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Did you miss the memo? We’re here to spread the seed and dilute the other races!!! ASIAN POWER!!! Jokes aside, we like what we like. Sometimes it’s less about race and more about culture. Imagine typical asian immigrated parents and the quirky things they did that would embarrass you in front of your friends. Sounds silly but it does carry over.


Well when the genders are the other way around it’s not wanting to deal with the in-laws, so there’s probably an element of that involved.


To me it’s about matching cultures, not necessarily to do with looks. Meeting very Asian women (as in Asian inside and outside) they feel as foreign to me as if I was Caucasian. We don’t match up in values. Many, many white dudes would happily date them though.


Well if you were born and raised here, I totally understand why you would find them as foreign as a white australian does. We've had a very similar upbringing and internalised the same culture. I also disagree that 'many' white dudes would happily date 'very Asian' women. The cultural clash is the same right?


It’s called yellow fever, my friend. There are definitely a lot of white guys who love Asian women.


> 'many' white dudes would happily date 'very Asian' women. I think he meant they would date them but not marry them. I maybe wrong.


Whenever you date someone on a visa who seems too eager, you always have to wonder if they're really in to you or if they're just trying to get a partnership visa


Unless you own a home and make six figures I don't think it applies


On pen and paper? Their caste-like culture, their misplaced value system that puts money and status and ego and appearances above happiness and wellbeing and safety In reality, what took me away from even looking at asian women is something that some Kiwi / New Zealanders might understand (the only group I've managed to find that shares this sentiment) - When I grew up, I was surrounded by neighbours who all were asian (different ones, but we all looked the same and ate the same) and now as an adult I am chemically incapable of being attracted to asian women, much like how you are incapable of being attracted to your parents or your brother or sister Also for the longest time I always enjoyed my mother's racist remarks at my non-asian girlfriends (i.e. can't cook, uneducated, breasts too big, useless) I have a toddler now and I'm glad she's not going to be growing up with the same culture my grandparents did


I know of an Aus born Korean women who tried dating a Korean international student back in her uni days… it didn’t work out because he found her too ‘independent, Westernised, not girly enough, liberal’ etc etc 🙄


It’s often very funny (if no-one is really getting hurt) when you see whatever is the equivalent of a weeboo run into a real Korean bloke and finds out that K-drama series are just as unrealistic as soap operas anywhere as far as cultural context.


Koreaboo is th term I've heard.


You are like that Asian girl on the dating show saying she won't date the Asian guy because he looks like her brother. It makes no sense. You never hear the same thing out of white people.


I mean if you wanna date someone who looks like your brother, go ahead


So by your logic, everyone in your ethnicity looks like a brother or cousin. You understand why that makes no sense right? What you have friend, is called internalised racism.


And due to this internalised racism, I'm not going to date someone who looks like a family member Would you like me to be re-educated in removing this internalised racism? Will it help you sleep at night? Or will you let me happily live my life being attracted to people who don't look like family members?


How is it that only people like you consider an entire group of people to look like your "family member" while majority of the population in this country grow up right next to people who looks like them and have no such issue. Do you ever ask yourself such questions? You do what ever you want dude, I'm not here to be your saviour. I'm just calling a spade a spade.




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yeah coz for white people, they are the standard, so they wont be saying that lol


it makes no sense what so ever white or asian or black. you only hear this shit from Asians


Not true, my sister and I are both blond and she never dated a blond for exactly this reason.


Do you not date white people at all, because some of them have blond hair?


Maybe not for strictly the same reason, but lots of white guys don't want to date white women.


As a white guy I've never seen anyone utter that sentiment in real life. I think that's just an online thing.


Probably because people are less willing to flatly say it in pubic or to another person face to face, but it doesn't make it any less true. There's a reason why there are so many white man/asian woman couples. Similar sentiment.


Sydney is about 60% white, 20% asian, 20% everyone else. So we would expect 20% of white men to be dating asian women, and 60% of asian women to be dating white men - if we assume that ethnicity plays zero role in matchmaking. I can't find hard numbers on it, but if I tally the relationships of people I know, it seems to map onto the above pretty well.


>if we assume that ethnicity plays zero role in matchmaking. Which you can't because the socio-politics of interracial relationships dominates multicultural societies, but your statistics are reasonable.


What's FOB? Ignorant non-asian asking.


In short, "Fresh Off the Boat"


FOB: a term used by second generation Asians in the West to differentiate themselves from the cultural values and habits of newly arrived Asian immigrants The divide is really evident in major Australian universities where Asian Aussies would make memes about their ostentatious displays of wealth etc etc


Every last one is massively materialistic


There is nothing wrong with them? However I can understand not wanting to date someone due to their future being uncertain for visa reasons (working holiday ect)?


Is this not the same (or similar) thing to white and black Asianophiles always wanting to date Asians over white or black women? I honestly never knew it was a thing with Aussie born Asians and FOB Asians.


Sydney is an expensive city. Often there are expectations that you send money to the home family to help support their lives. Why bother when there are so many beautiful women without this emotional/financial burden. However much you send it's never enough. Because when they hear your wages they're astronomical to what they're getting paid. They don't see just to take the train to work is more than they would spend on food for the day. So there's a lot of emotional Blackmail. I personally have never experienced this but I've seen the strain it's put on friends relationships.




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Honestly... it's half cultural differences and half internalised self-racism. Many Asian Australians (second generation+) try to distinguish themselves from both the White / Anglo majority country compared to "them" 1st gens / PR / temporary in Australia type Asians. This was especially true when many of the Asians that did come here were literally from impoverished or war-torn nations in the 80s and such (hence the term 'FOBs'). Also we second+ generation Asians were often made to 'feel' our otherness -- and often as a way of trying to more assimilate into broader Australian (aka White) society the new, less well spoken Asians from abroad make things more complicated to the native born Asian Aussies... as least that's my theory But I'll say as East / South East Asia has gotten more prosperous and more frequently seen as nearly as rich and as classy as the West, maybe these attitudes are slowly with local Asians Aussie's here.


When people remind you way too much of your parents, they cease to be sexy.


I'm white but I asked two of my aussie mates of asian ancestry. The first answer I got was primarily the need to develop and conform to Asian cultural expectations when dealing with her family. Having to make oneself familiar with foreign social etiquette. Being shamed for lack of foreign language skills etc. Apparently as a white guy, I'd be assumed to be clueless and those expectations not placed on me. Hence part of the appeal of Caucasian men to Asian women (apparently, shrug). The second answer I got was a much less flattering "If I wanted an NPC fuckpuppet I'd just pay a whore". I think he might have trauma haha, no offence intended!


Sounds like internalised racism.


I don't see how. I'd hate to date a German woman as a white guy if I was going to be judged for not knowing German, criticised for not bringing the appropriate gifts to some folk celebration etc. If anything I reckon any racism lies with the foreign family that expects an Australian of asian descent to feel cultural ties to a foreign country because of their blood.


Dude almost 99% people are NPC going where life takes them. And not having any control or choice. I would agree that its internalized racism. You cant hate to date German woman. But you are not German.


Because people are attracted to what they’re attracted to and have different types. Not everyone is as attracted to their own race as other races. I don’t understand how so many people can’t step outside of their own sexuality to get this. I’m 2nd Gen South Asian and I’m most sexually attracted to ginger men. I’m not gonna magically stop being madly into them and other white men because race separatists don’t approve.




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