• By -


Way off base. You’re in one of the youngest neighborhoods.


I think it’s worth noting that Lakeview itself is a big mix. Yes, Sheridan/Wrigley area is dominated by 20 somethings, but over closer to Southport you will find a lot of homes & strollers rather than apartments. Flowing into Roscoe/LV you will find a more 30+ crowd as it’s “quieter”.


I live in East Lakeview; husband and I are in our 50s and most people in our building are around our age (or, I guess, are aging very poorly)


The high rises along the lake have a ton of Seniors living in them. Go to the Broadway Jewel early in the morning and it's walker city.


Or the Mariano’s bar in LVE haha


Club Mariano’s


Club M! Mar Bar!


The Mariano’s bar off Clybourn is always packed with people in their late 30’s-50’s


Agree with this. Always a bunch of older folks hanging with a beer at Mariano’s. I am of the same age group, but it is jarring to see


Yup, I live on the western part of Lakeview (off Southport but south of the corridor) and everyone seems to skew mid 30s/early 40s or so and constantly see families with kids in restaurants. It's usually very quiet - only a handful of sports bars and people seem more interested in spending time with their kids than partying all the time. It's a nice place to live during this stage of my life.


Good to know! I’m considering moving over to like Logan/Wicker Park/Bucktown - that more age appropriate?


Andersonville or Avondale are what you want


Second on Andersonville


Third on Andersonville!


Keep going up milwaukee, Logan / Avondale is full of early-mid 30’s


Yeah, especially Avondale near Milwaukee and Belmont. Sleeping Village and Central Park Bar are filled with people in their early to mid 30s.


Thanks for the recommendations :) I’ll check those out!


As a 30something who just left Avondale, can confirm


Idk if I’ve seen Noble Square in the mix. Been here for 6 years, it’s awesome


you might find better luck in ravenswood or lincoln park!


Logan is also a very young neighborhood, because it's more recently gentrified. As a neighborhood gets flipped like that, young white people who can (temporarily) afford the price tags fill it up.


Wicker is very similar to Lakeview now with a lot of 20-somethings, but Bucktown and Logan are less so. The further North/NW you go along that corrdior, the less college grad-ey it gets.




I’m technically in Uptown (Buena Park) but find myself in Lakeview a fair bit.


It varies. Parts of Bucktown have me feeling young at 30+. 


I lived in Logan for a year, I think it is a good mix!! Honestly felt like there were less youths than I see in LVE/Wrigley area


you might find better luck in ravenswood or lincoln park!


Roscoe Village is nice if you want to stay close to where you are. Seems like more 30 something’s.


Wicker is very much 30's and 40's. Highly recommend.


What part of wicker park are you talking about? I work at wicker park fitness and live in wicker park everyone’s 20s to max like early 30s…


Have you ever taken the brown line past Belmont?


I live closer to the red line - near the Sheridan stop.


Checks out, lived here in my 20s


I live in Buena Park too and find it to be pretty old. Lots of retirees and not so many young people. South of Irving park rd is a different story


Yeah, I mostly hang out south of Irving Park - so perhaps that’s skewing my perception. Buena Park is small and pretty quiet.


If you’re hanging out south of Irving by Sheridan then you’re basically in wrigleyville which probably skews younger than any neighborhood. Go out in Lincoln Square or Andersonville which are close by for more 30 something’s.


Yea it’s your area. I lived right off that stop on Dakin when I was in my mid 20s too. And before that wriglyville right in front of the ballpark. Plenty of neighborhoods for our age group and older are out there. Wicker park is a bit of a better mix of 20 something’s and then 30s+, also more for the arts.


You’re in the young neighborhoods. The older homeowners are on the edge of the city (e.g., Norwood, Edison, Portage Parks, and Sauganash on the North Side).


If you want to stay on the red line, Andersonville is your place. (or even just go there now to get break from the lake view bros)


Yeah you live in by far the youngest part of the city.


