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Living within your means is a mark of a person who has basic Financial Literacy. People should've been shopping at places like Aldi long before the housing / cost of living crisis even took place. Reality has just now hit Australians in a big way.


My well off grandparents said they had lots of money and nice things because they didn't spend money unnecessarily. They'd buy home brand from the supermarket because there was no need to buy boutique sugar and milk. ETA: to clarify, they also had a good income. You're not going to be well off if you have a low income and only buy home brand goods. What they meant is if you have a good income and spend it all wastefully, you will never be well off. Think those articles about 'I earn $300K and I'm still struggling!'


Your grandparents are 100% correct. My folks were the same, it allowed my folks the option to retire at 60 comfortably. Can anybody genuinely taste the difference between home brand sugar and branded sugar? Both from the same place and all.


As a competition baker, there is a slight difference. More so with the flour. I buy branded flour when I'm making show entries. For everything else, I use home brand.


For a competition I would figure as much. Even the ambient temperature can effect how dishes turn out. As for sugar most people put on Weet Bix or in coffee, there wouldn't be a material difference.


>Even the ambient temperature can effect how dishes turn out. In some recipes, I use different qties of flour depending on the season!


I wouldn’t be surprised if they come from the same processing plant, just different labelling.


I don’t know about anything else but I have a friend who worked for TipTop, same bread different bags.


Sometimes I find the difference between homebrand and branded is more the packaging than the product itself. Unfortunately, with some things the packaging is so bad that I buy branded- home brand honey for instance has really bad packaging that can make a huge mess. With flour I bought the fancy brand that came in a plastic container with a screw on lid once and have been refilling those containers with home brand for years.


Snobby prick


Well said! Having grown up in Germany, where ALDI comes from, it was quite normal for EVERYONE, including upper and upper middle class to shop at ALDI! It was just the most popular place!


Yes but aldi in Germany is AWESOME


Such a wanker yeah


Been rich and been under financial stress at times. In both times I shopped at Aldi. Seeking status through your groceries store is a mark of a sucker.


The thing is you attend this gp about a health issue and they are making judgements over your health based on prejudices. So many GPs are pure trash,


Same as cops. The people who want these roles in society aren't the best suited for them.


So many DOCTORS are trash full stop. Most of them don’t go into medicine because they care about people, they do it for money and status.


I geuss GPs afford to shop anywhere


Yeah, sounds like a terrible cunt. I suspect a lot of doctors are closet terrible cunts.


Given the presence of Aldi in some very well-off suburbs here in Sydney, I think it would be a very inaccurate marker of low socioeconomic status. There are *two* Aldis in Chatswood and one in Mosman.


Mosman is clearly struggle street. 😂


Can't walk down the road with out a bro hitting you with 2 law suits.


And North Syd, and it’s always full of people.


Edgecliff too


One in Bondi Junction too


Never heard so much pompous twaddle in my life. The same doctors who buy cheap ass cocaine from street hustlers.


ALDI is just cheaper. Officially about 25% cheaper the ABC said this morning. What's the real flex? They like showing off that they have money to burn? They're good at overcharging their patients? This isn't about groceries.


Totally agree. I work with people on six figure salaries that still look for the bargains, and they like to talk about discounts. I'm afraid I have a diagnosis for OPs doctor friends, and it looks bad: they are chronically infected with wanker syndrome.


I earn a comparatively high salary and almost exclusively shop at Aldi. Smart people don't want to throw money away regardless of how rich/poor they are.


I know a guy with eight figure personal wealth that wear 10 year old socks with holes in them.  Me and his missus spent months trying to convince him to replace them. And he only eventually did because they were on sale.


I mean, Princess Anne has the same couch in her house she had forty+ years ago. Princess Beatrice just caught EasyJet for a speaking engagement. Charles wears his father's old clothes. It's the wannabes who think that things like supermarket choice are important for status.


I mean 6 figure salaries isn't much at the lowest end and a lot at the highest end. I.e. I wouldn't be saying 100k and having a family is super well off...


I read an economic analysis that estimated Aldi's competitive pricing may have helped to lower inflation in the grocery sector by at least 0.5% annually over the past decade in Australia. Their entrance in to the market has factually driven down grocery prices.


nah, their 'flex' is that they are suckers to advertising and marketing and their own ego. i thought the 'educated' were supposed to be good at critical thinking, investigating and questioning things. it's not that ALDI is just cheaper. A lot of their products and produce is actually better quality than colesworth branded and equivalent items.


