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Absolutely. I hosted friends today and we left before the parade wifely dispersed and I actually encouraged everyone to leave before things got too wild.


Haha good idea. Guess now I know not to save my Jewel trip for this day lmao


Yep. That’s the way it is. I always make sure I have enough food because I refuse to leave after the Parade finishes. If you’re newer to Lakeview though- please note this is probably the only day of the year something like this happens.


I know it’s a great area wasn’t worried about this being a regular thing! But thank you


I used to live on Newport Ave towards Halstead and yes, lately it seems to get dangerous every year (and that’s coming from a big homo that’s had his fair share of party days). I don’t understand why, but every year it’s obviously this group of 100+ people from the south side. They’re combative with people walking by, throw bottles and shit everywhere, and blare music with profanity. I don’t even think this group is LGBTQIA+; they’re just assholes. I’ve seen the cops have to remove them a couple times.


They’re gonna call you racist either way, you might as well be honest


From the Southside is like black jobs


How do you know they're from the South Side?


It’s not really worth getting into, it’s pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that they’re not from the north neighborhoods and that only leaves so many possibilities


Could be from the west side too😂. It kills me how people on here are scared to say that groups of black kids were acting out of control. It happens and you are not racist to notice it.


So basically they are black?




My first thought was douchebags from Beverly. Loud, white, and drunk. But I maybe slightly biased against guys from Beverly…I’ve dated a few.


Whoah whoah whoah, we’re not that loud.


Because the suburbs totally don't exist.


What makes it obvious they aren't from "the north neighborhoods"?


Because it’s not the typical behavior you see in northside neighborhoods.


People have eyes and ears


Not music with profanity! Oh good heavens! Why we should send a wire to the governor, we need the national guard!


I almost ran over a group of people twerking in the street then continued crossing a busy road without looking. I slammed on my brakes and laid on my horn. One of the girls lifted up her skirt then smacked her ass. Imagine if the guy behind me rear ended me then had to explain to the cops…


The streets are disgusting this morning


My alley way to my home is a damn mess.


yes. happens every year. i hate it. people love to say it’s not dangerous but they don’t walk through it. it absolutely is dangerous. last year there was someone on the news who shared that their car was totaled because people jumped on it so much.


was scrolling through Snapchat maps earlier to figure out what the HELL was going on (I'm still fairly new to the city) and I saw a video of a few dozen folks climbing and dancing on top of a CTA bus that appeared to be in service.


Funny the snap map shows no heat map around halsted but there’s hours of snaps hahah


I seen that in person. Girls throwin ass in the streets. 🤩 They legit stopped a #22 (in slow traffic) and threw ass around the perimeter of the bus momentarily. I walked through there for an hour. It was very much rowdy, but I wasn't concerned about my safety. It was mostly girls having fun with police most everywhere the rowdy was. (Where I was at. I seen the comments about other craziness. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨)


The 22 bus gets all the ass. 36 is jealous af.


Redline ass > blue line ass


Redline Ass sounds like a good name for a shitty Chicago home brew beer. "Did you have a hard day at work today, well get home and enjoy an ice cold Redline Ass."


Only if you enjoy the smell and taste of ass.


I threw an ass once in 2016 and never got it back. They should be careful.


lol I just had to check the snap map. The girl twerking on top of the Shell gas pump 😅


I need to look that up! 🤩 The girls were showing out yesterday all day and night. Separately, I think our lesbian population needs more attention (venues, nights, events, etc). The loitering in abundance could be due to that. 🤷‍♂️


I am so not hip. What is throwing ass? Like twerking?


Yes and jukin' and all other dances that involve a lot of booties being shaken.


Yeah my partner and I walked through one of the block takeovers yesterday and two women were holding up tasers/threatening to use them


Asking for a friend… where should they not park their car to not terminate their car payments… gotta keep feeding the banks


If you're willing to pay extra for parking, Advocate Masonic has a couple garages on Wellington that anyone can use Edit: read this as "where *should* they park their car". So park in the garage to keep your car safe, and park on the street if you want to potentially open a car insurance claim lol


This is hilarious, the crowd actually was partying inside the Masonic parking garage this year, the police seemed to have the other areas cordoned off pretty well. Would be surprised if a bunch of peoples cars got damaged in that garage…


Yeah just walked through it as well it is definitely dangerous. Can’t believe people would say otherwise


one of the members of our party had a guy walk up to her car with a knife as she was reversing out of a spot and rip the door open. luckily she acted fast, pulled the door closed, and quickly drove off. anyone saying lived experience is not factual or relevant is an ideologue


What made it dangerous? What happened?