Wrong neighborhood. I live in Ravenswood and never see anyone under 30. (I moved here at 22 and felt like a baby.) I haven’t known anyone in Lakeview for years now.


same, lincoln square and everyone already has a family hahaha elderly everywhere too hanging out at Dunkin


Yes, Ravenswood, Lincoln Square, Andersonville


Andersonville skews older but it's not stroller town like Ravenswood or LS


Also in streeterville, nothing but 30+ year old doctors and nurses


Bucktown, Logan, Avondale, Andersonville will all have a better mix of people. After college, everyone swarms to Lakeview and then people slowly start moving west. I highly suggest exploring more neighborhoods in the city. Lakeview is my nightmare (I’m in my early 30’s). Logan Square art fest is this weekend, it’s a great time to check out the neighborhood!


Ooh! Good call on the art fest! I’m a filmmaker and definitely drawn to that community these days 😊


Def check it out! There’s also tons of cute shops in Logan like Pixie and the Boy, Wolfbait, Lost Girls Vintage and City Lit Books. I’m a sucker for Lula Cafe for breakfast or Reno for lunch/dinner. I think you’ll love the vibes!


Agree! I've been in Logan / Avondale since I was 22 (38 now) and feel like Avondale has a good mix of ages, and Logan errs maybe a little younger these days but still a good mix!


Yeah, I was in Logan for 10 years and then moved to Bucktown. Felt like my neighbors kept getting younger in Logan but I still love going out in Logan and don’t feel too old…yet 🤣


You live in the starter area of the city.


Elwynn Forest theme on repeat.


Not Pallet Town?


Come to the ‘gay retirement community’ in Edgewater!


Chicago does attract a large number of young people but you’re also in an especially young neighborhood.


We are mecca for 7 Big10 college graduates and pretty much all other colleges in the satellite states. Ask almost any 40 year old from Michigan and they will tell you about the 3-7 years they lived in Chicago (Wrigleyville/LP). Then they went back home to raise their kid closer to family, they were immediately replaced by some new college grad. It's the circle of life. I keep getting older but they stay the same age.


I agree, I am living in Lakeview right now. Lakeview and Lincoln Park are hot spots for recent grads.


The 1980's term is Yuppies and Lincoln Park Trixie. They used to solely be found in LV/LP. And then gentrification became a word. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Lincoln%20Park%20Trixie Lincoln Park) Trixie A 20 or 30-something female found in Chicago, IL. Their migration patterns, though originating in Lincoln Park, include Bucktown/Wicker Park, Lincoln Park, Gold Coast, Wrigleyville, Lakeview, and, increasingly, the West Loop. They are easily identifiable by their fair skin, blond hair (or at least with hightlights), good purse, manicured feet/hands, and Starbucks cup. They are born in the midwest but have found Michigan or Ohio to be so passe so they moved to the big city. The preferred form of transportation is the VW Jetta or Honda Accord. They have typically graduated from large state universities with good football teams and mediocre academics. Trixies tend to live and work in Chicago but hate their job although they will tend to stick with it as it accomodates their "urban" lifestyle. Trixies have nice belongings (clothes, shoes, purse, car) but tend to be cash-poor as they must maintain their standard of living. Trixies are typically attracted to midwestern, frat-boy types: 30-years old and still wearing baseball hats backwards and rugby shirts with horizontal stripes. They will stick with these douchebags as they are buying time until they can get married as the large engagement ring is a sign of rank in their social circles, much like chevrons & rockers in military insignia. Um, yeah, we were at John Barleycorn's last night and I met up with some of my friends from Iowa State. by Improv75 April 29, 2005


Wow! I just learned something new.


I’ve always called Lakeview “the dorms of Chicago” because it’s where most people move to right after they get out of school


And all the semi-affordable apartments there are about as small as dorms


You age out of going out partying pretty early in Chicago. There’s plenty of older people, they are just in apartments having dinner parties and watching TV with friends.