And some is the same exact product in different packaging.


I've met people, who refuse to buy 'store brand' anything, even when you show them side by side, it has the exact same ingredients. They still believe, 'brand name' will taste better.


"50 is the new 40" is the most self absorbed bullshit Ive ever heard. So you regarded 50 as old, but now you are 50, its acceptable, and you dont see it as old any more. Anyone who say it, is only thinking about themselves.


All depends on how much mileage your body goes through,drinking, smoking,genetics all play a part.its the difference between an active/healthy 50 year old and and a brikkie 50 year old who goes through a carton a week and smokes durries daily.


People are living longer, but it's more like 4 years, not 10.


It's more that health span has increased a lot, rather than lifespan.


Life expectancy peaked a while ago...


It also doesn’t grow by 4 years every 10 years… :/


When they turn 60. 60 will be the new 45


Haha I had an old Psychiatrist tell me how all the Drs couldn't get off Codeine.


Here, here. You get bonus points for using the word “twaddle”!


who cares what a bunch of out-of-touch 'doctors' say? i am finding personally that i'm having less and less respect for most doctors and specialists because of their dismissiveness, gaslighting and poor bedside manner (or just manner, period). This appears to be a sentiment shared by a lot of people. joke's on them really because even if ALDI is marketed to people further down on the socio-economic ladder (they appear to use mostly people of colour in their advertising, etc.), i find that some of their products and produce is on par to, if not exceeding the quality of colesworth. I'm glad i discovered and have now switched over to some ALDI products in place of colesworth ones because the packaging (quality) and product is actually better and more competitively priced. I don't say this for every one of their products because i prefer some colesworth equivalents but that comes down to taste and texture, not marketing or whatever. and it appears to me that everyone from all walks of life shop at ALDI. I can imagine some people deliberately try to avoid colesworth out of spite due to perceived and actual price-gouging, even if they can afford it. I mean, by their silly logic, i guess you also wouldn't shop at an independent fruit shop or ethnic grocer, where again, the quality of the things sold is equal to if not better than colesworth, too.


The big supermarkets are the last place I buy fresh food / meat. I thought it was widely understood theirs is crap compared to independent grocers/delis/butchers


where in australia are we finding cheap ass cocaine? (asking for myself)




What the hell is cheap ass cocaine? Cocaine in Australia is a full on scam. Unless you import it personally you won't find cocaine in Australia with a purity higher than 20% (if you're lucky). People are essentially out there paying $300+ for a bag of talcum powder or starch with a pinch of coke in it. Also it ain't cheap, it's so overpriced and overcut it's ridiculous. If you're getting "cheap" cocaine, chances are it's not cocaine at all.


> you won't find cocaine in Australia with a purity higher than 20% (if you're lucky). This is an extreme exaggeration. The drug testing service CanTEST regularly tests user samples with purities in the range of 85-90%. Granted, the average purity is nowhere near that and they also detect plenty from the other end of the curve at 0-5%. But you're wrong to say it doesn't exist or can't be found.


Cheese. Aldi has great cheese. That is all.


And coffee beans. And chicken tenders.


There is a handful of Stuff I go to Aldi for and the main one is Coffee Beans


Hot cross buns all year round.


Aldi tendies slap


Pet Meat n Bickies are good value too. Not to mention the Ferrex Power tools I mean Fk yeh! & nice soft breads and cheap sliced meat


Also the wine is excellent


Yes! I had a fantastic $3.50 bottle of Red I bought to cook that tasted the same as a $60 bottle I got for my Birthday


Not sold at QLD Aldi's, though. Agree, they have good wine.


And chocolate


Aldi frozen mango slaps


Let's not forget the chocolate! Coconut milk block ftw


My wife is in love with the Twists (chocolate coated liquorice) and the Tofefe (hazlenut in a chocolate ball, sitting in a caramel cup. I \*HATE\* that they have those things as seasonal, I'd buy them year long. Though my waistline and blood pressure are borth probably happy they don't sell them year round.,


I loved that Aldi cheese winning awards just utterly broke the cheese snobs who wanted to change the rules to keep the unwashed out. (I realise Aldi is a very large corporation- I’m just here for rich idiots crying over dumb cheese)


And tvs and chainsaws


People you're missing out of you've not had the elmsbury slow cooked pies. They're boscastle pies rebranded & are so good


Have you tried the fresh Korean Beef Dumplings? Life changing.