It’s a bunch of people who get drunk and don’t know how to act in public


I’d like specifics as well. I mean, I know it can be sketchy but specifics would be nice


it’s fights, damage to vehicles, a few gunshots last night which i don’t remember from last year, some people had weapons pulled on them


I saw a nice homeless man who lives in our neighborhood get the absolute shit beat out of him on the corner of broadway and waveland then the guy ran away


I saw three separate fights. I think it all started with a group of latin-x bikers that were at Addison and Ashland in the afternoon. They took over the gas station there on the corner. White hummer, tons of bikers, playing their own loud music, even saw a MAGA flag in the mix there believe it or not. People were brandishing pistols. Not a cop in sight.


This was discussed on the Chicago sub when it happened, there seemed to eventually be a large police response. Seems unrelated to the parade considering it’s not really close


Think St Patrics Day with more flair and glitter


I work with that guy.


I lived at the corner of Clark and Halsted for a few years. Pride was always huge, lots of good folks for the main event, and felt safe. However the event attracts a lot of shady people who aren’t there for the fest itself, that’s who lingers after and should be avoided. 3 people got shot one year on the corner of Clark and Halsted. I remember hearing the shots.


Same - I lived right at the corner of Clark/Halsted/Barry and it was really fun until it very suddenly wasn’t, like the wind shifted. That Walgreens used to get decimated every year.


Was this in 2019 by chance?!? I remember hearing shots that year around that area and people running and being truly terrified, but couldn’t find ANYTHING online when I made it home. Up until now I’ve been gaslighting myself thinking I totally misread the situation.


I believe it was 2022


It’s chaos out there. Just saw a guy get a bottle smashed over his head and blood spurt everywhere on Broadway


Can confirm, saw it while on the bus going by


Do you think these kinds of shenanigans and violent crimes just happen from hordes of people getting way too intoxicated and snapping?


Can’t be real I’ve been assured that this situation is NOT dangerous!


Wtf? For what?


And what cross street?


12 years ago I got punched in the face trying to get on the L at Belmont after leaving a show at the Vic on pride Sunday when someone stepped in front of me to use my fare at the turnstyle. I called the cops and followed the guy who hit me and the police did nothing - said it looked like I was the aggressor Because I Followed Him. I had a bloody nose and my eyes were black for weeks. It’s been crazy for a while there after the parade.


Imagine punching someone in the face over $2.50


I once got sucker punched because I didn't share a piece of gum.


Mayweather punched a guy over $80 million.


Well yea your first mistake is believing the CPD will help you in a simple assault.


Police protect property not people.


Hey now, sometimes they protect *rich, important* people.


Assault on CTA property which is supposed to be a felony. I was disappointed but not really surprised.


5 years ago these four girls played a loudspeaker with bass into my living room window direction at 1pm for 15 minutes while drinking wine out the bottles. When I walked over to them with my dog and asked them to turn the music down they threatened to hit me with wine bottles. My female dog doesn’t like her daddy messed with so she directed all 45 pounds of might growling and lunging and chased those chicken heads off my block running. It’s nice to have a good sweet pup who can spot bad people a mile away


Sadly, I had no protective dog at my disposal and even if I did it wouldn’t have helped leaving a concert and getting on the L. Otherwise that sure would have helped, I guess?


Sorry you experienced that! The event could be run so much better


Thanks - it sure wasn’t the way I wanted to end the day. There’s not really a problem with the event itself - the whole of Belmont from Sheffield to Clark had been taken over by a mob of younger partiers many who seemed underaged and were just going wild. I remember hearing reports of windows being broken and cars vandalized. It was crazy.


Essentially, you can’t have nice things when crowds get too big. St. Patrick’s day in Wrigleyville, the SouthSide Irish parade, any number of local events wind up with people losing their s**t because they can’t behave once they get a few drinks in them or get lost in a crowd. Like people walking through traffic with no care, whether they have a light or not, then they get angry when someone honks, and then it escalates. Unfortunately, it happens with lots of events like this.


