trauma you were put through. They absolutely should have done that with at least twilight sedation, if not more. Thank you for sharing your story. I was also told no need for pap smears - had one after my hysterectomy and then they said it was all good, never have to have one again. Now I know that’s not necessarily the case! I will do some research, and make some plans. Thank you. Wishing you a smooth recovery. ❤️


Jesus. Go to the doctor and ask for more painkillers. What a nightmare. So it was tumours? I've never heard of VIN


I had a hysterectomy ten years ago and also told no need for Pap smears?


&&Well, firstly, I'm sorry you've had to go through this. It sounds incredibly tough and painful. As the professional advice goes, you should definitely continue to get PAP smears even after a hysterectomy. This is because the risk of cancer does not completely disappear even after the uterus has been removed. The procedure you went through is called a colposcopy, used to examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva for signs of disease. It's usually done when PAP smear results come back abnormal. It's unfortunate that your results came back as Stage 3 VIN - Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia. This is a precancerous condition where abnormal cells are found on the surface of the vulvar skin. The next steps usually involve further biopsies or surgeries to remove the abnormal tissue and prevent further development into cancer. The pain you felt during the procedure is unfortunately very common, and it's usually recommended to have some form of sedation or anesthesia. Lastly, yes, it's crucial for everyone to get regular check-ups, not just for the reproductive system, but for all aspects of health. Regular PAP smears, breast exams, and mammograms are crucial for early detection and prevention of cancer. I hope you recover soon and that your results in the future are favorable.&&