And Tiramisu. And greek marinated butterflied chickens.


Yeah, love Aldi cheese.


I don't think so. Aldi is as mainstream as Coles and Woollies these days. I did used to think that of Franklin's shoppers though. That's showing my age.


Bi-lo & hyper market were lower down than franklins. Franklins was poverty luxe (at least in our area). Although when I got my first job as a checkout chick at 14 they gave us 10% staff discount on groceries so that was nice.


Around our parts it was Jewel. I remember a pretentious friend of ours pontificating on how he’d never shop at Jewel due to the (makes odd face) people who shop there, and does all his shopping at the (super-overpriced) Tuckerbag nearby. I guess he was just too posh for us.


I am an immigrant as adult but still remember Franklins. I am a real old Australian now. (Although just now my workmate asked me again have I tried vegemite… and my answer is still no. Please don’t take my citizenship away)


Sorry, too late, you've been demoted to Kiwi. Please pick up your jandals on the way out, they're sitting next to the chilli bin.


Who needs frills anyway


When I was growing up, my parents shopped at Jewel


I’m an Aldi shopper purely out of convenience. It’s right across the street (round trip ~100m) and I don’t drive. (Property lawyer, 40s)


I'm an angry Coles shopper just because it's right there.


Same, Woolies


Woolies because of Click and Collect. I hate doing the groceries.


I think people in "elite", "high earning" or "important" industries all find ways to look down their nose at people who aren't in those circles. Your car, clothes, haircut, etc are all just things they can potshot people who aren't as well off as them about.


100% true I just moved to a very affluent neighborhood purely due to being kicked out of my rental, and now renting from a wealthy friend of a friend at a cheap rate. I dress quite fashionably (worked in fashion + I just like outfits) and so people instantly think I'm "one of them". Have had numerous people from the street come and introduce themselves, and then when I tell them the significantly more working class area I moved in you can see the sparkle drain from their eyes. I find it hilarious.


We live in a good suburb, but in the part that floods so I always make sure to clarify that we live in the “swampy part” or the “bad lands” as it’s affectionately known, and the same thing happens. The conversation always dwindles after that. Ridiculous (but also funny).


Im probably considered ''high earning'' and do the bulk of the family shopping at Aldi. It is cheaper, but mainly because I fucking hate Colesworth and everything they stand for.


Absolutely this, I do the bulk at Aldi, the butcher and the fruit shop. When I have to get a few things at Woolies, I am bewildered by the prices in there. I am almost offended that Woolies think I am stupid enough to pay twice as much. Plus the simplicity of shopping at Aldi.


My wife works with a lot of Dr's (Psychiatrists) and they are all arrogant assholes.


Not even just the elite, just look at how every Aussie on Reddit will incorrectly label someone doing something they don't like as a Bogan. 


Particularly with the cashed-up bogan. It used to be that they were poor. Then it was that the wrong people had money.


I know people whose annual bonus would be more money than those doctors make in a year and they shop at ALDI. Not solely ALDI, but would never see themselves above it.


All the rich people I know love a bargain and therefore like shopping at Aldi because they can get quality stuff cheap. Aldi cheese and coffee, for example, is really good.


Everyone wants to save money and that’s how rich people stay rich. As you said, Aldi cheese is great too.


Sounds like a pair of wankers to me.




I was going to say that he sounds like a bit of a dick, then I saw that you said he’s an arrogant bastard! There’s your answer! Aldi is good quality and better value than Colesworth, so it makes sense to shop there, no matter your financial status. I definitely don’t think it’s a sign of someone being poor. Seriously, your acquaintance sounds like a dick, and not too bright!


There are a few good finds at Aldi that others have mentioned, but there are a lot of disappointments too that tend to be of lower quality. But is it 25% lower quality, to match the 25% cheaper price point that ABC reported on? Not in my opinion. It's of slightly lower quality, not 25%.