I really can’t stress enough how there is zero comparison to what goes on at St Paddy’s to what happened last night. I keep seeing this comparison and I don’t get it


It’s because there’s no other event to compare to. The pride parade is one event and the after party is another. The morning pride parade shenanigans are similar to st patty’s day and general Wrigleyville debauchery, the after party on the streets is a whole different level. If you’re a Lakeview local, some days just aren’t worth dealing with, pride parade Sunday is one of those. I know gay people that leave for the entire weekend to avoid the craziness.


Same in NYC! I’m always like…who are these people. A lot of them don’t even seem queer but just like the excuse to get fucked up. It’s so strange.


That’s exactly it… lots of people partying… even straight white people. It’s like Mardi Gras essentially


I'm from New orleans, going through this thread i was thinking this sounds like baby Mardi Gras XD


It's straight people in general hon, not just straight white people. It's straight black and Hispanic people too. And I'm sure more. I saw plenty of straight black girls going ratchet yesterday. No need to single out one race.


>even straight white people This is such a weird callout


the parade was so fun, but then we went out to brown elephant to pick up something we placed on hold and it was CHAOS. my friend called it gotham when I sent him pictures 😭😭 People on top of buses, the streets are LITTERED, I couldn't walk anywhere walking through, I didn't feel unsafe, but ANNOYED. but then some lady looked me in my eyes and threw her takeaway container on the sidewalk in front of me. I was about to tell her off but my boyfriend stopped me, he said it'd be stupid to get hurt or worse over some garbage. and he's right, they probably would've jumped me just for calling them out, and it was a big group.


Yeah, it’s just people coming from other parts of the city and trashing the place because they can.


People at the parade itself are from all other parts of the city and leave the place quite a mess as well...


Yes. It’s more rowdier. A decade ago there would be as many people but everyone was chill now not so much


They’re almost all underage kids trying to fuck around in the middle of the street because they’re not old enough to be in a bar or can’t afford it. We need new entrance terms for pride. Under 21 and you need a parent or guardian with you. It would solve SO much of this problem. The part that really angers me is a lot of the people in question are not even part of the LGBTQ community. They’re here to just fuck shit up, some are even hugely homophobic and will throw out slurs while you’re walking by. Why are we allowing this every year? It’s very clearly loitering, why are police doing nothing about this year after year?


Yeah it’s 1000% an excuse to have a block party and not to celebrate pride


I was walking by the start yesterday cause I needed to run errands pride or no pride and there were these guys heckling people calling out they were happy to be deadbeat dads for lesbians who want kids like dude did you have nothing better to do today? Edit: the way I paraphased the language was much kinder than what was actually said.


Sorry that happened. I know we endure a million little moments like this over our life time but still sorry that happened to you.


I’ve lived on the northernmost end of the neighborhood and it seems that once the parade by is over, you need to get out of the streets. It’s a shame that the LGBTQ+ community is now being targeted by outsiders on their holiday. The organizers, CPD, CTA, and mayor need to do a better job at addressing neighborhood safety during these events. You sure don’t see these things during Lollapalooza and NASCAR.


Harder to get arrested at this event versus doing the same antics in other neighborhoods. They know they can get away with it here.


I totally agree, they assume they’re going to get away with it because every year they do. But why? It sounds politically motivated to me, but I don’t want to wildly speculate


"Under 21 you need a parent or guardian with you to get into Pride" would be a horrible policy that would lock a lot of queer/trans minors out of the community. Not everyone has a supportive adult to take them to Pride.


Agreed. It also locks out 18-20 year olds who might not have parents in the city or just want to go with a group of friends and not their parents. I'm 20, almost 21 in August, and my parents live in Michigan. Would I just not be allowed to attend pride?


That’s 100% true so perhaps a 4pm curfew for unattended minors so that they can still attend but aren’t loitering at night.


Saw a girl walking out of the iHop on Halsted saying "I told y'all, I fuckin' told y'all" as like a half dozen cops were begrudgingly walking in. This was at like 5 pm, so yeah I don't doubt it devolved from there.