> As a single queer female in my mid-30’s, I’m trying to figure out which neighborhoods to check out to find my community You should move to Andersonville asap


I have no source for this but I feel like in the last decade or so Chicago has become an incredibly popular place for white collar 20 year olds to move to, while older people with families have been leaving for the suburbs or other cities. And working class people have been moving to Atlanta.


This has been the case for years -- Chicago is basically the epicenter of all the massive big ten schools, so companies here tend to recruit heavily from them. They all start off in Lakeview East and then spread out as time goes on.


Until they reach peak "I'm never going to leave Chicago" and then they have their second child and their townhouse is just too damn small so the move back to where ever they were from in Michigan to be close to family. Once every couple of years they return like Monty and Rose to go to a Cubs game and show the kids the bar where dad met mom.


Yes. Pre-covid hipster nonprofessionals could make it work here. Covid they went back to where they came from. After covid they have been priced out of their former area in Chicago and replaced by the tech bro crowd, that can afford the sky high rents.


Chicago is one of the least "tech bro" cities in the country -I know I guess I'd be considered a really old tech bro so more like a tech uncle. Rents are still affordable just not in Logan or Wicker.


If you think Chicagos full of twenty-somthings, check out Denver. I swear they execute people on their 30th birthday in that town


I’m in Humboldt Park and everyone looks 49


You're in Lakeview. Theres 76 other neighborhoods. The vast majority of them aren't full of yuppies.


Lakeview is mostly transplants so that's why you see so many young people. People will move there right out of college.


You haven’t been northwest enough or south


It’s cause everyone our age doesn’t go out like the 20 somethings


You live in college student central


Lake view is like an extension of a college frat party.


I live in Logan and find it inconvenient to go up there for actual hanging out, but Roger’s park has this whole area that is full of queers, lesbians and anarchists.


Are you close to DePaul? I think the city is more 30's somethings. Wicker Park, West Loop, South Loop, and neighborhoods off the Brown Line. Edit: Lakeview is still like the Ellis Island of transplants. So a lot of people go there first when they get here which means fresh college grads.


I think there are less older folks in Chicago proper vs NY/LA but it is also neighborhood dependent. I am guessing you are in Lakeview East? If you go to West Lakeview, you’ll fine more people in their 30s, 40s, 50s… also the adjacent neighborhoods such as Roscoe Village and Ravenswood.


The Southport Corridor especially has a lot more 30-40 year olds and families.


Have you ever been to Streeterville? lol


lake view is very young! check out ravenswood, logan square, roscoe village, that’s where you’ll find your people!!!


or even uptown, rogers park (not near loyola), lincoln park or edgewater but currently areas like wicker park, wrigleyville, boystown/lakeview/northalstead, old town, fulton market, and even the loop are veryyyy young rn in population


Neighborhoods near the lake like Lakeview or Lincoln Park tend to skew either very young (think college or post grad) or family types. There isn’t a ton in between from my experience. I’m not sure how important living in a traditional neighborhood is to you but River North and West Loop have tons of young professional single types in their 30’s and above. Great nightlife scene in both with plenty in the way of shopping, yoga studios, etc as well. Wicker Park would be another great place to look although that is a ways from the lake.


Frankly, if you stick to the central core of the city, then you're going to run into a lot of youth. I currently live in a neighborhood with a lot of middle-aged and senior citizen population. My suggestion for you is to try joining things. Even just kind of fun classes and stuff like that. You might find the more 30 something crowd in that. I feel like the 20 somethings are going to run off to the marathons and the social sports and the festivals. The ones past the age of 30 might be expanding and doing more. Even something like a club that's going to jump in cars and go hiking somewhere. I have to be honest, while I am 50 years old, I like the idea. There's so much youth in the city. It tells me that for a major city, we are at least a bit more affordable to the youth versus all the other ones out there. My Hope would be that they also help draw more businesses to come here because of the talent pool.


Maybe stop going to the hangge uppe


When I was 24 I saw a dude throw up in line outside on the sidewalk and still get in to the bar.