It all comes from the same supplier. Back in my youth, I worked at a cereal factory. We'd package the high end health food brands or the no name brands all in the same week. Just a different label. Yes, getting good nutrition is key to being healthy. Listening to doctors, who have been fed through the tube of privilege isn't always the best way to learn.


Your doctor probably has high cashflow but is probably not rich. Your doctor probably thinks he's rich due to his cash flow and lifestyle, but his lifestyle is what's keeping him from being rich. How many months from homelessness is him if he suddenly can't work? Can he actually afford to retire in comfort? My household income is 4000+ after tax per week and we shop at Costco's and Aldi. And we will adjust our cooking plan based on what's on special and bulk buy. Because we hope to be able to build some wealth one day so we can retire and still have a secure lifestyle.


+1 for "arrogant bastard". I love a good closing remark.


Our family does well, but I still buy most of my shopping from Aldi. It's all about value for money. Also my FIFO hubby uses aldi chocolate bars as barter lol.


Aldi chocolate is fantastic


Just like prison has cigarette's, FIFO has chocolate. Makes sense.


It used to be. But these days Aldi is actually A nicer shopping experience than Colesworth. Ie smaller, cleaner stores. Fewer out of stock items. Easier to find what you are after. Friendlier staff. You can get in and out in with a full trolley much faster and much easier than Colesworth. Colesworth these days is too big and just takes too long to traipse up and down all of the aisles. At the start Aldi made you pack your own bags and pay for shopping bags. Colesworth does the same - so the shopping experience at Colesworth is now worse, or at least, the same. Also, Australia is a small market so it's highly likely its the same manufacturers/ producers providing the exact same stock to all stores - just in different packaging for Aldi.


That's definitely not an all doctors or all wealthy people thing. I used to laugh when i worked on the Gold Coast because every single day, the amount of Rolls Royces, Bentleys, Maserattis etc that would park in the Aldi carpark blew my mind. There were just as many at the fancy Ferry Road shops, but I think a lot of wealthy people understand value. However i would say that convenience trumps all when you have the resources. I know when I use earning six figures, I shopped at Harris Farm for the quality goods I wanted & Woolies for most of the rest for the convenience of only having to go to one shop. There are snobs in every socio-economic bracket but they don't represent all of them.


What a fucking wanker, being judged for the supermarket shopped at. I sure hope your doctor friend is a perfect human in every way looking down on others from high throne atop the Woolworths self checkout line


if shopping "low socioeconomic" means saving money, then yes, please everyone keep going to woolies so i can enjoy Aldis very reasonable prices and non weighted self checkout machines


Goes to show someone smart enough to be a doctor can still be a total fucking moron.


I had a boss who refused to shop at Kmart or Target. Some people are just weird.




My husband bitches about that every time we set foot in Kmart


That does peeve me too. Absolutely ridiculous set up. Another was when staff got to wear everyday clothes. How the heck can you work out who to approach if you have a question. I am mostly housebound, so tend to just order online. $4 a month and I get unlimited free delivery from Target and Kmart. Main issue is they often say something is available, then it ends up getting cancelled.


The meal kits that Aldi do (especially the Pad Thai) are healthier and tastier than anything pre-prepped from colesworth. The Veg is better quality and cheaper. The dog food is the same quality stuff as I get from colesworth, just in a different container and cheaper. I only go to colesworth now for some softdrink, a couple of non-perishables and a couple of other small things Aldi does not stock. I also shop at Supabarn, which is a bougie IGA with the milk my partner likes and some other excellent pre/minimal-prep options. Shopping at Aldi has nothing to do with your "place" in society.


I find that people who actually have class and are comfortably wealthy don't really ever bring it up, much like somebody who does have some killer educational achievements behind them doesn't usually mention something like "I studied engineering at *university* so I know for a fact...." before blathering on in an argument about nuclear policy. I shop at Aldi, this time of year I'm usually wearing trackies whilst doing so. I don't like being price gouged or tricked by confusing signage and "specials" at the main two is why. Also their cafe raisin toast, cheese, dips and chocolate are just way better than any other supermarket.