I’ve lived in the neighborhood for a couple years but never happened to be out during this. Yeah, it was a mess. I assumed the festivities were over so I went to do a return and the sheer number of people plus the immense police presence was unsettling. At one point by the target a bunch of teens started running in one direction which made me think somebody had a gun or something. I didn’t love seeing the streets get trashed and being shouted at by kids, but that’s just me!


Pride is not a great time anymore market days is way better


Until these same assholes start showing up for that


This has been an issue for a while in Boystown, hence all the security etc changes around the area. If you go for an early morning walk you’ll see liquor bottles etc strewn about where people were drinking and partying on the sidewalk/street and then flood into Halsted from the adjacent streets. They shut down the feeder streets onto Halsted during market days to be residents only which seems to help.




I only walked through Broadway from like Melrose to Addison. Belmont and Sheffield seems nuts given the lives on citizen but didn’t go through there


Lots and lots of tourists that get drunk/high and generally over stimulated. Then one asshole does something stupid like jump on a car and the drunk high tourist jumps in because they think that shit is acceptable and it’s not. I think people forget how expensive a neighborhood the pride parade rolls through, gay or straight you have to have money to live there and while people are pretty cool with visitors having a good time there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. If there are too many asshole causing trouble the parade as people know it will go away. If you want to dance down Halsted in a g-string more power to you. If you want to punch out car windows or burn down a garage or two on your walk back to your SUV people will take away the welcome mat.


Thanks for letting me know I was better off choosing to stay closer to home and hang at the Logan Square arts and weed fest today...


I mean the parade was a lovely time!! Apparently after the parade wasn’t so much…


These aren’t tourists these are black teens from the south side who take the redline here every year like this to start trouble because hey know the cops won’t do shit post George Floyd era.




Citizen lol


Yeah... this told me a lot lol


I’m not allowed to reference a live video because it’s on citizen? The hating is crazy lmao


I didn't say you can't reference it. I joked that it told me a lot.


Victim complex goes perfect with citizen


Large crowds where many people have been consuming large amounts of alcohol and various drugs for hours. It's a perfect storm for bad behavior. And at this point it's not even a gathering for just LGBTQ people. It's basically a party across a large portion of the city. What's unfortunate is how it slowly shifts. I was out at the parade with my wife and kid. At a playground along the parade route, plenty of kids out with families, vendors selling ice cream, old ladies handing out hugs, folks cheering and just having a good time. But this is ~11am-1pm early in the day. And I know within about 12hrs it's gonna turn into a rager.


Back in mayor Daley days they would have the paddy wagons out lining the streets so people knew CPD wasn’t fuckin’. My dad lived in this area for years when I was a kid I’d spend a lot my childhood wondering around. I have mainly great memories of the large neighborhood events, cub games, pride, street fests,—but I always remember seeing a string of paddy wagons lined up somewhere, even when post cubs games things would get rowdy. They would be throwing people in the wagons for Drunk and Disorderly or Public Intox. By the tens, I have seen it with my own eyes and always remember my dad saying “awww shit, they’ve got the wagons out tonight!” . Of course pride has grown immeasurably since those days. That general area is a shit show, but it used to be a great little alternative lifestyle friendly area, tons of smoke and headshops, vintage and alt stores. Etc. it’s very different now. And with the current political climate and post social justice movement- there appears to be blatant inaction on CPD part, at times. Not sure wtf is going on but I suppose there’s some larger issues at play conscerning the union, quiet quitting, and the gun violence and overall corruption issues. So unless you’re dealing with a high priority problem, you may not even get a response. I don’t think I would personally enjoy living in that area now, I don’t even like driving through.


Can someone tell me what is a high priority for the CPD? Because they don’t seem to care about assaults, property crime, or gun violence.


I didn’t want to go this year because of all these people that come after the parade to start shit. I’ve been coming every year outside of 2020 2021. This year was not bad at all and I saw very few people starting shit this year. So imo this pride was a delight.


This is why I stopped going. After a certain hour it gets taken over by people who don’t give a shit about respect or common decency. Kinda sad to see what it’s become over the last 10 years or so.