I knew a bartender there. Said puking inside was almost a daily occurrence.


as a 21yo in Lakeview it definitely feels like this particular neighborhood is full of ppl my age, but living in other neighborhoods previously, i felt like the youngest person there


You might check out Andersonville, Ravenswood, Lincoln Square. As a fellow 30s queer, I’ve enjoyed the pace and general gayness of those neighborhoods more than Lakeview 💜💜💜


Andersonville, Edgewater, or Rogers Park if you wanna stay up north.


North side :Generally the kids like being in the trendy neighborhoods . 30-40 will go to Lincoln Sq,North Center, 40+ seem to like Jefferson,Norwood, Edison parks .


Go west, "young" man. Compared to a lot of major cities, Chicago is pretty affordable, has a lot of apartment housing, jobs that cater to a younger demographic and is a pretty fun city once you learn it. The older, more traditional Chicagoans have probably moved west to houses/bungalows, etc. They're still in the city, just moved to the quieter more housing affordable places west of the more congested parts of the city. IMO.


These posts from dumb transplants are so fucking annoying.


Lakeview is notoriously young. I’m 23 and looking to move there soon. Should try to find a near neighborhood if you feel out of place


Lakeview and Lincoln Park each themselves is quite large that they each have more than 1 train station platforms.  West Lakeview areas like Southport and further west is far sedate than Wrigleyville.  Broadway to Sheridan and near Diversey is more sedate.  Thise areas tend to be the late 20s to 40s.  Lincoln Square might be the best fit for u.


Lakeview, Old Town, Wrigleyville, Logan Square and Wicker are all realllllllllllly young neighborhoods IMO.


Have you tried Andersonville?


Speaking as a south sider, and yes I mean *past* Hyde Park (or in other words, the parts that people like to forget exists/think doesn’t count but is indeed still Chicago), yea you are off base. But even for the northside, just go further north and west than Lakeview. You’ll find your age and older everywhere. Basically just go explore the city more lol


I have noticed Lakeview, parts of Lincoln Park, and River North seem to have a lot of younger people in their 20’s, so yeah, it’s probably your neighborhood.


Lakeview is a primary landing point for 20-something professionals when they move to Chicago after college... places like Bucktown, Roscoe Village, Lincoln Square, Ravenswood will skew older. There are plenty of us who stay in the city even after getting married, having kids, etc. but in general aren't in Lakeview (unless they can afford the $1.5-2m+ homes). For a queer female, Logan Square, Andersonville might be places to find people that are older and queer. Your people are out there... you just need to find the right area.


If you want to stay on the north side, def check out Andersonville and ravenswood!


I live in Logan Square and very close to Avondale and love it here I'm in my early 40s and it seems like I encounter people if all ages not just mostly young or mostly old it's like a wide variety what I don't see is a lot of elderly I guess once they retire they go to a more family oriented neighborhood I don't know but Logan Square is great.. In my humble opinion


It's not you, it's the neighborhood. I lived for a couple of years in East Lakeview and never felt that old.


I feel like Logan Square is even younger in demographics so I’d stay away from there, if you’re wanting a more mature Vibe.


I was in Lincoln Square for dinner Saturday night. Went to a bar afterward and left around 10:30. It was quieter than Elmhurst is at 10:30.


Come to Andersonville! Moved here as a single queer at age 29. Ten years later I’m partnered and 80% of my friends are in the neighborhood, 35 - 45 age range.


Chicago is a city of neighborhoods. You're in a young one.


Move north to andersonville or northwest to ravenswood


To me, Portage and Irving Park sku older but then I’m older than you and I’m not out there looking for anything but a nice meal and a safe place to live and kind of be involved with the community.


Andersonville is older & more female oriented - boys town is a lot of young boys


Why do you seem so old ;)


Lakeview is super young and vibrant, not that the rest of Chicago isn't but it's not representative of the whole


Logan is pretty young as well. Older neighborhoods for 30's are Uptown and Edgewater with a sizeable queer community.