Opinions of such snobs are highly disregarded by most of the community. This is an insecure dickhead who wants to use money as his own source of sense of superiority. Nothing is wrong with shopping at discount stores. Hell, I know really rich people who are always out for deals and specials. I mean, if you can get the same exact thing, with the same exact effort to get it, in the same exact time, for a lower price, why wouldn’t any sane person do so, whether rich, middle class, or poor?


I am a doctor and I shop at Aldi. Thare some things that I prefer from another shop but some I prefer from Aldi. I cannot find everything at Aldi though so I also shop at Coles and Woolies and IGA. You can get arrogant bastards in any walk of life..


Nope. My sisters partner brings in 5k a week and they still shop at Aldi.


Went to the podiatrist in an affluent Sydney suburb. Talking about holidays and I asked her if she’d ever been to Vietnam. Swear on my life she said “Nah, I don’t go on holiday to look at poor people”.


I think initially you did see a lot of people in Aldi that you sensed weren't exactly flushed financially but not so much now. I've been shopping there since a store first opened near me and irrespective of my own personal situation I would be loath to shop anywhere else!


Aldi red wine baby.


I wish QLD supermarkets sold alcohol. This thread has made me want to try this Aldi wine


I'm an aldi shopper because I'm smart with my money... I'm on a comfortable wage, but why would I pay more for the same thing if I can get it cheaper from aldi?


You answered your own question with: “He’s also an arrogant bastard.”


My boss shops at Aldi and she owns a 14 million dollar place in point piper. I’m sure Edgecliff Aldi has plenty of doctors who shop there. Although doctors are a bit poor these days by professional standards of corporate white collar to own in point piper.


I’m a doctor on plenty of money and I shop at Aldi. Your friends sound like dickheads.


I'm not a medical doctor, but I'm married to an Anaesthetist. We shop at Aldi all the time 💁‍♀️


I've never thought of aldi as low status but I will admit if I see someone with an entire full trolley at the IGA I will view that as a flex.


I don’t find my local IGA to be any more expensive than ColesWorth.


I'd rather pay less for my groceries, so I'll stick to aldi. I just wish Lidl or a euro supermarket would come to Australia and kick Colesworths in the balls


Nah, it’s not a sign of being less wealthy at all. I know a guy who works pretty high up in the IT department at a fast food restaurant and him and his wife shop at Aldi religiously.


Maybe it used to be, but now I think it marks frustration with the major supermarket chains


I used to rarely go to Aldi. Now I would estimate I do about 80% of my shopping at Aldi. Amazingly my money is suddenly going a LOT further now. Though to be honest I would be reluctant to go to one that DIDN'T have self serve. Not because I don't want to deal with others, but because as much as I hate spending too much on groceries, Lining up for ten to fifteen minutes or more for the pleasure of spending money isn't that high on my list of joys either. This way I can get what I need to and get on with my day and those that prefer to line up can do so without me lining up in front of them.


Considering all the Aldi stores in the East of Melbourne are in high value areas I'd say no


Was he from the UK by any chance? 


its a bullshit "flex" that they have so much money that they dont have to budget or care about money. you know, basically the opposite mindset to anyone \*who actually has Money\*.


If you want to tell if someone is poor, ask them if they watch Channel 7.


No but judging people for shopping at ALDI is a mark of being a cunt


Sounds like a wanker


Judging someone by the particular supermarket they shop at is a sign you're an asshole, and you should tell them they are such and then remove them from your life. What a prick. Edit: I don't really shop at Aldi, but that's because I do all my shopping through click and collect and Woolworths gives me QANTAS points. Yes, I know I am being manipulated into paying more, but I don't really care :D


I can’t get proper corn fritters anywhere else so if that make me an ‘Aldi shopper’ so be it. Also, who doesn’t love the random middle aisle? Some of my best stuff came from there.


Thing is, by european standards Aussie Aldi is pretty fancy. Aldi in Europe was just rows of pallets in a bare bones shop.


I was just in Germany a month ago, what I was jealous of is the sheer number of supermarkets they have there. Lots of healthy competition instead of this duopoly nightmare we have here.


Just snobs in my opinion. Aldi is great! The savings I get at Aldi means more money I can put to traveling. I was on the other side of town and had to shell out $45 for groceries that I knew I could've gotten for $30 at Aldi. I don't know about you but wanting to save is independent of 'low socioeconomic status'....


