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TIL that this species lives in Albania, just looked it up and my goodness is it the cutest thing ever! I honestly feel bad for not knowing this. Anyway, it will be deplorable if the government refuses to take measures to protect them. As to whether they will take measures, on that I am a bit pessimistic, given that they don’t even care about actual human beings.


the part of the sea is protected , the island is not


Mine would 100%. I mean Serbian govt gifted them whole building that should be monument. That means that mine govt could probably do the same for something.


I'm Greek. My government would sell me to the US as a slave if they got a bravo from them. ![gif](giphy|gLAqzPlNor7Q4)


at least your government would sell you, mine would send me as a goodwill gesture 😅


Nah, your country doesn‘t sells whole ass islands to some billionaires oversea. Also Sazan is pretty much the only big island Albania has, which makes it even worse. 


>Nah, your country doesn‘t sells whole ass islands to some billionaires oversea. [lol](https://www.privateislandsonline.com/region/greece)


Yes it "sells" to russian oligarchs now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skorpios


what happened to you greeks? You used to be cool now you are slaves working 6 days a week wtf?


I can’t describe how angry I am…they’re selling the whole coast and they’re doing irreversible damage to the nature of Albania. Idc I wish Albanian tourism industry collapses and they realize that they’re doing something wrong… And if someone tells me “but Greece and Croatia build the same resorts…” Croatia and Greece have a lot more islands and longer costlines, Albania has only Sazan and they’re destroying it. Hope you understand.


>*And if someone tells me “but Greece and Croatia build the same resorts…” Croatia and Greece have a lot more islands and longer costlines, Albania has only Sazan and they’re destroying it.* Bullseye buddy 🎯 Greece’s **\~14.000 km** coastline is long enough to experiment with. Ours is **\~470 km**, yet here we are, trynna act like we can handle all this 🙄😫 It feels like whoever is responsible for all this shit is trying to catch up so badly with ”the big boys”, but we’re clearly not doing it right. ![gif](giphy|UXrZCrFHvetDW)


In Montenegro, the government sold off a national icon to a hotel developer. >https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=sveti+stefan Now, no one can enter the island other than the super rich staying there, its off limits to the locals. So to answer your question, yes, yes they would.


These people are literally selling out our country, disgusting actions.


Edi Rama and PS are


Deplorable like everything the Albanian government does, it's a mafia state, imagine Al Capone and Tony Montana were running a country. That's what they'd do, sell off everything to get favours from the oligarchs and plutocrats. While the people starves.


Albania is a sellout state and every politician post world war 2 was carcinogenic. Fucking shameful how such a beautiful state with a lot of history is being memed worldwide.


Greece 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 Albania Having the same problems


Not only that, It would be their idea too.


While Rama the crackhead is busy taking digs at Bulgaria.


Fuck Rama


Fucking save the whales Fuck ivanka trump






Said no one ever about a comment like that over the internet


I too want to fuck Ivana Trump


Our government terminators would sell their own family members for enough amount of money


They must be stopped...


Sazan island is totally useless on it's current state. People who say they wanna keep it how it is just want to look cool on the internet. 90% of them haven't even been there at all




Not sure why my bro here is getting downvoted. Rustling the redditors i guess lmao.  He is almost completely correct on his takes.  Go look at the plans, this isnt something that is going to destroy the island. And if it does endanger these seals, which i high doubt it will, then efforts should be made to relocate the species… you cant leave a place undeveloped and spit in the face of foreign investment because of some seals, sorry.  Every development in some way encroaches on wildlife unfortunately, what should we do? Go back to living in caves? 


it doesnt endager them , the sea part is protected by law


These such naive questions that unfortunately come from Albanians who should know by now how this world functions. Sazan to the people! 😁


I would like to preface that I am all for the protection and preservation of the Albanian coastline and the mass tourism in her riviera is an issue for multiple reasons. However, AMAN resorts are minimum $3,000 USD a night for a basic room. This will be a sanctuary for the ultra wealthy and only a minuscule percentage of the world’s population will be even able to book a night at this establishment - it LIKELY won’t cause the irreparable damage to the island’s nature that you all think it will. They also won’t want more people or other resorts on this island because this demographic seeks privacy & exclusivity. As it is an uninhabited island, locals won’t be displaced — I’d be far more upset if it was some random IHG or Marriot chain that won’t preserve the beauty and integrity of the island unlike AMAN (I am only hoping it does but I assume only because they have in every other location they have)


Found the Rama supporter


I’m not. I’m just being realistic & looking at the bright side - this was going to happen anyways


Sure, people don’t live there but if you’ve ever visited the island you would know the power and importance the ghost village holds. I would hate it if the island becomes a place for the ultra rich, and the average people cannot visit such an extraordinary place. Beauty and history are not exclusively for the rich, they must be for the people too. I don’t even think they’ll “destroy” the nature per se, but they will most likely shut out people from the island and maybe even remove some of the old buildings there. They haven’t made a statement on this but it will probably be the outcome.


Again, I don’t disagree, I was just stating facts about the resort & their plans