Def Roscoe Village


Brown line and purple line have older people


All the millennials live in old town and the west loop lmao. As a queer 25 y/o, I love living in Rogers park - super diverse and a great array of people from all age ranges. Also yah I would def say lake view is generally a younger neighborhood.


For so long, “millennial” meant young people and now - I think - it means old people 😂


Haha not old! Just like early 30s to mid 40s I would say!


Almost everyone in my RP condo building is a queer millennial.


Moved here at 40!


Anyone over the age of 35 left Chicago. There are some older people left, like 70 + simply because they will finish life there. All of my GenX friends left or are leaving. I was in Lincoln Park/ Streeterville. I even have a friend in Lakeview who now wants to leave...age 48. He grew up in gang infested Lincoln Park in the 1970's-80's90's...lived there his whole life and even he wants to leave. We are older so our memories of life being easier and with more actual city people who had an edge and wore black are gone. I saw a photo of loop people walking and they all looked like first graders in back packs leaving work. Not a cool city vibe anymore. good luck.


When you’re young, a young professional, or in college, the city is where it’s at. Especially if you were born in a sleepy town or suburb. Then you get married and decide you want more space and quiet and that downtown isn’t necessarily the best place to raise kids (although some do) and you move out to the suburbs. At that point you take the train into the city or only go in for events and activities. But some people when they retire and the kids are gone they move back in. Circle of life. But the pattern keeps the city- proper on the young side of demographics.


This is what I’ve been sensing! I’m queer & in my 30’s, so it’s been somewhat jarring being around 20-something straight folks a lot of the time.


Have you walked over to Andersonville or Ravenswood, to name a couple examples? I think the prior commenter's "circle of life" dynamic applies to many young professional north side transplants (I'm one of them so I don't take offense) but is painting with a broad brush. I'm not trying to be rude but the prior commenter conflated "downtown" with "the city proper" which is a common fallacy among people who haven't lived in the city for very long. There are tons of city neighborhood where you won't see anyone under the age of 30 (that isn't a child) - the whole north west side, for example. Heck, I (31M) live in Lincoln Park which many assume is almost exclusively DePaul students and yuppies, but I'm in the northwest corner of LP which is very residential and I'd estimate 90% of my condo building is older than me. As other commenters have pointed out, it's not just what neighborhood you're in but what specific area (and sometimes building) within a neighborhood.


its not just the suburbs - OP is ignoring pretty much everywhere outside of one very specific part of the city. tons of older people/families everywhere across the city once you get into the bungalow belt neighborhoods


Well yeah there’s plenty of older immigrant neighborhoods where they have a nice little brick bungalow and never left.


thats most of the city


Because you live near Wrigley lol. Checkout Andersonville, Ravenswood, and Lincoln Square just northwest of you.


Move to a neighborhood with people your age. You can’t base Chicago off of strictly where you live.


Where did you move from? Compared to other big cities, Chicago feels old. It feels much older than places like NYC, LA, DC, and SF. Chicago also acts old. For example, people get married in Chicago younger than any other major city. And, yes, you live in a young area.


I know how you feel. Im a 34M and some of the bars i used to hang out at have a much younger crowd nowadays, especially near Milwaukee and Fullerton in Logan. It’s not that I hate Gen Z people or people in their 20s by any means but like you said, just out of place when hanging out at those bars. Honestly, the bars on Belmont in Avondale and the ones on Armitage in Logan/Bucktown area are good options for people around our age.


Your 30 something artists are in Avondale or RP, pretty sure


Just echoing that you are hanging around some of the youngest neighborhoods in the city. If you are in the arts it depends on your art. Live theater I tend to know lots in the Ravenswood or Old Town area. But those who are back of house are usually in the more family neighborhoods as they age: Avondale, Beverly, Jefferson Park, Hyde Park. The older artists who are in visual arts are south and west. Lots in Bridgeport, Bronzeville, Garfield area. Musicians just live where ever their neighbors won't file a noise complaint, and their gear won't get jacked.