I shop there for the convenience of only 4 isles, yes it's cheaper but I like the minimal number of isles mostly. I used to work for Coles in head office and they advised they would not compete with Aldi on cost so it's always going to be cheaper.


Sounds like a toff. Being ripped.off by Coles worth isn't a badge of honour lol.


What elitist nonsense. These people live in a different world... ALDI is totally fine. Lots of their products are firmly better quality too. Why throw money away for the same or lesser product? Deary me, if shopping at Coles is regarded as socially elite behavior, I think our society is truly done for.


I see plenty of doctors from my hospital at Aldi, even heard enough enthusiastic discussion about the Aldi specials between a couple anesthetists with the occasional scoffing of some of the nurses, I don't think you can make any generalisations from a single experience.


Lol, no one told the shoppers in my upper middle suburb that. Shopping at Aldi = more money for the gym and injectables.


I think shopping at Aldi makes you an adventurer. Who knows what you are gonna get other than grocers from the middle aisles. Will it be a kayak, chainsaw, clarinet or a wheelbarrow, clothes dryer and adult colouring books. Aldi is not about poverty it’s the spice of life.


Being an Aldi shopper is a mark of being smart with money


Personally I never see people who have the usual telltail markers of belonging to a lower socioeconomic status (sorry but for example multiple barefoot kids, swearing at each other, dishevelled appearance and odour etc) shopping at Aldi. I do at Coles and Woolworths. My impression of Aldi shoppers is a lot of retirees, immigrants from all continents, thrifty younger couples and working-middle class families. I don’t think it’s really an indicator of income/financial situation. Also most of the most financially responsible people I know do most of their shopping at Aldi


I have doctors in my family, some shop at aldi, some shop at farmers markets.. depends on the individual But here in brisbane, aldi is generally in lower social economy areas so that naturally creates perceptions


Imagine if he was here in the 90s with Franklin’s (qld).


I'd suggest that anyone who belittles Aldi, should actually try it and save 30% off their grocery bill. Before I convinced her to shop there, my wife thought all their stuff was inferior crap, she realised that most of it is actually as good, if not better than the stuff sold at the more expensive rivals.


Many years ago when Aldi first opened a family friend was into the whole “it’s for broke people” thing. She was quite a weird woman - living in the outer western suburbs of Melbourne (my whole family did then) but had this fantasy that she was actually rich. At one point she claimed she was going to make a discrimination complaint against a car dealership for refusing to let her test drive a particular luxury car (don’t remember the make but it was hundreds of thousands). Anyway an Aldi opened near us and my dad wanted to go check it out. We get there and run into her shopping there. She tried to backpedal so much claiming she was just there to see what the hype was about but it was the funniest thing ever at the time


I think my rich friends shop at Aldi more than my poor friends. At least in my area Aldi is an extra 10 minutes away than any Coles/Woollies and most people aint spending the effort. I think people forget a big reason why rich people are rich is because they're cheap skates. Every single person I know who literally OWN and PAID OFF multiple houses would ask me to split a bill for $10 or bring $5 items to their party so they dont have to. But my poor friends would offer to cover everything.


'Wealth is not visible. It's the money that you have that's not spent' (The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel) If ALDI is a bit cheaper than Colesworth, than a person regardless of their socioeconomic status is smarter for shopping there.


There is literally an Aldi at Edgecliff. I work for another supermarket in the area and all the customer feedback we get are ‘aldi is much better!aldi is cheaper’ soooo


I’m a specialist anaesthetist in private practice and I shop at Aldi


I saw my doctor shopping in Aldi.


My mates dad is a highly regarded anaesthesiologist, makes absolute bank, has a baller house, has a large property portfolio, but buys Home Brand and drives a Yaris. Everyone spends their money differently. This guy just sounds like a twat.


Imagine being a grown Adult human and saying something like “ Aldi Shopper demographic “ He may be a doctor but the guy is at the core a fucking loser.


My wife is a doctor and loves Aldi. There is nothing bad about being savvy with your money


I'm married to a Dr and most of our circle are Drs, no one cares where you shop or looks down on anyone for shopping at Aldi. I don't shop at Aldi because for us it's not cheaper and we'd have to go to Coles or Woolies anyway. Your friends do not represent the views of others in the Medical profession.


