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My clients’ relationship status is none of my business, so I don’t ask them about it. In my personal life I avoid associating with people who cheat. I have absolutely no problem with various forms of ethical non-monogamy, but frankly it’s often lied about as a cover to cheat so I don’t assume it’s true. Again, none of my business anyways.


Fair! Thanks for the reply.


I thought about how to articulate how I feel about it, but thankfully you already did! So, I'll just second this. ❤️


If I tried to avoid it, I would starve. It's really none of my business anyways. I'm there to get paid, create an enjoyable experience, and then go home and eat a sandwich in the bath, not to worry about my clients' moral choices.


Lol! Fair! I have never had a sandwich in a bath before lol


When I get off work, my priority is getting into bed, but I need a wash and some quick easy food. It often ends up as a cheese sandwich while in the tub, and a joint in the other hand. I'm a multitasker 😹


HA! Love it!


I don’t care if they’re in relationships, but the second they insult/disparage their partner, I drop them as a client. It’s just rude. I’m not interested in hearing how his fat bitch wife won’t go down on him- she’s probably a very nice lady who objects to his careless hygiene, and she’s fat because she had his children and it changed her body. Most clients who tell me they’re married go on to praise their wives highly, though. It’s really confusing. If you love her to the moon and back, why are you here in my hotel room? I don’t ask, because it’s 1000 percent not my business.


Maybe there is a difference in their world between love and sex. You can love someone with everything you have but if you are not getting the sexual side taken care of it doesn’t mean you love them any less.


I think for men, sex is a physical need that only someone else can provide. Ideally this person is the person you love. But if that can't happen, well, you still have the intense need. Before I started seeing escorts, I felt like I was drowning, and (this is the crazy part), it felt like my wife was holding me under the water. No sex does insane things to some men. As soon as I started seeing escorts, my relationship with my wife began improving. I was kinder, more supportive, less tense and argumentative, and I stopped blaming her for everything. I had let our dead bed poison our dynamic, and as soon as I started getting some physical relief from another human, I could start repairing the damage. My wife is cool as shit and gave me her blessing, but a lot of partners would not. It's especially hard, I think, for women to put themselves in a man's POV for this. Like you said, if you love your wife, why are you seeing an escort? It's because our brains are different in this regard. That's actually really nice to hear that your married clients praise their wives! It's not surprising to me. I can't imagine ever being in a relationship with anyone besides my wife, and I have zero interest in an affair. Even if I wanted it, I could never hurt my wife in that way. This is why I see escorts. I realize it may not be intuitive to women. But we men are not so simple as we look :) So yes, I would guess that some married men who see you are just cheaters, but some are just doing the best they can.


Yeah, I don't really care about their relationship status, most of my clients are married though


I guess this makes sense, it's a business. But that's crazy.


Idgaf big time!! Come!! Enjoy!! Leave me in peace ✌️


Lol! Makes sense.


I don't condone cheating, but I'm just fulfilling a service that's in demand. I don't ask them about their personal lives, unless they bring it up.


That sounds like not my problem. Not my monkeys not my circus


Our job is to service clients not know their personal relationship details . And our business is 80% married men. Don't question it , if it weighs on you, you're in the wrong industry no offense but it's just true


I don’t mind, until i get that call or text from Said wife / gf …..


its none of my business.