People who are defending this behavior by making excuses for it, regardless of your race you have some deeply embedded notions of Black inferiority. Here’s what I mean: You are afraid to have behavioral expectations of Black people because of the assumptions held about their background, and the fear of being seen as racist. Newsflash: There have been poor Black people in America ever since it was invaded by Europeans. Although Black people lacked opportunities and legal protections under the law, the overwhelming majority have managed to comport themselves with decency and civility. Thus, equating poverty with a propensity for lawlessness is as bad as being a racist. The vast majority of poor people are law abiding citizens. If you’re afraid to call out this kind of behavior because of the race of the culprits, you’re playing right into the hands of the racists and you’re inviting more of the same behavior. The more we make excuses for these kinds of behaviors, the more we are complicit in their validation. We want to see a diversity of people enjoying all that this amazing city has to offer, but you must be respectful of others, of property, and of the law.


Could not have said it better myself! THANK YOU!


I am in Lakeview off Broadway. I have never experienced anything like what I witnessed last night. It was terrifying.


Tell me more about what you saw


Idk I walked up Broadway for three miles after 7 pm and didn't see anything too crazy (for me). A lot of black women throwing ass though lol.


I just walked through it at 11:30pm. It didn’t feel dangerous but I could see how someone might feel extremely uncomfortable. That being said I’m good now, I don’t wanna walk through that again. Highly recommend taking Sheridan/Inner Lake Shore drive if you live east of Broadway. That street is almost empty rn.


Yes. Locals get out of dodge before the parade starts. Galena, mineral point, Geneva. Pride Sunday is when locals day trip to avoid the chaos.


The parade is chill nothing bad happened this afternoon


The issue isn’t the parade; it’s the bad people that linger hours after the parade. I used to march in the parade; pride is a good thing.


I walked in the parade and when I was heading back home up the redline there were more people getting off at Belmont than getting on post parade…clearly weren’t there to celebrate pride they just showed up to get fucked up afterwards


...And the night ended in mass arrests after masse property damage. It goes without saying that 99% of the people arrested were surely neither LGBTQIA+ nor allies in good faith supporting the festivities.


Yep! Within the last few years, I’ve made sure to not be in town for it.


I mean, you can just go back home


Also what the hell is up with people who go to crowded events like pride and then try to start fight with anyone who accidentally bumps into them? I always seem to encounter these dickheads and I just am stupefied every time what possesses someone to be so unnecessarily aggro.


I tend to avoid crowds because they tend to be stressful especially after the event lets out and traffic skyrockets, even on foot.


I had no idea this crazy shit was happening post-parade. The earlier starting time makes so much more sense now.


I just came back from nephews birthday party in the suburbs and took me 30 minutes to get from Ashland to Seminary and a police escort through the chaos to my building. Ridiculous


It’s the same with TBOX and St Patrick’s Day. Lots of people get drunk, lots of people in from outside of the neighborhood- lots of dumb fuck chaos.


Naw, Sunday night after the pride parade is way, waaaaay worse


I see you’ve never followed the play by play recaps of TBOX. Or maybe you’ve forgotten about the 2014 stabbing?


Not at all. I’ve done all of these parties and Pride always has the shadiest and scariest vibes as soon as the parade is over.


Hmm which is worse: one person being stabbed with a broken bottle or three people being shot and another three being stabbed And neither of those becomes the sort of neighborhood-wide takeover that happens the night after the pride parade.


See, you’re making it a pissing match. I’m not trying to downplay how much post-pride sucks. I’m just saying it ain’t the only event in Lakeview that causes chaos. “And neither of those becomes the sort of neighborhood takeover…” Let me stop you right there and remind you that the Southside Irish parade was cancelled for 3 years after 2009 exactly because the neighborhood felt that drunk kids were taking over after the parade. Here- let me give you something you can agree with- the post pride chaos has gotten worse since COVID. It was shitty, but not scary prior to 2020.


Don’t know what TBOX is but I went out for st pattys. I think what helps st Patrick’s is that it’s not just congregated to 4 blocks. What I saw yesterday reminded me of bourbon st in NOLA more than pride


tbox is crying drunk white chicks on the curb (with their bros) and cereal vomit on the sidewalks.  Not a good day to walk the dog...


Yeah kinda, but TBOX on a freezing or snowy day usually curbs some of tomfoolery.