If you want to be around queer women in their 30s, get yourself up to Andersonville or Edgewater 


That's just Lakeview for ya. When I lived there it was the same as well. HUGE concentration of recently graduated folks live in Lakeview.




I'm in Avondale, it's a big mix here but I'd say I mostly see 30-somethings


Way off base 😂 city of 4 million people and everyone is either 20 something or over 45?


wrong neighborhood - move north to Andersonville / Edgewater


Its your neighborhood. I checked Niche for my new neighborhood because I lived in Lincoln Square and it was too middle aged, wealthy and white for me personally. If you're a queer woman look at Andersonville, Roger's Park, Uptown. Obviously there's more places, but those are closer to where you already live.


Andersonville would be my suggestion


If you want a field trip to see us Chicago geezers I invite you to visit the CSO, Goodman, Steppenwolf performances. We are ancient. ;-) The Grant Park Symphony free concerts have a few younger folks but not enough. Glad you’re here and hope you find your perfect neighborhood.


It’s the metropolis of the Midwest, that’s why.


It’s the neighborhood. I’m late 30’s and seem to be on the far young end of the spectrum in Edison Park.


I started in south loop, mostly thirty something’s. I moved to uptown, mostly 50 something’s. I spend my time on the LFT, mostly 20 something’s (especially by Lincoln park and lake view)


NYC is the same way. Lower Manhattan and hipster BK feels like it’s all teens and twenties cool kids. I think older people are getting away from large cities. Suburbs and small towns is the only places we can afford anymore.


Try Andersonville much better vibe and very LBGT+ friendly


Andersonville, Lincoln Square.


Lots of colleges in the city plus all the young people in the suburbs always want to move to the city.... 🤷


Andersonville 🙌


As another single queer female in her 30s, come on over to Ravenswood/Lincoln Square/Andersonville!


Logan is good. Wicker Park is also good. I’d stay away from the suburbs like the plague.


Uptown, Andersonville/Edgewater might be more your thing here on the north side


Meanwhile I live in an 30+ neighborhood 💀


I think you’re on track. It seems as though the city pushes out those in their mid30s. Housing isn’t affordable and it’s really hard to start a family (for those that are) given the school systems. It requires either more money for private schools or making it your job to navigate CPS. Plus if you want CPS to work for you, in the elementary years you have to live in the right neighborhoods. So it’s incredibly difficult for adults in their mid 30s with a trajectory toward starting a family.


haha im in logan early 20s and I rarely see people my age.. mostly 30s hipsters


Lakeview is super young


I feel like a young one here in rogers park and I’m 28 😅


The way I see is that Chicago is def old. But there are not that many buildings as old as New York as well as some other cities. On the account of the great fires. So overall it seems younger in comparison to it. Even tho it isn't.


I moved here when I was 21 and have not grown up ever since 😂


Most big cities are young demographic. Go to Tokyo and you’ll think Chicago is full of old farts lol


Andersonville and Uptown will have more older queer residents Lincoln Square is full of couples with young kids and the bars close early


Not sure what part of the arts you're in, but I work for a major cultural and have a lot of friends in the scrappier independent side of things. Among them, Rogers Park and Edgewater up north, Logan Square or further on Milwaukee and actually a lot in Hyde Park.


Wicker park is fun check it out


The bar scene in this area is very young. I live here and enjoy it, but I rarely go out in Lakeview besides a couple dive bar spots. Overall I think the overall demographic is not much different from other areas. I always see families walking their kids and dogs and it’s a very quiet area.


I’m also a queer female in my mid 30s! Been in Chi for over a decade. I’m looking at Andersonville, Ravenswood, and Evanston.


You just live in an extremely young area. I notice it too and I’m only 31.


As others have said, you’ll find more of your ilk in Andersonville, Edgewater, And Rogers Park. I live in Edgewater and love how quiet is (most of the time) and really appreciate all the trees and the easy access to the Lake, parks and the Lake front trail.