One of my best friends is a doctor and his wife a very well off woman herself. For their wedding they set up a huge chacuterie board, everything on it front aldi. People loved it, and they still love aldi.


I personally can’t stand Aldi, but it’s not an SES marker to shop there one way or the other. People who want to look like they have money have no idea how people who *actually* have money live. The three wealthiest people I know all (worth between $100m and $700m each) daily drive: - A ten year old Mazda 3 - A VT commodore - A late 90s Hilux My parents aren’t at that level, but could both go and buy a Rolls in cash if they were crazy enough, both drive $50-$80k everyday cars.


Only in your own head.  In your own head you can deduce that people who wear baseball caps are low socio economic but doesn't make it true or even matter.


I don’t care as long as I have a fat bank account


It depends, some of their stuff is good but their meat quality just isnt up there with the others. Also worth noting that even Woolies and coles meat isnt as pure and well priced compared to local butchers. Just in my experience


Sounds like two cunts


Think of it this way You're well off because you stop at aldi


My posh parents in law (live in Portsea, kids went to private school, holiday in Europe each year) shop at Aldi


Sample size of one, but one dr I'm friends with shops at Aldi


Me and my Dr both shop at Aldi ...so....


Judge me all you like for shopping at Costco and Aldi (fruit and veg from the market and greengrocers), and I’ll keep quietly pocketing the savings


I used to think so as a teenager whose parents shopped there. Now I’m a single mum of 2 and I see the benefits, plus I like the limitation on choice. I don’t need 10 types of tomato sauce to choose from. I’m quite comfortable financially and just prefer to life cheaply so there’s more money to spend on fun things like holidays


14% of the Australian population experienced food poverty in 2023 - that number is only increasing. The Guardian reported today that [shopping at Aldi is 25% cheaper](https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/jun/20/aldi-grocery-bill-price-cost-comparison-cheaper-woolworths-coles) - but honestly I call bull on that. Prices are through the roof everywhere. I've no idea how anyone is surviving. I can tell you the queues at soup kitchens are filled with more than just your stereotypical 'poor person' and charities stretched to the max giving out supermarket gift cards. Your doc sounds like a quack who needs a reality check 😁


Aldi in Australia is a very nice shop, while in Europe they tend to look dirty and cheap. So in Australia it definitely doesn’t feel like that to me.


My aunt and uncle are very wealthy (talking millions with the s) and they shop at Aldi. It used to be considered the poor people place back in the 90's, but it's no longer that.


When Aldi first came to Australia in the early 2000s, it definitely focused on lower socioeconomic customers, but I’ve noticed over the last 10 years or so, it has gone upmarket. It’s opened a lot of shops in higher socioeconomic areas and its product offering has gotten more specialised. They sell a lot of organic products, more gourmet food products now and some more bougie home essentials (like Who Gives A Crap toilet paper). Their shops have also been renovated and look less East Germany in the 80s. I see a very diverse range of people shop at my local Aldi. Personally I like the convenience of a smaller format store. Also, they’re not Coles/Woolworths, which I think attracts a lot of people who can afford to shop elsewhere but avoid Colesworths on principle


Its just another shopping option for groceries...judgmental people 🫨 I think it really depends what you need to buy, sometimes woolies has specials or its a bit better priced there for certain products. I don't really shop at aldi because of the range but when I do it's really for only things that are aldi specific. I have tried dups (?) of certain things compared to other brands sold in woolworths, and I think I prefer to ones sold at Woolworths. For example, Red Rock Deli Chips when on sale. The Aldi version of Shapes, I still think I prefer the original 🥲😅. Also the price difference at Aldi these days isn't as a big of a saving as before compared to when Aldi started out. Parents used to shop there for a larger portion/majority of groceries in 2008~ years. Used to be sooo quiet. I would get a feed off a vegemite scroll for $1.50 back in 2013~ when they had a small fresh bakery cabinet...best student lunch🙂‍↕️ To add, there needs to be more supermarket competitors. So the big 2 don't get nearly everything. 🥺


Only someone with “new money” (iykyk) would say that.