That’s actually a good point.


It’s sad that their parents have not instilled in them a respect for themselves, a respect for others and a respect for property. However, if people insist upon breaking laws, including violence, destruction of property and disorderly conduct, the police should arrest them and throw their sorry asses in jail—and if the culprits happen to be primarily Black, so be it. I’m not interested in their or Brandon Johnson’s “root causes”. Expecting you to behave like a civilized human being is the lowest bar and if you can’t clear that bar, it’s not because of your race that people don’t want you around, it’s because you’re an asshole.


***These people clearly aren’t from the area*** ELI5


I can't hear anything, but my dog is going nuts!


It’s disgusting. Total trash.


It's getting worse.


YES! At least since the late 90s. 🤷


I haven’t been since 2017 but it was fucking wild after sundown then


I’ve lived right on Belmont about a block from the station for a couple years now, and unfortunately this has been the trend for the time we have lived here. For those saying it’s not dangerous, for those who live here it actually is lmao. Saw several fights break out and someone’s apartment building get hounded with people climbing up the stairs and pounding on their door. I even saw a mom drop off probably 6-8 young kids for them to walk around and party. Incredibly irresponsible to let these minors wander around and cause havoc. We don’t leave our house when it’s hits 6-6:30 because of how dicey it starts to get. It’s one of the most disappointing parts of living here. Also - no this does not happen after Cubs games or anything else. This is purely a pride event with the same type of crowd every year looking to cause trouble and general chaos.


I’ll prepare for the downvotes, but **it’s not dangerous.** Last year I walked through the sea of people (from Southport to lake shore on Belmont the whole way through) 3 times, the last time being 11:30pm ish (I chose a bad day to have multiple commitments) and never had a single problem. Annoying? Sure. Inconvenient? Definitely. Would I leave my car parked there? Absolutely the fuck not. But dangerous? Not even close, not any more so than normal. It’s just (mostly) south side kids hanging out and fucking around, but not once was I threatened or even talked to - and I’m just a 5’8 skinny white guy


I'm gonna gently push back on the idea that it's not more dangerous than normal, simply because there are so many more people involved. More people means more assholes fighting in the streets, and more crowds shoving people into the road and more bars past fire capacity. I also don't care where they came from, but in terms of sheer volume of people it is more dangerous. The kinds of danger aren't new and it's not like it's an unbelievable danger level, but it's hard to argue with just numbers.


The fest is good, people are good. It’s the shady people who come out for the crowd and cause trouble after. I lived on the corner of Clark and Halsted and 3 people were shot around 9pm, many hours after the parade ended. Main parade event is fine, just a lot of people. But it is *not* safe afterwards.


> south side kids hanging out and fucking around My train on northbound Red Line this afternoon was basically a club. Someone had a boom box blasting and girls were standing on the seats twerking and screaming lyrics at the top of their lungs. It was fun to witness but holy shit was it loud.


If you're not willing to leave your car parked there it is dangerous. You don't want your car parked there because people will treat it violently, and it's easy for violence to spread from objects to people.


I hear you, but your experience is anecdotal. I’ve never been like I probably shouldn’t walk outside my apartment right now until tonight. Shouldn’t be that way imo


You realize your experiences are also anecdotal


Right but calling it not dangerous is crazy. The love videos and police scanners seem to show that I probably shouldn’t walk outside my apt rn haha. Even my walk to jewel at 7 there was a guy busted up lmao.


Do you also not leave your apartment on st Patrick’s day or any time there’s big crowds gathering? Yes, more people = more chance of something happening, but this event is no more dangerous than any other time there’s huge crowds around. **It does not mean you shouldn’t leave your apartment.** if you choose to avoid crowds like that in general, that’s your choice, but that does not inherently mean those crowds are dangerous. It means it is slightly more likely that something happens simply due to concentration of people, but not that it is particularly likely


Do you live in Lakeview? Are you being serious when you say the level of danger on St Patrick’s day is the same as tonight? Come on dude be serious