Queer lady in your 30s? I'd check out Andersonville. Go check out Nobody's Darling. It's such a homecoming after the fuckfest of boys town.


Go to a Chicago Sky game... the arena is just off the redline near Chinatown... good dinner and a game kind of day. A lot of 30 something lesbians there. They might not be single, but you'll find the crowd.


You would want to look north, Andersonville to Edgewater/Rogers Park


Hm maybe check out Andersonville? It seems like my neighborhood and surrounding areas skew a bit older.






lol my old neighborhood was filled with old folks. It was nice and quiet aside from the ambulances always rushing to one of the retirement high rise communities.


A lot of College students get apartments (sharing rent together) instead of paying lots of money to dorm. I went o VanderCook on 31st and many of friends had apartments 5-10 minutes away from the college. (I commuted on Metra from home).


I will say, as a 35 year old queer woman who moved here last year my first impression was that every single queer woman in the city was exactly 27 years old. I was proven wrong eventually but the queer scene skews young for sure.


Before you move anywhere else I would explore and spend time in different parts of the city, go to restaurants, etc. Sounds like you didn’t do that the first time around. 10 years isn’t actually that big of an age difference… sounds like your concern is as much “scene” and lifestyle as just people’s ages.


I feel this is how Chicago has always been. I’m in my 50’s, but when we were in our 20’s, we were the group that hung out in all those neighborhoods and now my kids, who are in their 20’s, hang out in those neighborhoods. It’s a cycle.


There are lots of us queer women in our 30s in the Rogers Park and Andersonville areas. We’d love to have you!


Take up pickleball and go to some of the parks to play. It won’t be all people in their 20’s!!


My partner and I live in Lakeview East and we sometimes feel ancient in our apartment building even though we're 32 and 34 lol. And there are probably people our age but it's just a feeling. Can't even imagine having a kid in that building, it's not the vibe. 😂


Me: a 23 y/o who moved to Lakeview after graduating from my BIG10 school reading these comments 👁️👄👁️ As the rest of the commenters are saying Lakeview has a super young community!


Austin is nice and welcoming


This is so reassuring to me


where do the 40s/50s hang out?


Because we are old now… 😂


Head to Andersonville and Edgewater if you’d like an older queer vibe. I’ve heard Logan square can be nice as well.


It's just when you grow up out here, you get wise to the fact that it's safer inside, or in a secluded spot.


Come to Wicker Park!


Andersonville is the only answer If you have lake view money - move to Andersonville IMMEDIATELY Worlds edit - coolest concentration of queer 30 somethings, do not pass boystown do not collect $200 go straight to Andersonville Also, Avondale (no offense) is rachet af - not a walking neighborhood. And Logan square is more/all 20 something party town In Andersonville/racenswood people want like, nice vintage furniture and local shops and puppies flowers babies….great restaurants, some party bars but so low key. It’s just gorgeous and feels super out of Chicago, and adult. Source I’m pushing 50 and sweetest pads we ever had were Andersonville, lived in 4 different flats all near the metra line, love the sound of trains works for me. The best pad (we call it our bachelor pad) was a 2 story loft in a map factory. Was a dream. Cool neighbors, available volunteer activities just , THE best. Also I work in Chicago in any area u could name,


Depends on the neighborhood in the city.


Lakeview in general is all ppl either in college or who graduated the last 10 yrs. Especially wrigleyville


I was having a blast at Cafe Moustache for karaoke. I was invited there for a birthday. I told this dude that he did a great job. He stared at me for a minute, and then he slurred, “howw .. ooold are you?” 😂😂😂 Like he was seeing a ghost. I am 46 for the next 32 minutes, for reference.


Neighborhoods like yours are full of yuppie transplant kids from the suburbs...if you want to see the real Chicago go to some neighborhoods with old money, or go to the west and south side.


You live where all the 20-something Iowans and Wisconsinites and transplants from sleepy towns across the Midwest first arrive to “make it in the big city”, before having kids and moving back to buttfuck nowhere