Honestly, no.(?) Whatever works tbh; some shoppers may indeed be more budget conscious, others may need to be. If only Aldi were open longer and closer, +/- didn’t charge for tap and pay, I’d shop there more. As it is, I do deliberate runs for non-perishables and inedible consumables that are superior to others (bug spray/bug bombs and hygiene products). Opportunistically, I might go in and get baked goods — used to get the brioche or waffles as well as their low-carb bread. 😋


Is he one of these doctors that got into medicine for status and cashola, with zero fucks given to the actual patients?


I suppose a marker of financial stability for me if being able to just shop wherever and however I want. When I was more well off financially I liked shopping at a specific foodland, and I didn’t have to worry about buying things on special or not. I don’t like that since my marriage ending I now have to shop at Woolworths because it is cheaper, and one of my aims is to get to a life stage where that isn’t necessary. I go to Aldi sometimes for treats for the kids, not really for a regular shop, and I consider myself fortunate that I don’t yet have to chase specials as I would find that stressful. It’s about convenience and preference though not class status I guess? I also don’t think it’s true - when I go to supermarkets they are filled with customers from all walks of life. We’ve all got to eat.


No but I will judge people when they think certain things are the exact same quality because they're just not. Can't find a can of tomatoes or coconut that's over 65% tomato/coconut there so I 100000% won't shop there for that reason like it's ingredients for people who don't take joy in cooking type thing.


What a humiliatingly dumb way to flex social status.


Throughout the 20th century, shopping up-market and paying exorbitant prices was a sign of wealth and was generally held in high regard. I remember some kids at my school were teased for having those red and white "Home Brand" products back in the day. These days though, some might call you a sucker for paying $4,000 for a suit jacket when someone could go thrfting and find a similar one for 500. Or get one on sale for $299, only a very small amount of people would notice the difference and nobody is impressed by a price tag. There's also less esteem in general for wealthy/affluent individuals now. Only young people that draw from the bank of mum and dad care about socioeconomic status. Walking around in their 2k Gucci white tees, blissfully unaware that everybody thinks they're an idiot.


I’ve got doctor friends who shop at Aldi. So I don’t think it’s a mark of being poor


Is this what people who aren't doctors think of doctors? Sounds like your acquaintance is an arrogant bastard (as you already said) and you could leave it at that tbh.


You need new friends


I'm on the highest tax bracket and I shop almost exclusively at aldis. But elitism and covert racism is a part of Australian culture, no matter how much it is denied. People judge and classify you based on what you look like, where you live and now apparently where you shop.


What a class A w⚓️ by the way , no one cares whether you shop at Aldi or not and how much you own . Only fools who have too much time on their hands and think too much of their own importance like to group others in society according to their warped visions


No it’s not. A lot of wealthy people penny pinch a lot and will shop at Aldi, that’s why they are wealthy. My local Aldi also supplies a lot of their fruit and veg from the exact same suppliers as Colesworth but it’s much cheaper (berries are from the exact same place but half the cost, for example). You don’t need to be wealthy to see that you would just buy the berries from Aldi. I probably earn more than your doctor and have more disposable income thanks to my penny pinching at Aldi.


I think in some higher circles, it can be. However, these people think it is cool to throw money at something when a cheaper option is there. They aren't rich for the wealth but for the status of being rich.


That’s absolute garbage, shopping at aldi is just like shopping at any other supermarket.


Its the way idiots cateorgorise people. If you care where someone buys their groceries you're a fucking moron.


As an ex-Dutchie, you wouldn’t see me dead in an Aldi. In the old country, Aldi was the kind of shop where they dragged pallets onto the shop floor and they were just unwrapped, not unpacked. That kinda set the mood. Aldies here in Oz seem to be much more sophisticated.


If you obtain your medical degree overseas, you’ve got to put in a hell of a lot of effort and hard work to become accredited to use your medical skills in Australia (high standards). So he’s put in a heck of a lot of work to become a doctor here, don’t think he hasn’t. But no, it doesn’t give him the right to be an arrogant prick to people who shop at Aldi, or look down on people who may not be as rich as him. On another note, I didn’t know that Aldi was a poor people shop? I just thought it was a standard grocery store along with Coles and Woolworths.


The ALDIs in the higher socioeconomic areas near me are so busy I can’t find a park. I have friends in extreme wealth and they boast about shopping at Aldi. It sounds like these people just need to take their finger out of their ass.