I do live in lakeview, on st paddy’s there are countless random street/bar fights because people are just hammered. Sure, there aren’t guns, but there are fights all over - and you could very easily unknowingly get caught in the middle of one. It may be anecdotal, but I’ve never had nor seen a problem besides some vandalism on pride night, been right around plenty of fights on st paddy’s. Seen folks get robbed after festivals fairly often. Shit happens all the time, whatever time you select to listen to police scanners will make you believe that night is the most dangerous there is. Listen to them on st paddy’s or after any festival, there’s always stuff going on - that doesn’t mean the city is dangerous


Man 3 people got shot and another 3 stabbed two years ago haha. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/woman-in-critical-condition-among-3-people-shot-in-lakeview-east/


I would say it’s not dissimilar to St Patrick’s Day. It’s not necessarily dangerous per se, but the propensity for shit to go down is heightened. Keep your head on swivel


Yeah, same as any big crowds/festivals. St paddy’s is a good comparison


I can agree there’s similarities in crowd size. But if the police scanners are accurate there seems to be a lot more guns involved tn then a St Paddy’s day event


Have you listened to the police scanners on a St. Paddy’s night or after Lollapalooza? St. Paddy’s is a mostly daytime event, less guns during the day, but when the crowds are out at night this is what happens


[Mass Arrest reported in Lakeview](https://youtu.be/u4oBft4qvxw?feature=shared) Omg, take a look at this. I hope those who claim it's not dangerous have something to say now. Would you feel safe if this was happening in your neighborhood?


I have a friend that used to be a cop in that precinct up until 2020. The stories he told about what happened in that neighborhood were wild.




I couldn’t sleep last night because there were so many ambulance and police sirens flying past my street starting at 10pm until like 2am. I had a 7am meeting so I was super super pissed. I was wondering what it was about but I guess it was this?


Yes. It's a huge reason the parade was moved to Sunday. This year, on the precipice of a holiday week, that's probably done less to impact the villainy that accompanies this parade in Chicago.


The parade has been on the last Sunday of June for a long time. The city did make changes by shifting the start time to 11am rather than noon and shortened the parade route to decrease the number of officers needed for the event.




Yeah I get what you’re saying but the parade wasn’t a dangerous situation at all, so that’s the difference


I always head home around 8:30pm or head to North Pride on Sunday’s after the parade. The people committing these acts aren’t from the neighborhood. The big event and influx of out of towners draws in the Chicago scum normally seen downtown.


I want to know why we’re paying an army of cops to occupy the area just standing there, doing nothing while a bunch of assholes clog the streets, trash our neighborhood and antagonize every possible opportunity for destruction. As much as I support the spirit and cause of Pride, the energy was not peaceful or joyful yesterday. It was contentious, bloated and hostile. I hope they shut it the fuck down soon before the next mass shooting, riot, crime spree, whatever — that was more so the vibe yesterday. Those of us who live here shouldn’t have to fully evacuate for the weekend to stay safe and mobile.


Sadly yes in recent years. Had friends last year trapped in their place of work for hours waiting for a fucked up crowd to disperse. Used to be one of the bright spots of the summer and now has become a reason for shitheads to run amok.


Reading below, it sounds like the kind of thing that happened around the St Paticks SS Parade before they shut it down a few years ago. But, you can't shut down the Pride parade because of politics/perception - so the police just do the best they can.


Yeah it's usually pretty rowdy, but in the past I've never had an incident or anything that made me feel unsafe. My group of friends and I did get spit on and had a knife pulled out on us behind Progress yesterday... So you definitely have to be careful.


Alcohol turns people toxic. A huge event that’s partly centered around alcohol is the main problem imo.




Wow they shot up while walking your dog that’s great multitasking


So is this an improvement over last year or did it get worse?


Seems like it was better. Cops shut down the Wellington and Belmont L stations at times and blocked off congregation points that typically become problematic. People are speculating this was a dry run for the DNC convention, they had a lot of cops out yesterday.


Good vibes and dipshits was my assessment as I rode my bike through the neighborhood at 5:00 pm.


We started leaving right after the float gets to the end of it’s an utter nightmare trying to get out and thru traffic, mobs of people etc… parked by Lakeview by Clark ubered as close to our float setup as we could, scrammed right after haha


Commenting on Does it always get this dangerous in Lakeview after Pride?...


The end of pride last year was horrible. I remember hundreds of people went from Lakeview to downtown, jumping on cars, assaulting tourist ect.

