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This is just a rant with a question mark


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Can you stop acting like small government, liberal conservatism is all that exists, and no one actually wants to use the government to ban things? One thing that bugs me about this subreddit is that when someone comes and asks about any social conservative topic, many moderate and liberal conservatives will try to act like the socially conservative position is a thing of the past, and that real conservatives™ actually believe the important thing is stopping the government from doing anything to interfere, and that whatever the thing is or what the positions on it are now, nobody really wants to outright ban it anymore. Today, I’m here to say that that is false, because I exist. No matter what the topic is, I basically guarantee you that I take the most stringent, reactionary position possible. Pornography? Ban it. Contraception? Don’t make me laugh. Equal rights for women? Nope. Universal suffrage? Cancerous. Oh you think transgender “women” shouldn’t play in girls sports? Why are we letting females play competitive sports at all? It’s contrary to femininity. Movies that promote hedonism? Obscenity that needs to be decimated. Cosmetics should be banned. Rap should be banned. Trashy pop performances by low morality individuals with revealing outfits and face tattoos should be banned. Immigration from third world countries should be banned. Communism should be banned. Feminism should be banned. Any other forms of subversion should be banned. You may think all of this is a reach, and if all you see is Reddit conservatism I can see why you would think that. But I encourage you to visit twitter and see what is going on among right-wing anon accounts there. There are legions of rightists like me and we are growing. When any “conservative” evangelical accounts like Owen Strachan or RC Sproul III post about stupid stuff like “muh separation of Church and State” or “Franco bad” they get swarmed by the ranks of Christian nationalists, recently emboldened by the publication of Stephen Wolfe’s work “The Case for Christian Nationalism.” Nick Fuentes, who believes the Catholic Church should control politics, was recently unbanned by Elon Musk and rocketed to 300,000+ followers in a few weeks. Megyn Kelly even acknowledges that his “groyper” movement is becoming mainstream. Not to mention that support for gay marriage among Gen Zers has recently decreased from 80% to 69% between 2021 and 2023. This was brought to my attention by Nate Hochman on twitter, who, as a side note, has refused to accept his recent cancellation. I haven’t even mentioned some of the other big factions on the right, like the BAPists and NRx crowd. I am by no means a part of any of the racialist groups that have sprung up, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that they have been helped tremendously by the ineffectuality and dechristianization of the modern conservative movement. I used to be normal, run-of-the-mill conservative like all of you. I actually used to consider myself a neoconservative. But I came to realize that it was pointless to keep opposing every new liberal agenda item that came up, only to become a sycophantic adherent of the agenda 10 years later. I am not an extremist. I am simply unwilling to meet evil halfway. I appeal to you to create a twitter account and follow the people I am talking about. If anyone would like recommendations, feel free to DM me. That is all. “If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.”- St Athanasius of Alexandria.


What the hell? lol


>I am not an extremist. You literally just listed the most extreme right wing positions on every possible issue.


I appreciate you posting in here and I think you should post and respond more. Often when I pose a question, I'm trying to get an answer from people like you. The groups you mention are the ones I talk to in real life. They're the ones who make the podcasts and media whose ideas I want to discuss. I'm also kind of tired of asking about this and having the majority of conservatives on this subreddit wrinkle their nose and act like they've never heard of a conservative like you.


I've heard of KKK members and Nazis. It doesn't mean I need to lend them any power by acknowledging them. Just because he wants to be the mayor of the town in Footloose, it need not cast a pall over those of us who managed to evolve after 1850 or whatever year he wishes it was. His abhorrently regressive ideals are not mainstream.


>His abhorrently regressive ideals are not mainstream. Sure, but there have been many people on here like him that do interact on here and come out of the woodworks when choice questions are asked. Few are as extreme as the OP, but they very much do hold anti-liberal attitudes.


They have a right to their speech. You shouldn't extrapolate that their voice is representing anyone but themselves. The venn diagram of that much lunacy has a tiny population at its core.


Sure. I didn't say he didn't have that right. Just noting that there are a notable number of conservatives on here who do express authoritarian ideals.


The entire KKK might be in here, too. It is pretty irrelevant when their ideas aren't mainstream and are being actively contested by other conservatives. You can point to him and say, "I knew it!", or you can recognize it is a fringe opinion and move on with your life. If I thought for a second that anything other than a tiny minority of liberals were the insane caricatures I see in some corners of the internet, I'd never engage with them again. But it simply isn't true.


"I get too many reasonable moderately conservative answers, but the conservative boogeyman in my head must exist, and you can validate my cognitive dissonance."


No, I know they are not boogeymen. I encounter them in real life and on the internet all over the place. It's just that when you try to get a real, intellectual intelligent answer, they don't really engage, or deflect with jokes. I was hoping that this subreddit was an actual opportunity to engage with these types of conservatives (the majority that I hear from and interact with) in a way where we can get down to brass tacks and discuss issues. Instead, it seems to be a community of people pretending that larger swath doesn't exist.


I don’t believe you, but if I did I would say you won’t find them on Reddit much at all because the platform doesn’t allow views like that. Try 4chan or some other tiny message board I suppose. This particular sub is a moderate to libertarian right leaning sub.


You absolutely do find them on here. Many do get banned from reddit, but they do emerge on Reddit.


You are an extremist and not at all conservative at least in an American context. You sound like a theocratic authoritarian that wants to institute huge changes to enforce your religious and political views on others using the force of the state in clearly unconstitutional ways. You and your ilk are just as bad as any leftist communists or any one else that wants to destroy America and our Constitution.


Is this a troll?


>Equal rights for women? Nope. What rights should women lose? >Movies that promote hedonism? Obscenity that needs to be decimated. What constitutes 'hedonism'? >Rap should be banned. Why? >Trashy pop performances by low morality individuals with revealing outfits and face tattoos should be banned. Define "trashy pop performances"? >Communism should be banned. What should happen to communists, ie people who believe that communism should be? >Feminism should be banned. What should happen to feminists? >Any other forms of subversion should be banned. What are some other forms of "subversnio"? >I am not an extremist. I am simply unwilling to meet evil halfway. I appeal to you to create a twitter account and follow the people I am talking about. If anyone would like recommendations, feel free to DM me. That is all. You are absolutely an extremist. You have the social values of the Taliban.